AnonymousJuly 10, 2017 at 2:07 PM
It is interesting that the Neocats are very quiet on everything that is going against them. Of course, we know they operate in secrecy, because they are not Catholic, though they want us to believe that they are. But for them to debunk what we are doing, they have nothing but, "We have been approved by three popes and umpteen cardinals and archbishops." It's really more like, "We bought our way into the Church so we can take it over. Sorry, Jack! LFM and CCOG. Guam's JungleWatch Dog!
This comment reminded me of something I have been intending to write about the so-called "approval" of the neocats by popes, bishops, etc.
Kiko Arguello, in demanding that his movement not be labeled a "movement," set up the path to his own destruction. I will explain.
Kiko and Carmen fought hard not to have the Church label the NCW a "movement" like Focolare, the Charismatic Movement, Communion and Liberation, etc. (There are over 100.) To be labeled a movement would have subjected the NCW to the oversight of a particular Vatican dicastery and the whims of whoever was running that dicastery at the time.
In order for his NCW to take over the Catholic world, Kiko and Carmen designed it to be outside the oversight of the Vatican and only under the purview of individual diocesan bishops. While there was still a risk that certain bishops would not welcome them, there are over 5000 bishops, so the odds were good that they could find plenty of places to fester.
There were also some other advantages. By calling themselves only an "itinerary of faith formation," they had the perfect disguise to slip into dioceses. Also, once sanctioned by a usually unaware bishop, they had access to everything that belonged to the parishes where they set up shop, including the cover to collect money and not account for it.
However, this setup was also Kiko's Achille's Heel. Article 1, Section 2 of the 2008 Statute of the Neocatechumenal Way, the one which received "final approval," states:
The Neocatechumenal Way is at the service of the bishop as one of the forms of diocesan implementation of Christian initiation and of ongoing education in faith.
This means that IT DOESN'T MATTER how many popes, or bishops, or archbishops, or Tom, Dick and Harry's "approved" the neocats. All that matters - PER ITS OWN STATUTE - is that it is "approved" for "service" in a diocese by the diocesan bishop. In our case, that is ARCHBISHOP MICHAEL J. BYRNES, and no one else.
And Archbishop Byrnes, because he is responsible for the eternal salvation of souls in his diocese, had demanded to review the Catechetical Directory of the NCW for himself, and so far, all the neocats in this diocese have done is flip him off. Right, Atienza?
Dang! Foiled again!! Is there no way to pull the wool over your eyes, Tim Rohr???!!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe AB Byrnes should do as Apuron did, by making the statement, "arduous and painful closure to his/her/their assignments." Wishful thinking!
ReplyDeleteYes, I have been curious as to whether the Archbishop has been, or will be, given copies of the thirteen infamous volumes. Does anyone know?
ReplyDeleteBTW, in my view, one only has to look at the catechesis on "Penance" in the initial volume to know that the NCW needs either serious and severe reform, or a total Catholic ban.
There is no directory, at least not one for Byrnes.
DeleteByrnes can subpoena a certified copy of the Directory. If the Neocats refuse, he can shut them down as an illegal, non-compliant secret society.
DeleteIt would be an ill-advised use of his authority to do that. Byrnes only needs to ask the Guam catechist, Atienza, for a copy. If he doesn't produce it. That's the end. Byrnes doesn't need to do anything else. The NCW statute gives him all the authority he needs to shut them down. This is what Benedict told the Japanese bishops in 2011. They DON'T need Rome to do anything.
DeleteAnother problem has been the statutes. There were clear changes made to the final approved statutes but the previous "ad experimentum" version was so "liberating" and "comfortable". Guess which one is used in practice (if at all)? "We have approval. We just need to find it." This has been the recurring mantra.
DeleteI only thought that it was their statues and non-luturgical practices that were approved. I didn't see any approval in their 13 catechetical volyn5ea being approved.
DeleteThe outline of the different stages may look exceptional, but how it is presented may be another story.
Makes a person wonder what it is that they don't want us to see. Oops, I'm not worthy to see what the 13 volumes contains. I'm not one of the chosen ones. Oh well!
"Don't judge any church authorities that oppose us" (ncw).
ReplyDelete(eg AB Byrnes, Bishop Alexander of Clifton, Bishop Campbell of Lancaster)
Just DEMEAN them, DENIGRATE them, DERIDE them, make DISPARAGING remarks about them, Defy them, DISOBEY them!
"We are the ncw, the chosen, the elect" -----the VERY PROUD!
We justify causing DIVISION by announcing Jesus Christ.
We justify DISSIDENCE to the Church by obeying a vision from Mary.
We aim to DISENFRANCHISE church authority, usurping its authority.
We aim to DIVERT diocesan capital and parish revenues.
We will DEFRAUD and DECEIVE in God's name.
"but we will not let our members find out what we are really doing!"
Division by announcing Christ?
DeleteBUT the division is in the Church-Is Christ not announced to cause a personal response-some for and some against? Not to cause division in the Church itself!!
Obeying vision of Mary? Has this vision been witnessed and authenticated by the Church? Why is Kiko so coy about talking of this vision?
