Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Posted by Chuck White

"Our altar table is bigger than your altar table!"


  1. Now that's a table even tony might be jealous of and want. Lmfao.....

    1. It looks more like a giant birthday cake complete with candles. It certainly doesn't look like an altar of sacrifice.

    2. So this is the table that Kiko's Supper is celebrated on. It appears to be quite decked and adorned with flowers and candles, as with all that the NCW stands for aesthetics and appearance over substance. They really missed the boat on this one.

  2. Size matters when you are lacking elsewhere. What are the kilos trying to make up for? Maybe they realize they are lacking in truth and true ministry.

    Correct me if I am wrong but the number of candles has a specific meaning, doesn't it? If I recall my catechism correctly two candles are lit when a priest presides. Six candles are lit when a bishop presides. Seven candles for Eucharistic adoration.

    The Kiko table showing in this post has 8 candles. Does that mean their overlord Kiko will be presiding at this heretical clap-fest?

    1. And that's the real problem with a table of this size - you can hardly see the menorah!

  3. And the Kiko scatter rugs all over the place. How much for a late model flying carpet?

  4. is that on guam? if it is, i'm thinking typhoon shutters and political campaign signs. condition 2, bota pot fabot!

  5. Forget the specifics of neo worship, that is nitpicking that they can agonize over. The important thing is that it is a sect/cult because they do not conform to the liturgical regulations of the Catholic Church! Let us not put a spin so much on whatever they do do! We must be single-minded in our commitment to stamp out these cancerous leeches on Guam. We have already established that the neo is cunningly feeding off our meager resources. What they do or not do on their icky orgiastic feasts is not our concern. Just get them off the island!

  6. What is important, though, is for faithful Catholics to observe a solemn respectful worship at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It IS a SACRIFICE of the highest order, the expiatory offering of God-made-Man to express His unconditional love for the human situation. We faithful Catholics are not "crap" as the kikoists say we are, we are made in the very image and likeness of God, we are loved and redeemed in ways we cannot imagine or empirically understand. If they really subscribe to their teaching that human beings are "sh...t" then THEIR god is "sh...t!" Poor pathetic things, these neos. They have allowed themselves to be dragged into bottom feeder category. So so so so so sad!!!

  7. Looks like a bunch of bullshit to me. The dance floor is now open!

    1. So that's what the carpet is for....let the dancing begin. Oops; let's not forget to bring out the Golden Calf first...JOY!!!

    2. Don't tell me. Archie's actually dances on top of that big table? Such a vision.

  8. NCW: Napoleon Complex Way lol... Characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behavior is compensatory for the subject's stature (i.e. tiny trolls). Joy! Bleh...more like it!

  9. What is important for us to remember is summed up from St. Paul's letter to the Church in Thessalonica "Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle." 2 Thes 2:15, He then assures us the source of our liturgy; " For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. 1Corint 11:23 -26.
    If this is in fact a Sacrifice as St. Paul interprets it to be, then there is no doubt that an altar is where a sacrifice is performed, and this has been the orthodox teaching of the Church since the last supper.

    What Kiko is conducting here is not Holy Mass as the Church understands it, even when all the NCW presbyters, and Bishops say so. They are not the Church, and the Church is what Christ left us as the instrument of Salvation until he comes again.

    1. I am not defending the NCW. I just want to point out that Jesus himself did not offer the first Eucharist at a traditional Jewish altar. It was rather at a table at an inn of some sort. The table became something different, like everything or everyone else who came in contact with Jesus: it no longer remained itself (i.e., a table), rather it became an altar, just as the water at the wedding feast no longer remained itself but became wine, just like a tax collector no longer remained himself but became an evangelist, or a tomb went from being a place representing closure to life to a place representing an opening to resurrected life, just as a virgin became a child-bearer, just as a blindman became a seer of things, just as a lame man became a walker, etc., etc. The altar we experience today at Mass represents that original table transformed into an altar at the first Eucharist, the anticipatory sacrifice.

    2. Pope John Paul II in his encyclical “Ecclesia de Eucharistia” Para #3 ties the
      realities of the Last Supper and Calvary as one inseparable act of redemption when he cites: “The blood which shortly before he had given to the Church as the drink of salvation in the sacrament of the Eucharist, began to be shed; its outpouring would then be completed on Golgotha to become the means of our redemption.”

