Wednesday, April 27, 2016


April 27, 2015
By Louie Gombar [Mr. Gombar is a new reporter for JungleWatch. We are sure you will love his reports. Here's his first]

Its amazing how a beautiful day with skies mottled with soft, cotton-like clouds can suddenly turn into dark, gloomy layers thick enough to blot out the sun.  I speak not of the weather but of the vitriolic nature of man when he is forced into a corner of desperation.

Some of my older LFM friends called and asked me to help out in their protest at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona yesterday.  What started out as a benign poster-carrying walk eventually turned into a march toward the compound by some 30 older women who tested the ownership of the building. We are repeatedly told by that Brazilian primatologist, Fr. Edivaldo Da Silva Oliveira, that the RMS is owned by the archdiocese of Guam,  that we are the stewards of the structure. I call him primatologist because of his knowledge of monkeys.  He once made a statement at a youth rally that 98% of monkeys masturbate.  I didn’t know that.  Did you!

Anyway, the neo bloggers were quick to point out that these older women were brainwashed zombies pointed in the direction of the multi-arched structure.  It must be my aged eyes that failed me.  I did not see one blood-soaked tee shirt.  Incidentally, these “brain-washed”  ladies were the ones who called me to join them.  

The bloggers also accused us of blocking the road to make passage impossible, a perfect example of anal vocalization.  We blissfully held our signs up and waved to the vehicles.  One driver, a small black car with a handicap tag viciously swinging from the visor, came screeching in the road and whizzed by us at dangerous, breakneck speed.  The ladies yelled “That’s Rudy, that’s Rudy,” whoever Rudy is. If his vehicle accidentally jumped the curb he could’ve easily run us down.  Another driver, an older lady known for her demure and blushing nature, insolently stopped her car, rolled down the tinted window, and screamed, “You go home!”

Terrible examples of human nature but I can understand.  It is quite common for people to lie and bury themselves in forgeries to bolster the condition of their human frailties.  Like I said we are continuously reminded that the RMS is ours.  Yet,  Tuesday’s march toward the structure proved otherwise.  We were confronted by a women who told us we were not invited and later called the police who would’ve arrested us for causing a disturbance on private property. Instead, they politely escorted us off the grounds.  Simply put,  we could not enter our own domain, we could not go home.

How does one explain the giving away of multi-million dollar asset.  One day it is the property of the archdiocese of Guam and the next it is controlled by a Neocatechumenal group.  We want to know and the Archbishop must tell us.  This is a situation that pleads for disambiguation.  So far the archbishop has done nothing more than lead his sheep to the wolves.

Louie Gombar


  1. That made my day, Mr. Gombar. Please write again!

  2. Beautiful. Now, I am not just being led "blindly" by Tim and Chuck but by Louie too. Silent no more indeed.

  3. Janet B - MangilaoApril 27, 2016 at 7:00 PM

    Well, if some ladies and lay people are allowed to hear his eminence pontificate on the priesthood, then I believe all ladies and laypeople should go down to the RMS and have a listen.

    It would be a terribly unsettling presence for the kikos to have "the enemies at the gates". We of course would remain civilized, and then report all the heresies that come from these little gatherings. I wonder if the New Jersey mafiosos are in attendance?

    Let's find out ladies!

  4. Janet B - MangilaoApril 27, 2016 at 7:23 PM

    Nice first entry, Louie. I look forward to many more. You bring a fresh prospective to the blog. Thanks.

  5. I know many who misinterpret what Father Edivaldo was referring to when he uses the oranges. He said to the youths (young girls) that you are so precious and that you should not fall into the dangers of the world today. It is the truth, females today are dressing like whores and prostitutes to gain attention from boys and girls. Fr. Edivaldo said that every person is created in the image and likeness of God and that they are temples to be pure and holy. That sex is reserved for marriage because it is the intimacy of the Husband and the Bride. Nowadays, sex is easier than relationships but we need to show our young that their main focus should be God and education but in todays society, many are doing the opposite such as drugs, sex, disrespect, etc. I encourage you to teach the young that it is wrong to do such evil things (drugs, sex) and help them persevere in faith and in education. Just as Fr. Edivaldo stated, that the youths should focus on education and not on drugs and sex. You may always hear of the pealing of the orange. But it is true, females should not be pealed like an orange and sucked for all its juices then being thrown away by the male. Well in todays society, by a female as well but for them to safeguard their dignity and remain pure and holy for sex is a sacred intimacy for marriage.

    1. Mario. There is no misinterpretation for those who know Edivaldo. And there is no misinterpretation of what he said last Thursday night at the airport.

    2. This Mario guy is a big joke, His attempt to convince us that there is deep substance in OJ' perverted lectures? Mario, if you want to soar with the eagles, you gotta quit hanging around with the turkeys..

    3. A big Amen anon at 6.53

  6. Thank you Mr Gombar, for this lively, first hand report. Looking forward to read you, in a near future.

  7. Fr.Matthew Blockley.April 27, 2016 at 8:21 PM

    Thank you Mr.Gombar. so much enjoyed this article. Thankyou for reporting directly from the scene of protests on Guam to international church.
    Our readers asking for direct media reporting live from the protests as they evolve. If we could speed up live media coverage it would be a great help.


  8. Come on ladies get those Handbags out and start bashing them.

    1. Emotionally I like the idea of the protesting ladies bashing the evil NCW leadership. But objectively I don't want the ladies to get into legal trouble.

    2. Not going to happen. But Tony might just use his handbag to bash the ladies. Rude-ee almost ran them over!

  9. Well said Uncle Louie!!

    By now, I shouldn't be surprised at the rantings of those who post on Diana's blogs, but I can't help but laugh at the absurdness of them all. Don't they realize how disconnected from reality they sound? But as someone very wise told me, "You can't fix stupid."

    Keep reporting. You have a captive audience in those of us who like to play in the jungle.

  10. That's my man! I've known this man to be a good and righteous man, and now I can add "defender of the Faith" to my accolades of him. Listen to him! He speaks the truth! Thanks, Louie, for your brilliant perception of the battle against the evil one. May St Michael, the Archangel, continue to strengthen you to stand up for us against the snares and wickedness of the enemy "who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls".

    And yes! You do write clearly, succinctly, and well! Kudos! - jrsa (4/27/16) [Hi, Lila! Thanks for the ride home after the airport protest.]

  11. So when is Kiko and Carmen coming to Guam again?

  12. Mr. Gombar, I had to pull out the dictionary to get through the first paragraph. However, once I got rolling your discourse became a thing of beauty. Would you please translate your wonderful letter so that the rest of the primates along with OJ can understand? Then again you would have to type really slow because they cannot read fast, so don't bother. You have honored us with your words sir. I am glad you are on our side.

  13. Mr. Gombar, thank you. Make a big sign Respect Wishes of the Donors!!!

  14. Marilu D. MartinezApril 28, 2016 at 9:49 AM

    Thank you Louie, I enjoyed your lighthearted chronicle of our capricious escapade -- we, the elderly grande dames who found ourselves absentmindedly traipsing around the RMS vicinity.

    You say we even wandered into their “private property”? Oh my, I can’t seem to remember that we did such a thing! I do however, recall a polite policeman and later on, the additional police reinforcement who walked out with us -- such gracious gentlemen they were! BTW, you did say there were policemen there, didn't you, Louie?

  15. Love the levity to alleviate these grave matters in which we find ourselves. Thank you Mr. Gombar. And Marilu, you are indeed a grande dame, with a wicked repartee'!

  16. Primatologist. No wonder why Edi emulates "monkeys with a football". Edi, did you find out which end of the football is best? Lol.
