Tuesday, October 4, 2016



"...the resolution was not approved by unanimous consent of the board, “contrary to the certified statement by attorney Jacqueline Terlaje..."

Archdiocese: Catholic Cemeteries board complaint invalid; members should resign

"We have also discovered that the resolution was not by unanimous consent by all board members, contrary to the certified statement by Attorney Jacqueline Terlaje."

Archbishop Hon demands catholic cemeteries board resign over 'baseless allegations'

Hon calls for resignations in cemeteries board


  1. Fire them all. The drama the neos have always brought is just stupidly for unnessesary attention. Their stupidity can be read on Diana's blog. She's their chief IT spokesperson who is one of the biggest hypocrites in their lame ass neocult.

  2. Why should Hon wait for Jackie and her ilk to resign? The cemeteries are in shambles under their watch, so why waste time? Hon, just fire them all!

    1. Ditto!
      Abp Hon, Why wait for a resignation? You want to wait just like you waited for Apuron to resign?

  3. The other Catholic Cemeteries board members, except for Santo Tomas, add to the body count of the NCW in their desperate attempts to bring down Monsignor James. I imagine he's more concerned about those trapped in this cult than himself. What we are witnessing is a once respected smart attorney hurt everyone around her and ruin her career for her NCW bosses. They don't give a shit about her! They're just about done using her. She and Eusebio are their remaining mouthpieces given the retreat of Quitugua the younger, Cristobal and de Silva. Sadly, both professionals, son and daughter of Guam, have chosen the usurpers and parasites over their own people.

  4. The trained attorney must have been napping during her ethics course in law school.

    Jackass Jackie is revealed again as dishonest, cunning (in her own mind) and able to outmaneuver the Jungle. Sorry to disappoint you Jackass, but you're not even close.

    By the way, how is it you can represent the Archdiocese on the Cenetery Board and also represent Apuron personally in the lawsuits against him?

    This seems like a conflict of interest to me since the Church may ultimately have a suit against Apuron.

  5. Jackie is obviously a brainwashed neo puppet who will do anything they tell her even if it's illegal, immoral, and just plain stupid. How long before she's debarred?

  6. Well, at least Jackass Jackie is good at one thing. She is a baby factory par excellance! Jackie, give up law, stay home sipping herbal tea, and teach your children about integrity.

    Oops, wait - bad idea. That's like asking a fox to raise chickens. Instead, go back to law school and help the hopeless Fr Adrian research canon law about why he should not abandon his new flock in Umatac.

    These kikos really are fun to watch stumble all over themselves. Let's just hope they never learn how to tell a lie without being totally obvious. Then we would be in big trouble.

  7. this invalidation is another strong *validation* of how the ncw demands nothing less than its members' souls. you must give up your property and your overall freedom. you must sacrifice your job, your professional credibility, your ethics, and on and on--before the idol of the ncw. in the process, you will abandon all reason and common sense.

    the ncw cult may have gotten rid of the altar, but in reality they've only replaced it with another altar, to itself.

  8. dang. I don't know much. I'm sure you can voice your opinions strongly, but like this? this is how "Catholics" speak? wow. Very discouraging for me

    1. feel free to join another church. bye.

    2. Ditto!ANON 1:55 .I agree with you. Guam is in a sad state. I am not in The Neocatechumenal Way. But cannot believe the fiasco created singlehandedly by 1 man who swears he is catholic. Poor thing! Poor followers!

    3. Yes, I'm doing quite well, aren't I, Adrian :) (and I don't mean Cristobal)
