Thursday, December 24, 2015


"Wherever I turn my eyes - to the west, to the north, to the south - I find everywhere bishops who have obtained their office irregularly, whose lives and conversation are strangely at variance with their sacred calling; who go through their duties not for the love of Christ but from motives of worldly gain. They are no longer princes who set God's honor before their own selfish ends, or who allow justice to stand in the way of their ambition." - Pope Gregory VII, Letter to the abbot of Cluny, 1057


  1. These idiots are so clueless... The me = The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church....Something NEO Cult Presbyter Apuron and his KAKA infested club know nothing about.

    AnonymousDecember 23, 2015 at 7:55 PM

    11.58pm. So who is me?
    May I ask exactly what is the role of " me" with Monsignor / Tim Rohr ?
    Sounds like a club membership .

  2. I think we have rattled the Dingbat...So clueless as to how we are connected...but then again, thier membership has always been different than ours. They definetly need to build their own church and stop a abusing ours.


    DianaDecember 24, 2015 at 6:57 AM
    Dear Anonymous at 6:09 am,

    So, you are saying that there is no connection between Monsignor James and the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. And you also are saying that there is no connection between Tim Rohr and the One, Holy, Cathic, and Apostolic Chirch.

    1. The dingbat wrote a blog on why it is important to obey your church leader. She ended it with ' For the protesters who say they want their church back.....the church had always been there. The Church was never lost. You were the one who was lost. The Church never left and Christ is waiting for your return. The true teachings of the one holy Catholic and apostolic Church is to obey your church leader.'

      My response and the thingies:

      AnonymousDecember 24, 2015 at 9:11 AM
      Then show us the document approved by the Varican that Apuron promised the parishioners in Yona a year ago. The document that gives the NCW permission to celebrate the Eucharist which is different than what we do during the regular and Sunday masses. Post the document for all of us to see.


      DianaDecember 24, 2015 at 9:20 AM
      Dear Tim Rohr,

      Why? So you can twist it and misinterpret it like you did everything else? Please stick to the OP.

    2. LOL. Susanna flatters herself to even think that I would even visit her whorehouse of a blog.

    3. Anyway, Susanna is a liar just like Apuron. There is no document. And I have that in writing from Fr. Francis Walsh at RMS.

    4. An anonymous writer (12/24/15 at 9:26am) ended his/her comment with “the true teachings of the one holy Catholic and apostolic Church is to obey your church leader.” I don’t know where he/she came up with this, and I don’t want to waste too much time in rebutting this falsehood. We’ve done so, so many times! I just want to refer him/her to Canon Law §212, 1-3, which gives the people not only the right, but at times the DUTY to oppose church leaders. (JRSA: Dec 24, 2015)

  3. Because the bible tells me so.....hmm, looks like they are loosing the battle and have turned the bible against those who oppose the NCW....Please point me to where the Kolaid is...

    AnonymousDecember 24, 2015 at 9:33 AM
    The OP is on why we must obey our church leaders. Apuron promised to find the document that shows that Rome has approved the liturgy practiced by the NCW. A year has passed and still we wait. Show us the document so we can put this past us and we can all respect the Leaders at the Chancery. Not delivering as promised has caused us to loose respect for the current leadership.


    DianaDecember 24, 2015 at 10:48 AM
    Dear Anonymous at 9:33 am,

    The only explanation as to WHY the Church leader should be obeyed is because God says so. It did not say to test or challenge your church leader. The catechism explained the reason why you should obey and submit to your church leader. It says being baptized, you now belong to Christ who commands you to obey and submit to your Church leader. It is now up to you to make your choice. Are you going to follow what Christ commands you through the catechism of the Catholic Church?

  4. The dingbat is desperately trying to put the people back in there place; so they can continue to make a fool out of the local people. Reminds me of the song 'My Way'...Yes you pathetic fools, the end is near...and it will be the people's way. Stop the money and starve the beast that has infested the church.

