Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Today, the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa (Saipan) released a statement regarding the accusations against Bishop Emeritus Tomas Camacho. More interesting than the statement is the status of the priest who released it:

Greetings and Peace,

Attached is the Official Statement of His Excellency Ryan P. Jimenez
on the sexual abuse allegation against Bishop Emeritus Tomas A. Camacho.

Fr. Jason A. Granado
Fr. Granado was one of the first "fruits" of RMS, one of the much-promised "priests for Guam," except that he isn't. Word down here in Agat, where he was made a pastor after ordination, is that he was too much like a real diocesan priest and not a rabid neocat presbyter, and thus a failure in the eyes of Pius the Putrid. Having failed to get the NCW going in Agat after a couple years, he was shipped off to Saipan and replaced by Alberto the Hammer.

Note to Archbishop Byrnes: Can you please advise us (since apparently you want to keep the RMS fruits growing), why the faithful of Guam are asked to contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to form "priests for Guam,"who are then shipped off to other dioceses? A recommendation: Tell Saipan to give us Fr. Jason back and trade him for the Bishop Emeritus' nephew, that is if you can find him.


  1. Hey, wait a minute...Arch Byrnes just said on Patti on the radio that finance folks assure him we're not paying for RMS. Huh? He said it IS for NCW formation. THEN, CAB Byrnes, why are they housed in the building which belongs ( supposedly) to the Archdiocese? This is really screwed up. Thanks, Patti, for letting the people in the pew know its safe to give to the second collection.

  2. Lickin Luis Camacho.
    Tommy Camacho.
    God help us!

  3. Is putrid living at RMS??? Did he celebrate Mass publicly this weekend?

  4. Reportedly, the archdiocese pays for 3% to 4% of RMS upkeep. Have Byrnes clarify that.

    Guam's fugitive Camacho resigned from the archdiocese unpunished following his release from jail on kidnapping and sexual assault charges. Now we know why. A pervert bishop-uncle! Have Byrnes confirm his clerical status as well. He should have been laicized and removed from payroll long ago.

    1. It is only recently the archdiocese reduced the support to RMS. Since 1999, we gave millions. Not to mention the free rent RMS is getting now.

    2. Knowing that diabolic Neocats were running RMS, why on earth did people give "millions" for its upkeep?!

      You should have let the damn thing fall apart and go crashing into the ocean! For years, you all played directly into Apuron's evil hands and now you expect sympathy?

    3. Personally I gave nothing since I already knew about the "diabolic Neocats." However, most did not until JungleWatch.

    4. So true, Mr. Rohr. If not for JungleWatch, we might now be attending Neo masses without complaint, accepting the Neo Priests explanation for all the changes in the Mass that "Rome has approved it."

  5. Just on the surface, the grammar/usage in this letter is way substandard considering that it's an official communication coming from a bishop. "with sadness and great bearing" what is bearing?? "I request for your prayers"... um, "for" is unnecessary here... "everyone within our midst" yeah, you can just say "in our midst" and spare us the pomposity of expression...

  6. Free rent at RMS? What happened to the dollar a year Hon wanted to get. We need that dollar!! Cough up that dollar, Generrini! We want our dollar. Free rent. Blankety - blank, blank! Got it, Byrnes?

  7. Neocat seminary on Achdocese of Agana property? Not a problem. CAB Bytnes doesn't take sides.

  8. Messed up Saipan is just another US jungle Territory no one cares about. Even the Chinese slave labor contractors left there.

    The Oceania bishops conference obviously isn't worth a damn. Both Saipan and Guam would be much better off belonging to the USCCB. At least their existence is recognized.

    1. The establishment of Agana as an Archdiocese came with the package of assuming leadership role at CEPAC and possession of Chalan Kanoa and Solomon Islands as its suffragan dioceses. In fact, Honolulu was dismayed/irate that the Holy See raised Agana as an Archdiocese and not Honolulu, since Hawaii and Guam dioceses were suffragan of San Francisco Archdiocese which also served as court of second instance for the tribunals of both dioceses. Apuron relished his presidency at CEPAC but was openly contemptuous of the Conference and wouldn't send his seminarians to Fiji.