      Perhaps it is also the reason the church teaches that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass re-presents the events of Calvary at every Holy Mass celebrated. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 1085) emphatically teaches this when it cites “All that Christ is - all that he did and suffered for all men - participates in the divine eternity, and so transcends all times while being made present in them all.” It is perhaps from these teachings we understand that the redemptive work of Christ really began when he instituted the Holy Eucharist and culminated on the Cross, but Sacramentally made present throughout all time at every Eucharistic celebration.

      The Last Supper event in itself is full of Sacrificial language, the consecration of Bread into his body separate from the consecration of the wine into his blood is a prime example. Simply put, when blood is separate from the body, as in the piercing of Christ’s side or the slaying of the sacrificial lamb, the victim dies.

      So Yes, The last Supper is a sacrificial event.

  10. A SIGN OF THINGS TO COME. A picture is worth a thousand words, so the saying goes. This picture of the “table of the Lord” is worth reproducing, to be used as a handout at the next CCOG meeting. If people remain apathetic in publicly opposing what the NCW is doing to our Church, and in wanting to recover the purity and beauty of our churches and altars (before they came into our island to adulterate not just our churches but our faith and practices as well), then maybe they need to be reminded that UNLESS WE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, this is where we are headed to!

    The picture could well resemble what the sanctuary of our Cathedral in Agana would look like if the Neos have their way. Tear down the Altar in the sanctuary, and replace it with this giant table. (It’s already happening in some Neo parishes.)

    The warning signs are there, folks; take heed! Don’t be caught by surprise! You probably won’t notice it right away (that’s the plan), but as sure as you are reading this, we are headed down the road to perdition – the loss of the appearance of our Catholic churches throughout the island where Neo has taken over – as well as the adulterating of our Faith (Christ the sinner, not God); our Mass (not a Sacrifice but a celebration); our devotion to Mary; our religious statues (replaced by Kiko icons); our sacred music (replaced by Kiko guitar-studded monotonous chords); our practice of praying for our deceased; our very culture - UNLESS YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Don’t sit by the sidelines, and watch the parade go by! Stand up and be counted in defence of your Church, your Faith, your God. Forewarned is forearmed! = jrsa (Dec 2, 2015)

  11. What is important, though, is for faithful Catholics to observe a solemn respectful worship at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It IS a SACRIFICE of the highest order, the expiatory offering of God-made-Man to express His unconditional love for the human situation. We faithful Catholics are not "crap" as the kikoists say we are, we are made in the very image and likeness of God, we are loved and redeemed in ways we cannot imagine or empirically understand. If they really subscribe to their teaching that human beings are "sh...t" then THEIR god is "sh...t!" Poor pathetic things, these neos. They have allowed themselves to be dragged into bottom feeder category. So so so so so sad!!!

  12. No tabernacle? What do they do with the undistributed body of Christ? Oh, my bad, to them it's just bread.

    1. There is never any left over that's why

  13. It looks like a giant LSG SkyChef's commercial Birthday Cake with trimmings....WTH?

  14. That's the biggest clap clap table that I've ever seen. I wonder how many times they're going to dance around it before the trash bag money dance. They'll all be giving for sure, for sure.

  15. Good for hiding the trash bags of money and for Louis Camacho's type of xxxtra curricular activities

  16. PUPPET---- MASTER--- ON---- VACATION----?????

  17. You guys misinterpreted presbyter harold when he said he will abandon his ministry at DYA because he will be on a mission. Blame the ESL, okay, but not bold harold please. What he meant was that he will be going with tony to Mission Street in San Francisco, California. I guess he worked so hard at DYA that he needed to cavort and strut his stuff in Mission Street. If cunning louie can have his fun, why can harry not have roaring fun with tony in gay SF? After all, there is no division, no urgent matters to attend to in Guam. What Catholic Church? The ncw is doing very well with recruitment, and the money from faithful Catholics also continue to trickle in, why not have fun? They might learn new tricks there for vice-rector harry to teach putrid and the seminarians. Oh joy! Oh what fun it is to frolic in the...

  18. Fr.Matthew Blockley.December 3, 2015 at 12:00 PM

    Tony loves San Francisco it's where I was first wine and dined and invited to Guam.
    He loves to shop in union square and eat in the finest places of San Francisco.
    It's his second home he seemed to know the city like the back of his hand.
    I can't imagine anyone doing mission on mission street. But I do remember strange people on the
    Pavements with bill boards expressing their brand of religion. May be that's what he is doing. Siting on pavement of mission street with a board " come and see."

