Posted by Tim
Unfortunately, what should have been very clear and a slam dunk got horribly discombobulated, not just in Jeff's fumbling Q and A, but even in the prepared statement where it appears that there was an attempt to do this "peacefully."
I can understand that, but given the enemy, we can give no quarter. If you don't believe me, just watch the Kiko's spring into action on their blog. Even if they lose the battle, they are determined to win the war.
So let me explain what happened.
It became clear after the cemetery board fiasco that the Apostolic Administrator had the civil authority to replace the board of directors of a corporation where the "Archbishop of Agana" was the sole incorporator (this is different than a corporation sole).
Some bright guys on our side saw the way clear to effect the same thing with RMS: 1) get rid of Tricky Dick and his gaggle of fools (I.e. FIRE the damn Board of Directors), 2) replace the Board, and 3) have the new Board convey title back to the Archdiocese.
But we need to back up before this will make sense.
The really nasty roadblock to such a course of action was always the presence of that illicit Board of Guarantors. I say "illicit" because Guam law does not recognize anything other than the Board of Directors when it comes to control of a Guam corporation.
However, Rev & Tax stamped the initial articles of incorporation filed in 2002, effectively approving the presence of this second board. The Kikos probably snuck this past Rev and Tax with the line that they have continued to hide behind: that they are only there to "insure the purposes of the corporation."
However, the Articles of Incorporation said otherwise. The Articles gave the Board of Guarantors absolute veto and approval power over every decision involving the expenditure of $5000 or more. The By-Laws insured that the members of the Neocatechumenal Responsible team for the United States would always be members of the Board of Guarantors.
The Bronze Opinion further noted that the Board of Guarantors was unelected, unappointed, and unremovable. (I'll have to link all this up later.)
In short, Board of Guarantors was all-powerful and appeared to limit even what the Incorporator (the Archbishop of Agana could do.
However, once we exposed the clandestinely recorded Declaration of Deed Restriction and proved that it was in fact an instrument of conveyance, which also caught Gennarini with his pants down, the Kikos scrambled to amend their Articles in an attempt to cover what they had done by clarifying and further acknowledging the rights of the Incorporator.
Of course the Kikos at the time probably never thought that Apuron would soon be taken out so they thought they were safe. (The new Articles were recorded on January 29, 2015. Apuron would be gone 18 months later.)
So the amended articles came in handy once Apuron was gone and the Apostolic Administrator installed. However, we ran into a new problem: HON. Hon was either misinformed or seriously compromised by the Kiko-Cardinal, Filoni, because very soon after taking office he did a media tour touting that the Yona property belonged to the Archdiocese "NO DOUBT!"
Hon's "NO DOUBT" turned out to be the rallying cry for a few people who really knew what was going on and made them mad as hell and they decided not to take it anymore.
I have to skip the details, but let's just say in a short time Hon was cornered with the truth and ultimately agreed to execute what I'll call the "nuclear option." I can't say more about what happened after that, but in the end what happened is this:
Archbishop Byrnes, as of his appointment as coadjutor archbishop, and in the absence of the archbishop, retained full ecclesial and civil authority to effect the following:
1) The complete removal of the RMS Board of Directors (bye bye Trick Dick)
2) The appointment of himself as the Board.
3) The conveyance of title to the property back to the Archdiocese of Agana via a Grant Deed which Byrnes, as the Board of RMS, was now authorized to sign.
But what about the Board of Guarantors?
Byrnes signed a document abolishing that Board. However, it was a bit of a bet. Technically, the Board of Guarantors was "unremovable," but our guys thought that if the new pope-appointed coadjutor Archbishop signed a document abolishing them, they would not want to risk a suit. The RMS Guam situation had become TOO HOT TO HANDLE.
Thanks to this blog and it's nearly 7 million views in three years, its nearly 100,000 comments, it's immense traffic and thus its visibility from all corners of the globe, and even more thanks to the steady drip drip drip torture of the Sunday picketers which constantly drew media attention, Guam has become too much of liability for the Kikos. Better to let them have their property and the hell with it.
But let us NOT GROW WEARY IN WELL DOING. We are not there yet. Evil doesn't know shame.
It appears the CLOCK has stopped.
As long as Apuron is called Archbishop of Agana (even in name only) we march. Our work is not over.
ReplyDeleteAt some point we will have to focus our attention on the "Way" and find a way out of this mess.
Agree 100%, Andrew Camacho — I just hope others understand that what happened today does nothing to change our Sunday morning Prayerful Picketing. As long as the title "Archbishop" precedes the name of Anthony Sablan Apuron, we continue to picket in front of the Cathedral-Basilica, 0900-0945, on Sunday mornings.
