Dear Diana,
In case you didn't know, Blockley was double-crossing me by colluding with that idiot from SNAP. But then idiots do tend to run together. More so, Blockley led me to believe he really had something on Bishop Camacho. So I let him have his say on my blog a couple years ago. But he never came out with it. So like others who try to use me, I dumped him. Plus, he's a double crosser on many other levels. He especially loves to hate Msgr. James, just like you. So he'll be at home on your blog. You can have the AWOL piece of shit. And as for your other conspiracy shit, have fun. Bye. I have property to sell. LOL. Courage.
Reminds me of when a person anxious to appear anti-NCW actually sabotaged my old bishop's attempt to get us out of the NCW (as several others had done prior to him).
ReplyDeleteI said months ago that Blockley is a loose cannon who was kicked out of a US diocese by the bishop for working there without faculties.
ReplyDeleteI got slammed for telling the documented truth. He caused a mainstream media shitstorm in New York. Now you're finding out just how disreputable he really is.
Wrong. I knew all along. He was useful at the time.
DeleteYou lied about rotten Blockley's sterling character and went totally off on me when I exposed his NY transgressions here. You are as deceitful as the Neos.
DeleteOoooh. Pooor Babie. Come. Come. Let mommy kiss your owie. :)
DeleteBlockley joined Neos?
Yup. He'll go to whoever will stroke him. LOL
DeleteBlockley shot himself in the foot so many times that a cesspit like the NCW is probably his only refute. He's attracted to the cushy lifestyle its fake priests enjoy and he can totally evade episcopal censure by joining them.
DeleteThe diabolic outfit is a magnet for idiots, outlaws and rejects like Blockley. However, he's probably grinning like a Cheshire cat now because it appears that he might have beaten The System.
Sensed blockley acts like a neo. Obedient to himself neo church. Years he done what he want travel around world prince charming neo. He part of magnet of delusional idiots living in their own dream land church. Kiko is their pope. Blockley kiko same thinking. Blockley could take over Kiko job.
Delete@9:01AM, you sound like the same person who attacked Msgr James and others on Diana's blog. Your grammer gives yoy away. Hey Blockley, you really do know what type of person you are! LOL. You must be 2:09 PM 7/15 too!
DeleteWell, Blockley, seems you have no friends. Around here anyhow. Sad guy.
Delete@12:52 PM, opportunist Blockley isn't sad. He's livin' La Vida Loca with his evil NCW friends. He couldn't care less about stinking Guam.
DeleteLa vida Loca via condotti opportunisa his NCW friends.Blockley loves Rome. He couldn't care less about Guam. Drinking on via condotti Filoni.
DeleteLivin La Vida Loca
DeleteDance to music of life.
He couldn't care less about Guam.Opportunist singing La Vida Loca... great fit for neo
ReplyDeleteSatan invites blockley dinner blockley goes. He'll go to whoever invites him.Serve menu he like or he leaves.
hey tim if you are so influential why are you reading someone else's blog then commenting? You waste time on selected threats to you?
ReplyDeleteLOL. I don't. I never have to go to the Diana. Don't have the stomach for it. Plus it insults my intelligence. My people send me crap they think I can have fun with. LOL. And wasting time? LOL. That's what you are doing by coming back here to see if I responded to your little brain. LOL. Courage.
DeleteBlockley wavering like the waves of the sea, confused about who to believe. One day he is for the truth, another day he is sleeping with the enemy. Clearly an indication of one seeking his self serving interest.
ReplyDeleteNo US bishop will touch Blockley with a bargepole. He's a vagus.
ReplyDeleteNote to self: I will not put my nose in other people's business unless I know what's going on and I have something constructive to say. Unfortunately, Blockley over-estimated his sense of importance and failed to realize that what he was chewing on was beyond his league. He should have been truthful at the very start and should have stuck to his issues rather than getting his nose on every nook and cranny of our complicated situation here on Guam. Sticking to what he knew and inside his lane would have been prudent for a man of his history.
ReplyDeleteTim some of your cronies will turn on you, sooner than you think. Bwahahaha
ReplyDeleteLOL. Not possible. I work alone. I always work alone. That's why I'm effective. I used "double-crossed" as a matter of speaking. Blockley was useful until he wasn't. Courage. Now he's yours.
DeleteBwahahahah yourself, Blockley.
DeleteLife is personal negotiable to blockley. you can be a friend or woe. He loves discussion that go on for hours that never form conclusion.Rare individual who holds attention talking about cosmic universe science religion arts culture.Unclear to what he really think.One fact is clear. All walkways must be accessible negotiable to him. Neo must have offered him something he likes to have jump ship.
ReplyDeleteIs blockley neo or not neo? He acts like neo. Who really knows if he is a secret neo or not neo.
He's whoever he needs to be at the moment.
DeleteStupid Blockley torqued off one of the most powerful US bishops. Last of the east coast Irish Mafia-style prelates. The tough old dude noisily and justifiably kicked him out of his very wealthy New York diocese. The bishop retired to a scandalously palatial private residence a year or so ago. So palatial that it made international news.
ReplyDeleteBlockley neo or non neo?
DeleteImpossible he entered Neocatechumate Formation.
Hey, Blockley, go away. We know it's you. Take a snooze. No more attention for you.
DeleteI'm glad somebody else spotted him at 2:11pm. So easy to spot. LOL.
DeleteAnd at 2:35. Just like Diana. Makes comments then responds to himself. SMH.
DeleteWhere is Blockley these days? It's unlikely that any US bishop will incardinate him after he was drop-kicked out of New York.
ReplyDeleteBlockley busy guy. Busy busy busy body.
ReplyDeleteBlockley, get a life! Stop commenting like this to get attention. We know its you.