Saturday, July 30, 2016


Posted by Tim Rohr

Sadly, Fr. Paul thinks this is about him. It is not. I engaged this battle to fight Apuron’s rabid abuse of episcopal power which he has used to damage countless souls over three decades. Fr. Paul was just the latest and most high profile victim at the time. Because while clergy like Fr. Paul waited around for the Holy Spirit to "come" and called for peace and patience, Apuron (as per Champ Quinata and Walter’s testimony) was pinning 9 year old boys to his bed, ramming their rectums and leaving them for dead. So now that Fr. Paul has his little pardon, the rest of you need to sit down and shut up. Yes, so more little boys can be destroyed by the clerical obeisance that has been the fertilizer for  this “filth in the church.” It’s not about you, Fr. Paul. Get over yourself. 


  1. I ask all of the local clergy and religious to address the specific issues brought up by the CCOG, Laity Forward Movement, etc., and let us know if we are off track or missing the mark. If we are mistaken about something let us know and show us how we are wrong. Please use facts as you do so. Gone are the days when we would have accepted your word alone. We now expect evidence. Sorry, we have been burned too many times.

    The flock of sheep awaits.

  2. Thank you again Tim for all that you have done to open our eyes to the abuse of power in the Church. This is way more than one priest. The church needs sanitizing. And no, Father Paul, we will not sit down and shut up to listen to platitudes! That has gotten our church into trouble time and time again during the reign of Apuron. It is clear you have separated YOUR wants! Really sad that you have in the past opted to battle in public!

  3. Seems like Fr Paul settled. Therefore, let us grant him his wish to be irelevant he should not expect us to be as compromising as him. Fr Paul if you are not part of the solution just get out of our way!

  4. Father Paul WAS a faithful follower of the jungle. He would like and post articles written in the jungle on his Facebook.

    I now see your true colors Father Paul. Now that you have been vindicated nothing else matters. You are simply Wrongee like Apo'wrongee.

    This is not about you anymore. Justice needs to be served for the abused victims. By the way, I did not hear any apologies for the smearing of John Lastimosa name. Never mind about all others so long as you shine in the spotlight. You are so two faced that my faith and confidence in you has gone up in smoke.

    God bless your heartless and arrogant heart.

    1. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJuly 30, 2016 at 1:33 PM

      Anonymous at 10:59 AM, thank you for pointing out that the Apostolic Administrator HONestly FAILED once again in not apologizing to Joseph Lastimoza and his family after Anthony Sablan Apuron used him as a scapegoat to take action against Fr. Paul Gofigan. Apuron even made implications about an inappropriate relationship between Mr. Lastimoza and Fr. Paul which were neither recanted nor retracted.

      Fr. Paul may be satisfied with how his reputation and good name were "restored" but that did absolutely nothing for the reputation and former favorable and stable standing in the community of Mr. Lastimoza who lost his job at Santa Barbara Church. I guess Mr. Lastimoza is nothing more than collateral damage in this fiasco.

      Perhaps the CCOG should consider "crossing off" the goal of Restore Priests as irrelevant (vs "checking it off" as a completed/accomplished goal) and concentrate on Reparation and Justice for Apuron's Survivors.

    2. I agree Marylou. I didn't hear Hon say anything about the the Lastimozas. I didn't hear Fr. Paul bring this to Hon's attention either. Irrelevant goal? Collateral damage? You are obviously right about Hon and Fr. Paul's failures.

  5. Father Paul, many of us went to bat for you, and now that you're a happy camper it looks like you choose to distance yourself from the real and pertinent issues. Now we see another side of you. SMH

    1. Fr Paul do not expect us to be part of you plea agreement. But please just do not say anything more. The more you say the more you lose respect from those who believed in you. Please . . .

    2. everyone, listen up! If you're our side, simply go to your facebook and block and unfriend Fr Paul. And to you Fr Paul, to show your solidarity we us then I dare you come walk the picket line we us.

    3. Sorry but it takes more than blocking and unfriending Fr Paul on facebook....He is going to read my comments and know how this Mother feels whether he likes it or Not!!

