Friday, June 10, 2016


My Rome sources tell me Tony has been working the phones with Kiko. Apparently he really did go to Rome to get help, though not from Pope Francis as his lying video said. This may be why Archbishop Hon's homily yesterday seemed to go light on any acknowledgment of problems and heavy on the peace and love thing. He also went light on Tony. It may also explain Bibi's babble about this is all just a miscommunication and Hon is only here to lend a hand so that Tony can return triumphant. 

And then there's this: 

From: Adrian Cristobal <>
Date: June 10, 2016 at 11:23:48 GMT+10
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

His Excellency, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai, S.D.B., 
the newly appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Agana, 
invites the faithful to participate in a 
Vigil Prayer Service for Unity 
on Saturday, June 11, 2016 at 7:30 PM 
at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica in Hagatna.

Why is ANYTHING coming from Cristobal? The VERY SOURCE OF THE EVIL in this Archdiocese. Is he getting a pass because of his Neo connection? Did Tony get "help" after all? 

I also hear that Tony will be back soon. Something about celebrating a Mass somewhere. If so, we will have something for him that he's not expecting. 

We were willing to make nice. But Cristobal's name in the header of this email tells us that we cannot. Game on. Agana will burn before it takes Tony back. 

Did you not see the front page today?

Check out the comments on these two articles. 
Unless Jonathan Diaz is joking, it looks like Tony has a new defender. 

P.S. As long as there is a person named Anthony S. Apuron with the word "Archbishop" in front of that name, the protests and calls for resignation will continue. Nothing changes. Sunday's picket is on. 


  1. 7:30pm Saturday night at the Cathedralis the NEO mass....

    1. I wont be able to attend the saturday rally .... but if there's a sunday rally -- i would be able to attend ...

    2. Sunday at 9:00 am Cathedral

  2. It's a shame... it just shows how Pope Leo XIII vision came true. 75-100 years huh? Although the church can never be destroyed. The devil indeed went through as planned. This is a test to our faith. So God help me. We need to pray more for our priests. As painful as it is, don't lose hope, trust in Him. The Lord our Justice! Keep faith.

    St. Michael the Archangel,
    defend us in battle.
    Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
    and do thou,
    O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
    by the power of God,
    thrust into hell Satan,
    and all the evil spirits,
    who prowl about the world
    seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

  3. What gets me is the fact that since this Apostolic Administrator has arrived on island, one would think that some concern for potential victims and their healing would be paramount, followed by addressing the cause for the disunity and division be addressed before the call for unity. Do we not mend the wounds of the victims, stop the bleeding wounds that are the cause of the division, before calling everyone together to kiss and make up? How can there be unity when there are still pain and suffering? Where is the compassion and charity of the Church?

  4. Is this the part when it gets worse before it gets better?

    1. Seems to be shaping up that way, Andrew. So, so sad!

  5. Are you kidding me?!! DO NICE at the neo midsummer night's dream weekly romp? Did kaka leak into the water everywhere? There are damaged people here. There is a crisis in the diocese. Looks like the heavy lifting will be left up to the girls and boys in the big kids' pants, again! Laity, rise up! We have to finish the work, after all!!

  6. So far, Archbishop Hon has called the Island faithful to unity and peace. Does he seriously think that should be the first order of business? There will be no Unity or Peace in this Archdiocese until all concerns and grievances have been addressed. Then the healing can begin. It seems he has not realized yet the full gravity of the division in our church. If his plan was to come here and quiet the natives into submission by all singing Kumbaya at that Neo Cathedral, then it's not gonna work. I have a feeling he's gonna bungle this appointment which will be great. One less Neo sympathizer gone from our midst!
    Address our concerns NOW and administrate with the Holy Spirit guiding you with clarity, purpose and justice Archbishop Hon. Although I comment annonymous here, I have been to the silent protests before and I intend to be there Sunday!

  7. Hon's first full day on the job was yesterday so that makes two full days. I'm sure jet lag is kicking him hard too. I think we should give him a chance to establish himself. Everyone seems to be on the edge right now and understandably so but Hon needs some time and room to implement what needs to be done. Stay vigilant but not obstructive.