DeleteA Moratorium on NCW activities, based on the model of Archbishop Socrates Villegas, would be a good start …
Need to defrock any priest involved! Those scum bags at RMS are trespassing! Don't they know it's private property? It belongs to the Archdiocese of Agana, they need to pack up and move out! What joy, no more fake priest for Guam. The old people have struck again!! Dancing in Tinian!!
DeleteFr. Jeff has got to stop TALKING! Why can't he answer a question simply and to the point. CONFUSION to da max! Frustrating to say the least! Poor communicator.
ReplyDeleteFr. Jeff has got to stop TALKING! Why can't he answer a question simply and to the point. CONFUSION to da max! Frustrating to say the least! Poor communicator.
ReplyDeletespain just checked in. They didn't want to wake Kiko up to tell the news. How do you say WTF in Espanol? Kiko bird. bad news.
DeleteThe clock may have stopped regarding rightful ownership of the Yona property, but the question remains in regards to the current tenants. Will they require legal eviction proceedings? I can see them fighting tooth and nail to get out or causing some sort of destruction to the building.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, there's still the major issue of Apurun and how long Rome takes to come down with a final decision. The battle continues!
HE IS THE LAST NAIL IN THE COFFIN!! I want to puke every time I hear his name during Mass. Ann A.
Mother Superior you stop talking you don know what. Stuped
ReplyDeleteYou sound like a SPED student! I think I know who you are. Start packing your bags. All the Neos will be leaving soon! BTW, stupid is spell S T U P I D. You stupid! Also Mother Dawn spoke the truth, your PIUS and Neo bishop lie a lot. They are leaving soon. Follow them!
DeleteI am not sure why you are saying that Mother Superior "don (spelling is do not or don't) know what" Anonymous November 15, 2016 at 8:40 PM! She has first hand information and not speaking for someone else! I also Googled "Stuped" and Google only showed Stupid which I am absolutely sure that Mother Dawn Marie is not! She is a Servant of God and will never lie, not like your apuRUN who is really Stuped!
DeleteLike Joseph A Santos posted, follow your LYING PIUS AND NEO bishop off the island. They are the Ones Who Are Stuped!
Mr. Joseph Santos...with ALL due respect sir PLEASE do not compare the idiot ANONYMOUS Nov. 15, 2016 @ 8:40 p.m too our our students with special needs. I work with for SpEd and our students are much more SMARTER than this guy. Have a blessed day sir and THANKYOU for all that you do for our Church. Joe Meno
Delete6 Days, 05 Hours, 15 Minutes, 28 Seconds = Gods Time
ReplyDeleteYou have Rev & Tax. The UK has Companies House, Charities Commission, HMRC etc etc etc. Every country has its relevant bodies. What with things being "worked out with Jackie" and "sneaked past", and what with these Boards of Guarantors in addition to Boards of Directors, given minor variations from country to country like a molesting bishop, and the precise details of specific acts of theft, thanks to the diligent research of contributors to this site we now have a picture.
ReplyDeleteEverything throughout the Way behind the trite things that are trotted out to ordinary sheep like me, and to the occasional ordinary member who expresses distress when we have laid the situation bare - from the stated relationship with church authorities internationally, nationally and at diocese and parish level, its stated relationship with civil authorities, and its stated relationship with individuals who are members and non-members - is always other than as stated.
Liturgy and doctrine are extremely important but will be endlessly debated inside the Church and mean nothing to the general public. Lack of integrity in organisational affairs and bad interpersonal boundaries speak volumes to anyone of goodwill. (These things bely doctrine.)
Enquiries should be set up everywhere into the suicides associated with the movement, the unexplained deaths, and the amount of down and outs among ex-members. Also into the irregular paperwork surrounding arguably most RMSs and probably other NCW-associated ventures. Then into cases when even where the NCW is allegedly "tolerated" by a bishop they still play fast and loose with his proper rules. Then into Vatican "dicasteries" where this abysmal standard is their stock in trade like Legislative Texts and "Propaganda".
Keep up the Glory Be's!
We know that our work is not over but we would not have gotten this far without you, your talent and your resolve to help clean up our church. Once again, THANK YOU, TIM!
ReplyDeleteScrewtape: GLABUS! Where is that cowardly fiend you call your brother. Get me Wormwood NOW!
ReplyDeleteGlabus: Uh yes uh right away sir.
Wormwood: Oh high uncle you summoned me?