    DianaDecember 24, 2015 at 3:41 PM
    Dear Anonymous at 3:34 pm,

    Mother Church says to obey, submit, and be respectful to the Archbishop, the local vicar of Christ. Protesting in front of Mother Church almost every holy Sunday is not being obedient. I am not the one in the protest lime.

    1. Ask Dingbat where it says that.

    2. From the dingbats blog...

      What Does The Catholic Church Say?
      Some people criticize the NCW for following the Archbishop. What does the Catholic Church say about it? According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (the bold is mine):
      1269 Having become a member of the Church, the person baptized belongs no longer to himself, but to him who died and rose for us. From now on, he is called to be subject to others, to serve them in the communion of the Church, and to "obey and submit" to the Church's leaders, holding them in respect and affection........

    3. The dingbat goes further: What about Jesus? What did Jesus say about obedience to the Pharisees who sat in the Chair of Moses? According to the Holy Bible:

      Matthew 23:1-3 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.

      Jesus was fully aware that the Pharisees were hypocrites; nevertheless, He instructed His disciples to obey them. Obey them, not because they were hypocrites, but because they sat in the chair of Moses. This must have been very difficult for many of Jesus' disciples to do.

    4. Great. Now ask dingbat why Apuron refused to obey the pope when he was instructed in 2005 to conform the NCW liturgy to the liturgical books. We have a choice. Obey Apuron or obey the pope. They choose Apuron. We choose the pope.

    5. The thingies cries of foul never ends....

      DianaDecember 24, 2015 at 2:34 PM
      Dear Anonymous at 12:46 pm,

      Then you have an explanation as to why Pope Francis ceased all investigations into the Way and why your letters remain unanswered for 30 years? The fact that the investigation has been dismissed and your letters are ignored is evidence of that of the obedience of NCW. Surely you cannot tell me that the Pope is ignorant of how the Way celebrates the Eucharist? Not once has Rome specifically told the NCW to stop consuming the bread together with the priest while sitting down. Furthermore, we have already seen what the jungle does to documents put forth by the Archdiocese. A person who has an agenda to remove the Archbishop and sell the seminary will not care about any documents put out by the Archdiocese.

      The NCW follows the Pope. Kiko also follows the Pope. The only ones who say otherwise are those who oppose the the NCW. The jungle and CCOG are already having a difficult time. They put up an announcement asking for victims who have been sexually molested by the Archbishop for how many months and still no one came forward even with SNAP standing beside the jungle. In today's news, you have a supporter of CCOG requesting and urging and pleading and begging for Catholics to come out and contribute money to CCOG. Why? Because obviously you are not getting the needed support.

      As someone pointed out in my blog, CCOG has not been very explicit in their intentions regarding the lawsuit. What did they hope to accomplish by going to court? What would the outcome be in the event that the lawsuit does not go in their favor? Do they plan to appeal?

    6. So there you have it. The admission that there is no document as Apuron claims. Only the childish "well they haven't spanked me yet." Thanks, Susanna for confirming that Apuron is a liar. LOL.

    7. Of course what I am referring to is a very specific and public act of disobedience in January 2006 when he openly ridiculed Pope Benedict's instruction and ridiculed the credentials of the Cardinal Prefect whose responsibility it was to enforce the instruction. At that pint he forced us to make a choice between the Church and him.

    8. "Not once has Rome specifically told the NCW to stop consuming the bread together with the priest."
      We consume the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, who suffered and died for our sins. This remark from the dingbat clearly shows that they are Protestant in nature, as they also beleive that it is bread they are consuming. These KAKA filled zombies need to get out of our parishes and build there own church...

    9. But the dingbat was there when his Unholiness NEO Cult Presbyter Pius read from the document we so long want to see...Poor delusional fools they are to continue this manipulated charade....Take Brother Tony with you and build your own church.

      DianaDecember 25, 2015 at 12:15 AM
      Dear Anonymous at 6:30 pm,

      If it did not exist, the NCW would not be able to celebrate the Eucharist worldwide in the same way. Passing down oral instructions creates differences in the celebration. The fact that the NCW celebrates the Eucharist in exactly the same way indicates a written instruction was passed down. Furthermore, I was there when Father Pius gave us the new instructions. I remember he was reading from a paper that he had in front of him while he was giving us the instructions.