  8. Note to Archbishop Hon Tai Fai: Why did Adrian Cristobal put out that announcment for you calling us to a prayer vigil on Saturday? That is usually the time the Neocats get together to perform a desecration of our Cathedral-Basilica altar! This is an insult to me and others, Your Excellency! Do not abandon the Faithful of Guam as Apuron has done. You MUST REMOVE Apuron, Christobal and Quitugua and Pius from ANYTHING having to do with healing, unity and serenity. These priests are not worthy. I understand all about healing and forgiveness, but these priests have to remain in the background until they are ready to admit their terrible treatment of our brothers and sisters in our Church. It is BEST that they be kicked out of the Chancery and sent on LEAVE TO THE HOLY LAND TO LIVE WITH THE TRAPPIST MONKS. Move them to a monastery and have them repent for their sins and renew themselves. Better yet, defrock them. ONLY THEN ARCHBISHOP HON TAI FAI WILL THE FAITHFUL OF GUAM BE CALM. WE WILL NOT BE WALKED OVER--AGAIN under your Administration! I am sorry!! JUSTICE, ARCHBISHOP, JUSTICE IS WHAT WE WANT!!! The storm has not passed. You are in the eye of the typhoon. It can dissipate, or the winds of revolution will return with increased force. You just arrived. We hear your call, but show us that these priests mentioned above have no further dealings in the Chancery or the Archdiocese. You are a representative of our Pope. Clean this house. We need time to forgive if that is what you want. We cannot swallow just yet seeing these priests in high positions as if nothing happened. You will be insulting the Laity who have been misled and abandoned by them! Where is the public apology from these priests??!! Where is the public apology from Apuron??!!! Before Christ forgives, we confess and make an act of contrition, opening our hearts to God's grace. But to think that all is back to normal because you are here, and that we are to attend a unity prayer vigil without as much as an apology from these culprits who spiritually raped us Catholics and squandered our finances and gave away a very valuable property of our Church, is too much to ask of Guam's Catholics, Your Excellency. Reconsider what you are asking us and FIRST remove Quituuga and Adrian and Apuron from anything having to do with this Archdiocese. Don't call for unity and harmony with these charlatans still in the sanctuary of the Cathedral and the Chancery. Clear the "temple" of these money-changers and desecraters of our Church! DO NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP as many have done in thinking that Apuron and his cohorts should still respected and revered here in Guam! They are not. Thanks to the media and good Catholics strong in their faith and are true soldiers of Christ, THE WHOLE ISLAND NOW KNOWS THE CHARACTER OF THESE PRIESTS. They are in it for themselves!! PLEASE ARCHBISHOP HON TAI FAI, heed our words and request.

  9. Will this 7:30 get in the way of the Neo's Saturday night special service in the crying room? Or is this just a front. I heard sister Maryann Neo Arroyo is helping to coordinate. Same people trying to control the Cathedral. That's why so many people have left to attend other Parishes with real Priest! So game on and the protest will continue until Apuron is removed and things get better. What a shame this has had to go this far. God Bless our Church and keep the fight

    1. Peace is flowing like a river, flowing out to you and me.Puleeeese! Sister Marian, make up your mind!! Spineless ninny.

  10. If Archbishop Hon really wants to move swiftly, he cannot wait too long. The Adrian and Bibi of this world are going to do everything to bog him down.
    He needs to act fast, to send a strong message that he is really in charge.
    Short of that, there shall be no unity at all.
    Leaving the dividers, the philanderers, the swindlers and child molesters in place is not going to do the Job at all.

    1. He needs to remove tha huge Invitation to Joy sign from the lawn of the Agana Cathedral-Basilica. I refuse to enter that place as long as the sign is there.

  11. There will be NO unity until there is Real Change! Demotions, Removal and reorganization must happen now!!

    1. - I totally agree with you 11:10 PM! Things have gone on too long and it is time to "Clean House"! Stay Focus and Continue to be Vigilant My True Catholic Friends.

  12. Are we staying away from this mass tomorrow evening. Please advise.

  13. Don't let your "guard down" Until we know that Puis is out of Guam. Plus why is Father BB having refreshments & while I was watching the news I notice the choir was mostly "Neo'. The lady in wheelchair they interviewed is a very strong Neo. Reminds me Rosalia Santos who was interviewed on one their mass (Holy Thursday I think). To say we are united.

  14. Yup..."undisclosed recipients" meaning "Responsibles" of ALL Neo communities so that they can celebrate their Eucharist TOGETHER! Get the video cameras rolling as they celebrate...much like their gathering when the last celebrity bishop was on Guam!

