Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon? Did you apologize and ask forgiveness in the name of the Church which you represent? Is that what you did?
Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon? Did you apologize and ask forgiveness of those men and that mother who stood crying in the street because of what a bishop of this church did to them? Is that what you did?
Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon? Did you apologize and ask forgiveness for the representative of the Church who not only wounded their tender bodies and minds but called them malicious liars and threatened to sue them? Is that what you did?
Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon? Is that what you did the morning you walked out to make nice with the protesters and turned your back on Walter Denton? Is that what you did?
Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon? Did you apologize and ask forgiveness for the unjust decrees issued by your chancery against Catholics who would dare to speak up about the evils and injustices in this diocese? Is that what you did?
Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon? Did you apologize and ask forgiveness for your chancery's threat to sue the CCOG, me, and anyone associated with me or the CCOG on May 13:
"...the Archdiocese of Agana is in the process of taking canonical measures with the Sacra Rota – the competent canonical tribunal – and filing civil lawsuit against those perpetrating these malicious lies." ARCHDIOCESE OF AGANA - MEDIA STATEMENT - MAY 13, 2016
Is that what you did?
Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon? Did you apologize and ask forgiveness for your chancery's treatment of a mother weeping over her dead son, accusing her of spreading "malicious and calumnious accusations?"
"Another malicious and calumnious accusation against the Archbishop has surfaced; this time from the mother of a man who has been deceased for eleven years." ARCHDIOCESE OF AGANA - MEDIA STATEMENT - MAY 31, 2016
Is that what you did?
Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon? Did you apologize and ask forgiveness for the same accusation against me in the same media release:
"Tim Rohr and his associates launched a vicious and calumnious attack on the Archbishop and the Church." ARCHDIOCESE OF AGANA - MEDIA STATEMENT - MAY 31, 2016
Is that what you did?
Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon, when again in the same media statement your chancery threatened to sue all of us...again?
"Therefore, the Archdiocese of Agana is in the process of taking canonical and legal measures against those perpetrating these malicious lies."
Is that what you did?
Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon? Did you apologize and ask forgiveness for Adrian Cristobal's public and vicious attack on Deacon Steve Martinez on June 3, 2016? Is that what you did?
Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon? Did you apologize and ask forgiveness for Adrian Cristobal's public lies about me in the same statement wherein he attempts to harm my professional credibility and the means by which I support and feed my family?
"Tim Rohr however had a personal interest in this plan and was supposed to be involved in this multi million dollar sale as a real estate mediator."
Is that what you did, Archbishop Hon? Is that what you did?
Or have you joined yourself to these threats from YOUR CHANCERY to use the power of the Church to prosecute and sue and silence all of us who dare stand up for the people crying in the street?
And you DARE to speak as you do today in the Umatuna, lecturing us about how wrongdoings cannot be addressed by lawsuits and passing certain bills, while your own chancery has first threatened us multiple times to do exactly that! What the hell, Hon? What the hell?
Archbishop Hon, there was NO WILL or DESIRE on any of our parts to sue or introduce legislation until we saw how YOU treated us. NEVER asking for forgiveness. NEVER reaching out. NEVER apologizing. NEVER. NEVER. NEVER.
We are only suing because YOU HAVE ALREADY THREATENED TO SUE US. And given that you have the unlimited resources of the Church to hurt us, our only defense is an offense. We have lives, families, and children to protect. You will eat well, sleep well, and live well, no matter the outcome of this. For you it's back to Rome, to tea and crumpets on the piazza while you leave in your wake a pile of wounded and weeping lives.
You are a FAILURE Hon, another poor excuse of a prelate amongst the vast parade of pathetic prelates who are marching our Church to the gates of hell and souls be damned.
ReplyDeleteWHAT! "People may be led to the belief that wrongdoings may be solved simply by lawsuits or the passage of certain bills."
ReplyDeleteEXCUSE ME! How Else Are We Supposed to Fix the Problems When You Have Done NOTHING! You have been here for over a month and what have you done except form committees. After reading the Umatuna, I am thinking You Are One of the Problems! I just watched three videos on YouTube posted by someone and it thoroughly explained that you "Old Men" in the Vatican need to go! Protecting Bishops and Clergy who abuse and molest children are disgusting! What is this World Coming To?
Where are the Bishops and Priests whose first obligation is to take care of their congregation by providing God's Teachings!
I Love My Catholic Church and Will Never Abandon It Because of the Clergy Whose First Commandment is to get all the "Worldly Goods" they can! You Cannot Take With You!
Is under investigation, your assuming Archbishop is guilty? Bias heart will lead you no where!