    4. Anon@2:06 you are now acting like the NEO Cult. They live up to their threats by abandoning the person once he/she decides to leave the community. We are all one in Christ. Love one another as he has loved you. I cannot unfriend Pale' Paul because I've known him years before he became a priest and I will not stoop to the level of the NEO Cult by abandoning him. Prayers from a distance.

    5. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJuly 30, 2016 at 3:54 PM

      Anonymous at 2:06 PM, there is HONestly no way Fr. Paul Gofigan will be able to walk the picket line with us. It would be considered disrespectful to the Apostolic Administrator and jeopardize the newly-established "restoration" of his reputation and good name.

      The best Fr. Paul can do is to publicly acknowledge that Tim Rohr and JungleWatch provided him a means of garnering support for his cause.

      Without this blog and Tim Rohr — who eventually compiled all the posts related to Fr. Paul's removal from SBCC into the book Target Equals Priest and distributed it FREE — AND without the Restore Priests demand by LFM/CCOG, which have helped keep him in the the public eye while he waited "patiently" for his case to be resolved by "Rome," I seriously doubt that Fr. Paul would be celebrating the "restoration" of his reputation and good name today.

    6. Prayers from a distance and not unfriending him. Hmm.

    7. Not to be rude Senator Bob; when I said "prayers from a distance" I meant that I grew up in the village of Dededo, left for military service in the late 80's (served 22 years) and now work in California. Guam is still my home and will eventually will retire there. Praying for peace and the demise of the NEO Cult in Guam and the Mariana Islands.

    8. What did you mean when you said "I will not stoop to the level of the NEO Cult by abandoning him?"

    9. If you need an answer to this Senator, then I see that you have selective reading on the issues regarding this NCW/NEO Cult. Tim and Chuck have received and shared many stories of how former members were hurt when they left the NCW.

      When we unfriend Pale' Paul on facebook; are you implying that we do the same when Jesus thru the Sacraments given thru Pale' Paul should also be unfriended. Think about what ANON@2:06 is saying. Peace.

    10. Bob does not appear to be asking you to unfriend Paul, he appears to be asking you whether or not Paul's obvious attack on Tim on his Facebbok matters to you.

    11. Yes it does matter. I witnessed first hand on what happened on Facebook which led Tim to end this blog. Both of them are dear friends as I have known them since the 80's. We need more people like Tim who have sacrificed a lot to uncover the unending web web of lies associated with the NEO/NCW. But we must not forget people like Pale' Paul who are instruments of Gods Sanctifying Grace thru the Sacraments.

    12. Richard, that's why Tim dug so deep to defend a priest who was so viciously attacked by Apuron and now placated by Hon's soft words and figurative pat on the head. Priests are essential to out faith. No one has forgotten priests, certainly not Tim.

      If a priest cannot assist the efforts of others to protect priests he should try not to impede those efforts.

    13. I agree Bob. Thanks for reminding us of past and future sacrifices that are essential in making things right. God bless everyone.

  6. Settle down everybody. Pipe down. Say "Cheese"!


  7. Evil entered hearts of our clergy. In the process as our priests destroy each other ncw get stronger united together. Shame on our clergy.

  8. I agree with Tim Rohr that the issue is much larger than Fr. Gofigan. And although Father may not have intended his words of respect and patience to be taken in the way I am about to describe, the advice is still worth following. If you respect the person you are in a struggle with, you are more likely to keep the struggle focused on the issues instead of being side-tracked by name-calling and ad hominem attacks. As for patience, some of the issues are now in the hands of adjudicating authorities or the court system: Keep up the pressure, but know that it may take time for the machinery to crank out a judgment.

    1. Yes, keep up the pressure. But just to be clear, there is no "investigation" into the survivors' accusations or into the extent of clerical sexual abuse. No survivors have been contacted by "Rome", and I doubt that they ever will be. The Church wants this to die down as soon as possible.

    2. That's Exactly what I mean Chuck>>> I am running out of Patience and Respect...Nobody seems to care about the Victims...all talk but haven't seen any action...

