KUAM: Archdiocese issues statement after news of complaint about finances
Just hours after the Archdiocese of Agana cleared Monsignor James Benavente of any wrongdoing, a complaint was filed by the Catholic Cemeteries of Guam, Inc. with the Guam Police Department and the Attorney General's Office. According to the complaint, Catholic Cemeteries alleges $13,000 was misused for Monsignor Benavente's 20th anniversary dinner in 2014. CONTINUED
Serious, yes. Ugly, yes. But, Hon, really!! The tough talk is over the top!
ReplyDeleteHoooo wrote this for Hon?? Jeff, did u do dat? Sounds like Edivaldo.
ReplyDeleteRead the letter. The tough talk is aimed at Jackie Terlaje. She is the one who filed the complaint against Msgr. James. This is one of the things that Hon did RIGHT! I'll back him on this.
DeleteI agree with Tim. These neocats seem to be always late to the party! Bill 326 passes into law and Eusebio comes out against it. Too late, Ric. Now Msgr. James is clear of all accusations by Apuron, and the trained lawyer files a complaint against him! It shows that the NCW seems to be run by very competent nincompoops who don't think rationally, and react when it's too late. The media should stop paying attention to these comments, statements, etc. from these people. But then again, what they say and do makes for good fodder in the news! I'd be embarrassed to be part of an organization with such foolish leaders. Let's go down the list of NCW leaders: Pius the Putrid; Eusebio the Dork; Jackie, the trained lawyer; Lurch; Adrian, the Gennarini's; Pochetti, and Apuron, the Manipulated. Makes for a great cast in a Mel Brooks movie!
DeletePlease do not forget my personal favorite: the tearful Dakon Tenorio plea and the Edivaldo fist pump, along with the amended version that highlighted the image of Our Lady instead of the translucent screen. Version #1 was far better.
DeleteAnd this trained lawyer appointed herself to represent the archdiocese? Lol is she THAT STUPID?
ReplyDeleteShe caught the stupid bug from Dr Eusebio. Let's hope it stays just within the communities!
DeleteBUT, the question is: are the charges null and void? Or will Msgr Benavente still have to clear himself?
ReplyDeleteAND, what exactly will Hon do to the person(s) who did this? So far so good, AB Hon. Don't stop now!
My first reaction after reading this was to call the trained lawyer "Idiot!" but, like Dr. Eusebio, I'd be insulting idiots!
ReplyDeletePlease identify these Cemeteries board members.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the documents provided to the media by Jackie Terlaje:
DeleteDennis Santo Tomas, Chairperson
Roland San Agustin, Vice Chairperson
Jacqueline Taitano Terlaje, Secretary
Lillian Perez-Posadas, Director
Wayne Santos, Director
Rev. Jose Alberto Rodriguez, Administrator
Dennis Santo Tomas is their chairman! Get out of this, Dennis! Don't ruin your reputation as a distinguished retired Army officer with the Guam National Guard! You stay with this bunch of neocats, and you'll lose all respect from the greater Guam Community!
DeleteLike how the tables have turned against the Neos. They preach excommunicate Tim for disobedience..lol I wonder if they will recommend the same for the board of directors.
ReplyDeletevindictive jackie
vindictive terlaje
vindictive jackie terlaje
mrs vindictive terlaje
mrs vindictive jackie terlaje
vindictive trained lawyer
jt terlaje vindictive esq.
I'm having a time, with a formal and proper way to address this empty vessel of a person, I think vindictive is the proper term to address her...
she could not wait to find trash on Msgr Benavente, from day one of the offical neo takeover of the cemetery... she was foaming at the mouth...
How moronic is this trained lawyer? Never mind, the document speaks for itself. Moron and Trained.....what a combination.
ReplyDeletewe must support Archbishop Hon when he acts in justice Truth.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Kudos to this Archdiocese for a swift response to Neo-run Catholic Cemeteries written complaint to the cops. In addition, the complaint was not routed through the proper channel within the Archdiocesan operations. It is obvious that the reason for the skipping the proper channel is because Jacquie-the-Trained-Lawyer knew it would not be approved by Fr. Hon or his staff to be sent out. Both the resolution and the timing of this move is to undermine the decision of Fr. Hon that invalidated the irregularities leveled against Fr. James in 2014. This is another of several acts of Neo leadership and clergy thumbing their nose at Fr. Hon. Another reason for me to say: it's time for the NCW to get out of Guam!
