Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Posted by Tim

I received the following via email:

"The communities were also informed that the Catechist team met with Archbishop Byrnes last week.  They explained to him how we receive Holy Communion. Archbishop Byrnes then suggested a very tiny change, which all the communities in Guam will now be following.  The tiny change is that after receiving the Body of Christ, the brothers remain standing until everyone receives it. Then together with the priest, we consume the Body of Christ standing, and then we sit down. Everything else in the liturgy remains the same.  That was the only slight change that was made, which Archbishop Byrnes recommended to the Catechist team. Perhaps, this slight change will appease the traditionalist Catholics who oppose the Way."

Dear Archbishop Byrnes. If this is true, then you have some "splainin' to do. No priest, no bishop has the right to alter the Mass. That is reserved to the Holy See. Let's hope they're just spinning stories like they usually do.

Let us review what the Universal Church requires of the priest-celebrant:

157. When the prayer is concluded, the priest genuflects, takes the host consecrated in the same Mass, and, holding it slightly raised above the paten or above the chalice, while facing the people, says, Ecce Agnus Dei (This is the Lamb of God). With the people he adds, Domine, non sum dignus (Lord, I am not worthy).

158. After this, standing and turned toward the altar, the priest says quietly, Corpus Christi custodiat me in vitam aeternam (May the Body of Christ bring me to everlasting life) and reverently receives the Body of Christ. Then he takes the chalice, saying quietly, Sanguis Christi custodiat me in vitam aeternam (May the Blood of Christ bring me to everlasting life), and reverently receives the Blood of Christ.

Now let us review what Archbishop Byrnes has reportedly authorized:
The tiny change is that after receiving the Body of Christ, the brothers remain standing until everyone receives it. Then together with the priest, we consume the Body of Christ standing, and then we sit down.
The General Instruction for the Roman Missal CLEARLY requires the priest to consume both consecrated species BEFORE he distributes Holy Communion to the communicants. However, Archbishop Byrnes reportedly has, all on his own and without any public and published approval from the Holy See, taken upon himself the role of the pope, and has authorized the priest-celebrant to delay his own communion until after he has distributed the consecrated hosts to the communicants.

Byrnes (reportedly) also violates GIRM par 161 which requires the communicant to consume the host "as soon as the communicant receives the host:"

161. If Communion is given only under the species of bread, the priest raises the host slightly and shows it to each, saying, Corpus Christi (The Body of Christ). The communicant replies, Amen, and receives the Sacrament either on the tongue or, where this is allowed and if the communicant so chooses, in the hand. As soon as the communicant receives the host, he or she consumes it entirely.

vs Byrnes' reported permission to NOT consume it "as soon as the communicant receives the host," but to hold it till all have received:
The tiny change is that after receiving the Body of Christ, the brothers remain standing until everyone receives it. Then together with the priest, we consume the Body of Christ standing, and then we sit down.
Let us hope this is NOT true for if it is there is NO HOPE OF EVER TRUSTING BYRNES, for this has been the central issue from the beginning. 


  1. I see...so at the end of all this...A COMPROMISE?!!!...Wow! Meeting somewhere in between? Totally not there with AB Byrnes...sad...

    1. He doesn't want to take sides.

    2. apuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT...

      I will celebrate the mass the way the mass is celebrated.

      apuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT...

    3. compromise = an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

      "an ability to listen to two sides in a dispute, and devise a compromise acceptable to both"

      JC, sorry its not a compromise, remember byrnes don't take sides. for byrnes, it was a promise to pope kiko.

      byrnes to Guam: ‘I belong to you, I’m one of yours’


    4. Compromise is never the lesser of two evils in disasters such as this one.

      There are no gray areas here. All of the malignant issues are crystal-clear. It's either do or die.

  2. Subject to clarification by Byrnes but no authority anyway! - in the meantime an ADMISSION that their practice is NOT authorised!

  3. so when will people stop accepting verbal instructions so as not to be playing the he said she said game. At the same time, are seriously telling me that despite the multiple evidences mounting against Archbishop Apuron and the NCW, the members will continue to support it? Dude where is your mind? And people wonder if I'm against the movement or the people? First of all there won't be a heretical movement if there were no heretical people propping it up! Are you not afraid for your children's souls? Oh and just to make it clear, do not cross the line on catechizing my son with your so called heretic ways. I will defend him to death.

