Monday, June 27, 2016


See related KUAM story.

We're sorry, Archbishop Hon, for doubting you. It would help if the information you sent to the Vatican actually had the victims' names right.

For the record, his name is Roland Paul Lizama Sondia.

I noticed that you once had it right on your website. In fact, it came right up at the top of the page when I googled it.

But darn, here's where that went:

We realize that this probably has more to do with the BUFFOONS you continue to surround yourself with - you know, the ones who drove this diocese into the pit of hell in the first place. But since your name is at the top of this dung heap, we gotta call you on it. 

Now just a couple other things. 

What is this "without prejudice" stuff. If you mean praying for the salvation of the souls of both the accusers and the accused, well, we're with you on that. But if you're praying for Apuron's personal "healing" and peace of mind, as we would hope you are praying for his victims, then we have a problem with that. Why don't you try praying for JUSTICE first. "No justice, no peace. Know justice, Know peace." Remember that? 

And lastly, we are NOT going to settle for this "I sent it to Rome" stuff. We want to know WHO you sent it to and WHAT they are doing. And we want REGULAR updates. 

To make sure of that, YOU, in your capacity as the one person with complete authority and responsibility for the Archdiocese of Agana, will be the focus of much of today's Public Hearing to lift the statute of limitations on past sex crimes. 

Sadly, because of your complete ignoring of this matter, even mocking the possible veracity of the victims' accounts, we have to now hold you institutionally liable for their mistreatment. 

In fact, we are inclined to think that the only reason you sent out the above statement on Sunday is because of what you know is coming on Monday. Meanwhile, have the trained monkeys you keep at the chancery write the name R-O-L-A-N-D on the chalk board 100 times. 

June 23, 2016  


To:                              All Senators, Media, and Stakeholders

Fr:                               SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR.

Subject:                 2ND Notice – Public Hearing on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM

In accordance with the Open Government Law of Guam, relative to notice for public meetings, please be advised that the Committee on Guam U.S. Military Relocation, Public Safety & Judiciary, will convene a Public Hearing on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM, in the I Liheslatura Public Hearing Room. Included on the agenda are the following bill(s):

·              Bill No. 326-33 (COR): - “An act to amend § 11306, chapter 11, title 7, Guam Code Annotated and to repeal § 11306.1, chapter 11, title 7, Guam Code Annotated relative to the statute of limitations in cases involving child sex abuse.” (Sponsor: Senator F.F. Blas, Jr.)

The Hearing will broadcast on local television, GTA Channel 21 and Docomo Channel 117 or streamed online at:

The Committee requests that, if written testimonies are to be presented at the Public Hearing, copies be submitted one day prior to the public hearing date, to the Office of Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr. at Suite 503 DNA Bldg. 238 Archbishop Flores St. Hagatña, Guam, via fax to 475-GUM3(4863), or via email Copies of the aforementioned Bill(s) may be obtained at I Liheslaturan Guahån 's website at:  Individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services should contact Niel Tirador at 475-4861/2 or email at  Please feel free to contact my office should you have any additional questions or concerns. 


  1. When Hon said the sexual abuse documents he received were duly sent to the Holy See, he meant it went into file 13 in Filioni's office, never to be seen again. These bishops are masters at covering up these sexual abuse cases, their reputations and those of their brother bishops are their primary concerns and will at all cost protect this boys club as has been mentioned on this blog. These bishops have been practicing it for years and many have gotten away with it. The inaction by Hon, non-acknowledgement of the victims, calling for patience, forming of committees are just appearances that something appears to be happening. In reality they are part of delay tactics to hold off time until the restless natives calm down, hoping they run out of steam, in essence frustrated into submission. We may be in for the long haul relying on Rome to take action. The lifting of the statue of limitation, and taking Apuron to court may be our best bet yet.

  2. One way we would know that there really is an investigation is when someone reaches out to apuron's sexual abuse victims to get their side of the story
    THROUGH Atty. David Lujan. Of course, before that could happen, Dakon Claros has to answer Atty. Lujan's questions first. Until then, Hon has become part of the problem.

    1. SARC is also complicit by not doing his job. His responsibility was not to protect the accused but to speak to victims and ascertain veracity of the accusation. In this case he was negligent, and then other accusers started rattling off abuses of minors. I guess he could not keep up with the pressure. He failed to research diligently and quickly; and he thwarted repercussions of the predator's guilt. Claros should be made an example of an institutional safeguard against abuse who reneges his duty and feigns fake investigation in favor of his employer. SARC has the autonomy to do his job right but Claros failed to understand this dynamic privilege.

  3. Archbishop Hon
    Why only now did you a day before the Publuc Hearing, you sent a media release that Vatican is doing their investigation. You could have daid it the day you called for unity. Well we know why. Im not too sure where you stand in all this but it not reassuring for sure for sure.

  4. HEADS UP EVERYONE: going forward, please put AB infront of HON when you need to refer to him. It couls stand for agnostic bishop, -$$hole of a bishop,attache baboon, etc., until he comes up with a real solid and fast solution to all investigations.

  5. AB could also stand for Another Bullshitter.

  6. I concur that the timing of Hons's statement is highly suspect. It is very clear at this stage that Hon is playing us for fools, just like what the buffoons at the chancery have been doing for years. Even before Hon came into the picture, many of us knew that evil has infected our church and we will need to be in this fight for the long haul. The stage is set. We will soldier on and bear the Cross which is also our sword. St. Michael the Archangel, we implore you to defend us and protect us in battle.