DeleteFriends it is important to read documents Tim publishes. Archbishop Hon is directing his statement towards the trained lawyer. she had no business filing this case without the consent of Archbishop Hon who is responsible for all administrative affairs of the See of Agana Guam. A decree of suspencion should immediately be imposed by Archbishop Hon on all involved in this malicious evil vindictive action. Thankyou Tim.
ReplyDeleteher intent is very clear, had to pour salt over the wound, she like eusebio feel the waters must remain muddy to be relevant...
DeleteThe trained lawyer clearly shows that her allegiance is only to Apuron. The allegations that Apuron charged Monsignor Benavente were all dropped and now these new allegations all of a sudden show up? Something is very wrong here. We just pray that Archbishop Hon does the right thing and disciplines the individual(s) responsible for the defiance against the Catholic Church without proper knowledge and authorization.
DeleteNot new allegations, Mr Terlaje. This is the same thing that showed up 2 years ago. I wonder if Jackie will release a new/old allegation every week or so just to remind us what stupid looks like.
DeleteRemember, the Jacquie-the-Trained-Lawyer and the Neo leadership have a history of doctoring documents as done in the 2011 RMS deed. In light of that history and in the way the NCW operates, I don't trust their back-up documentations.
DeleteJanet B. Thank you for the clarification. The trained lawyer didn't like the Apostolic Administrator's findings that the allegations were all bogus, so she took it to the next level. I guess the old saying is true that some spoiled kids never grow up. lol!
DeleteJackie Terlaje laid an egg. That, my friends, is what stupid looks like. So tired of reading about her stupidity. For those who were dumb enough to retain her as your lawyer, jump ship now. Get better representation and then sue her for falsely representing herself as a lawyer, a trained one at that. What she has done borders on the unethical and shows her incompetence as a lawyer. She should not be practicing law in Guam. She must be reported to the Guam Bar Association and disbarred immediately.
ReplyDeleteBy getting the Cemetery board to act collectively and unanimously, she seems to have insulated herself from Bar sanctions.
DeleteAs Tim points out in a subsequent post, the procedural validity of the Cemetery Board action is premised on the fact that they did in fact consent as written.
DeleteIf not, all bets are off.
The factual truthfulness of the complaint, and any intentional omission of known material facts, are separate issues.
Seems to me like Jackie represents apuron and they have their families for apuron backing and covering up all their stupid actions. The put down anyone who goes against apuron because he's an archbishop but they are hypocrites cause the go against the apostolic administrator who was designated by the pope. So who really is running this church?
ReplyDeleteStupid. Where is the voting record of the Board or at least where are their signatures lending credibility to the complaint?
ReplyDeleteI believe that the Trained Lawyer knew that this action would be futile and invalid but was instructed to go ahead and submit a complaint for public record. Whether the complaint has merit or not, it is now placed in history as a further attempt to smear Monsignor James.
It was an act of desperation by the NCW.
I smell a stinky monk.
DeleteDark Cloud / Silver Lining
ReplyDeleteDesperation and fear is causing certain people to lash out and destroy anything and anyone seen as a threat to their power and position. / The whole world is watching as our local church is cleansed of the filth and corruption that has plagued us for too long.
Andrew – It is refreshing, indeed, to see silver linings coming out through the dark clouds. I, too, am glad to see AB Hon taking some positive measures to correct some of the administrative wrongdoings of Apuron and his Neo operatives and cohorts (clearing Msgr Benavente and Fr Paul of their cases; making some meaningful shiftings of parochial assignments; assuring us of the Apuron case moving forward in the Vatican; quick action against the Neo attacks on Msgr Benavente re alleged improper spending of Cemetery funds for Monsignor’s anniversary; assigning a new Vocations Direector; perhaps others). Credit where credit is due – so Kudos to him on these actions.
DeleteI hope the issues of Cardinal Filoni’s meddling with the internal affairs of the local church over who has ultimate authority over the RMS, and over the archdiocese in general; the issue of the ownership of RMS; AND ESPECIALLY of addressing ridding our Catholic Church of the teachings and heresies and of aberrant liturgical practices of the NCW would be on his agenda of “things to do” next. These are actually the dividing factors affecting our Catholic community. (JRSA: 10/1/16)
Fire the entire hoard of directors.
ReplyDeleteFire the entire hoard of directors
ReplyDeleteHon did the right thing. God bless. Hon is now acting like a true archbishop.
ReplyDeleteThe Good, the Bad and here's the "UGLY". Jackie Terlaje coerced the board to file this frivolous complaint. Dennis time to speak up or join Ric in the KAKAroach brigade. Fr. Alberto where is your pastoral counsel to this board? Shame on you!
