I regret to inform you that your request to have the Archdiocese sponsor you at Mt. Angel Seminary is denied.
In a day in age when the Church is hemorrhaging vocations and young men like Aaron Quitutuga are increasingly caught up in the "cares and pleasures" of the world, Aaron Quitugua stood out as a "priest to be" as if Heaven had selected him itself.
I had seen him around the Cathedral for years. You couldn't find someone more earnest about his altar boy duties. Small in stature, he always seemed to be the largest presence on the altar. Reverent, sincere, serious, wholly committed - he graced the altar at which he served with a special dedication that reminded me of a time in my own youth when serving at the altar struck awe into my soul and drew me into the heart of the Church.
But Aaron's vocation had to be destroyed. And Adrian Cristobal gladly obliged.
When the time came for Aaron to earnestly seek the priesthood, his natural seriousness led him to take his priestly formation seriously. On September 4, 2013, Aaron Quitugua wrote Adrian Cristobal in his capacity as Director of Vocations:
The "new" seminary Aaron refers to had only recently come into existence - except that it didn't. There was no seminary in what used to be the Malojloj Retreat Center (formerly the Carmelite monastery). A couple of men were housed there but educated up the road at RMS. The "new seminary" was a boarding house and nothing more, and a poor one at that - compared to the palatial pad given the RMS guys at the former Accion Hotel.
It's "creation" was in response to my exposing RMS a few months earlier as NOT a diocesan "seminary for Guam" as we had been told for over a decade, but a seminary constituted to form priests ONLY "according to the life and practice of the Neocatechumenal Way" (RMS Articles of Incorporation - Article 3).
(By the way, that last sentence came in handy when RMS acquired title to the former hotel property via a clandestine deed in 2011. So don't let the Neo's tell you they can't own property. They own it through the corporations they form.)
Apuron admitted that RMS existed only to form priests for the Neocatechumenal Way by immediately "erecting" a second seminary to form priests for the diocesan priesthood once I put out the truth about the true nature of RMS.
I detailed all of this in a paper I wrote for the CCOG which was presented to Archbishop Hon upon his visit to Guam in January of 2015.
Aaron, who had spent many years contemplating and working towards this moment, was rightfully concerned about the quality of education he would receive if he submitted himself to the same education track of the neocats. And asking about it exposed the truth about RMS, BDI, and JP2: they were all shams.
The truth is, not only did RMS/BDI not require normal course hours, it did not provide normal courses. In fact, given that there has never been a true stable professorship at RMS/BDI - relying for the most part on two week courses given by visiting (vacationing) "professors" (like Gennarini), it can be said that there weren't (and still aren't) any real courses.
This is not a problem for RMS. The Neo objective is simply to produce guys with collars who can be used to trade for influence with key prelates and to staff their neo-communities until such time as Kiko can do away with priests altogether - per his vision of the "eucharist."
We don't have to do an investigative study into RMS to prove this. We, in Guam, like nowhere else in the world, have been up close and personal with the product of RMS: priests who are ordained not only not knowing how to say a "regular" Mass, but who often mock it while trying (if it can even be called "trying") to say it.
For those who are interested in more proof that RMS/BDI is a big NOTHING, see my post NOTHING FOUND.
For those who are interested in more proof that RMS/BDI is a big NOTHING, see my post NOTHING FOUND.
Aaron's questions had no answer. Cristobal knew it. So he got the fake professor, Bosco (who has since fled Guam), to write a "baffle them with b.s." response:
I call him a "fake" professor because I sat through a couple of his classes and listened to his completely neo-made history of the church before and since Vatican II. LOL.
I call him a "fake" professor because I sat through a couple of his classes and listened to his completely neo-made history of the church before and since Vatican II. LOL.
Before we proceed, let us address this "accredited by the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome." One would think if this were true - especially given the controversy over this institution - that Apuron, Cristobal, Quitugua, Pius, et. al. would be more than anxious to publish it. But they haven't.
