Sunday, November 6, 2016


Posted by Tim

“In addition, the current estimated debt of the Archdiocese of Agana is estimated to be somewhere near $20 million. We have no business giving away an asset worth at least twice that when the lay faithful are made to carry on a constant cycle of fundraisers to pay for everything from building repairs to educational supplies,” Klitzkie told PDN.


  1. it's GOD DAY. give it a break Tim it's Sunday. stop the trash talk leave the Church alone, alone, alone.

    1. LOL. If it's "GOD DAY," then what are you doing beginning it on my blog? LOL. You fools are just too easy. I almost wish this doesn't end. I've never had so much fun. Courage man. You're gonna need it. LOL.

    2. 4:40AM, I don't quite understand your comment on it's "GOD'S DAY, IT'S SUNDAY." For me, EVERYDAY, IS GOD'S DAY.

    3. "GOD DAY"? Sunday, my boy, is not YOUR "GOD DAY." Consult your catechists, isn't it some other day, like, hmm..Satuday? Or anytime you meet with your neo community? My advice to you: keep studying English Grammar.

    4. Silly us. "Trash talk" is only reserved for Saturday Hotel celebrations and the 2nd scrutiny.

  2. God Never Rests Anon at 4:40 AM when it comes to Protecting HIs Church! When His True Katolikus Speak, God Listens! Once we stop, then Satan Comes Slithering In - just like you are doing! Yes, it is Sunday, so Go To Church and Pray That the True Katolikus Will Bring Back Our Traditional Churches on Guam!

    BiBa True Katolikus and True Katoliku Churches on Guam! Cheering You from Afar!

  3. The Catholic Community is rightly concerned and on edge regarding the outcome of the Yona property issue. How about a report from the newly-minted Archdiocesan Finance Council on their progress? This body owes us at least informing us what they have done so far. Richard Untalan at the helm has not been shy about expressing his views, and has the integrity and intelligence to steer AFC in the right direction. Why the silence now? It is not too much to ask for a progress report, or lack of any headway into the matter. This is a matter of grave concern and as regular churchgoers we don't want to be hoodwinked into a passive trust just because AFC was formed to look into and resolve the issue for us. Any current report, AFC?

  4. i invite all Catholics who are able, to donate to ccog. fight!

  5. The Catholic Community is rightly concerned and on edge regarding the outcome of the Yona property issue. How about a report from the newly-minted Archdiocesan Finance Council on their progress? This body owes us at least informing us what they have done so far. Richard Untalan at the helm has not been shy about expressing his views, and has the integrity and intelligence to steer AFC in the right direction. Why the silence now? It is not too much to ask for a progress report, or lack of any headway into the matter. This is a matter of grave concern and as regular churchgoers we don't want to be hoodwinked into a passive trust just because AFC was formed to look into and resolve the issue for us. Any current report, AFC?

    1. The AFC had some initial bumps given two of the members from the previous AFC, one a staunch Neo and the other (well, I'll refrain from comment - he quit). And then there was the presence of some new members, one of whom was one of the "officious intermeddlers." It was a feat of strength just for Mr. Untalan to get all parties into a conversation. And just when all parties are on board, including Hon (which was another feat), Hon's authority to sign anything evaporates with Byrnes appointment. Also, there is another thing. Because of the money and the power that the Neo's have, it is wise for Mr. Untalan not to show his hand at this point. Our Plan B if all else fails is really our Plan B, and that's for the CCOG to sue the pants off RMS. They stand ready. But they need money. If it turns out that an alternative plan works and CCOG does not have to sue, the money will be returned to the donors.

    2. memo to "AFC", the bishop is your immediate supervisor, BUTT YOU WORK FOR US, THE LAITY...

      These "BUMPS" confirms we are still suffering with broken soul symptoms, if we the laity of this diocese EVER WANT TO BE WHOLE AGAIN, WE MUST INSIST ON ONLY ONE VERSION OF BEING CATHOLIC...

      No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
      Matthew 6:24...

      to the "AFC" simply put; the bishop is your immediate supervisor, BUT YOU WORK FOR US THE LAITY...

    3. D. Anthony. While I appreciate your passion, we need to be true and correct on JungleWatch in order to maintain our credibility. I encourage you and others to research the role of a diocesan finance council (you can find it in canon law). It's different than a parish council.

      For now, though, here are a few points.

      The bishops is not the "immediate supervisor" of the AFC. While the bishop can appoint or remove members (for serious reason) the AFC has no "supervisor." In fact, it is designed to be autonomous from the bishop in order to keep rogue and irresponsbile bishops in check. Also, the AFC does not work for "us." The AFC is a consultative body with deliberative powers in certain situations.

      It has no authority of its own to effect the acquisition of, transfer of, sale or alienation of any asset of the archdiocese, nor can it effect anything at all for that matter. It can only provide advice and when canonically required, approval.

      All the authority in a diocese, whether it be constituted as a corporation sole or not, belongs to the Ordinary, the bishop. This is why it was such a lie for Apuron to blame the AFC for trying to sell the Yona property. It had no authority, canonically or civilly, to do so. It is also why it was such a lie for Apuron to blame the incurring of debt on Msgr. James. Msgr. James did not have the authority to incur one penny of debt without the Archbishop's signature.

      Right now, ALL the authority rests with Bishop Byrnes. Sadly, it took so long to get Hon to come around to the truth (thanks to the counter efforts of Filoni, that we are now in a state where Byrnes is forced to engage a mega-million dollar decision the moment he accepted the assignment and probably before he even knew where Guam was.

      Rest assured that no one knows the situation better than Richard Untalan, the new president of the AFC. He was the president of the AFC who Apuron removed for NOT transferring title to RMS in 2011. Also, Richard has recruited former legal counsel Ed Terlaje to work with him. I know they are doing absolutely everything they can to give the new Bishop the facts. But the AFC on its own CANNOT act.

    4. Tim,

      I stand corrected...your explanation cleared my assumptions...
      Thank You

    5. No problem. However, if the AFC was headed up by anyone other than Richard Untalan I'd be even more suspicious.

    6. Please give us the procedure on Plan B to donate specifically for CCOG's potential lawsuit "to sue the pants off RMS" (contact info, deadline, estimated total amount needed, etc). Returning the money to donors if a lawsuit is not needed is a strong point and should be emphasized.

    7. To donate online go to

      To donate directly please contact David Sablan at

  6. Thank you, Tim, for taking the time to explain this to your readership and the faithful on Guam.

    Most of the laity are not in the habit of perusing the Code of Canon Law.

    1. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)November 7, 2016 at 5:05 AM

      Thank you, Tim, on the update on the Yona property and on Plan B.