  19. NO TIMMY, you bunch of '' idiots ''

    1. Yo, 12:57PM, if you are so GONG HO about your so called WAY, why don't you volunteer to go to the deepest part of Africa on a mission! I am sure you would make a find missionary catechist in the Congo. Your are the eeeedeeeot !

    2. P.S. Rudy, I'm not even sure why you're addressing me. This was a post by Chuck White (you see, it even says so), and I haven't yet made a comment about it. In fact, I'm just seeing it. LOL. I see that I live rent free inside your head. By the way, where's the toilet?

    3. Yes Tim, it looks like poor Rudy might have fallen for a perverted form of Bromance.....
      Pius might have to do an intervention.... if not jealousy will consume him.....
      Even if that is a lot of consumption.

  20. Rudy, Rudy,
    Just admit it, you can't stay away from the Jungle, you getting some refreshing taste of the truth in comparison to the lies and crap from your NCW groupies.
    Gotta advise you more truth though, find a confessor and spill all your sorrows to him. That echoing crap from the NCW will not give you sanctifying Grace that will change your heart..

    1. Rude Rudy very rude to Carmelites. Why do they let him say Mass all the time?

    2. Poor sisters have no choice. Rude rudee is assigned to them by Msgr. BeeBee.

    3. Probably Msgr. BeeBee assigns Rudee to the poor sisters so he (BeeBee) won't be nauseated by his (Rudee's) hypocritical presence as much. Hopefully Rudee will be converted by the sisters' holiness and the sisters are working off their purgatory now by tolerating him instead of working off their purgatory after death.

  21. Rude Rudy, you pathetic old man, when are you giving testimony of your sinfulness and where? Let us know, and we will all come for our first kiko session. Please rehearse the juicy details, including your crocodile tears just so you gain the sympathy of putrid and his minions. Funny how you use a cane to help you walk, we all know it is a pretentious accessory to gain sympathy vote. So sad. When will you ever be honest with your life, rudeee?

  22. You can live rent free in his head because there is nothing else to occupy the space between his ears.
    Fr Rudy you are one sad heap of ........
    Well, now the world knows what you are.
    Stick with your short friend on Linda Lane.

  23. Stuck on Vivian Way. Every night. Every chance. Then he gets mad at people. Lashes out at anyone who does not meet his approval. Something is wrong when he cannot love the people he was sent to serve and show the love of God. Selfish bastard just like his neo bosses.

  24. What strikes me about this susposed man of God Rudee, How does he present himself in the Holy Sanctuary of the Lord, perform the consecration of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, present the Holy gifts to God's People. This is scandalous to the faithful Rudy, Jesus's admonition to one who scandals his little ones is a great curse; “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." Isn't this what you are doing with your actions ? Dump the NCW and get back to the orthodox teaching of the Church.

    1. Rudy is doing what the archbishop is doing-enjoying the best of two worlds, not for God but because he can get away with it. In this life, anyway...

    2. for Anonymous December 3, 2015 at 9:43 PM and Anonymous December 3, 2015 at 9:50 PM
      your comments just further proves, that tony and rudy are practicing a different religion and they believe that it is okay to sin in promoting their religion because no matter what, their god kiko will always love them, kiko and the ncw, they only say they are Catholic because that's where the money tree grows... which they easily pick from.... which is truly the fruit that feeds their EVIL WAY..........

    3. Is the Sacrament valid if an unrepentant priest says Mass in a state of mortal sin? I know that anyone receiving Communion in a state of mortal sin is compounding his/her transgressions. But what about the priest?

    4. To answer you, 8:11 AM, the Sacrament is valid even when the priest happens to be in a state of sin. It is Christ who offers that Mass and the priest acts "in persona Christi." Although you may be scandalized by a less-than-ideal personal life of a priest, this priest should never deter you to be ennobled and sanctified by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

      Prudence dictates that the priest as an instrument of grace should be unsullied by sin, but if the priest is callous and negligent of his spiritual life, you are not culpable for the way he lives his life outside the sanctuary. Your good intention to be holy should inspire you to pray for this priest, and for this priest to recall the promises he made at his ordination. These are trying times, and persevering in prayer is of utmost importance. Pray that the Holy Spirit will heed the cries of those who are scandalized by the actions and inactions of our spiritual leaders. Remain strong in the faith.