The original affiliation appeared to expire in 2012, necessitating a Visitation by the Lateran in 2013 in order to renew the affiliation. After the Visitation by Bishop Enrico dal Covolo, Rector of the Pontifical Lateran University, in December of 2013, nothing more was heard and calls for publication of the renewed affiliation were ignored.
As of June 22, 2016, an ad hoc committee was appointed by Archbishop Hon to Visit the seminaries.
![]() |
https://www.scribd.com/doc/316490750/Prot-No-2016-009-June-22-2016 |
The FIRST thing they should ask to see is the CURRENT certificate of affiliation with the Lateran which is the only thing permitting BDI to present itself as a legitimate institution of higher learning. And then it should be published immediately in the Umatuna for all to see. We'll be waiting.
This is important to the current discussion because it was Aaron Quitugua's grave concern that neither the JPII seminary nor BDI possessed the credentials necessary for him to receive an authentic priestly formation for the diocesan priesthood for the Archdiocese of Agana.
Six days after getting the response from "Professor" Bosco, Aaron again wrote Cristobal:
Adrian replied:
Two months pass. Nothing from Adrian. Aaron finally writes...and offers to pay for his seminary education and formation himself:
Let's read these words of Aaron again:
Adrian is now stuck: caught in another lie. The real reason Aaron was refused sponsorship to Mt. Angel Seminary was NOT because the archdiocese did not have the resources, but because, as Adrian had told Fr. Richard Kidd a few years earlier: "In the Archdiocese of Agana, there is NO MORE diocesan priesthood. There is ONLY the Neocatechumenal Way."
Adrian replied:
Two months pass. Nothing from Adrian. Aaron finally writes...and offers to pay for his seminary education and formation himself:
Let's read these words of Aaron again:
Father, upon reflection of the above issues we discussed, an idea came to my mind. The first time we met on Sept 04, 2013, you informed me that our Archdiocese no longer has the financial resources to send seminarians to study abroad, which is the purpose this new seminary is being started.
The idea that came to mind is this: Since the reason for not allowing local seminarians from Guam to have an education abroad is due to lack of financial resources, would the Archdiocese sponsor me to study at Mount Angel Seminary if I were to consume the cost of my education and formation there since I seek a fully accredited seminary? It would not cost our Archdiocese any money to send me there.
Adrian is now stuck: caught in another lie. The real reason Aaron was refused sponsorship to Mt. Angel Seminary was NOT because the archdiocese did not have the resources, but because, as Adrian had told Fr. Richard Kidd a few years earlier: "In the Archdiocese of Agana, there is NO MORE diocesan priesthood. There is ONLY the Neocatechumenal Way."
Richard Kidd did NOT want to be formed by or for the Neocatechumenal Way, and only after a long fight and much delay, did Apuron agree to sponsor him to St. Patrick's Seminary in California. But now, here was Aaron Quitugua requesting the same opportunity for an authentic formation for the diocesan priesthood in order to serve as a priest in the Archdiocese of Agana.
But Aaron's questions had serious consequences for Cristobal: they revealed the fact that the JPII seminary was a SCAM too. It had only been created in response to my exposition of the true nature of RMS - as if erecting a facade would be enough to "quiet the natives." Apuron and Cristobal had insulted us to our face with this JPII seminary charade, and Aaron's inquiries had left Cristobal standing naked (pardon the visual).
Caught, Cristobal stalled:
Weeks pass. No "answer" from Cristobal. He was caught in a lie. Lack of funds was not the reason Aaron was denied the authentic seminary education he sought. The real reason was that Apuron and Cristobal had marching orders to crush any more "Richard Kidd's." NO ONE is to become any sort of priest outside the Neocatechumenal Way! "In the Archdiocese of Agana, THERE IS NO MORE DIOCESAN PRIESTHOOD. THERE IS ONLY THE NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY!"