    1. Hop on the busses!! Off to our Cathedral! Get there early to sit in the front! Kiss, kiss, clap, clap, clap! How good it is to be with the brothers. Clap, clap, clap.

  15. I'm getting the feeling it's not going to get better for quite some time. At to 9:23pm, I say you're dead-on. We are not fighting men in this fight; this is in fact spiritual warfare--the fight for souls. Prayers to our Blessed Mother, St Joseph, and St Michael are needed now more than ever. The smoke of Satan in the Church is thicker than ever. I was at best cautiously optimistic about the future of Guam, but daily I'm feeling more and more crestfallen.

    After all, this is the only way the people of Guam can be lured from the Church of Christ: that their pastor bring in a false prophet to draw them away. After all, no one knowingly follows a false prophet if they already knew he is false. And because of the Archbishop and his whores, the people will continue to be lead astray from the Church and Her Eucharist

    "Then they will deliver you up to the tribulation, and put ou to death; and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then many will fall away, and betray one another, and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray; and because wickedness is multiplied, the love of most will grow cold. But he who endures to the end will be saved." (Matt 24: 9-13).

  16. Adrian's e--mail invites the faithful but it is addressed only to undisclosed recipients. And the vigil prayer service is to be held at the time the Neos hold their "mass" on Saturday evenings. Giving Hon the benefit of the doubt, I'd like to think that he does not know only a selected group (read: Neos) are supposed to know about this event over which he will preside. But, if Hon knows that this vigil prayer service will be only for Neos, then what are we to think about Hon?

    Keep your guard up, people. The war is not yet over.

    1. What the heck is Adrianna doing orchestrating things for Hon? Are there any little tidbits about Adrianna's past Hon should be aware of before botches everything by involving him?? Adrianna's name spells same old, same old.

  17. Isn't he here to work with the church to restore unity? We could always remind him what healing looks like and what actions to take if he genuinely wishes for unity to be restored. And if that doesnt work, remind him again and again. We continue to persist! This is the oppurtunity to take full offense of our concerns! Write to the Apostolic Administrator, call for meetings and create petitions! All the things Apuron refused to do, wouldn't he be able to do them? Now is the time to get it done. Let all our concerns, feelings, and problems pile his desk so that he can't ignore them! The Holy Father himself said it was going to be a difficult task. Let him live up to that task. If nothing is still done, then its sad to say that his pressence here was truly in vain for ignoring the root cause! Do not sugar coat the problems! The truth is never easy to accept so we avoid it, is that it? No! I'm so sick of being lied to and deceived, that each time a part of me is taken away. Little by little my trust is shattered by the likes of someone who is supposedly representing Christ. Those who have no power, get abused. Those who don't have the power, get taken advantage of. Enough is enough. We will work towards unity by facing the truth, not ignoring them. I can not bear the pain of seeing the church suffer, however I will offer that pain and suffering and trust in our Lord. Jesus King of Mercy, I trust in You. Have Mercy on us and on the whole world.

  18. The world is watching and will judge the actions of Archbishop Hon Tai Fai along with the Vatican. Visitors from over 35 countries have viewed this blog since his arrival, as well as 3/4 of the USA states.

  19. Gosh, I would not make a statement like that unless I was absolutely certain!
    Jonathan, were you there to witness what happened? If you weren't then I suggest you stop singing with your guitar to the High Heavens that APURON IS INNOCENT!! I mean, really? Who are you trying to convince by yelling that out in falsetto?

  20. Jonathan Blas Diaz? Forget that knob. Several years ago, they ran a 3-part serial in the then-called "Pacific Voice" where he extolled the virtues of the heresy of liberation theology. He's got about as much credibility as a theological representative as he has credibility for acting manly.

    What, too uncharitable? Just remember that it was St John Damascene who referred to one contemporary heretic in his day as "that stupid Peter the fuller."

    Whatever, Diaz, you silly freak. Thanks a bunch for staying off our side. No really, thanks.

  21. - Now I can see why nothing was done on the first visit! Calling for Vigil Prayer Service for Unity at a NEO Church and Kumbaya and handholding and saying - We Are One - before any investigation is conducted does not sit very well with me. A good Mediator usually calls the two parties together and have them give their side of the story and work towards to a solution. Not Just Saying - We Should Have Unity. Though the allegations are still allegations for now, there should be more conversations and coming to agreements before we KUMBAYA Together! But the most important of all is to meet with the victims and hear their side of the truth. But nothing like anything above is happening. So we now know that the "Writing on the Wall" is Not Good so we need to continue to Be Vigilant and Continue to Express Our Anger and Disappointments with the current management of our One and True Only Catholic Church!