  4. All Abp Byrnes needs to do is put in simple directives in the Umatuna. I do not know why it is difficult to perform such a simple but powerful clarification. Why continue with this non-transparency and secrecy when it comes to the NCW?

    1. He can't. He does not have the authority.

    2. True. But by clarifications I meant quote the GIRM.

      What is amazing is that all he did, if indeed what "Diana" says truly occurred, was exasperate the situation.

  5. The NCW deliberately, obstinately and arrogantly participate in a "different communion" to the rest of the Roman (Latin) Rite Church.

    Think about that AB Byrnes - they are in a different communion.

    That should be enough for us to know there is a big problem. Fix this first, then speak about compromise, understanding and pastoral accommodation.

  6. Allow me to play "Devil's advocate" for a moment:

    Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, TIM, RELAX!!! The General Instruction for the Roman Missal is merely a set of guidelines, suggestions, recommendations, etc. There is no need to follow what it actually says. The important thing is for everyone to have a good time during mass. We should "go with the flow," do what feels good, follow our hearts. Why should we be bogged down with rules and regulations. Where's the fun in that??????????

    1. Andrew, we know that you are being facetious in this comment. I appreciate your comments which have a balance of levity and insight. NCW is, after all, an invitation to their kind of joy! They can have their fun and their blind obedience to wayward presbyters and deceptive scare tactics but every person has to discern the peril of this cult to their soul. Why should they join the Latin Catholic Rite if they are not going to adhere to GIRM? This is not a pick and choose ladidah, but a fundamental respect for the Magisterium and liturgical guidelines.

    2. Then they should change it to "General Recommendations" of the Roman Missal. So Diana and the NCW are giving Byrnes authority to change the rubrics of the Mass, based on "The Pope said", "Kiko Said", "Pius Said", therefore Byrnes says its ok? What do these stupid people do not understand? "You Do not have the authority, nor the capacity to change the approved liturgical books.".

    3. damn right Andrew, its merely a set of guidelines, suggestions, recommendations, etc.

      like eating meat every Friday......

  7. I thought there was a memo out dictating that the mass will be celebrated according to the traditional missal and that any other communities would have to show their permissions in writing. Was that memo suppose to be adhered to or was it just worthless like the paper it was written on?

    1. really Anonymous March 7, 2017 at 5:59 PM, are you not keeping up with the ncw story line, ALL ncw DOCUMENTS ARE VERBAL, kiko to jersey to pius to byrnes to catechist to followers.

      like byrnes said we're all catholics, besides the ncw is at the service of the bishop, so just stay in line like the other catholics.

    2. So Fr. Paul is preventing error from entering the liturgy through the front door by following the approved liturgical books, while Byrnes is allowing the errors to enter into the sacred liturgy by the back door? Is this Byrnes's way of showing he doesn't take sides, even the side of truth, by letting the NCW adulterate the liturgy?

    3. Fr. Paul accepted the documents of the NCW and told them that they can continue with their Eucharist ic celebrations because the statutes are valid.

    4. Anon 3:50....Produce, Show, Display this "document." Fricken Monster couldn't do it when he was asked in Yona. Show us all this "document."

  8. The NCW is Protestant. They are trying to steal the Catholic properties instead of building their very own facilities. They stole the churches most expensive asset which is the Yona property and started their takeover of some of the islands churches but don't use them because of the way they worship. The NCW is Protestant.