Delete10:53 AM - Your English and sentences are getting better but Yes - I am not "assuming Archbishop is guilty? - I KNOW THAT HE IS! No "Bias Heart" and Yes - I am Being Lead Somewhere - Not "no where" - to get Apuron "Defrocked"!
DeleteProve it 3:04 AM.
DeleteAB Hon
3:41 PM - If you are not being funny - Have You Listened to the Victims' Voices and Seen Their Faces? Why would they put themselves into a situation that put their wives, children, families, and friends in the limelight if the accusations are not true? What is it going to take to convince you that apuron did all these evils things?
DeleteAll the sex abuse victims of apuron originally wanted from apuron was apuron's acknowledgment of his crime and to express remorse for what he did and ask the victims for their forgiveness. Instead, apuron, et al, called his sex abuse victims liars. I now say, to Mr. Denton, Mr. Quintanilla, Mrs. Concepcion and Mr. Sondia: SUE APURON and ALL OTHERS INVOLVED (including HON) for everything they've got!
ReplyDeleteHas Hon even asked to speak to any of the victims or to Tim or to CCOG? Or is everything filtered through his handlers? To be that high in the Curia, I'm more than a little surprised at how babe-in-the-woods he is during his little adventure. Or is that just an act?
No - he has not spoken to the Victims, the LFM, Tim, and the CCoG! And Yes - It is an Act as to why he is here! If confronted, I am not sure he will be able to handle the TRUTH about apuron's evil deeds! As long as he does not hear it first hand, it is not true!
DeleteOkay, now I'm pissed off. AB Hon, did anyone from your side of the fence ask for forgiveness. NO! Did anyone from where you sit say "I am sorry for the things I have done"? No! Since you run around our island clueless, let me help you, the answer is "NO"!! Have you shown mercy to Father Paul? No! Have you shown mercy to Monsignor James? No! You were sent here Seda Plena!! It means that the previous guy was "incapacitated"! Why was that? Have you stopped to ask? How is someone who can walk, talk, and have all bodily functions be deemed "incapacitated"? That's because he screwed up our local church!! You were sent here to fix his mistakes!! Do your job! You have the power!! You sure are liberal with someones else butt. Did you get raped when you were a child??!!! (My apologies to Walter) Did you speak to the victims when they brought these issues out in the open? No! Is the lawsuit about sexual molestation? No! The lawsuit is because those with the "power" called these people "Liars"! You have been here a whole month! For someone who is supposedly handpicked by the Pope you have shown us NOTHING!! Don't insult our people further by your idiotic lectures on power, mercy and forgiveness when you have not shown any!!! Laws and legislation are supposed to be designed to protect those that have no voice. The legislation being presented is to protect children from pedophiles!! Do I need to translate that for you?? I will type slower now so that you can understand. You have failed in the eyes of the people. You are as useless as the one before you. Respect is earned and you have not earned one iota of our respect. New message Hon, not to be confused with a term of endearment, "HON GO HOME!!" BTW when we lift the statute of limitations on child sex abuse, sure hope you didn't cover up for anyone. "HON GO HOME!!"
ReplyDeleteCan You Explain "Your Power" Now! Remember, We Have the Knowledge - You Have the Power! This is a "Show Me" Generation so - "Show Me Your Power!
DeleteHouston calling to Hon. Come back to earth.
ReplyDeleteAB Hon has shown that it really wasn't necessary for Rome to send him here. The "chair" could have been left vacant and the results wouldn't have differed much—except that the Umatuna wouldn't show us insults like this.
ReplyDelete0900-0945 at the Cathedral.
Hon, you should be ashamed of yourself! You're not helping at all. You're only making things worse. For shame!
ReplyDeleteCathedral today at 9AM, bring your signs!
ReplyDeleteSo much have been done in the first two weeks needed, as claimed, in achieving "Unity". It's a lie, a huge let down? Just a wishful thinking were Guam is concern. One day "Unity" will return to our Churches. For now, carry on with the cleaning in the churches. Unity will come later?
ReplyDeleteSuggested edit to OP, fourth paragraph from bottom:
ReplyDeleteAnd you DARE to speak as you do today in the Umatuna, lecturing us about how wrongdoings cannot be addressed by lawsuits and passing certain bills, while your own chancery has first threatened us multiple times to do exactly that! What the hell, Hon? What the hell?
I'm always amazed at clerics whose hands and mouth consecrating the Body of Christ every day, use the same hands and mouth to accurately avoid doing the simple right things they're clearly required to do.
ReplyDeleteHon had the power to roar like a lion, went on braying like a donkey, ended up bleating like a sheep. What will happen when he'll have to report to our Lord? «B-but, I did Prayer Vigils, and even asked for Unity...»
