Posted by Jose Martinez
Yesterday at the ITC intersection, a new sign was introduced
in response to the latest attempt of misappropriation as sent by AB Hon.
(See the rest of this set here.)
Why this latest message to AB Hon? First, let’s put the Annual Appeal into
This year the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (AAA) took place from February 10 to May
15. That’s 95 days - almost double the
time of the Queen candidate’s effort to fund raise. In those 95 days, the AAA was only able to
garner a little over $85,000.00
There are many other entities on Guam that are able to raise
funds in such a short amount of time and usually the
projected amount is exceeded. So why is
it that the AAA was not able to generate its projected figures? Why the
Keeping in mind the accomplishment of the Queen candidates of the 2016 Liberation of
Guam: the shortfall is not because Catholics on Guam are experiencing financial
hardships. The shortfall is not because
there was not enough time to solicit. The shortfall is not because there are so
few parishes on island.
The shortfall occurred because the Catholic people on Guam, the laity, do
not believe in the cause. We do not
believe in the cause because we have no confidence in the leadership. We do not believe in the cause because we know the RMS is not truly for our island.
The AAA is in decline because AB Apuron failed us and the pseudo
seminary in Yona is a failure.
The message should have been made loud and clear when the
AAA did not meet this year's goal of collecting $250,000.00. However, in light of AB Hon attempting to
jostle us again in meeting that amount, he is simply ignoring the fact that the majority of faithful on island do not want the NCW seminary to remain on Guam. We have already given our vote of no confidence by declining to support the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal.
This Sunday, 9- 9:45am at the Cathedral, please join the LFM and CCOG in introducing:
Seriously, this is what the present Archdiocesan Administration came up with? An extension of a failed annual appeal? Are his appointed advisers also clueless on the dead horse that they just had to keep beating it? Why didn't they ask people first why it was DOA? Why didn't they verify why people are not giving? As mentioned by Jose M. It was not for the reasons enumerated. It was loss of confidence in a leadership who refused to answer questions about accountability. And now the papal-appointed emissary is also making the same mistake along with his advisers! Talk about dense gray matter between the ears, or a serious lack of it.
ReplyDeleteThe people of Guam are very generous when they believe in the cause. In the past Catholic Charities Appeal as it was called even surpassed the goal set forth by the Church. When glib talking and duplicity entered the picture due to NCW influence, Apuron got caught in lie after lie after lie. He single-handedly eroded the confidence of people to fork out hard-earned money.
ReplyDeleteThe only way that the Chancery can restore trust, hence possibly reaching a goal, is to be transparent about the issues regarding where the monies go. How difficult is that? It has to come with an ironclad declaration about the nature of RMS, funding, and the whole kit and kaboodle that are being ignored. Archbishop Hon, you cannot demand money this way. To extend a DOA project is ridiculous. There is a reason why it is called an "Appeal." Capisce?
Totally agree that the people on Guam are very generous, especially to their Catholic Churches. The amount collected so far should be an indication that there is something wrong. What is it going to take for Hon to realize that the Faithful are angry and to try and fix the problem. Fixing the problem is very easy - give the Faithful a detailed accounting of where the money is going. How hard is that! Common Sense is Really Dead!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely right! I won't give, and neither will my family members. The lies and arrogance have got to stop and the transparent truth about what is really happening here in our churches, RMS, the seminary property, and the sex abuse allegations needs to be revealed. My wallet remains closed until this occurs. This I Appeal to you, Archbishop Hon - to clean up the embarrassing mess Apuron created!
ReplyDeleteAB Hon extended the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal because its $250K goal wasn’t met. Wrong reaction, again AB Hon! You should had asked WHY wasn’t it met, not what should we do to meet it! The earlier comments (above) have explained it well. No need to go into details again, but maybe a question or two for your reflection:
ReplyDelete1)As a starter, “Who owns RMS”. The $64K question, right? Maybe if you can definitively demonstrate that RMS still belongs to the Archdiocese (i.e. indeed TRULY OURS, not just by another fake “Certificate of Title”), and the people are convinced that it is still ours, maybe (just maybe) we might be a little bit more generous. No?
2)On the contrary, however, the majority of people who have studied the “Deed of Restriction” and its ramifications believe that Apuron actually gave the property away to RMS, an affiliate of the NCW. So, if it ain’t ours, why should we support it! Capisce?
3)Unless my memory fails me, one of the very first things you did when you got here was to form various committees to study various aspects of the problem affecting the Church, and one such committee was to look into the various problems with RMS – right? Well, anything to report to the people (the true owners of church property) from this committee?