    3. There are no "authorities."

  9. It's true God doesn't always give us what we want but those boys especially my son sonny doesn't deserved what Apuron did to them want to talk about Patience and Respect?!?!? like Tim said,Get over yourselF!!

    1. Thankyou Doris. This is about the victims. Justice for all victims of clergy sex abuse. This is about justice for sonny who is unable to fight for justice himself.

  10. as i have said before, hon is good at saying nothing, and have it sound so good, with his words hon is showing how power is yielded, as viewed by most people hon has just saved the spiritual lives of the two men for whom the Catholics of Guam use to distinguish the bad verses good priest...

    to me, all hon has done is replace the old leash (apuron), with a new (hon) version that is retractable, and that Msgr James and Fr. Paul, are free to prove themselves worthy of the charity that hon has bestowed to them...

  11. Unbelievable! If it wasn't for Tim Rohr giving you honorable mention, you'd still be sweating it out. Stop patting yourself in the back and give credit where credit is due then shut up! Taimamalao!

    1. If it wasn't for Tim Rohr Apuron would still be here .

    2. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJuly 31, 2016 at 12:01 PM

      Anonymous at 4:37 PM, thank you for acknowledging that If it wasn't for Tim Rohr, Apuron would still be here. Unfortunately nobody seems to know where in the world he is at this point in time (Poland, maybe?) but he's not here. Whether he will return is a question in everyone's mind. The Apostolic Administrator seemed to be dropping hints that Apuron would be returning to the island in triumph, having been "exonerated" as Luis Camacho allegedly was.

      Also, If it wasn't for Tim Rohr, the injustices done by Apuron to Fr. Paul Gofigan in July 2013 and Msgr. James Benavente in July 2014 would have been news for a couple of news cycles and then forgotten. When Fr. Paul was removed in 2013 people were upset but too afraid to demonstrate their displeasure, refusing to sign the petition being circulated requesting Apuron to reinstate him at SBCC. But when Msgr. James was removed the following year, people came to his defense, prayer vigils were held on his behalf and an online petition was started requesting his reinstatement (an online petition for Fr. Paul was also started in the hopes of getting both priests reinstated). Today their good names have been "restored" but neither has been reinstated to their former positions — but it is not for the lack of effort by Tim Rohr via this blog.

      Also, If it wasn't for Tim Rohr, the laity would still be sitting around waiting for "Rome" or our priests to right the wrongs done by Apuron. Instead we now have three Laity Groups — Concerned Catholics of Guam (CCOG), Laity Forward Movement (LFM) and Silent No More (SNM) — armed with information from this blog and who are committed to raising awareness of as well as generating actions to correct the issues in the Archdiocese. CCOG began as a faceless group with their request for financial transparency in July 2014 and "morphed" into names and faces recognizable in the community, conducting village meetings to educate the laity about the ills of the archdiocese. From that group sprang LFM, starting with a handful of ladies praying daily outside the gates of the Chancery during the 2015 Lenten Season … the LFM has grown from a handful to a much larger number picketing every Sunday 0900-0945 carrying signs reflecting the issues introduced by CCOG during their informational meetings. From the involvement in CCOG and LFM activities came Silent No More (SNM), a group committed to give survivors of sexual abuse at the hands of clergy a fighting chance for Justice via the Court System by requesting the Guam Legislature to lift the Statute of Limitations for civil litigation.

      There are so many more "If it wasn't for Tim Rohr …" accomplishments that could be listed …

      But I HONestly believe that If it wasn't for Tim Rohr the Cancer that is known as the NeoCatechumenal Way (NCW) would have continued to spread UNCHECKED until the Complete Takeover of the Archdiocese of Agana would be accomplished under the Reign of Corruption and Terror of Anthony Sablan Apuron as he continued to ordain malformed presbyters being cranked out of the Presbyter Factory known as the Redemptoris Mater Seminary (RMS).