    10. I gave the dingbat a chance to prove us wrong....unfortunately, like the case with NEO Presbyter Apuron, we will continue to wait for a document that never existed. I what a web they continue to weave when they practice to deceive....

      AnonymousDecember 25, 2015 at 12:56 AM
      Wow; you were graced enough to see the document that His Excellency is looking for but fails to find. Please Diana, share it to the world so that we too will beleive....

    11. Dingbat's main argument for not making the document available is that I will twist it. That's funny. Documents are documents. Of course the real reason is that there is no document. But since she says she saw Pius himself read from it, perhaps she can tell poor Tony where he can get a copy.

    12. Let the bells ring loud for the Dingbat knows all 😇

      DianaDecember 25, 2015 at 7:00 PM
      Dear Anonymous at 12:56 pm,

      The rumor is that there is no document. The truth is that there is a document. :-)

    13. So then there are two things: 1) Dingbat has just convicted Apuron of the willful spread of scandal - a grave sin, especially for a bishop; and 2) Dingbat has just called Fr. Francis Walsh a liar.

      If there is a document that would put all this to rest and Apuron has willfully withheld it, he is guilty of propagating a very grave and divisive scandal. Dingbat cannot say that we will twist it as the reason for Apuron's not publishing it. Apuron has shown no hesitation at publishing documents that he thinks exonerates him (his trashing of Msgr. James and the recent publication of the so called certificate of title.) Thus, we can only surmise from Dingbat's comments, that Apuron is willfully withholding said document and content with the division and scandal that has ensued ever since his first rejection of Vatican authority in 2006.

      As for what Fr. Walsh has written me, he has written me on two occasion confirming that there is no "document," and that the instruction was oral. I have both in writing. Fr. Walsh seems quite content with the oral instruction. Merry Christmas.

      Oh, P.S. Tell David the VG to get himself an attorney.

    14. Why does David the VG need an attorney? And where was he during Midnight mass and the other Christmas masses?

    15. The Dingbat continues to spit out KAKA on its deceitful web in hopes of garnering more sympathy for their sacriligeous cult.

      DianaDecember 26, 2015 at 8:41 AM
      Dear Anonymous at 7:59 am,

      Yes, I saw the letter of Father Walsh that Tim Rohr has. It was dated April 2008 BEFORE the Statutes was approved. Naturally, Father Walsh would say there was no document. There was not even an APPROVED Statutes at the time he wrote his letter to Tim Rohr; therefore, it is normal that there were oral instructions. By the time Father Walsh wrote his letter to Tim Rohr, there were no new instructions. The NCW on Guam was still receiving AND consuming the Body of Christ sitting down. The new instructions came on October, 2008. The following weblink shows Father Walsh's letter to Tim Rohr, which is found in the jungle. Anyone can see that the letter was dated April 26, 2008.

      The Statutes was approved on May 11, 2008. The written instructions came after the approval of the NCW Statutes (not BEFORE). The NCW on Guam received new instructions by October 2008, which was at the Beginning of the Year Convivience. During that Convivence, I saw Father Pius reading off from a paper as he was telling us the new way the NCW would be receiving the Body of Christ. He specifically told us that we stand to receive the Body of Christ. Once the priest places the Body of Christ on the palm of our hand, we sit down and contemplate with reverence on the Body of Christ while holding His Body close to our hearts. It was also at that convivience where the approved Statutes was read to everyone page by page.

      The NCW from other countries most likely received the same instructions during their Beginning of the Year convivience. If there was only an oral instruction, errors would have been made and the NCW would not be celebrating in the same manner. Written instructions are the only sure way that everyone celebrates exactly the same way.

