Saturday, November 5, 2016


LOL, Adrian. You're so damn stupid you can't even hide behind a fake name. LOL. 

And you don't even know the difference between here and hear! BTW Helen doesn't have a job any more because of you. LOL. Want to know more?

You pathetic freak!


  1. Isn't Adrian suppose to be in umatac? Lol. Oh wait, he wants his day to cry to those who would listen.

  2. GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY ADRIANNE - It has been a month and one day since the following was posted - Fr. Julius read a message from Fr. Adrian in which he (Fr. Adrian) says that he's researching canon law regarding his new assignment and you still have not come up with any results? GOOGLE IT!

    1. Forget to Say - Like I Mentioned Before in Another Posting - Leave Pale Mike Alone! You are not liked Adrian so give up trying to discredit Pale Mike!

      You Will Never Measure Up to His Level! Even if You are from Barrigada like Pale Mike and Myself!

      And to top it off - DITTO ON TIM'S COMMENT - "You pathetic freak!"

    2. Adrian, Anthony former bishop told you many years ago you would not amount to much. He was right. You are a piece of shit nothing to be compared to Fr.Mike.I just hope no one went to David Lujan about you.

  3. Adrian,
    Due to your ineptness and lack of leadership at the Chancery with Apuron, Quitugua, Marian, Alberto, Kim and Claros there is NO Faith formation taking place, We know that You NEOS expect the catechesis to happen in your little ol communities, this has been the plan all along, to get rid of the Parishes and form NEO communities in their place. We are happy that All NEO's are finally being weeded out of the chancery office. With Apuron, Quitugua, Yourself, Alberto, Marian, Claros, out the door, the Chancery with the new Archbishop can forge a new start in moving the Church forward. Don't worry about Ms. Helen, she is being taken cared of, You on the other hand never cared for any of the Chancery employees that are not walking in the way. BTW don't concern yourself with Fr. Mike, Just get you ass down to Umatac where you are ordered to serve by the Holy Father himself through his Apostolic Administrator, and as reminder listen to the admonition from Christ; "Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me."Lk 10:16

    1. Ardiann Archbishop Hon is your Bishop. The Holy Father entrusted the daily administration of Guam to Archbishop Hon until the arrival of Archbishop Michael. while you may delay going Umatac Archbishop Michael may endorse the appointment. what will you do. You cant blackmail Archbishop Michael. you dumb ass Adriann. Revenge now turns to you. you bastard.

    2. Adrians bishop is defunct Apuron, and Putrid Samnut and Pope Kiko. Like his buddy Udu Boy, they are challenging the authority of the Apostolic Administrator, and the Pope himself. For a priest, he was sleeping or didn't comprehend the lesson on obedience at the seminary he attended, or was this the class he had to retake because he failed it? What a bad apple this clown is.

  4. That KAKA juice must be so potent that Adriana's post has gotten all the NEO Cult Zombies talking about closing down one the the vibrant parishes in Guam. Compare the attendance at Toto to any parish led by an RMS Presbyter and you get the extreme opposite.

  5. Adrian not worth paying attention to. He does not have any integrity left on him. He is bringing down others with him because it gives him comfort. Like pedophilia apuron and embalmer quitugua, this gastric bypass cristobal does not deserve any attention because their ordination as priests were all about them not about the people they were supposed to serve. They will go down in history as despicable examples in seminary case studies.

  6. David C Quitugua and Adrian F Cristobal were never recommended for ordination by St. Patrick's Seminary formators. They had to take remedial classes in Berkeley in order to get approval. The Church would have been served better had these two never got ordained. Let these two monkeys teach us a lesson to send our seminarians in reputable institutions like St. Patrick's Seminary. RMS? What a joke! Coerced boarding house to add presbyter numbers.

  7. David Adrian were voted unsuitable for Ordination by the Sulpicians. In Rome David was a pathetic student. I met a Dominican in San Francisco who told me he has social disorder issues.