      Thanks to the level of awareness raised by Tim Rohr and his JungleWatch blog, the world is watching to see our small island fight against that international and powerful organization with unlimited financial resources (NCW) as well fight for Justice for the Survivors of Anthony Sablan Apuron's Sexual Assaults. It's a David and Goliath Story — our tiny island ("David") going up against the NCW ("Goliath"), one of the most powerful organizations within the Church with many of her Cardinals who are drunk on KAKA (Kiko ArgĂĽello's Kool Ade).

      And we continue to fight.

      St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle …
      St. Athanasius, pray for us!

  12. Father Gofigan and Msgr. Benavente, please do not breathe a sigh of relief, so soon! Although this is an old adage: “actions speak louder than words” and even louder than mere verbal promises, nevertheless, it is the truth! All we’ve heard for two months are words, words, words and have seen no relevant, convincing or credible actions until Hon was served his court summons! And you’re comfortable with that?

    Hon’s attempt to refuse and to accept the court documents served him is also telling about his lack of respect and consideration for our local court system! No, we’re not budging! The faithful will continue forging on and are bent on purging our beloved local Catholic Church of skeletons and cover-ups; and we have the investigative works of Tim R, Chuck W, and Bob K. and the persistence of CCOG and the LFM to thank.

    Faithful of Guam, now we need your support: PEOPLE POWER SUPPORT! Please join us Sundays from 9 to 9:45AM in front of the Cathedral!

  13. Fr. Paul, mama said "don't count your chickens until they hatch." Junglewatch-I'm thinking it's been pretty quiet with Archbishop Hon not mention about the neo's. With all these distractions wondering if their making plans to move in to Guam permanently while nobody is watching. Don't trust the guy.

  14. Remember that one of the tools NCW uses I'd deflection. All this is a deflection. Something else is abrewing. Be on your guard, faithful Catholics. This is yet a bone that has been tossed to us. As usual, it's a ruse.

  15. "Patience and Respect" is how you may feel Fr. Paul regarding Archbishop Hon's handling of the problems that are occurring in our archdiocese, but I'm afraid most of the true Catholic faithful have run out of both. How much patience can we bear not knowing anything about Apuron's status. For all we may know, the powers that be may be preparing for his return to Guam. Heaven forbid that this would happen because I can't see this being acceptable in any way. As far as the investigation of Apuron is concerned, can anyone at the Chancery really say that a real investigation is occurring especially when none of the victims have ever been contacted by any Rome official. Let's face it, there is no investigation going on. Like someone said earlier, Rome just wants this problem is die down and go away. Also, nothing to date has been said about whether the Neocatechumenal Way is conducting themselves legitimately in terms of following true and approved liturgical practices. How about that farce of a seminary that has resulted in 17 seminarians being ordained priests who are questionably formed to carry out ministerial duties. Are we going to see further ordinations in the near future and if so, who's going to perform the ordinations, Archbishop Hon? This would certainly show where he stands with regard to the Neo orgainzation.

    There is still the unanswered question of who definitively owns the RMS property in Yona. Archbishop Hon in his interview with KUAM stated that it belongs to the Archdiocese of Agana "no doubt". Can he believed or is this another lie in the continuing series of lies the Catholic Faithful have been fed.

    With regard to respect Fr. Paul, I see now how respectful you are towards Archbishop Hon and while I can understand this to an extent, please don't infer that we all should feel the same way. While I respect the office he holds, I have yet to see anything he' really done to gain my respect. What would gain the respect of the Catholic faithful is for Hon to be open and upfront with the people in diseminating information the people are entitled to know, for example the recommendation to Rome that Archbishop Apuron is totally unfit to resume his office as Archbishop of Agana and should be immediately removed and that he should be forced to return to Guam and face up to his accusers and properly defend himself through the proper legal means. After all, if he is innocent as he strongly claims, he should have nothing to fear.

    1. There really is no question about who owns the RMS property in Yoña. Apuron gave it to the Neocats. You may disregard Hon Doublespeak on the subject.