      At any rate, Tim Rohr is putting words in my mouth. I never called Father Walsh a liar and I never convict the Archbishop of anything. The Archbishop mentioned that there was a document, and that was during his visit to Toto Church on June 2015. How did you compare the letter of Father Walsh which was written BEFORE the Statutes were approved and what the Archbishop stated in 2015 AFTER the Statutes were approved??? Perhaps, you simply ate everything Tim Rohr fed you rather than using reason and logic. Both Father Walsh and the Archbishop were telling the truth due to the time frame in which the statement was made.

      Tim Rohr would only twist that document to fit his agenda just like he did now with Father Walsh's letter on April 2008 BEFORE the Statutes were approved.

    16. LOL. She walked right into it. I said I had TWO. The second is only from a couple months ago where Walsh maintains his original position. In fact, he asked me to post it.

      However, the first one shows that Kiko was willing to lie to his followers and his followers were willing to follow that lie. And Diana Susanna really steps in it here.

      She herself says that the statutes were not approved until May of 2008. That is correct. However, time ran out (2 years) for the NCW to change its communion rite on December 1, 2007. My inquiry to Walsh was WHY did the NCW continue to violate the liturgical books AFTER the time of transition had run out.

      Dingbat is a gold mine. Keep her talking.

    17. The Dingbat provided another goldmine in a full page blog that props Kiko as being obedient to the pope...

      The KAKA filled paragraph below was taken ftom this blog:
      It was on May 11, 2008 when the Statutes were finally approved. Whatever the issues were in the Curia, it was finally resolved. The changes that came after that were not the same. The change that was made was to stand to receive the Body of Christ by hand, then sit down and hold His body close to your heart and contemplate Christ's Body with reverence. Together with the priest, the assembly consumes the Body of Christ sitting down. That was the change, and this change came with a written instruction. I was there at the Beginning of the Year Convivence of 2008 when the entire approved Statutes were read page by page, and instructions were given as to how to celebrate the Eucharist. Those instructions were given by Father Pius. Apparently, that was the adaption the NCW was supposed to make in the two years had the Statutes been approved in 2006.

    18. There is no sense on getting the Dingbat to release a document that does not exist. She clearly states that she was there when NEO Cult Presbyter Pius read the document for all his KAKA filled Zombies to follow without question. Clearly this is a cult and that they should take their satanic rituals away from our church.

    19. The poor Dingbat continues to step on a mine field.

      DianaDecember 28, 2015 at 7:06 AM
      Dear Anonymous at 6:26 am,

      Clearly, I have always shared what I heard and saw at the Beginning of the Year convivience at 2008. Were you there? I never said that I have the document. I am sure the Archbishop have the same document because he admitted to the Toto parishioners that he has the document and has seen the instruction.

      Why is it so difficult to believe? How is it easier for you to believe Tim Rohr when he said the Archbishop wanted to sell the RM seminary?

    20. LOL. Poor Dingbat is coming apart. Where did I say the Archbishop wanted to sell the seminary. LOL.

      And why is it so hard to believe? Well here's a couple of reasons 1) We have accumulated and documented over two years of absolute lies, and 2) - which is the real reason, in regards to liturgy - which is public - Rome publishes absolutely everything. NEVER does it promulgate anything regarding the liturgy or matters of the faith privately.

      In any event, iF said document does exist, Apuron is guilty of one of the most horrible of moral crimes: a decade long propagation of scandal (it began Jan 2006) which has rent the church entrusted to his care. This is one huge MORTAL SIN.

      It is his DUTY and within the authority of the Ordinary of every diocese to guard the liturgy and clarify questions and practices regarding it. On this count alone, Apuron - since Diana swears a document exists - is not just a failure, but moral criminal for having led his diocese into schism by withholding a document that would have put the division aright.

      Thanks, Diana. LOL. By the way. When you get mad, your Malaysian comes out.