    2. Anonymous 15 Feb 2017 at 11:37 PM, you have one geographical detail of your account mistaken.

      The Solomon Islands are not now and never have been a suffragan diocese of the Archdiocese of Agaña.

      On 8 March 1984 the diocese was elevated to a metropolitan see, the Archdiocese and Metropolitan Province of Agaña.

      The metropolitan province consists of the Archdiocese of Agaña and its suffragan dioceses of Chalan Kanoa and of Caroline Islands, and the Apostolic Prefecture of the Marshall Islands.

      All “those islands” are not the same. (!)


    3. CNMI Lawyer, point taken, it was my mistake. Yes, you are correct.

  9. Tim, would you be able to clarify what "reducing the support to RMS" means? In my mind, "reducing" could mean that our archdiocese (with monies it receives from the parish’ Sunday collections) may not DIRECTLY financially support the RMS, BUT, could conceivably be INDIRECTLY contributing towards not just the physical up-keep and maintenance of the building but paying the residents' (the RMS seminarians’) utility usage? What about their meals, their stipends, transportation expenses, etc, etc, etc and more etc’s? So long as monies come from our local archdiocese and goes to the RMS -- directly or indirectly, “reduced, minimized or cut down” -- those “reduced” $$$$$ still come DIRECTLY from the coffers of our parishes, doesn't it?

  10. Byrnes knows where Fr. Luis "the licker" Camacho is. Byrnes just won't tell us because then Byrnes would have to take action against "Licking" Luis. And that would mean taking sides. Our side.

    1. Agreed 6:11 PM. Just like Byrnes knows where Apuron is. He admitted that Apuron told him he was living in California when they met in Baltimore. Is fugitive Luis Camacho being hidden on Saipan by his pedophile bishop-uncle? Check with Byrnes on that.

      Just make sure Camacho was removed from archdiocesan payroll when he was arrested and no refunds are due. Make Byrnes certify it in writing. If he won't, you'll know for sure that something else is seriously wrong. He should have been laicized as well.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. CAB Byrnes has told us more tha once that he doesn't take sides.

    1. Archbishop needs to re-evaluate that stance. "If God is for us, who can ever be against us?"

  12. Yoda says, "Swallow his words, he will. The very same stance Hon adopted, but much flawed his solution. The error of this strategy, when will they ever learn?"

  13. Tim, a “beggar thy neighbor” policy is not the solution to the problems of the Archdiocese of Agaña.

    The Diocese of Chalan Kanoa has at least as severe a vocation and spritual crisis as does Guam.

    Chalan Kanoa is a suffragan diocese of Agaña, and is entitled to at least a modicum of spiritual leadership and moral support from its metropolitan archbishop.

    More than the other dioceses within the ecclesiastical province, the Taotao Marianas share a culture of four millennia, and a common faith history experience -- all part of the Diocese of Cebu until 17 September 1902 and the Apostolic Prefecture of Mariana Islands until 1 March 1911. On that date the Apostolic Vicariate of Guam was canonically erected, along with the Vicariate Apostolic of Marianne, Caroline, and Marshall Islands (under the Japanese League of Nations Mandate).

    Note that this separation and Japanese administration is not something any of the local inhabitants asked for. Rather, in 1899 Guam was valued by the United States primarily for its value as a naval coaling station enroute to Manila, and the other Micronesian islands were deemed relatively worthless from a strategic perspective.

    On 4 July 1946 the Marianas were reunited under the Apostolic Vicariate of Guam. That day is also celebrated as Liberation Day in the CNMI, as that was when the indigenous and local inhabitants were freed from Camp Susupe after two years and allowed to return to their village or farm residences.