    5. The greatest danger to the actions of a scandalous priest is to those valunerable sheep of the flock who are weak in their faith and are lost for all eternity because they were led astray. Jesus tells us that even the elect will be deceived. The stakes are very high because every soul is precious in the eyes of God, therefore the woes are also very grave for those who lead God's sheep from his truth.

    6. That is correct, 3:31 PM. "The woes are very grave for those who lead God's sheep from His Truth." Let any clergy who has embraced this tough task be on notice. You have no excuse to denigrate the responsibilities of the sacred priesthood and smear the names of those who had valiantly resisted evil and overcame temptations as faithful priests, as deacons and as religious women and men. You simply do not have any excuse to remain in that state if you cannot discharge your duties without blame. Please be honest with yourself. Do us that favor rather than cause scandal to the feeble and scrupulous, and to the strong and rational alike. We all are weak, but we must take stock and reflect whether we can handle the demands of the what we promise.

    7. While all of the above is true about the validity of the sacrament regardless of the moral state of the priest, the NCW presents us with a different problem. In order for the sacrament to be valid the priest must "intend what the church intends." We do not know if Rudy embraces Kiko's teaching that Jesus isn't God - that he is a sinner who experienced the "forgiveness of the father" just like us (as we have heard them teach). However, if he does, then Rudy (as well as the other presbyters and maybe even Apuron) do not "intend what the Church intends" and the sacrament isn't valid.

      Personally I will not expose myself and my family to that risk - at least while there are still alternatives. I'm not sure why some of you still put your parish over your souls.

    8. Hmm, that is indeed accurate, Tim. NCW is theologically flawed due to this fundamental error in their teaching. The Catholic Church's official teaching is that "Jesus became one like us except sin, begotten, not made 'consubstantial' with the Father." This is very serious. If NCW teaches that Jesus is a sinner as we have heard an RMS professor say so, then it is heresy. We can safely conclude that NCW indeed is a heretical sect. I pity those who are caught in its web. I pity those deceived by the attraction of clap, clap, clap, kiss, kiss. Rome has a lot on its hands right now, but this NCW plague will get worse and worse unless church authority acts decisively. It is bad now, but it will get even worse on a big scale. Stop the money!

  25. In Spanish we use "-ísimo" suffix to remark the grade maximum of an adjetive.
    And for joke, people who left the Way, "ex-kikos" in Cruxsancta blog use to laugh by adding not "-ísimo" but "-isisisisisisisisisssssssssssssimo" to every thing Kiko does or says, because he is in a megalomania complex and he is the most of the top of the megamaximum.

    When Kiko spokes about the Pope in his interest (always), for example, he uses all times "-ísimo". I someone here knows a bit of Spanish, note this, is quite significant.
    The Pope, of course, was not impressed (impresionad-o) with the Way, was more, was "impresionad-ísimo".
    Bishops were not wondered (maravillad-os) by the Way, they were "maravillad-ísimos".
    Jewish rabbins were not happy (felic-es) with Kiko, were "felic-ísimos".
    And so to the eternal.

    That mega-super-table for the eucharist is the same. Is the Table of the tables on Earth.

    Kiko and the Way are the superlative degree in everything.
    The most belivers. the most authentic, the most converted, the most sinners, the most sufferents, the most prosecuted, the most tenth-ers.... the most opened to life....
    the most of the best and the most of the worst!

    They are the "isisisisisisisisisisisisiiiiiisimos" of the world!


    1. Also the isisisisisisisisisisisisisisisiiiiiiisimos full of shit, dishonesty, hypocrisy and heresy.

    2. Yes, Kiko and his Way are the mostestestestestestest!! This is why they are contemptuous of those not in the Way including Santo Papa.

    3. To LAPAZ: Eso es porque Kiko es un grandioso charlatanisimo!
      Translation: That is because Kiko is one grand quack!

  26. That's not a table, that's Kiko's stage. He needs it that big so that his sect can look up at him while he plays his famous flamenco hits. You know, the NCW songs that all sound the same only with different lyrics. This type of music would put anyone in a trance-like state. lol!!

  27. Just UGLY table.

    Tony de New York

  28. This is just any other table and not consider an Altar and truly not a Catholic Religion. I just wish they give back all our Church that they are using and just build their own so we can all move on with our TRUE CATHOLIC FAITH. I Love you Jesus and you are not a sinner as the neo indicated. AMEN
