Fr. Ferrandiz, if you haven't done so already, please ask Prof. David Atienza to provide Archbishop Byrnes with a full set of the volumes of the Catechetical Directory of the Neocatechumenal Way. Every page of all thirteen. Si Yu'os Ma'ase.
NOTE (by Tim): For those who may not recall, the appointment of a Delegate to the Neocatechumenal Way was announced in Archbishop Byrne's pastoral letter of 3 March 2017 wherein he states:
"...I have asked the lead catechists here in Guam to put a “pause” on the formation of new communities for a period of about a year. During this time I intend to appoint a priest delegate to help me discern the effects of our efforts, to review the Catechetical Directory of the Neocatechumenal Way, and to ensure that catechists are sufficiently formed and certified for their important role. By this I wish to create a kind of moral and spiritual space in which healing can begin."
is he a neo? neo-friendly?
ReplyDeleteThe announcement begs the question, Why should there be a delegate to the NCW from the Archdiocese of Agana? Is there one also for the Cursillos, etc?
ReplyDeleteIt's because Byrnes said in his letter of last month that the directory and practices of the neo cats would be reviewed. So if you have any information about their abuses Fr. Danny is the one to contact.
DeleteTo add to Tim's response, a delegate to the local NCW movement is necessary because of the disharmony, divisiveness they cause to the local Church and non-conformance to the GIRM. Other movements in the church such as Cursillos don't pose those or similar problems in the local Church. Basically, in this case, it's not a complement to the NCW that Abp. Byrnes has assigned a delegate to specifically look into the NCW's operations in the Archdiocese of Agana.
DeleteTo add to my previous comment, I think Anon 5:14 is confusing the role of a "delegate" in this case to that of Catholic organizations' practice of having "spiritual advisors" for their group. "Delegate" and "spiritual advisor" in this case are not the same.
DeleteI'm shocked that he was appointed. Father Carl in Chalan Pago has more insights since he is a canonical lawyer. One needs to know that one of his parishioners teaches at RMS.
ReplyDeleteI doubt he will be opened minded . He is known to sip sip to get what he wants.
Fr. Carl is also a NEO follower, he will not be objective. Cannon lawer or not.
Delete@ 8:47pm, Father Carl IS NOT a Neo follower! The Neos tried to tell him what to do as a priest of the parish. They wanted to overpower him. I repeat, he IS NOT A NEO FOLLOWER!
DeleteThe Tagalog word for “flattery” is “sipsip”.
ReplyDeleteI pray Fr. Danny has turned a new leaf. He's known to be a BIG apuron and neo sympathizer. If he hasn't changed, then he'd be instrumental in keeping that neoCult alive.
ReplyDeletePlease, just get rid of the neos! You cannot change evil. They will just continue to ruin our Church here!
Fr. Ferrandiz only supports Apuron because he wants to remain on Guam. Unless he is or becomes incardinated into the archdiocese he is not secure enough to do the right thing. That's the predicament all the Filipino priests who are not incardinated into the archdiocese are in. People, including priests, generally do what they must do to survive.
Sure is a BIG Apuron.Too bad Danny boy didn't get enough time to get Apuron to incardinate him. Incardination would get him the path to join the military and get that ID card. This is his big dream!
DeleteFr. Danny will have to prove his loyalty to Bp. Byrnes and that will take time.
DeleteThere are a lot of Filipino priests where I live. Excluding 2 fine older ones who have lived in the US most of their lives, there are serious complaints about their poor training, lack of orthodoxy and extreme clannishness. Basically, only Filipinos like them and vice-versa. They don't like Americans and they tend to be Charismatic.
One high profile Filipino Pastor of a huge parish insists on using non-Catholic altar servers! To him that's easy evangelization and the bishop won't stop it. None of the altar servers convert. That same Pastor also has a thriving NCW group at his church. I went to 2 funerals there and won't go back.
Review Chatechetical Directory if you have the time and if you can get a copy. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteDoes Father Danny have a hotline number?
ReplyDeleteTo be fair to Fr. D. He is only tasked with assisting Archbishop Byrnes as only a "delegate." He has no authority to do anything, only acquire and transmit information. As for how to contact him, I will inquire and post later.
ReplyDeleteFr. Danny Ferrandiz may be contacted at
ReplyDeleteWell Fr. Danny is definitely in a predicament here. Staying loyal to the Church, his immediate boss now (AB Byrnes), and then having to be this appointed delegate. You better believe that not just the NCW community is at an uproar, so are the NCW priests stationed in the various Parishes.
ReplyDeleteThey are asking "Why does it have to be a non-NCW priest" to be this delegate. Go figure!
Good luck Fr. Danny. Praying hard for your diligence to our One True Catholic Church.
Fr. Danny is a good priest. Please, please pray for him and not criticize him.
ReplyDeleteDanny, is that you?
DeleteThe evil NCW cannot be reasoned with. They are hidebound heretics. Bp. Byrnes should just excommunicate them. They don't even believe in the Real Presence. What is he waiting for?
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't have the authority or canonical grounds to do so. He does have the authority to limit or eliminate their activities in his diocese.
DeleteBishop emeritus Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska excommunocated a load of rats from Planned Parenthood, Call to Action, the SSPX and other bad actors. It can be done! He was probably the most conservative US bishop and the Lincoln Diocese continues to thrive.
ReplyDeleteYep. But none of those groups have an approved Statute to operate in the church. There is no need to excommunicate. Byrnes simply can deny the NCW permission to exist in his diocese. The problem is, by his own admission, he knew nothing about the NCW when he took the job.
DeleteThose groups have baptized Catholic members and supporters. Bp. Bruskewitz was within his rights to excommunicate them. If I recall, he's also a canon lawyer.
DeleteDon't be fool by Fr. Dan. He is a high maintenance priest brand name merchandise priest. He was kissing Anthony Apuron, he snitch on Msgr. James Benavente and the Cathedral staff to Anthony for everything. He's a undercover Neo at Santa Bernadita Church.
ReplyDeleteGetting warm, 10:14