Weeks pass. No "answer" from Cristobal. He was caught in a lie. Lack of funds was not the reason Aaron was denied the authentic seminary education he sought. The real reason was that Apuron and Cristobal had marching orders to crush any more "Richard Kidd's." NO ONE is to become any sort of priest outside the Neocatechumenal Way! "In the Archdiocese of Agana, THERE IS NO MORE DIOCESAN PRIESTHOOD. THERE IS ONLY THE NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY!"
Finally, again Aaron writes Cristobal:
Apparently Cristobal is tired of addressing someone so much smarter than himself (almost everyone), so he does what he has done to all of us, he tells Aaron to shut up and go away:
Adrian outright LIED to Aaron Quitugua about the lack of finances. Aaron volunteered to pay his own way. Cristobal was caught. He had his orders: NO PRIESTS OUTSIDE THE NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY.
Aaron had to be stopped. He was. But before he was, he exposed Adrian as a LIAR, and the true intention of Kiko Arguello, Giuseppe Gennarini, and the Neocatechumenal Way: to beat Guam and its Catholic people into submission in the service of a LIE.
Apparently Cristobal is tired of addressing someone so much smarter than himself (almost everyone), so he does what he has done to all of us, he tells Aaron to shut up and go away:
Adrian outright LIED to Aaron Quitugua about the lack of finances. Aaron volunteered to pay his own way. Cristobal was caught. He had his orders: NO PRIESTS OUTSIDE THE NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY.
Aaron had to be stopped. He was. But before he was, he exposed Adrian as a LIAR, and the true intention of Kiko Arguello, Giuseppe Gennarini, and the Neocatechumenal Way: to beat Guam and its Catholic people into submission in the service of a LIE.
Yet, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai, the Apostolic Administrator sent here personally by the pope to address the destruction of this diocese by Adrian Cristobal, appoints this same Adrian Cristobal, bona fide LIAR-IN-CHIEF, to be the chairman of his primary committee.
Thank you for the opportunity, Archbishop Hon, to once again expose Adrian to the world. Our audience now is millions and millions more than it was when I first exposed this. Too bad we have to expose you too. But when you sleep with dogs you get fleas.
Note: The last I spoke with Aaron was about a year ago. He still wants to be a priest - a real one.
Note: The last I spoke with Aaron was about a year ago. He still wants to be a priest - a real one.
Thank you, Tim, for your thorough and detailed expose regarding Arron's ordeal.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the issue of the affiliation and accreditation you might have missed one detail. Did you verify that all of the Box Tops for Education coupons were properly collected and submitted?
Adrian Cristobal - I am totally thinking that Your Parents Are So Proud of You! NOT! I grew up in Barrigada and I know that your Mom and Dad had a store. If I remember correctly, it was called Nito's Store! Could be wrong because it was a long time ago and I am up in my 60s and been gone from Guam almost 40 years. Anyway, they were very nice people and my question is - Where the H_ll Did You Come From? San Vicente used to be one of the best churches on Guam to belong to! Then you go and destroyed that and then declined one of God's Chosen Disciples his request to go off-island to pursuit his dream of being a Priest and you DENIED IT because he was not one of your kind! And he even volunteered to pay for it! What Goes Around, Comes Around Adrian Cristobal and it is Your Time! You May Not Get Your Just Rewards on Earth but, when Judgemet Day Comes, I know where You Are Going!
ReplyDeleteTruth out about this Adrian. Let's not waste time. Toves, where's your sht...a lot of people think this is a game.
DeleteJohn Toves returned to the Bay Area to take care of his aging parents. Why do you always need somebody, to come to your help?
DeleteGrow up anon at 11.57...
There is plenty of material to demonstrate the inadequacies and evil decisions of Cristobal....
You would not want to see what the typhoon has, it would upset your stomach.