Screwtape: Oh I summoned you alright, where is the prize and why hasn’t his soul been accounted for in our fathers house below?
Wormwood: Well uncle it’s a bit difficult as you can see, the new Mitre has made some unexpected passage and is seeing to it our enemies get their way. I don’t quite know what my next move will be but rest assure I’ll come up with something sinister to say the least.
Screwtape: THAT’S IT? COME UP WITH SOMETHING SINISTER? You’ll know what’s sinister when I’m done with you neophyte. Now here’s what you going to do, Send off the conquistadores from this land for they have over stayed their welcome and have nothing to show for, but divide the ordained ones from novices, brothers, deacons and priests. The new Mitre will have his hands filled with CHAOS in La drones. They have forgotten their allegiance to His Mother, our downfall, so this should be an easy task even for some stupid little vermin like you.
Wormwood: Uh yes uncle, thank you, I will not fail you again.
Screwtape: I highly doubt that wormwood, you’ve been nothing but failure since the beginning of this NEO MESS. NOW LEAVE AND BRING ME THAT PRIZED ONE…BETTER YET GET ME ALL OF THOSE THEY NOW CALL “THE LIARS!”
In Hell: All the demons are laughing! Preparing for that great Day!
CATHOLIC:_Calling All To Holy Obedient Life In Christ
ReplyDeleteHelp this newbie understand. If the Archbishop was able to easily rescind this deed restriction, what was the whole big deal. Doesn't that mean that the Archdiocese was in control the whole time.
No. And it want just rescinded. I just explained the many complications.
DeleteWould not be surprised if Jeff is a NEO himself or a NEO sympathizer. He was the pastor of Yigo, where there is a NEO community. From my understanding, It is only with the pastor's concurrence that the NCW can set up shop in any parish.
ReplyDeleteJeff is a fallen Neo. Careful, his secretary JB is a Neo. A Neo who has close ties to The Crystal Ball. Yes sireeeee, bossom buddies!
DeleteI agree with Bruce's comments above. Jeff needs to stop talking. He either doesn't know or fully understand what's going on (too complicated for him to comprehend) or he's an undercover neo. He always seems to put his foot in his mouth.
DeleteYes, John Bautista is a big time NEO as well as his in-laws, perhaps his parents also. This turkey works for the chancery by day and when he gets the chance bashes those catholics not walking in the way in his posting in Diana's blog. What a forked tongue neo character this person is. I say we kick him out of the chancery also. Jeff is clearly a NEO supporter and Apuron Lover. Perhaps this is Hon's way of keeping NCW ties in the Chancery. We should weed out ALL NCW members from the Guam Church.
DeleteHOT FLASH NEWS: Anthony Sablan Apuron, soon to be released Archbishop of Agana just issued a statement from somewhere in the world, through his cracker-jack attorney, Jacqui Waqui. "My dear people of Guam, I am so pleased the Pope has granted my request to have Archbishop Byrnes who is my assistant to have the Yona property returned to the Archdiocese of Agana. I have always wanted to do this but CCOG and the Laity Ladies and their picketers won't allow me to come back to Guam to take care of this business, so I asked the Pope to please tell Archbishop Byrnes to take of this for me. I am still your Archbishop. At the moment, I am on a pilgrimage going from country to country that does not have any extradition agreement with Guam and the USA, waiting for the Canonical trial to be complete to free me from the truth. . . wait, that is not what I want to say. . .I am waiting for the Canonical trial to be completed to bring out the truth so I can settle down in one of these countries which does not have an extradition agreement with Guam and the USA. I see that Adrian and David C. Quitugua have been replaced. I actually asked the Pope to ask Archbishop Hon to take care of that for me as well. I am still your Archbishop. I hope that I can be back in Guam so you all could kiss my uhh. . ring, yes! Pray for me. I really think I will need it."
ReplyDeleteTongue-In-Cheek and Wink Press
ReplyDeleteIn light of the recent revelation and events as outlined in this post, I – as a very concerned individual – issue this invitation to my dear relatives and friends of good will who are still currently walking in the Neocatechumenal Way to please give some serious and meditative thought to this open letter I am issuing – reunite with us in the true Faith and practices of our Holy Mother Catholic Church, as you once knew and practiced it before the NCW ever set foot on our island, our archdiocese, and our Church.