Sometimes what is not said speaks most loudly!
What could be the objective? WAKE UP WORLD
The NCW must not be allowed to continue spreading its lies and deceptions and claiming that the Vatican "allowed" it.
ReplyDeleteWe must show the whole world what the NCW really is, a Protestant-Judeo heresy masquerading as Catholic, we must shut down this evil that has infected our Church.
Btw, I know this is off topic but where are all the neopriests which have been ordained by RMS Guam? Is the archdiocese of Agana responsible for all of them if they are on missions? Does this archdiocese pay for their salaries while assigned to other places? Like Louis camacho? Or that monkey ediwaldo? It's almost August and if I remember correctly, his leave should be ending soon. Don't know how he can live without a salary and if he's paid by the archdiocese, I sure won't be donating anything till the financial books are completely open to the faithful. As long as these neos are still in this archdiocese, there will always be that distrust in their caniving cult.
ReplyDeletePlease send a letter to Archbishop Byrnes with your concerns. He needs to know them.
DeleteHow can I send a letter to archbishop Byrnes? I will definitely write to him with my concerns about the neocult movement within the archdiocese of Agana.
DeleteMost Rev. Michael Jude Barnes, Coadjutor Archbishop of Agana, Chancery Office, 196 Cuesta San Ramon Suite B, Hagatna, Guam 96910. Or you can handcarry your message to the Chancery Office.
DeleteBenedict XVI should have declared the diabolic NCW non-Catholic and condemned it altogether instead of pandering to uber-wealthy Kiko and Carmen. He is responsible for their ascendancy. This vermin and their fake priests should not be allowed to step foot on Church property anywhere!
ReplyDeleteB16 is also the reason we're stuck with the wealthy, neo-nazi SSPX which should have been excommunicated decades ago. Now Francis is allowing them to ordain their twisted clerics WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE LOCAL BISHOP! If he gives the same treacherous latitude to the NCW and every other pack of rich heretics that comes down the pike, the Catholic priesthood is history.
The Vatican allowed these two packs of devil's spawn to flourish because of their tremendous wealth. I know exactly what the cultish SSPX is like because, like the NCW, it destroyed several family friends with its cosmetic orthodoxy.
All of these people left the insular SSPX divorced, suffering from clinical depression and stuck with totally dysfunctional, homeschooled kids. The undersocialized older ones among them left home before finishing high school. Some of their parents are so disturbed that they joined the lunatic Home Alone movement after leaving the SSPX.
Defining themselves as Traditionalists, heretical Home Aloners refuse to attend Catholic churches or partake in the Sacraments. Instead, they stay at home watching videos of unapproved, pre-1962 daily and Sunday Tridentine Masses, the only liturgies they regard as valid. They have no social contact whatsoever The with practicing Catholics. Close former friends of over 30 years won't even speak to me. All of the Home Aloners I know started down their road to hell when they joined they SSPX in the SSPX in the 1980's.
I'll permit this comment for now. However, this is not the forum for your personal angst with SSPX. I could name a lot more people whose faith has been destroyed by the church the SSPX was formed to oppose.
DeleteAhhhh! So, the Neocats are keeping quiet (but probably working profusely behind the scenes) because they now have to convince Archbishop Byrnes--but first--Deacon Steve Martinez--that they are for real, for sure, for sure! And based on Archbishop Byrnes' actions thus far (March 15 Letter; appointment of Deacon Steve as the Delegate to the NCW); they are afraid that they will be stared down by these two, and melt! All they have are Pius and Edivaldo--both "exiled" from Guam; Dakon Frank Tenorio and Dakon Larry Claros who are afraid to speak because Apuron is not here to protect them. Besides, Dakon Tenorio needs his coach, Edivaldo the Waldo, to be by his side and to write his script. Tenorio is so plastic! And they also have Eusebio; Jackie Terlaje; and the Diana. . . poor examples of leaders and spokespersons. On the other side: CCOG; LFM; JungleWatchers; Tim Rohr; Deacon Steve Martinez; and others who are deeply rooted in their Faith and ready to defend it against the forces of evil. But the battle and the war is not over. Apuron OUT, and the body of the snake will cease to wiggle!
ReplyDeleteMore power to Bp. Byrnes! I hope he slams the NCW totally out of Guam.
ReplyDeleteIt needs to be made explicit that any private Bible studies ordinary members may have, have got nothing to do with any "stages" nor itinerants.
DeleteAnche qui in Italia vi siamo grati per la lotta che avete sostenuto. Con la speranza che il cammino venga definitivamente annientato alla radice, non solo a Guam ma da tutte le parti, con un drastico intervento di Papa Francesco.
DeleteMa mi sembra solo un sogno.
TRANSLATION: Even here in Italy we are grateful for the fight you have supported. Hoping that the Way is finally destroyed at the root, not only in Guam but in all parts, with a drastic intervention by Pope Francis.
DeleteBut it just seems to me a dream.
The Neocats are not being "quiet" as in impotent or intimidated. They're at full strength and quietly plotting against Bp. Byrnes. Keep your ears to the ground.