OMG! You speak with a forked tongue AB Hon! GO back to Rome! Your written words qualifies you as one of the 1-50 DOES.
ReplyDeleteI'll ask the same question about Archbishop Hon that I've been asking for years about Archbishop Apuron: "Who the hell is giving this guy advice??"
ReplyDeleteHON,notice that very few people call you by your title? You have quickly lost the simple respect that a man of your position normally gets. And you've only been here about a month! What names will you be called in the next few?
ReplyDeleteThat's the most salient point I've read all week. Well done.
DeleteWhen will this HONeymoon be over?
ReplyDeleteHon: Your smoke and mirror trick is not working and will never work here on Guam. JUST LEAVE.
ReplyDeleteThe next paragraph in the Umatuna after the one Tim Rohr posted applies, I think, to Archbishop Hon's cross-road: with respect to the victims of sexual abuse robbed of their dignity, will he be Levite or Samaritan? Until now, more Levite than Samaritan. Pray that he still becomes the Samaritan.
ReplyDeleteThe irony would be humorous if it weren't so tragic.
DeleteGood people: please. Archbishop Hon is trying, there is much being done behind the scenes. And remember as good Christians we believe that NO ONE is perfect, not even the holiest man on Earth nor the most politically experienced. Allow God's Grace to work through you to be an instrument in addressing the issues plaguing our archdiocese. Please do not continue to refuse our unification. Christ has never allowed his Church to go astray.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know that God is not working through us who are holding Hon accountable? You don't. You are right. There is a lot going on behind the scenes. I happen to know what it is. Go away. This is for grown ups.
DeleteIndegno, ". . . much is being done behind the scenes?!" The people want transparency. There is a reason why the statue of "Justice" is blindfolded and has a scale in one hand and a sword in the other. Justice must not take sides (the blindfold), but based on the truth and the facts and the overwhelming evidence before Her, she is expected to be fair (the balanced scale in one hand)in meting/dispensing just punishment, and to do so swiftly (the sword). This is what the people, the laity of Guam, expect from you, Archbishop Hon. Instead, you are doing a Rodney King on us, "Can we all just get along?" Do you really thin these pastoral visits, these committees made up entirely of the Clergy will accomplish what the laity is asking. The collective wisdom of the people of Guam, the majority of Catholic Faithful, is far greater than that of one man (YOU). There are members of the Clergy we do not trust, and yet you still think they will do you good. This approach of yours to return the Catholic Church to calmness and serenity will not work, unless you are wanting to be like a hamster, just running inside a wheel going nowhere. You are naive and out of touch with reality. So sad that you have to be the one sent here to do a job that is beyond your capabilities.
DeleteThese people are either living under a rock or in isolation, do you not recall that Hon was here last year? Did any of our troubles that existed last year get fixed? If he did not do anything to help us back then, and we have been patient for a year, can you expect him to deliver anything different this time around? Since his arrival, Has Hon or any clergy in the Catholic Church in Guam extended compassion to the victims who have come forward accusing apuron of sex abuse? There are four victims, how many more are necessary, before they act? Does it cost anything? It is not an admission of guilt that we are asking for, however if there are people hurting, it is not the church by her actions that should be the teacher of compassion? Hon, put your money where your mouth is, practice what you preach, and what you write to the church, be the example for all of us to follow. You should be teaching by your actions...
DeleteIdegno: first truth, then justice, then unity. Attempting unity without truth and justice is just a sneaky attempt to sweep things under the rug. That's corruption, and we've been there, done that.
DeleteI don't doubt that Hon is working behind the scenes. Yes, pretty much like Tony, Adrian, Lurch, and the stinking monk, Pius. Hon has not shown anything yet to make us believe that he's trying to get rid of those responsible for the turmoil in our archdiocese. What he has shown so far is his loyalty to the establishment and the NCW.
DeleteGo home Hon!! You're a DISMAL FAILURE and just adding insult to injury. We are not playing your game!
Lurch, where you at? Did you go without saying bye? Bye. Lurch, where arrrrrre youuuuu? Da, da, da, daaaa, snap, snap!
DeleteCW roger that ... Unity=truth+ justice.
DeleteHon, did you tell apuron to admit his sins and ask for forgiveness from his victims of sex abuse? Hon, did YOU, in your capacity as the admnistrative head of the Archdiocese of Agana, sede plana,ask for forgiveness from apuron's victims of sex abuse? I friking doubt it. And you dare to lecture us on admitting our sins and asking for forgiveness? apuron was once told that he (apuron) was the problem. Let me tell you, Hon, you too, are the problem. Taimamalao Hao!!