    21. my dear Diana December 28, 2015 at 7:06 AM, regarding the reply to Dear Anonymous at 6:26 am,

      YOU truly shows how YOU and the neo community have no respect for brother tony, YOU have brother tony lost and alone at the chancery, he is going round and round looking for the document, just so he can prove he is not a LIAR, and above all to save your neo-sorry souls, and yet no one is lifting a finger to help poor lost and alone brother tony, where is pius, david, adrain and larry or any of your neo communities, WHY ARE THEY NOT HELPING, what kind of religious community is that, YOU say YOU heard pius read from it, yet YOU ALL leave brother tony to fend for himself, its obvious to me HELP FROM YOU or the NEO COMMUNITIES was NOT a GIFT tony RECEIVEs....

    22. Oh what a web this Dingbat weaves when she continually practice to deceive...

      DianaDecember 28, 2015 at 11:57 AM
      Dear Anonymous at 8:35 am,

      Pope Benedict XVI was the one who launched an investigation into the Way because so many people like you wrote letters of complaint. So, the Pope was fully aware of your letters of complaint, and nothing ever came out of the investigation. By the time Pope Francis took over, he dismissed the investigation and gave the NCW his strongest support on March 6th. There is your proof. The NCW has the support of the Pope, the Vicar of Christ. If you believe the Pope is wrong, that is not my problem.

    23. You gotta love the childishness of this - and it is constant, I.e. "We haven't gotten spanked yet so we must be okay."

      Such idiots. Rome doesn't work that way. Rome worked for years with Henry VIII and Martin Luther privately and never took public action against them until they themselves took public action against Rome.

      Unlike Apuron, the Church is paternal, and attempts to reconcile with the wayward quietly.

      Diana does not know if the investigation was "called off" because nothing was found. An investigation may very well be called off because the investigators found what they are looking for. Once found, it would be very typical of the Church to work quietly to bring whatever is out of line, into line.

      How presumptious are DIANA and her dingbats on the good of the Church - declaring themselves free of sin just because there has been no public proclamation against them.

      As for "strongest support," the only thing I can find is where Kiko was reminded by the pope to stay within the boundaries of his "charter," the Statute. You can read that here:

    24. Why is it that most apologists for the NCW can't speak or write correct English? Is it in their statutes that they are not allowed to use correct English?

    25. The Idiots from the Dingbats blog remain clueless....

      AnonymousDecember 29, 2015 at 6:52 AM
      From Junglewatch:

      TimDecember 28, 2015 at 3:02 PM
      You gotta love the childishness of this - and it is constant, I.e. "We haven't gotten spanked yet so we must be okay."

      Such idiots. Rome doesn't work that way. Rome worked for years with Henry VIII and Martin Luther privately and never took public action against them until they themselves took public action against Rome.

      Unlike Apuron, the Church is paternal, and attempts to reconcile with the wayward quietly.

      Diana does not know if the investigation was "called off" because nothing was found. An investigation may very well be called off because the investigators found what they are looking for. Once found, it would be very typical of the Church to work quietly to bring whatever is out of line, into line.

      How presumptious are DIANA and her dingbats on the good of the Church - declaring themselves free of sin just because there has been no public proclamation against them.

      As for "strongest support," the only thing I can find is where Kiko was reminded by the pope to stay within the boundaries of his "charter," the Statute. You can read that here:


      DianaDecember 29, 2015 at 7:27 AM
      Dear Anonymous at 6:52 am,

      You can give this reply to Tim Rohr.

      Rome worked for years with Henry VIII and Martin Luther because there was no television and internet at that time; therefore news and communication was very slow. Today, communication is so much faster. One of the first things that Pope Francis did was excommunicate a priest in Australia for supporting women's ordination. And that was fast.

      A Vatican delegation was sent to Guam to interview people to find out what is really going on when controversy broke out in 2013 with Father Paul. Archbishop Krebs visited Guam twice. The Vatican acted very quickly in sending a Vatican delegation. The only reason Rome has not acted is simply because the Vatican Delegation has found the Archbishop innocent of any allegations brought by the jungle and CCOG (which is really just another mouthpiece of the jungle).

      There is only one reason why any investigation is called off. It is because the allegations were unfounded. It has already been a little over 7 years since the Statutes have been approved; therefore, the Vatican should already have disciplined Kiko Arguello into compliance rather than honoring him with awards. How long does Rohr expect the Church to be paternal especially when an Australian priest was excommunicated within 1 year.