  9. and the catechist team consists of who again? or just poisoness pius

    1. Atienza? A foreigner! Hey, Generrini, so what, you don't respect the locals Putrid Pius has been 'Evangelizing/brainwashing' all these years with SANTA CARMEN unique doctrines? Bring back the tall woman. No, wait, Pius has a pen and a phone he's good to continue. Atienza, expert on Chamorros. BS. LMAO

    2. Atienza? A foreigner! Hey, Generrini, so what, you don't respect the locals Putrid Pius has been 'Evangelizing/brainwashing' all these years with SANTA CARMEN unique doctrines? Bring back the tall woman. No, wait, Pius has a pen and a phone he's good to continue. Atienza, expert on Chamorros. BS. LMAO

    3. Arch A Beeeeshop, Thank you Brother Mike! Thank you. Now we can celebrate OUR EASTER VIGIL at the Hotel in peace! Arch A Beeeeshop. You're the best. Come to our Agape, Brother Mike. Unless you are going to THEIRS. OURS IS THE LONGEST ONE. OURS IS THE ONLY ONE WHERE CATECHUMENS ARE CORRECTLY PREPARED for Baptism In a hotel. When the lawsuits cost all Archdiocesan properties, the remnant Catholics Of Guam will all be at the Hotels. How good it is to be with the brothers! Clap, clap, 👏🏻

    4. Atienza and???? Names on Team?

    5. Just have to note Dianas lingo: OUR VIGIL. big mistake Brother Mike. You okay the hotel too? Good job.

    6. David and Maruxa Atienza, Mateusz the seminarian from Denver and fr. Krzysztof

  10. Oh, Diana, you make an inflammatory statement which you won't prove. Let's just say it good you don't TWEET!!! Hahaha. Imagine 3am Tweets from Diana's phone?

  11. Byrnes is a traitor who's paving the way for Apuron's return.

  12. The neos are now full of glee
    For they've helped "Co-Michael" to see
    Their rubrics are dandy.
    So please pass the candy
    And don't fret the small heresy.

  13. I think this is the usual Neocatechumenal Implying method.

    Based on what happened here a million times, I think things went like this:

    1) ready-made news are already in the hands of media-related NCW henchmen;

    2) some smiling "Catechist" tells the Bishop that NCW "brothers" will remain standing (implied: in a few weeks everyone will forget about remaining standing);

    3) Bishop doesn't fall for the bait and gently tells the Smiling NCW dude that the Communion is not "kidnapping Our Lord until the Eat Now! signal";

    4) Smiling Catechist replies that they're happy to obey and follow the Statutes (implied: no matter what the Bishop says, no matter the article 1 of the Statutes, it'll be as Kiko and Carmen always required);

    5) Bishop doesn't fall for the supplementary bait and replies that either they change their attitude, or it's a clear disobedience;

    6) Mr.Smile tells him that NCW people is craving to obey to the Bishop, thanks him and runs away (implied: obedience is only due when the Bishop asks to follow Kiko standards).

    7) NCW henchmen spread the pre-built news wherever they can: "woah, the Bishop required us minimal to no changes, wow, we are only required to follow the Statute, yeah, nothing actually changed, ok, Roma locuta, causa finita" ("Rome has spoken, case is closed").

    Maybe Byrnes doesn't want an all-out war just now.

    Let's see an example.

    March 12, 1988. A team of NCW Catechists paid a visit to mgr. Cesare Pagani, Bishop of Perugia (Italy). After quite a rough talk they accused him to be against the NCW and went away. Mgr. Pagani, who already had an heart condition, died of a stroke a few hours later.

    Those so-called "Catechists" told every Italian community that God "punished him" because he was against the NCW.

    1. Perfectly described, Tripudio. By the way, Frank Sinatra was a prophet with his My Way, maybe Kiko should adapt it with some little jewish-gipsy-lalala arranges for his new his own way of celebrating the neo-banquet in Guam ad n-experimentum. Byrnes is lost, poor man.

  14. Why should anyone bother what they do since this NCW celebration is not a mass.

    It is a Protestant-Judeo gathering that tries to portray the characteristics of the Mass but is actually empty of any divine content and therefore they are not consuming the Body and Blood of Christ at this gathering, it is not a Mass.

  15. For years I enjoyed watching movies. Yesterday Diana posted a comment on a movie " we will rise again" Never heard of this . I googled Movie is called "we will rise." Gay film based in Castro. Surprising movie is connected by Diana with Archbishop Apuron.

  16. The Holy Mass is not to be turned into a fiesta. Fr. Paul may you lead us to Calvary and stop this nonsense of two different Catholics especially now being Lent season. Jesus should be focused on, though His one Catholic Church became two Churches established by man.

  17. Just wait till this weekend's masses.

