Thursday, December 15, 2016


PDN: Catholic church seeks files related to sex abuse law

The Archdiocese of Agana, which faces 13 lawsuits in connection with alleged child sexual abuse, has asked the Legislature for background information about the recent law that lifted the statute of limitations and made it possible to sue the church. CONTINUED


  1. Any defendant would want to poke holes into a case (or in this case, many cases). What's very sad is that this church teaches us about truth and doing what's right but I guess when it comes to protecting the assets and the pedophiles and secrets it's hidden for many years, the truth and "doing what's right" goes out the door. Maybe the question to archbishop Byrnes should be "what is the right thing for the church to do for ALL the victims of church abuse?" Or "which is more important, the lives which were taken away from the victims or the secrets the church knowingly hid by protecting the pedophiles the church hid?"

  2. No this Bill Solely and exclusively aiming at the Catholic Church. Special made just for Archdiocese of Agana. Does not apply to anyone but our Catholic Church.

    1. That's what they're trying to prove. However, what happened inGuam is no different than what has happened in many other states. Good luck. It's not good for Brynes, period.

    2. Bill? What bill? Are you speaking of Bill 326-33? You know it was passed into law. Then again, by your comment, you may not be aware of much.

      All bills have a catalyst for their creation, what's your point? Besides, this law was written to apply to all institutions.

      11:24 is what happens when you just regurgitate Pius talking points, adhering to the instructions that command to refrain from questioning the absurdity.

    3. 11.24, exactly my point from before. Other local institutions (football clubs, broadcasters) didn't provide the Catholic Church with enough "cover"!

  3. I have nothing against Archbishop Byrnes. I pray he will do what is best to bring healing to victims.