  16. Let's not start throwing stones at each other. In everyday living, we can all use extra Patience & Respect. Nothing wrong with that. We are all tired of waiting for the vatican to give us straight answers. We need a lot of patience & respect for our Holy See, and pray that he is not being blinded by his people whom he entrusted to tell him the truth,
    regarding the Archbishop leadership and character. God sees we have and will continue to fight for justice for our victims of sexual abuse, and to bring truth, accountability and unity to our Catholic universal church. Let's not judge or be over critical regarding Father Paul or Msgr. James and for all we know there may be new information they cannot share with us because of their vow of obedience. Let's not be divided, let's continue to fight together for OUR CHURCH AND OUR PRIESTS.

    1. Yes. Patience is a virtue. Eventually the Vatican gets it right. Eventually.

      Galileo was tried and convicted of heresy in 1633 and kept under house arrest until his death. Eventually the pope issued the following statement:

      "Thanks to his intuition as a brilliant physicist and by relying on different arguments, Galileo, who practically invented the experimental method, understood why only the sun could function as the centre of the world, as it was then known, that is to say, as a planetary system. The error of the theologians of the time, when they maintained the centrality of the Earth, was to think that our understanding of the physical world's structure was, in some way, imposed by the literal sense of Sacred Scripture...."

      — Pope John Paul II, L'Osservatore Romano N. 44 (1264) – November 4, 1992

      I hope we all have the patience to wait 359 years.

    2. Anonymous, patience, respect, obedience are nice sounding words. Fr. Paul was told resign or face a more arduous and painful termination of his assignment. Apuron told him that he might be able to a more charitable bishop somewhere else. Was it patience, respect, obedience that caused Apuron to allow Fr. Paul to stay on as a priest in residence? Or was it all the HELL that time and others, but mostly time raised in support of Fr. Paul and opposition to Apuron's evil? It's good that you are now standing up for Fr. Paul, Mr. Anonymous, providing and abundance of gratuitous advice to the rest of us.


      Anonymous, patience, respect, obedience are nice sounding words. Fr. Paul was told to resign or face a more arduous and painful termination of his assignment. Apuron told him that he might be able to find a more charitable bishop somewhere else. Was it patience, respect and obedience that caused Apuron to allow Fr. Paul to stay on as a priest in residence? Or was it all the HELL that Tim and others, but mostly Tim, raised in support of Fr. Paul and in opposition to Apuron's evil? It's good that you are now standing up for Fr. Paul, Mr. Anonymous, providing an abundance of gratuitous advice to the rest of us.

  17. Let us continue pray for Fr. Paul and Msgr. James. And let us also be patient with them. They have been so thirsty for Justice for so long that the few drops of water Hon flicked their way was, for them, better than nothing! But, they are intelligent men, and will quickly realize that they've been had by Hon, the Con Man.

  18. I take it back don't post that last comment about everyone being bullies. It was said out of anger. I would live with guilt and suffer much from it if you publicize it. So I beg you.. please don't approve that post.

  19. Action speaks louder than words and that's what's lacking with this archdiocese.

  20. One of the hard and sad things many will have to face as this battle wears on is whether or not they are committed to the truth or to their friends. THIS is one of those moments. Leave the fight now if it is the latter.

    1. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJuly 30, 2016 at 10:53 PM

      I'm IN because I'm committed to The Truth — as uncomfortable and/or unpleasant as it may be now and in the days to come … even if the days stretch into weeks, months or years.

      On 25 July 2013 the post The Apuron-Gofigan Affair was introduced with these words:
      "It is important that we keep the story straight as this proceeds because it affects us all. I am going to use this blog post to recount and repost information that is already public and to also clarify things as we go along. There have already been several misperceptions about what is going on and as Catholics we must not be misled on this very important issue. Fortunately, Fr. Gofigan has personally clarified some of the points on his own and the Archdiocese has responded publicly with its side, so we're not kept guessing. This blog will catalog the documents and statements that are already public and provide a synopsis."

      From the very beginning, Tim, you and your blog have been committed to disseminating The Truth … and that is all we have ever needed.

      Thank you and God bless you, Tim!

    2. The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil. The Tragedy of our time is that those who still believe in honesty lack fire and conviction, while those who believe in dishonesty are full of passionate conviction.
      -Fulton J. Sheen

      Count me in.