  22. Archbishop Hon is also doing Sunday 9:30 am Mass at Cathedral

    1. - And? He is still not giving any idea on when he is going to address the true reason why he is here on Guam! I give that the trip from Rome to Guam was long but.....! Conducting Masses is par-for-the course because it is Sunday - Holy Day of Catholic Obligation! Can we get some idea when he is going to sit down and do some mediating? My Inquiring Mind Wants to Know!

    2. Will it be sreamed?

  23. Any idea why the prayer service was held at St. Anthony? Was it because the pastor is not Neo, but still Neo-Friendly? I heard Archbishop Hon use the term "beloved" for Archbishop Apuron.

    1. Very Neo friendly...too close for comfort

  24. Archbishop Hon, can you please clarify this statement? This would be a start.

    DianaJune 10, 2016 at 9:38 PM
    Dear Anonymous at 9:12 pm,

    Jesus started the very first Eucharist with His Apostles reclining at the table. He did not celebrate the Eucharist on an altar but on a table.

    1. - Diana/May or Whoever - You say that Jesus started the very first Eucharist reclining at a table. Can you tell me how many thousands of years ago that was and you expect the same thing at this day and age? Your NEO Cult is using this example to lure people into thinking that you are re-creating this scene of days-gone-by but you have modern day alterior motives. Smooth Very Smooth but Very Transparent! Stay in Your Future of Home of the Under World Where You Belong for All Eternity!

    2. Christ gave Peter the Keys. Kiko thinks he has them. That's the problem.

  25. - We must be very alert since Brother Tony has very strong allies and he is now calling in all his chips even though he is a Child Molester! Not that it will do any good in my book since My God is Not Sleeping! Hmmmmmm - Who paid for his and his head huncho's trip to Rome? Once Again the True Catholics of Guam - Be Vigilant and Vocal!

  26. Another dark cloud / silver lining scenario:

    Apuron, Kiko and other NCW goons in Rome work behind the scenes to salvage what is left of Apuron's position. Silver lining: The Pope learns of the efforts and brings down the hammer of the Vatican on them.

    1. Andrew, I don't know if we can even expect that. Some say the pope lives in fear of his life, not from the Muslims, but from the Curia.

    2. Worst case scenario: Archbishop Hon manages to smooth over a few ruffled feathers and paves the way for Apuron to slide back into office. The Vatican is influenced or pressured by the NCW to maintain the status quo and ignore our voices. NCW presbyters continue to multiply like rabbits and fill the ranks of priests, bishops and cardinals. Does the Catholic Church even exist any more?

    3. Yes, in seminal form

    4. It's a good question, and one even St. Jerome must have pondered when he quipped "and the whole world groaned to find itself Arian." Fight on.

    5. It's not quite so far-fetched. When the Lord first spoke of the End in Matt 24, the first words were about false prophets. I'm not saying it's the End; I'm saying that if it were on His glorious mind THAT much, then perhaps it should be on ours.

    6. Carrying the worst case scenario a bit further:

      The NCW take over is complete. It is now the one, holy, catholic, apostolic and neocatechumenal church. All protests and resistance are subdued and eliminated. Edivaldo rises through the ranks as monsignor, bishop, archbishop, cardinal and then elected pope: Pope Bonzo the First.

      (For those too young to know the reference check this out:

  27. And you were there Mae? Kiko the devil must've been there because he's been changing the the Catholic Church to adopt his way of worship, hence the name of his cult, "The Way". There have been allegations that the Way could have a divisive impact on parishes into which it moves. The Neocatechumenal communities are made up of people from the parish, however they do not celebrate their Masses on Sunday with the community but separately on Saturday evening with a Vigil Mass, with their respective communities. In 1994, the Diocese of Clifton undertook an extensive investigation of the communities, and concluded that the movement was "a form of spiritual enslavement" and that its presence in parishes was "completely divisive and destructive." Bishop Mervyn Alexander issued a decree the next year banning the Neocatechumenal Way from further activity in the diocese. Our loco Archbishop issues decrees against Catholics from saving our archdiocese. That is the reason why we have division in the church because our archbishop has forsaken us when he should be protecting the one True, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