Ever since I first got myself involved (about 2 years ago) in opposing the NCW, I had always tried my best to stay on the religious side of the various issues – opposition to the heretical and aberrant ways in which our former Shepherd (AB Apuron) had been leading his Flock outside his divinely appointed Shepherdfold and into the heretical and cultic “religion” of the NCW. My message to AB Apuron then (in a lengthy hand-delivered letter I wrote him) was a similar 3-Rs: Repent of your ways; Return to your pristine Faith; and Rejoice in reuniting yourself with your flock (your people) with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. That went not only unheeded, but also not even acknowledged.
Today, I am offering a similar invitation to you, my relatives and friends of good will in the NCW – BIRA HAMYO TATE GI SAINA YAN GI GIMAYUOSNA: RETURN TO THE LORD AND TO HIS CHURCH. Come back to the Church whence you came, and let us all truly live, believe, and worship in unity, in peace, and yes – in joy (true joy)! One Faith, One Hope, One Baptism!
I felt compelled to extend this invitation after reading this post because I feel that with the very compelling events being unfolded (Carmelite Mother Dawn Marie’s exposure of the outright lies of AB Apuron re the RMS property; the rescinding by Archbishop Byrnes of the infamous Deed of Restriction by AB Apuron and the return of the property to the Archdiocese; the dissolution of the RMS Board of Directors and its Board of Consultors; the seeming disappearance from the scene of the NCW leadership) – I feel that the days of the NCW in our archdiocese is numbered. (My own opinion). I leave the rest of the discussion of the various issues surrounding this matter in other more capable hands and minds than mine. They may or may not agree with me.
I issue this invitation on my own initiative and not at the behest or to speak to on behalf of anyone within the magisterium of the Archdiocese, nor on behalf of Jungle Watch on which this writing is being submitted to, nor on behalf of the CCOG and the LFM (both of which I am a faithful member of), nor on behalf of any other entity – though I would certainly appreciate their concurrence.
My dear relatives and friends who are still “waling in the Way”, I mean no disrespect. I only ask and invite you to please give some serious (and meditative) thought to my invitation to come back home! Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. Obviously, there may be some who will be opposed to this invitation. I will respect that. PEACE TO YOU.
Very respectfully yours,
Joe R. San Agustin
Great post, Joe R. San Agustin! I also hope that my family and friends return to he church. I miss them.Yes, let us live, believe and worship in unity.
ReplyDeleteMy Godson, your picture is on my desk before me. I pray for you daily. I have never neglected you spiritually. Even though your parents consider me a pagan, I trust that God will give you an open mind and a Catholic faith. The Neo Catechumenal Way is not catholic, that is, universal: it's exclusive. This is a great barrier to the landmarks of our understanding of Church. Nonetheless, I love you.
ReplyDeleteTim, we need another -- but I’m sure positively welcoming -- countdown to Dec. 8! A day when Catholics not only celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Concepcion, but publicly recognize and acknowledge the Catholic Dogma of the Immaculate Concepcion of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I believe it’s only on Guam (OOG) that an annual Catholic Holyday of Obligation is given a local government holiday status -- thus, a government work-day off -- enabling Catholic employees to participate in the island-wide Catholic demonstration of our deep local devotion to and honor for Our Blessed Mother Mary; acknowledging also, her local title of Santa Marian Kamalen.
ReplyDeleteWe especially look forward to Dec. 8 because in spite the disharmony, discordance, or bitter strife and division within our local Church, ultimately the honored Catholic tradition and culture of the December 8 procession never fails to draw and bring together Catholics, island-wide, to our Cathedral-Basilica in Hagatna -- built in honor of Guam’s Patron, Santa Marian Kamalen -- to collectively honor the Virgin Mother of God! Joe San Agustin, toward your wish: I’m sure you’ll agree Santa Marian Kamalen will be our “bridge”.
I can put a countdown. And it should be an especially wonderful celebration this year with our new archbishop. A couple of my own thoughts on this though. I often speak to people who do not know that December 8 is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. They believe it is Feast of Our Lady of Kamalin. While they are the same Blessed Virgin Mary under different titles (she has many), Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is universally recognized by the Church and specially dedicated to the dogma as you say. It would be nice for that Dogma to actually be taught clearly. I am certain that the new archbishop will.
DeleteAnd while it is a holiday for government employees, it isn't for private sector employees. We don't have paid leave to attend the celebration. We make a sacrifice of our normal day of work and producing income to attend. I also wonder how many school kids and CCD students would show up if they weren't required to.
With the arrival of a new archbishop, I look forward to the day where the faith is really renewed and the such public displays of the faith are for real.
Perhaps now someone can look into how much money and property was coerced from the unsuspecting neos for kiko's extravagant travel and buildings...