ReplyDeleteSlander ...gotcha��
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHafa Jackie the Jackass. You are a very vindictive person. Is this a practice of the neos? You are the reason why we hate the neos. This is what causes the division in my church. You are in the same league as lurch, no balls, apuron the molester, louie lips camacho, Carter, plus, eusabio, rudee and the rest of the neos.
ReplyDeleteSomeone is mad...looks like neos struck a nerve! Awesome! Letting it out is good for ya!
DeleteJackie you should be disbarred and the bar should be shoved up your ass.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all your work on blog. It is great work. Can I make a suggestion? Can you use google docs or pdf attachments instead of scribd? pretty please?
ReplyDeleteHear, hear!
DeleteScribd is not user friendly. Especially on cell phones.
As the pressure increases, the NEOS make more mistakes. If you continue with this counterattacks, they will soon start to fight between themselves. After all, it is time for the traditional Catholics to strike back by applying the Kiko's favorite principle "divide et impera".
ReplyDeleteDominican, just a point of clarification with your post: When we say that we are "traditional Catholics", there is assumed another group of Catholics who are not "traditional", and who are generally understood to be the Neocats. There is no comparison to make actually. We are the true Catholics. The Neocats are a cultish sect who have infiltrated our Archdiocese posing as Catholics (saying the Pope has approved our organization), yet they practice and teach a form of Jewish-Protestantism. In short, the Neocatechumenal Way organization is NOT Catholic. We are Catholics; they are not. So, let's not use the phrase "traditional Catholics" to describe us (the only Catholics) vs. them (the Neocats).
DeleteDear Anonymous, thank you for sharing your point of view. However, there are reasons why I stick to the term "traditional Catholics":
DeleteA) Though you consider yourself as a "true Catholic", the Neocats are spreading the idea that it is them who are the "true followers of Jesus Christ", while the others are heretics. As it looks like we are all "true Catholics" and "the only Catholics", for someone who is not well informed about the aims and modus operandi of the Neocats, it is quite confusing to find an exit towards the truth and figure out what is going on.
B)As the Neocats are formed in 1964 by the Neo-Communist agents and were infiltrated in the Catholic Church via epidemy of a "charismatic fever" which have weakened the Body of Christ after the Second Vatican Council, the Neocatechumenal Way is a hybrid phenomenon having no tradition. Their beliefs, values, catechism, psychosocial practices and liturgy are going into category known as an "invented tradition" (see the book of Terence Ranger and Eric Hobsbawm). Inventing of tradition was a common strategy of the Communists, aiming to distort the collective memory regarding ethnic, cultural and religious identity of some group of people. These invented traditions can, for example, manipulate consciousness of inheritors, completely discriminate the truth about their origins, overtake their tangible and intangible legacy and provoke the historical negationism, all in order to obtain the goals of the global politic leaders. To sum it up, the Neocats might have blessings of the Vatican and proclaim themselves to be the "true Catholics", but they are not the "traditional Catholics" and will never be. And that makes difference!
C)Speaking about the liturgy, there is a term of the "Traditional Latin Mass", making also clear distinction between what we had before and what we have after the Second Vatican Council. Briefly, the Vatican considers the modern "Novus Ordo Mass" to be "true" just as the "Traditional Latin Mass". They explain it as being an adjusted form of the traditional Mass which is made to facilitate the participation of the faithful during the liturgy. However, as it brought to an end the traditional unity of the Catholic Church which was obtained and persevered through the Latin liturgy, there emerged a possibility for the Neocats to introduce their hybrid liturgy into the Church. This forced "progression" of the liturgy in the 20th century reveals that there is a diabolic plan behind all this, aiming to destroy our faith in the Eucharistic Jesus and His real presence during the Holy Mass. That is why many are only now able to see the double meaning of the "Novus Ordo Mass", since for the Neocats it figures as a transitional form towards the Neocatechumenal liturgy, which itself pretends to become in the future the only "true worship" within the Catholic Church (though not traditional one). That would make Kiko's dream comes true, but would also perfectly fit into plan of the global politic leaders. To resist this plan, it is necessary to speak about our "tradition" and keep it alive... and never forget its root!
D)In regards with everything previously said, it is not possible to neglect the existing division among Catholics on the "traditionalists" and "modernists" (called also "progressivists" or "leftist", though these are actually "heretics"). Again, the Neocats for sure don't match the first group.