      AnonymousDecember 30, 2015 at 2:31 PM
      Anonymous ''T I M'' No response


    26. Yah a great example of why I call Diana a "whorehouse of a blog." She sleeps with every rumor that pretends to justify her public prostitution to Kiko's cause. LOL.

      The Australian priest was excommunicated in 2013. He had already had his faculties removed by his bishop in 2011. Unless you're Apuron, priestly faculties are not removed with out a thorough investigation as well as many pastoral invitations to reform.

      The priest had a long history of violating church law including supporting gay marriage, advocating for the ordination of women, and being present when communion was given to a dog.

      Technically it was not Francis who excommunicated the priest. The priest was excommunicated at the request of the priest's bishop - which is how these things work when you have a bishop who actually does his job - WHICH WE DON'T.

      The pope acted on the years of evidence as presented by the priest's bishop. For Dingbat to say that the pope acted promptly as if he had done the investigation personally shows her diseased whorehouse mind.

      Regardless of the facts, to say so serves her purpose, so she prostitutes the truth to serve her Lord and Master Kiko Arguello and his arch-demon, the spiritual-syphilitic, yellow-mouth, Pius the Putrid.

      LOL, Dingbat. Courage.

    27. A catfight between the Zombies. They are so clueless...

      AnonymousDecember 31, 2015 at 5:21 PM
      Dear Diana,
      re Yours of Dec 31 9:45am, you state:

      "The only place I could find where the NCW expected an announcement that all their liturgical practices of the NCW would be approved on January, 2012 was in all the anti-Neo websites such as the following one..."

      Firstly, I am ashamed and embarrassed by the crude talk on blogs from those that call themselves followers of Christ. Please stop, for the love of God.

      Secondly, I am not a part of the Rohr team, although in the past I was happy that he had a genuine concern for the NCW, and had been trying to correct them charitably.

      Thirdly, and I believe this is very important; however, I don't think you'll believe me. But no matter, God knows I'm not lying.
      I'm from another country. When the NCW came to our city, I researched the group. I was extremely concerned that the Mass didn't seem to have the recognitio or indults for the many alterations in their Mass. This was late in 2011. When I spoke to the priest and seminarian that had come to promote the Way, I was told emphatically that "very shortly" the NCW was going to get the written approval for all their additions and deletions in their Mass. This was "definitely." I was stunned. Every encyclical, every letter dealing with the Eucharist, especially those of (St.)John Paul II that I had studied screamed "no way." "How can that be possible?" The seminarian, even said,"Even the way we give Communion" will be approved. This was said directly to me; it is not heresay, nor is it concocted to put the Way down. I'm strictly passing on this info because the truth is important; and if correction and repentance must take place, better it be now before one dies rebelling against the will of God. Like I said, this was said directly to me

      Well, "very shortly," came Jan.2012. And needless to say, no approval for the additions and deletions to the NCW Mass was given.


      DianaDecember 31, 2015 at 7:16 PM
      Dear Anonymous at 5:21 pm,

      I find that interesting that a priest and seminarian in your country claimed that the NCW would get approval in 2011 for the way they do the Eucharist. I was told differently. In 2008, at the beginning of the Year Convivience, the Head Catechist of Guam told us that the new instruction on how to do the Eucharist came from Kiko who in turn got the same information from the Pope. Our head Catechist, Father Pius is not far away from Kiko Arguello. Father Pius' Catechist is Guiseppi Genanri (spelling). Guiseppi's Catechist is Kiko Arguello. So, Guam is only a third away from Kiko Arguello.

  5. J.R. That comment came out of the Dingbats blog...I would never twist anyone's arm into being submissive to this evil tyrant under the guise of a Shepherd.

  6. Accidentally came across this website. No wonder the NEO Cult Zombies have no respect for our local priests.

  7. P.S. Note to Rudy. No worries, even though I am not posting them, I am saving all your evil comments. There is someone who wants them. Expect a call. Then go ahead and lie. How sad for your soul.