4)The vast majority of us believe that RMS is “a fake seminary”. It is deficient in so many aspects: has its affiliation with the Lateran University been renewed (it expired after 5 years years in 2012 - we haven't been informed!; are the “professors” there truly qualified with credentials to teach the full syllabus of philosophical and theological courses being taught there, or by itinerant “lecturers” who come out once a year “to teach a course"); is the seminary teaching heresies and liturgical deviations; are seminarians fully vetted during training and before they are ordained, by whom: Gennarini; what is the spiritual formation of the seminarians, after all they are to be future pastors to be given the care of souls; etc. etc. etc. etc.
You ain’t ever going to meet your goal, Archbishop Hon, so long as people are not convinced that RMS is still an asset (not a liability) of the Archdiocese, and until they are convinced that RMS is a true training ground for the education of PRIESTS FOR THE ARCHDIOCESE, not for the prolifieration of presbyters being trained in the Neocatechumenal Way.
Good writeup, Jose M. (JRSA: 7/23/16)
As long as Pius is still running the show around here nothing is going to change. Archbishop Hon. it didn't take 20 yrs this time. I don't believe you're here to help us. You're just another sick Archbishop.
ReplyDeleteHere's another thought - where are those "priest" that we have educated over the years and are now married and have families. Please help us.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry but not one penny of my hard earned money will go to the church until this mess is fixed. Apuron defrocked and a real archbishop appointed. Not even directly to my parish because I can't guarantee it won't be forwarded to the RMS. No more money. Period.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post and comments. The failure of the original AAA can be viewed as a "no confidence vote" of the previous administration. The results of the current extension will be another referendum from the laity. What will it be? How confident are we in the new administration? Time will tell.
ReplyDeleteSo far Andrew; with Hon collaborating more with the NEO's; Zero Transparency and lack of acknowledgement to Apuron's victims we can conclude that it is a definite No Confidence.
DeleteFr Alberto from Agat diverted one Sunday's collection in Agat to give the AAA. I can see ABH HONey do list including this to make his goal. After all he gloated that he has the power.
ReplyDeleteIf more money is needed for RMS then it should come from the NCW!!! Maybe Diana and the rest should dig deep in their own pockets to come to their seminary's rescue. Come on Neo's - unite and show your true commitment! You can't just keep on only doing their laundry!
ReplyDeleteHon and Archie, Take the shortfall from your Golden Boy Adrian's inheritance.
ReplyDeleteLet the Neocatechumenal Way fund their presbyter mill. Carmen Hernandez, co-founder of the NCW, left behind meeellions and meeellions of dollars. Genarrini, Kiko's general, has meeellions and meeellions of mob money.
ReplyDeleteSo if somebody asks you for money and their response to you question "what for" is:
ReplyDeleteTo give it to this seminary who may train your future pastor? Would you give if you have seen already the arrogance of these priests trained there? We have seen one who was whisked of after being caught in a compromising position with a minor from his Parish. OJ who was coaxing a hapless elderly deacon to defend a bishop accused by several several if his victims; a SR Priests who squandered hard earned money on Architectural plans to the son of Gerrinini; statues being thrown in the bushes to only be replaced by Neo paraphanelia; a Basilica priest who could not even give a homily meeting priestly standards; priests having parishioners kiss Kiko's painting; someone who would look down on you because you are not a member of their fraternal organization; etc .
The bottom line is they asking help so that they will produce people who would bring down the Church you love!
Sadly we have NEO cult Presbyers like Alberto who understand that their fraternal society is being threatened thereby bypassing the parish council and sending the main Sunday collection into the AAApeal.
DeleteThat's how he Alberto gets control, He fires the Parish council like apuron did, thereby, he doesn't have anyone to question his actions, and he can do as he pleases, no accountability. Why do the people of Agat allow this to happen? They should have a say what goes on in that parish, Alberto is only a visitor, you folks have lived there all your lives, and have a stake on where your Church goes, and how it operates. I cant believe you allow this visitor to dictate what goes on in your parish. Wake up people. Former Tao-Tao Hagat.
DeleteIf this doesn't wake people up what will? Are we willing to stand up and defend our church? Do we hand it over and let someone do whatever he wants? It is time to take responsibility and do the right thing. If someone doesn't want to help he should get out of the way and let the grown ups handle the situation.
DeleteAlberto is going to redecorate Mt. Carmel church with Kiko art and you people of Agat are going to have to accept it. Case in point - come see San Vicente church.
DeleteThe NCW has already taken over the Santa Ana Chapel in Agat and uses it exclusively for their NCW pow-wow, clap-clap, dance-dance, kiss-kiss sessions, and not open to all the people in the village. How do you folks in Agat allow this to happen. Shouldn't the residents of Talyfac, Nimitz beach, pagacho, and santa Ana area be attending mass in that chapel as was the case several years ago? Wasn't that chapel rebuilt by the sweat, blood and tears of the people of Agat? or has the entire village been taken over by the NCW? Tim, do you have any intel on that chapel?