I hope this explains why I prefer to talk about "traditional Catholics", "traditional catechism" and "traditional liturgy".
Okay, here is Hon's chance to show he means business! All the names that appear on the letter should be disciplined! Let's see how immediate and appropriate his actions will be. The Bogeyman is raising his ugly head again. Hon can no longer ride the fence. The NCW see him as the enemy and between Eusebio, Terlaje and Pius, who may still be hiding at RMS, along with the disrespectful Neo leaders and Presbyters, Hon needs to put his foot down. This is so much fun! To see the Neos scrambling to try and maintain their legitimacy in the Diocese. Everything they built under Apuron is starting to crumble. Hon took too long in removing the Neos from all the niches that Apuron had placed them into. He needs to see that they will not respect him, since he came into this fray like a lamb. The wolves are starting to bite because he is taking all their toys away. After he ferrets them out then Hon needs to remove the fake priest from the parishes and put all the Presbyters in a rubber room where they cannot hurt themselves or others. The "Man" is moving at slug speed while everything around him is moving at warp speed. He was given the best advice yet he continues to ignore that advice. The attorney in training and all the names on the letter need to put out a public apology to Hon and Msgr Benavente or Hon will lose even more credibility. Esta!
ReplyDeleteMr. Santos, I'm in agreement I truly would like to see hon actually if not finally act in the capacity and authority of his assignment...
DeleteI've been waiting for the hammer to fall on david, adrian, and larry, for their concerted efforts in assisting apuron with his evil works, but nothing from hon...
At a minimum hon should at least acknowledge if he has found or not, the lost document, giving approval as claimed by apuron, but nothing from hon...
As you stated hon needs to get off that fence... and do his job...
As Joe has correctly pointed out before, "You just can't fix stupid!"
DeleteFat chance. Anyway ... aren't you suppose to move to Tinian?
DeleteHon is placed in a position of serving two masters, the Pope and the NCW. He is now seeing that it's best for him to heed pope Francis' directive. Let's continue to pray for our Church as we have serious and major work ahead.
DeleteThis is definitely characteristic of the bizarre letters the NCW springs up when things aren’t going their way. While many points (those between the lines) immediately jump at me when I read these NCW letters, the NCW practitioners don’t seem to see or understand what it is they are doing and how bizarre and even inexplicable the act. It is also insulting to the audience they wish to reach with the NCW’s assumption that the audience is comprised of idiots like them! With my limited knowledge about the NCW, I I have learned enough that (and have seen) that the local leadership moves robotically. We theorize that their acts continue to be orchestrated from afar by Pius or Genarinni or others. These “orders” sent by their faraway higher-ups are enacted upon by the local leadership without question. This is recently exemplified by (1) the recent formation of the Apuron fan club “Familian Mangatoliku Siha Pari Si Apuron” AFTER multiple credible allegations of child sexual abuse have been made public against him; (2) Ric Eusabio’s non-sensical interviews with the media commenting on the opposition to then-Bill 326-33 and how that bill wouldn’t have passed if Fr. Apuron were still at the helm of the archdiocese (how dumb and comical a statement was that!); (3) Following Fr. Jeff’s press conference identifying the NCW as a cause for local Church’s disunity, Ric Eusabio went into public defense through various media outlets of the greatness of NCW and the personal meaning it plays to stabilize his life as a cane stabilizes those who are wobbly (that is not a good public relations description of him and the NCW); (4) and then, of course, that bizarre sign on the RMS gate and related letter to Fr. Jeff by Fr. David-the-Lurch about no visits to the RMS by the Laity Forward Movement. Those are weird NCW acts and written communications just in the month of September alone! On the whole, these are orchestrated from above (and afar) by NCW leadership and executed blindly by those among the local NCW chosen to execute those commands.