ReplyDeleteHon, you're not just a failure, you're a fake! About all you are good for is to serve as a bad example.
ReplyDeleteWhy a failure? Because the problems are fired priests who were also libeled in public, victims complains not addressed including not helping in the healing process, church property given to questionable church organization without Vatican's approval, other priests doing whatever they want to do without being fired, continuous allusions that Asa is the victim, etc.
ReplyDeleteHon's response: transfer priests, have priests who have done wrong in charge of committees investigating problems of their own doing, etc.
ReplyDeleteI think everything that needs to be said about Hon’s total ineptness and failure in his papal mission to bring healing to a suffering Church in Guam has been said, except for one more, I think – H Y P O C R I T I C A L! And yesterday’s (7/10/16) Umatuna “Message of the Apostolic Administrator” says it all. Today, using the parable of the Good Samaritan, he tells us what a true Christian should do, but does none of it himself. “Don’t do what I do (or don’t do); just do what I tell you” seems to be the theme of the Apostolic Administrator. HYPOCRITE! How can you see the speck in your brother’s eye, and not see the beam that is in yours! Have YOU YOURSELF done any of the things you are asking us to do – forgiveness, mercy, love, compassion – towards the victims of our suffering Church?
Other than “Kumbaya” prayer vigils, formation of fancy-named committees, superficial reorganization of your “curia”, arrogant display of authority (“I have the power”), template-like publication of your weekly schedule to tell us you have been busy, parochial visitations (more like social visits than pastoral reviews of morals and doctrines and didactic homilies to your sheephold) – what have you really done to address the problem of disunity within the Church? What?
Have you – for example – taken the trouble to find out exactly wherein lies the cause of DIVISION WITHIN THE CHURCH, before you can begin to address its solution? The division is not geographic, political, ethnic, economic, social, etc. – it’s not even sexual (egregious as this latter topic is)! You know the answer! DIVISION IN FAITH, AND ITS PRACTICE THEREOF! But you dare not say that that is the cause of the problem, right? Might get you in trouble with your boss, Cardinal Filoni. Reminds me of a U.S. politician who refuses to call “Islamic terrorism” for what it really is! Are you following my drift? Address this problem headlong with resoluteness, and you might hit a homerun! But I know you won’t, because it goes against the grain of your real mission – right?
Like the proverbial doctor who tells his patient “take an aspirin, and see me in the morning”, you are satisfied with throwing crumbs at the birds (us), hoping to appease them momentarily. You are satisfied at addressing the pain by prescribing pain killer pills, but not interested in truly determining what is causing the pain, and how to cure it. Address the cause, not the symptoms! Are you still not following my drift? A word to the wise is sufficient!
Until such time as you can convince yourself, Archbishop, that you are really missing the boat in your actions/inactions in trying to bring peace and unity to our Church, you are simply going around in circles. Better to throw the towel in, and ask the Pope to re-assign you back to Rome where the bureaucracy flourishes – including the hiding of sexual abuse by the clergy, especially a bishop! Tell the Pope “I’ve had it with this job! Get me outta here! Get somebody else to do it!”. Perhaps, then, there might be “peace in the valley”.
Hon – Go home! (jrsa: 7/11/16)
Brothers and sisters, Hon real mission (as dictated by his boss back in Rome) is to DENY, MINIMIZE, BLAME and RESHUFFLE.
DeleteDONE, now go home, HON!!
Archbishop Hon, as with all bishops, you are the living image of God the Father. Be then in the person of Christ. Your sacred power is none other than that of Christ. Love yourself least and serve others. Remember, concern for his flock is proof of love for him. This is your Holy Order. The last bishop who represented "servus tuus" did so sinfully.
ReplyDeleteAB Hon, Tell us about these new parish surveys...will they be distributed the same WAY the appointments were set up when you came out with the team back in January? Did you think we forgot how all that went? Since then the division has gotten worse. Just who have really been giving you advice?
ReplyDeleteWill we who are not on the Island of Guam be able to see these parish surveys and will we be able to submit our opinions even if we are not there? I am very well connected with my Island of Guam, coming home as often as I can, and I feel that I should be part of the surveys concerning my True Catholic Churches on Guam! Please Advise!
DeleteClean it up AB Hon. From what we can see, the committees will not solve the problems. The social visits to parishes will not solve the problems. The lame surveys will not do it either. The re-organizations are lame. The cancerous advisors remain. At first I was considering giving you more time, but then you just had to attend that Gala to raise RMS funds. Yes, maybe you just better go home and tell Filoni Baloney about the sheep. Obviously you didn't see the sharp teeth during your last visitation.