Meanwhile, spineless Byrnes just kicks back and watches his flock take another beating from the heathen Neocats. The Faithful can't even sit through Mass without them assaulting the liturgy.
Soldiers frequently ask a rhetorical question about their leaders: "Would you go into battle with him"? If Byrnes led his troops into battle, they'd be wiped out in a flash.
THANK YOU for reposting this video clip of the infamous visit of the Genarrini's to Guam last year. We need to be reminded every once in a while that we must continue to stand up and protest against the snares and wickedness of evil. It was refreshing to recall how vocal and militant Vanje Lujan and Gerry Taitano were when they were interviewed by the media then. (JRSA: 2/18/17)
Neos have won.... I'm sorry to say but Guam is the super bowl... The center piece for the world.. it's clear the neos are being backed... It's over... Kiko wins
You all need to nail Byrnes now. Go to him with a current copy of the GIRM and tell him to get the blasphemous Neocats the hell out of your churches or you'll report him to the Nuncio. I can't think of a Catholic bishop on earth who would allow their damn revival meetings to disrupt the Mass.
Where I live, the bishop would make every priest in the diocese read the official ban from the pulpit at every Mass and have the order published in every parish Bulletin for a month.
If those freaks want to run carnival sideshows, make them do it totally off of archdiocesan property. If you let Byrnes run all over you, you're dead meat.
I wouldn't subscribe to your premature ejaculation of surrender, 12:12 PM. You are raising the white flag before we have even begun to fight. I hope you are being facetious because we cannot allow these misfit neos to gain any more ground than Apuron gave them. In fact we are on track in gaining ground - now, if only our clergy would grow the balls necessary to kick out these diseased usurpers and substandard presbyters out of our lives for good! These neokikos are on the defensive now and we must not allow them to deceive with impunity as they have done in the past.
Meanwhile, spineless Byrnes just kicks back and watches his flock take another beating from the heathen Neocats. The Faithful can't even sit through Mass without them assaulting the liturgy.
ReplyDeleteSoldiers frequently ask a rhetorical question about their leaders: "Would you go into battle with him"?
If Byrnes led his troops into battle, they'd be wiped out in a flash.
Are they back on Guam?
ReplyDeleteDeck being stacked for a big Generrini win. W I N N I N G.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU for reposting this video clip of the infamous visit of the Genarrini's to Guam last year. We need to be reminded every once in a while that we must continue to stand up and protest against the snares and wickedness of evil. It was refreshing to recall how vocal and militant Vanje Lujan and Gerry Taitano were when they were interviewed by the media then. (JRSA: 2/18/17)
ReplyDeleteAnd Patti Arroyo's skillful, revealing interview with Genarrini. She didn't let him get away with his manipulative "spin."
DeleteNeos have won.... I'm sorry to say but Guam is the super bowl... The center piece for the world.. it's clear the neos are being backed... It's over... Kiko wins
ReplyDeleteNo surprise. Money talks.
DeleteYou all need to nail Byrnes now. Go to him with a current copy of the GIRM and tell him to get the blasphemous Neocats the hell out of your churches or you'll report him to the Nuncio. I can't think of a Catholic bishop on earth who would allow their damn revival meetings to disrupt the Mass.
Where I live, the bishop would make every priest in the diocese read the official ban from the pulpit at every Mass and have the order published in every parish Bulletin for a month.
If those freaks want to run carnival sideshows, make them do it totally off of archdiocesan property. If you let Byrnes run all over you, you're dead meat.
I wouldn't subscribe to your premature ejaculation of surrender, 12:12 PM. You are raising the white flag before we have even begun to fight. I hope you are being facetious because we cannot allow these misfit neos to gain any more ground than Apuron gave them. In fact we are on track in gaining ground - now, if only our clergy would grow the balls necessary to kick out these diseased usurpers and substandard presbyters out of our lives for good! These neokikos are on the defensive now and we must not allow them to deceive with impunity as they have done in the past.
DeleteFiloni's Fiasco.