ReplyDeleteAdd this Catholic Cemeteries resolution to that basket of bizarre! First, there is a mole in the Chancery that alerted the NCW that a public statement by the Archdiocese will be made declaring the 2014 accusations against Fr. James invalid. This letter to the cops and the enclosed resolution came swiftly after Fr. Jeff’s press conference. This submission could not have been prepared immediately after Fr. Jeff’s press conference. It was prepared with the advance knowledge that Jacquie was going to be invalidated, so there went a “command” from a higher-up to prepare a document to protect the validity of the 2014 Jacquie-the-trained-lawyer’s list of accusations against Fr. James. Second, as Fr. Hon stated, Catholic Cemeteries is an archdiocesan operation. Its Board can’t generate this type of resolution without consulting with and without the knowledge of the Fr. Hon and his staff, much less report it to the cops. It is a very extreme move. But, in a way, I’m glad she submitted this to the cops because I’m assuming an investigation of this matter will ensue and let that investigation uncover what it will uncover. Fr. James has nothing to hide. The NCW has plenty to hide. And while the authorities are “at it” with that investigation, they should also be an investigation on the finances and management of the Catholic Cemeteries since the take-over of Jackie-the-trained-lawyer and its Neo Board. The cemeteries have not been maintained as documented in JungleWatch in August. Third, look at the members of the cemeteries board --- they are Neos. This cemeteries resolution is further proof to Fr. Jeff’s press conference on Sept. 20th that the NCW is the main cause of disunity in the local Church. This is another opportunity for me to say: it’s time for the Neos to go! And, another reason for the Faithful to join the Sunday picket! We need a REAL bishop, one who is morally and sincerely invested in bringing the Church back to excellent health and one who is an excellent administrator.
Eloquently stated, Rose. You have enumerated even more silver linings around this dark cloud of the NCW.
DeleteWhat a shame on the NCW and their lawyer Jackie. Archbishop Hon needs to exercise his power from the Pope and take charge and remove all person(s) involve. We will support you Hon and stand by you as you stand up and protect our Church.
ReplyDeleteI hope Benavente gets David Lujan and fights Jackie and the Neo's.
ReplyDeleteMore reason why Hon should take Pal'e Mikes Request to put a halt on the Neo's so we can review what the heck is wrong with them.
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with the kikos?
DeleteLet's see. Oh, that's right ... too much kaka on the brain!
The recent skirmishes in September highly suggest that the NCW Cult will not give up the RMS without a fight.
ReplyDeleteEither in court on Guam, or at the highest levels of the Vatican.
There are several discrepancies mentioned in the complaint. Does anyone have information on how those charges might be better explained?
ReplyDeleteThe hotel? Is it the standard type of place clerics stay at?
The burial plots for friends and family? Gifts to family? Is this normal?
The payments for the anniversary dinner?
I know I'll take some flak for bringing up these questions but being blindly dismissive of what's just and right was one of the defining traits of Apuron's reign. If these allegations are valid, then we have a serious problem.
Msgr. James submitted 170 pages of documentation. According to Archbishop Hon, who was no supporter of James (I know), the documentation was found to be credible and the charges against James were found to be "not valid." This is addition to the very thorough analysis already presented by financial professionals such as Art Ilagan and Joseph Rivera.
DeleteAnonymous October 1, 2016 at 3:10 AM - Do you know first-hand or saw the allegations that you mentioned in your post or was it just told to you?
DeleteGossips start out small but by the time it comes around to you, it is a lot juicer and totally out of context.
Just Asking.
JDR at 6:41 AM, I can't help getting the impression that Anonymous at 3:10 AM is one of the KAKA-filled KikoBot members of Dr. Ric's Family for Apuron group. This regurgitation of charges regarding the hotel and burial plots for family and friends along with the payment for the anniversary dinner has been the song-and-dance of the Delusional Dingbat Diana and Cronies. Now they have Dr. Ric and Families to strum the guitars and sing along and Anonymous at 3:10 AM is just trying to learn the lyrics.
DeleteFrom Anon 3:10 AM:
DeleteI've heard accounts from both sides of the fence - both NCW and traditional Catholics. Diana has also recently posted about the matter. There were scans of checks that stated funds were used for Msgr. Benavente's anniversary celebration. I can't seem to locate those scans at the moment. Taken down perhaps?
Personally, I don't have any first-hand knowledge of the matter. I'm reading the same things everyone else is reading and possibly talking to the same people everyone else is talking to.
In light of recent events, transparency may ease our apprehension.
While in the Military, I maintained credit cards for purchases needed by my unit, my name was all over these documents and receipts even though I'm not the person using the items...
DeleteFor instance purchases of diesel fuel during convoys...
Purchases of food for troops delayed in convoy...
Like Mr./Mrs.Joe public, we reconcile when the bill arrives...
If GSA is expensive, were at home depot, office depot, even at costco, we are tax exempt, but we buy in bulk, and we buy local...
Even on temporary assignment, for school or training, we're issued military credit cards to pay for food, lodging and travel, even with diligent records, uncle sam wants justification for the purchase of bread and water... go figure...
Mary Lou - I am really very leery with Dr. Ric! In my opinion, this man has gone to the very deep end! How many families on Guam go to him for medical services? Oh My! And now we have Jackie Terlaje and her cohorts!