  8. Too much KAKA is clouding the Dingbats ability to see the truth even if it is handed down in a silver plater.

    DianaDecember 31, 2015 at 7:16 PM
    Dear Anonymous at 5:21 pm,

    I find that interesting that a priest and seminarian in your country claimed that the NCW would get approval in 2011 for the way they do the Eucharist. I was told differently. In 2008, at the beginning of the Year Convivience, the Head Catechist of Guam told us that the new instruction on how to do the Eucharist came from Kiko who in turn got the same information from the Pope. Our head Catechist, Father Pius is not far away from Kiko Arguello. Father Pius' Catechist is Guiseppi Genanri (spelling). Guiseppi's Catechist is Kiko Arguello. So, Guam is only a third away from Kiko Arguello.

  9. Poor Dingbat; still defending KAKA even when the truth is in its face...

    AnonymousDecember 31, 2015 at 11:34 PM

    Dear Diana 716
    Let me clarify - When I spoke to the priest and seminarian that had come to promote the Way, I was told emphatically (by one of them) that "very shortly" the NCW was going to get the written approval for all their additions and deletions in their Mass. This was "definitely" going to happen. How is it then that they needed this approval when the NCW has been telling their followers that the approval already exists with the Statutes of 2008? Is it because, nowhere in the Statutes of 2008 are these alterations approved?
    Furthermore, to your December 27, 2015 12:45 PM where you state:
    "Since Kiko obeyed Cardinal Rylko, the jungle accused him of disobeying Cardinal Arinze. If he obeyed Cardinal Arinze, Kiko would be accused of disobeying cardinal Rylko. Either way, he would be accused of disobedience anyway simply because of pure hatred."

    I (again, no relationship to the Jungle), will state - I have no hatred for the NCW - (some of my best friends are members), but hopefully a love of the Truth. When there is a question of who to obey - in this case Cardinal Rylko or Cardinal Arinze, I would side with who represents the Pope's wishes. In this case, it is overwhelmingly Cardinal Arinze who first wrote on behalf of the Pope in 2005. Proof that he wrote on the Pope's behalf, was the Pope's letter in 2006 where he reminds Kiko to abide by the letter of 2005 from Arinze which was written on his behalf.
    Additional guidance of whom should have been obeyed comes from the Catechism 883 which states: "the college or body of bishops HAS NO AUTHORITY UNLESS UNITED WITH THE ROMAN PONTIFF, PETER'S SUCCESSOR, AS ITS HEAD."
    Hopefully, this helps.


    DianaJanuary 1, 2016 at 9:58 AM

    Dear Anonymous at 11:34 pm,

    And I am telling you my side of the story. There was a change in the way the NCW did the Eucharist in 2008. I was there when the change took place and when the entire Statutes were read. I was there when I heard Father Pius informed us of those changes. He stated that those instructions (the changes) came from Kiko who in turned received it from the Pope.

    Father Pius is the Head Catechist of Guam. Kiko Arguello is the catechist of Father Pius' catechist. He is not far removed from Kiko Arguello. Guam's catechist is only second (not third as I previously made) from Kiko Arguello.

    The way the NCW does its Eucharist is not kept a secret. Everyone in the Vatican knows. If Kiko is in violation, he would already have received some disciplinary action. Over seven years have gone by, and Kiko has not received any disciplinary action. Instead, he was rewarded to continue his work as the Consultor of the Pontifical Council of Laity under the new Pope, received an audience with Pope Francis and praised for a job well done, and was given an honorary doctorate.

    1. LOL. Dingbat makes it clear that the bishop has no place in the hierarchy of the Neocatechumenal Way. All authority comes through the catechists. As we thought. Apuron is but a pet. This is also why we must not obey him....because they don't. Have Apuron issue a decree granting approval to the contested practices and we will obey. Simple. Simple because he won't. Thanks Dingbat for letting us know that you are outside the church with apostolic succession.
