Thursday, December 15, 2016




  2. Byrnes is off to a really good start.

  3. So Fr. Edivaldo finally reported to his assignment at DOC! Maybe he used his time with Abp Byrnes to explain this:

    1. Monkey boy must have spent quite a bit of time at DOC already. 2nd photo shows he's already learned the gangsta sign.
      Very priestly photo. Maybe it's the secret kiko sign that he's already masturbated twice today.

    2. Don't understand the laughter like these audience/his congregation finds this to funny.

    3. Anonymous 6:31 p.m. His audience is probably embarrassed and masks that with laughter. Especially if they are teens with raging hormones they probably struggle against inappropriate sexual behavior. Thanks, Chuck, for providing that link again. It's hard to understand how AB Byrnes takes Edivaldo seriously as a priest.

    4. The audience in the above soundcloud is the Tumon Rotary luncheon meeting.

    5. Incorrect 9:34 PM. The audience was the island's youth at a World Youth Day event. The laughter, whooping and hollering are kids. There is also video.

      Disgusting for clergy to even repeat a story like he did.

    6. How in the world does anyone pick a person like Uduvaldo to give an inspiring talk to teenagers. I cant believe his is the best person available, for goodness sake, this guy cant even compose clear english sentences, his voice is more of a squeak than authoritive, and his ideas are shallow and meaningless, and examples are impractical for young people and are sexually suggestive.

  4. Now we need to see photos of Adriana at Umatac church.

  5. Pictures say a thousand words. . .SMH. Ministering to prisoners is good. No choice but to concelebrate with Edivaldo. So I will let this pass. But Abp Byrnes needs to get ride of Edivaldo soon.

  6. So Byrnes had to hold monkey boys hand to his assigned post? Good he's finally there but doesn't answer question why he never reported there when told/assigned by Hon..What are the consequences for not following?

  7. Fr. Chonggo is really watching. He can't botch up the Mass in front of a real Archbishop. It would prove his malformation at RMS.

    What's with these presbyters always photobombing and flanking Abp. Byrnes? All those that surrounded him at the altar at his CB Mass, Jucutan-ummm ummm at SMK procession? Now Fr. Chonggo Oliviera?

    What are you presbyters trying to prove? That you're close to the new bishop? That your neo cult ways are now acceptable?

    We pray that Abp. Byrnes can see through this deception. Meanwhile, isn't it smarter to keep Abp Byrnes away from these sick cultists? I worry that their demonic ways may find a way to worm themselves back into power.

    Apuron, Out!
    Neo Cult, Out!
    God help us all!

  8. With a NCW "priest" working in the DOC, you worry about the spiritual welfare of the prisoners. In the secular world, when you commit a crime, your freedom is taken away from you and you serve a prison sentence where you have a release date and you know when your freedom would be re-established.

    In the NCW you are imprisoned in a spiritual way while your freedom is taken away and there is no release from the shackles of this repressive cult and heresy. Akin to receiving a death sentence. We need to pray for those poor souls in prison.

  9. Well, Uduvaldo need to be escorted to DOC by AB Byrnes, Maybe Udu didn't know where DOC is located, and needed the help of AB Byrnes. TY AB Byrnes for reminding Udu that he is assigned to DOC and for accompanying him there. Please assist Adrian also as he seems to be confused as to where he is assigned to serve. Maybe he doesn't know where the Umatac Church is at also?

  10. Give credit where credit is due: His collar is on straight.

  11. Ref second picture, those are typical show-off facial expressions, serving as a substitute for people who haven't got a life.

    1.18, thank you for praying for us. It was nearly 30 years before I just upped and walked out.

  12. In my opinion - These pictures of Edivaldo are very good examples of what a Catholic Priest Should Not Do! There is nothing charismatic about this abnoxious priest! Looking at the pictured with AB Byrnes reminds me of the old saying - Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer! Although I think that the word "enemies" is a bit harsh in this case.

  13. we need to remove ncw from Guam.
    It has no place in our Church.
    It is an evil group and we need to completely shut it down showing the world its true evil. Close down rms.

  14. I don't see Msgnr James and Fr.Mike in DoC ?

    1. They would go if assigned. Your boy was assigned and didn't go.

    2. @5:24am. Care to respond to Tim's response. Tim respectfully responded to you. Can you do the same. I want to hear your response. Tim couldn't be right all the time. Altho, he has been so far.

  15. Looking at the strength of his arm on photo #2. A arm of a priest. I don't care for it and won't return the peace sign at all.

  16. The last photo looks like Waldo is taking mental notes on the proper way to hold the Chalice.

  17. Photo number two looks like Waldo is holding his right hand ready to go "PACK PACK"!

  18. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)December 21, 2016 at 4:03 PM

    My crystal ball of speculation tells me that, in these photos, Abp Byrnes is following provisions in the “Decree Concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops …” (issued by Pope Paul VI in 1965). As to a bishop’s relationship with his clergy: Section 15 (1) “… bishops should be diligent in fostering holiness among their clerics, religious, and laity ... [and] should be mindful to give an example of holiness in charity, humility, and simplicity of life;” (2) “Bishops should always embrace priests with a special love …;” Section 16 “They should regard the priests as sons and friends and be ready to listen to them. Through their trusting familiarity with their priests they should strive to promote the whole pastoral work of the entire diocese.” If you will recall, in his Dec. 7th press conference, when pressed by a reporter as to which priests he has had a one-on-one sit down sessions to date, he declined to name the priests citing that those meetings as that with a nature of a father-and-son get together. He, therefore, deemed those meetings confidential even confidential enough not to disclose the names of those priests he has so far met. Another provision worth noting, “With active mercy bishops should pursue priests who are involved in any danger or who have failed in certain respects.” I think this particular provision is most applicable to these photos with Presbyter Udo. This is one of those times when I’m thankful I’m not a bishop because I would rather deal with Prebyter Udo in a non-holy way such as a swift sentence to the eternal fires of hell, but Abp. Byrnes has a higher level of procedures to follow than my ordinary person’s reaction.

    My crystal ball of speculation also tells me that Abp Byrnes, as a scholar of the scriptures, a “Jesus Guy” (not his words but mine) is practicing what he preaches. When you study the scriptures in-depthly you are transformed by what you learn. You can’t help it. In these photos he is doing a John 13: 2-11. Even though Jesus knows that Judas is going to betray him, he still washes Judas’ feet and gives him the Eucharist. This is a challenge by the gospel to love those who frustrate, disappoint, and hurt you. Also, I believe he will also do a 2 Corinthians 10:5-6 where correction, like love, has a necessary place in his governance of the archdiocese; where discipline is necessary but is always careful to be shown with respect. I speculate the official consequences of Presbyters Adrian, Udo, and others that crossed the line, will be met with little grandstanding a la Matthew 18:15 (Jesus told us that if we need to correct someone, we should first seek to do it in private) unlike the way Abp. Apuron, Fr. David-the-Lurch and Presbyter Adrian did in 2013 to Fr. Paul and 2014 to Fr. James. Thank God for the Jesus Guy treatment of these out-of-control clergy because the level of decency and respectability in the governance of the Archdiocese of Agana is being pulled out from the gutter level to which Abp Apuron and his advisors drove it.

    1. Excellent and edifying post, Rose; I agree a thousand %!!

    2. The unfashionable Paul VI said and did a lot that makes sense. Like evangelising - now there's an idea!