DeleteI am just so glad that things have come into light and we are being informed of what is happening in our True Catholic Churches on Guam and Bulala Si Yuus Ma'asi to Tim Rohr! I just wish I am there now to give physical moral support to you who have been fighting a very tough fight. But I am sure that We Will Soon Prevail!
Cheering the True Katolikus from Afar!
JDR at 8:53 AM, I have been a patient of Dr. Ric on 3 separate occasions — twice before I became aware of his NCW Connection and once after. He performed outpatient surgery in 2008 followed in 2011 and 2014 by "The Big Cs" …
DeleteMy friends who had undergone their "Big C" with him complained of his demeanor (grumpy) and said they didn't understand what he told them about their results other than they wouldn't have to go back for 10 years.
I have been blessed not to have encountered that grumpy side of Dr. Ric nor the unhinged persona that he has displayed as the President of his Families for Apuron. After he explained the results of my last Big C, he said I would have to return in 10 years. He then assured me that it would probably be the last time I'd have to undergo it because he understood that the preparation was difficult and the experience uncomfortable and didn't think I should have to endure it past 70.
At this point in time I'm not inclined to return to him.
Your ongoing moral support from afar is greatly appreciated. I'm sure CCOG and/or JungleWatch would appreciate any fiscal support you can provide as well.
Thank you for keeping yourself informed on the goings-on in our Church, JDR, and God bless you.
To Anon 3:10, Tim's article entitled "Neo's Declare War ..." explains the checks issued by Fr. James as they relate to preparations for a celebration marking a milestone year of his ordination.
DeleteFrom: Anon@3:10am:
DeleteMary Lou... Just searching for clarity. If you care to elevate the level of discussion, that would be most welcome. I won't resort to bashing you either way.
Mary Lou at 10:54 AM - Thank You for your response. I will be praying that God grant you many more years! We are very lucky to have you in our corner! I will be contributing not only my opinions words on this blog but support for the CCoG!
DeleteI Know that God is Blessing You Also!
what a bizarre development of events. wth?
ReplyDeletemsgr james: vindicated
jackie terlaje: vindictive
the neocats are only proving themselves more and more as a cult.
not just a cult, but a cult of stupids.
DeleteI was truly amazed that within minutes/hours or whatever, the Very Intelligent Jackie Terlaje and her cohorts decided to file a complaint against Monsignor Benavente Only to be PUBLICLY CHASTISED BY HON!
ReplyDeleteTalk about Being Embarrassed - Well, knowing them, they do not know the word! WoW! Good New To Me!
BiBa Katolikus!
On the police complaint by the Cemetery Council: la senora abogada es tupid!
ReplyDeletemore stupid are those who go to jackass jackie terlaje for legal advice.
DeleteI suspect this is the NEO's way of trying to stop any possibility of Msgr James being appointed Archbishop now that he was cleared by Hon. I think they are very nervous and they should be.
ReplyDeleteIsn't the filing of a false complaint with the police an illegal act and can be prosecuted itself?
ReplyDeleteYes. Title 9 - § 55.25. Making False Reports; Defined & Punished. A person commits a misdemeanor who: (a) knowingly gives false information to any law enforcement officer with intent to induce such officer to believe that another person has committed an offense; (b) reports to law enforcement authorities an offense or other incident within their concern knowing that it did not occur, or (c) makes a report which purports to furnish law enforcement authorities with information relating to an offense or incident when he knows that he has no such information.
DeletePredictable that NCW will continue to seek loopholes and dirt on the Archdiocese and anyone or anything to vindicate their fall from grace. Archbishop Hon and Father Jeff remain obstinate in their belief that it is possible for neos and real Catholics to co-exist, as their actions clearly declare. They want to forgive and to understand, but they do not realize just how vindictive this cult is, and they will stop at nothing to get back in power. Their hope is for Apurun to come waltzing down the airport terminal to the sounds of "Viva" and "Bienvenido, senor obispo." There will be music and dancing as they welcome back a known serial pedophile who will put them back in good graces and access to privileged looting of Archdiocesan coffers.
ReplyDeleteOf course this scenario plays out in Ric Eusebio's demented condition, as well as the unhinged Cemetery Council, but we will fight them. Now only if Hon and Jeff will get onboard to realize that by retaining these neos in positions of influence, they will be always be undermined if they are not vigilant enough. Why is it that CCOG, LFM, Silent No More and other offshoots in the quest for justice get it like the light of day, while church leadership is unable to grasp this?