DeleteIsn't Alberto still the Vice Chancellor? Or, was he also told to resign that post? Alberto only says mass at Santa Ana chapel every First Saturday morning mass. He stopped the First Saturday evening mass because -you guessed it - it's reserved for the Neos to use it. We definitely need to petition for NO NEO presbyters for Hagat. There's NO parish council, he disbanded it. Only his Way because he says so. I still go to mass, because it's my beloved church, but no $$ donated.
DeleteIt is difficult for the Catholics down in Agat to make a stand despite it being a small village and a small NEO Community why???, because most are hypocrites who kiss up just because of being recognized and still throw in $$$. You all know who you are, I've seen it going on. The Finance committee was replaced with members that Alberto picked which is funny because the parish secretary isn't in this committee and she's the one that receives money transactions that come in. There also was a liturgical committee which pulled out because he didn't agree nor met eye to eye with Alberto. If Chris Reyes was still alive today he'd set this issue right. The only time the parish council meets are when fiesta's are being planned. So ask yourselves.... why did you all walk out and give Alberto that power.
DeleteThanks Jose and J.R. San Augustin for your explanations. Insanity - doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result each time. New AB, same message. I said it once before, "same soup, different ladle". No explanation given for what happened to the first AAA collection and now they expect us to "want" to give now? ARE YOU INSANE?? What did Apuron do with the money left to his "discretion"? Isn't he still listed as the "Archbishop of Guam"? During the Eucharistic Prayer we are forced to pray "...for our Archbishop Tony..."! Isn't he accountable to someone? I don't think his discretion was meant to say that he and Uduvaldo could take unlimited trips on AAA money! Show us some accountability Hon, not a term of endearment, before you ask for mo money!
ReplyDeleteTo all who are reading the above comments: If you're truly convinced that these are reasons to have caused the division to our church on Guam, never mind the sexual allegations of Apuron for that is between him and God, then PLEASE, PLEASE, come and walk the picket line with us in solidarity to show HON and Rome that there will never be unity, reconsiliation until the NEO movement, the CANCER, is destroyed and removed from this island is belongs to our BLESSED MOTHER, SANTA MARIAN KAMALEN. Esta gue in gagao gi na'an i lahimo as Jesu Cristoi sainan mame! (this we asked in Jesus' name your Son)
ReplyDeleteAll due respect, anon@11:57 AM, there is no "never mind" when it comes to sexual abuse of young children. I get what you are trying to assert, in terms of keeping a focus, but I strongly disagree with the notion that allegations of sexual abuse are solely between the transgressor and God.
DeleteBy getting the $250K "Come Hell or High Water" Hon is banking that he will have accomplished something to tick off his list of achievements to report back to Rome. We will not give a penny to this AAA for the following reasons; 1. The seminary is not producing properly formed priests, majority of the NCW Presbyters are unable to speak clear English, we are unable to make sense of their Homilies, There is a question as to the orthodoxy of catholic teaching of these Presbyters formed in the NCW. They appear more in line with a Lutheran sect. 2. We do not have a habit of pouring money into a bucket to be used at the Archbishop's discretion??? especially if there has been precedence of abuse by the previous archbishop. prove to us that you are not operating with the same modus operandi, disclose a breakdown of where our monies are going to. 3. I do not wish for any of my monies to go to the NCW RMS, They have not disclosed any financial records, despite our request to know where our donations are going to. We have a right to Know, and to prove that, you are not getting one red cent for the RMS. BTW What has the committee that Hon formed to look into the RMS seminary revealed? as to the question of the Presbyters that we've paid for and funded their education and are no longer here, it is better that they go away for good, we really do not want our Children to be catechized in the NCW teaching, in fact our desire is for them to leave the island altogether, We do not wish to contribute any more money to this seminary that is teaching other than Orthodox Catholic Teaching. Wee will not compromise our orthodox Catholic Faith for this NCW (Kiko's and Carmen's version of Catholicism). Please Hon, Quit asking us more money, unless you get rid of the NCW. Maybe then, we can talk..
ReplyDeleteAB Hon's appeal lis like asking firemen to give money to the local arsonist to buy matches and gasoline.
ReplyDeleteThe local arsonist will then demand his share of the insurance money. No more than 90%.
DeleteYes. Giving money to the arsonist to buy matches and gas to burn down your church!
DeleteInsanity still reigns from the Hill! Are we watching a rerun! Hon your incompetence is amazing. I'm surprised the AAA garnered $85K. Until the NCW is removed from the RMS and the property returned, the NEO can fund their presbyters (poor) formation, the trips here there and everywhere with whoever the next Bishop will be! Until then...
ReplyDeletemy money goes directly to the end user.
Insanity still reigns from the Hill! Are we watching a rerun! Hon your incompetence is amazing. I'm surprised the AAA garnered $85K. Until the NCW is removed from the RMS and the property returned, the NEO can fund their presbyters (poor) formation, the trips here there and everywhere with whoever the next Bishop will be! Until then...
ReplyDeletemy money goes directly to the end user.