Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Posted by Jose M.

We will continue to remind Rome until he no longer benefits as a member of the clergy.

The entire album can be viewed by clicking here.


  1. Is that the five Million dollar Man second picture????

  2. I doubt that Apuron is enjoying anything. I certainly hope he isn't.

    At last report, he was being hidden by Neocats in a small California town. In a recent photo taken there by a private investigator, he looked like a sick, hunted animal.

    All Apuron has now is an empty Title. His reputation is justifiably in ruins and his faculties were revoked by Rome. He can't do public ministry anywhere.

    I doubt that he'll face canonical prosecution. The Vatican will probably do their usual inaction thing and let him retire in good standing in under four years. That's less trouble than laicizing him. It's the civil Courts that will rip him a new one.

    1. Nah. Judges recusing themselves lickety-split. Doubt if anything will ever go to trial. That's why it's important we keep the pressure on Rome. The picket is the only thing. Their mostly silent protest is deafening for Rome.

    2. If the victims don't agree to extrajudicial settlements, their cases will still go to trial.

      If necessary, US Federal Judges from outside of Guam will be appointed. US Courts worked in the victims' favor to the tune of $3 billion, so getting rid of corrupt local Judges might be the best way to go.

      Lujan knows what he's doing. Victims come to him. He's not an ambulance chaser. The cases won't pay $10 million each and he knows it, but suing for a high amount gives him more bargaining room when he wins. That's an old legal maneuver.

    3. Cases won't go to trial. And even if they do Apuron can't be found guilty.

    4. Wishful thinking on your part, Tim. You wouldn't be so hostile toward the victims if any of your 11 kids were among them. Case law, legal precedents and public opinion are on the Plaintiffs' side.

      If the cases don't go to trial, the victims will get big out of Court settlements like their US counterparts did.
      That was the cheapest and fastest way of resolving their cases because the bishops were as guilty as sin. Their coverups, negligence and brutal bullying of the victims were indefensible and they knew it. For once in his filthy life, even powerhouse Mahony couldn't escape Justice.

    5. LOL. SMH. Apparently you don’t know crap about what’s going on. I’m the one who got all of this started in the first place. I’ve given 4 years of my life to out these bastards, especially Apuron. But the civil court isn’t going to do crap. Most of these if any won’t go to trial because the lawyers don’t want them to. That’s way too much work for them. They will push to settle because that’s a quicker pay day. And even if any of the cases against Apuron go to trial the most that can be done is find him liable. That won’t mean crap to Apuron. He will be taken care of by his neo-syndicate the rest of his life. The only justice that can come to Apuron will be through the canonical court. Removing him as archbishop is the first step towards any real justice for him, and laicization would be the ultimate. A civil court can’t do either of those. And the sooner the better so I can move on to life beyond this blog and won’t have to put up with stupid comments like yours.

    6. The problem with egomaniacs like you is that they start out on the right track, but they lose focus and wipe themselves out with a messiah complex.

    7. LOL. Both an anonymous coward and an idiot. Find something else to do. This blog is for adults.

    8. 6:25 AM, your Calling someone names is not the proper strategy to win. What have YOU done except sit back and mentally shit in your pants as if this were a spectator sport? Have you ever done anything worthwhile? If all you did was to push fries and chips into your big mouth as you squat on your couch and criticize Tim who has done more than anyone of us combined and staked his name and safety just to spell out for us the evil right under our noses, then we would not be talking right now. Without his intelligent and thoughtful documentation of abuses you willingly accepted, many of us would be mindlessly clapping and singing to our hearts' delights and stuffing black trashbags full of salape', land titles, hard-earned cash and pugua into Genarinni and Kiko's bank accounts. We would be controlled by stupid presbyters telling us that our daughters are like oranges that they have the right to squeeze the juice on beaches hidden by bath towels in their cars, and who make cameo appearances only occasionally at parishes and showing up for Sunday Mass by whimsy rather than by duty to the Church and God. Watch what you say, and erase all doubt about your clueless self.

    9. An example of an egomaniac with a messiah complex is the NCW idol, Kiko.

    10. Fr.Matthew Blockley.April 5, 2017 at 8:28 PM

      Without Tim Rohr and his skills as a writer we would never have brought healing to so many people. I think all people want is a simple apology that these ruthless men were allowed to govern the church for 30 years and the assurence it will never happen again. I am still waiting for Tomas Camacho to apologize for his years of disaster decay to the people of God.

  3. Now there's a lawsuit which names Joe/Andrew San Agustin... is this the same Joe who has been a protestor since the beginning of this crusade? Just wondering.

  4. The Vatican's own corruption might be strengthening the victims' cases. On his willy-nilly Mercy kick, Francis is refusing to prosecute known pedophile priests.

    Perverts are being "sentenced" to prayer and penance instead. That often means working as retreat masters at some cushy place. These psychopathic criminals also have the option of voluntary laicization, thereby escaping canonical sanctions.

    That's why all victim-members of the Vatican's sham child abuse commission resigned. It's totally defunct. Brutal Rome is no longer accountable to its abuse victims.

  5. Is Apuron still being hidden by Neocats in Fairfield, California? If not, where is he and what is he doing?

    1. Yes, yes and, ahhh...yes! Anthony Stupid Apuron is safely ensconced inside a rabbit hole just like his idol, Saddam "Coward" Hussein. Energizer bunny rabbit Franklin Q is providing daily entertainment only he can confer on this sick man.

    2. That sounds disgusting. Is Franklin Q the BOG Manager's gay husband?

    3. You're thinking of John Q.

    4. Her husband Gay? Important knowledge. Apuron's circle friends mostly Gay.

  6. Apuron won't be defrocked.

    The Vatican knew pedophile Wesolowski was guilty as hell starting with crimes he was kicked out of Poland for. His laicization was secretly reversed because he was ordained bishop by JP2.