    On 14 October 1965, the Vatican elevated the apostolic vicariate to the Diocese of Agaña, as a suffragan diocese to the Archdiocese of San Francisco.

    On 8 March 1984 the diocese was elevated to a metropolitan see, the Archdiocese and Metropolitan Province of Agaña.

    The metropolitan province consists of the Archdiocese of Agaña and its suffragan dioceses of Chalan Kanoa and of Caroline Islands, and the Apostolic Prefecture of the Marshall Islands.

    In light of this common patrimony of faith between the CNMI and Guam, rather than grasping at the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we should seek to share them.

    (I do realize that these comments could be construed as grasping of my own, on behalf of the CNMI.)

    With this week’s revelations about our Bishop Emeritus, and the impending NCW Cult invasion of Rota / Luta, the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa needs all the help she can get. NCW presbyter zealots would do the opposite.

    Now is not the time to be pushing people out of the life rafts.

    1. I was being facetious to make a point.

    2. Bishop Camacho invited to preside at wedding anniversary Mass next month. pray this week's revelations will not prevent him from presiding.

    3. Sorry for being overly literal. And my Micronesian history omitted the German sovereignty between 1899 and 1914, when the Japanese took over pursuant to an agreement with the United Kingdom. The locals had no say in that, either.

    4. common respect would dictate Father Camacho refrains from saying public Mass at this point in time.

    5. Zero tolerance.
      Bishop Jimenez.

    6. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)February 17, 2017 at 4:20 AM

      I agree with Anon 7:36. Also, consider shifting the paradigm. If you were the wedding couple, would you want an accused child molester to preside at your wedding mass and preach about the Church's teaching and about Jesus? I would be more fixated on the messenger than his message and how so incongruent the two are. On a superficial level --- yet, something worth considering --- Bishop Camacho will be in your wedding pictures! Eeeekkkk! My fondness for my AOLG high school graduation photos have turned into photos that make me sick to my stomach because Abp. Apuron (then, Fr. Tony) was assisting Bishop Flores in handing out our high school diplomas and he was in almost every photo of me and my classmates (some who are my close friends to this day) as we received our high school diplomas. I now don't like looking at those photos in light of the child abuse cases and the way he ran the local Church to the ground.

    7. Thanks Rose. communicated your comment to the family. Agreed He would appear in family photos for years to come.should he turn out to be a real rapist in our photos heart ache forever.sic.

    8. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)February 19, 2017 at 1:26 AM

      Thank you, Anon 11:14. I know photos may seem inconsequential in the big backdrop of the receiving the Sacrament of Marriage, but I offer the consideration that I did because of my own experience. I really do feel sick to my stomach when I look at my high school graduation photos with Fr. Tony in them. In reading the complaints filed by Walter, Roy, Roland, and John/Sonny for their sexual abuse lawsuits and putting a timeline on the dates of the sexual abuses, Fr. Tony had already abused them by the time of my AOLG high school graduation. Knowing that now, I feel sick seeing him in my graduation photos assisting Bishop Flores hand out our diplomas.

  14. look what the Vatican can do when it sets its mind on it! lets hope Cardinal Burke comes with the same authority? movements leader prevented from contacting members because of authoriarian style and psychological abuse

  15. Confused! I paid for a brick at Domus Galilei-but have been told that the NCW has no assets of its own. Have I been duped? It appears they did have title of RMS at Yona! if they hold assets they should be held financially accountable for abuses carried out by their members and those they are protecting. Sorry Kiko your spell is broken stop all the double talk.

    1. The short answer, is yes!!!! you have been duped.

      The NCW has created a complicated web of non for profit associations around the world, which still allows them to write off all expenses, including (but not limited to) travel and salaries.
      The Empire they have built in 40 years is quite large.

    2. I had a feeling we were duped. Duh.

    3. The NCW is merely a front for the mob. There's no better place to hide money and conduct dirty dealings than behind the skirt of the Catholic church. This is why we the laity must demand for the removal of the NCW movement from OUR Catholic Church.