It is not a game, it is a fight for our Church which has been taken over by evil people like Cristobal and Apuron....if you are not ready for a fight, at least stay out of the way.
Dear Anonnymous @ 6:45 AM: Lucky you, having been away and not seeing the parishioners being fooled and the parish taken over. With confusion and sadness we have seen parish policies changed to accomodate the Neo group. WE ARE FOOLED NO MORE!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous June 25, 2016 at 8:03 AM - I used to come home every year when my Mom was alive but since she moved from Barrigada, I went to her new church in Toto, so did not really get to see the changes happening in the San Vicente-San Roke Church. Maybe if I did, I would have seen what was happening and questioned it then. I missed going to mass in Barrigada since I grew up there. Hopefully, one day soon, it will returned back to the way it was and, once again, the Real Catholic Faithful will come back home.
DeleteDal Covolo is a salesian just like Hon.
ReplyDeleteCan we get an update on Aaron Quitugua, please? I would hope that we have not lost this earnest and respectful young man on the path to priesthood. Is he still attending a University of his choice? If he is still willing and not disillusioned, can this new Committee, or Hon, for that matter intervene and grant him his wish to attend his seminary of choice? So many questions- very few answers. Adrianne is revealed to be the jealous, self-absorbed, power-hungry, little person that he is. MADDENING!!!
ReplyDeleteAB Savio, check the kitchen on the hill. Plenty balengu pots....all attributed the Adrian.
ReplyDeleteIn the same words used by Whoopi Goldberg on Sister Act: Bless You Adrian!
ReplyDeleteThere are two that I know that were turned down by Apuron for financial aid in fulfilling their dream to become a priest. These two who are devoted catholic had to go off island and seek support. They have been ordained and no thanks to Apuron.
ReplyDeleteThis is just another proof that Apuron and sidekick Adrian are forcing the NCW cult down our throats, contrary to what Apuron told us at the St. Francis meeting with him "The NCW is optional, we are not forcing people to join". Apuron and Adrian, what theology do you suppose the NCW presbyters in Agat, Santa Rita, umatac, merizo, chalan Pago and barrigada, will be imparting to all these parishioners except that which they learned in the RMS factory, heretical doctrines, as the old addage goes, garbage in, garbage out.
ReplyDeleteQuite sure that people who have said Guam women who became Carmelites in New Jersey with take over monastery in Tamuning are not correct. More neoness?? No thanks.
DeleteMore silence. For more years. Even after Hon has gone. Montreal just made a law tha no one in the orbit of the Church can be alone with a child. There are too many creepy stories to ever just go away. Why have the priests not come forward? Answer for yourselves.
ReplyDeleteTim, you're calling Adrian a liar and he doesn't even threaten you with a lawsuit?
ReplyDeleteProbably because he knows you have the Truth on your side.
Please make public what you know about Adrian before he causes more damage.
Not only Adrian is a liar, but he is a pathological liar at that.
DeleteHe still has not worked out his complicated and self loathing sexual identity.
He is a bully and a blackmailer.
He should not be in the position he is in, under any circumstances.
The man need long and serious psychological help, in a private institution, followed by a period of prayer and reflection,in an isolated place, where he cannot hurt anyone.
Instead he is let free to destroy our Diocese, destroy countless lives, and destroy careers and vocations.
What else can be said about this priest, who is the only one I know, who was denied endorsement by his own seminary, but still was ordained by Apuron, despite all his flaws, and the obvious psychological red flags that he should never have been made a priest.
Cristobal is a walking disaster.
So sad that this man, Adrian, who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, a big and beautiful home in Barrigada, chose to be a priest and then became everything that a priest is Not Supposed to Be! What a SHAMEFUL MAN! APURON TAUGHT HIM VERY WELL! I wish more people would come out and tell their stories so that we can "Once and For All" get rid of this So Called priest whose Egotistical and Demeaning Attitude is not needed in our Catholic Churches! However, He would have made a Great Politician!