Let "the Church" (or even anybody who goes to church) speak publicly against such things as abortion and same-sex marriage, and he/she/they can expect to be immediately crucified on the cross of "separation of church and state." But let "the State" bully the Church - as it now is - and there doesn't seem to be a peep of protest.
It just seems odd that if we can go to the grocery store, the post office, the hardware store, the gas station, and even an auto repair shop - so long as we social-distance, why can't we go to church? The same precautions used in these places of business - such as tape on the floor, requiring masks, and greeters who spray disinfectant on your hands - could be applied at churches - at least for Sunday Mass.
We could even receive Holy Communion. We would line up 6 feet apart. Tape could be put in the aisle to insure this. The priest could wear a mask and even gloves -which he would put on just to distribute communion so that the gloves only touch the hosts. The host, even if it was contaminated, would not pose a health threat because once it is ingested, the stomach acids would kill the virus. (The virus has to get into your lungs to cause a problem.)
What is particularly disconcerting is the seeming embrace of so many Catholics of what is essentially Protestant worship. Protestant worship consists mostly of listening to a sermon and praising and praying, all of which can be done alone or remotely. Catholic worship is something different altogether. In fact, the first few verses of this past Sunday's first reading describes it exactly:
They devoted themselves
to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life,
to the breaking of bread and to the prayers.
We don't go to Mass to hear a sermon, though we may. We don't go to Mass to sing and praise or even pray, though we may. We can do those things by watching Mass on television or on our phones. We go to Mass for the "communal life" and "the breaking of the bread."
That's not something we can do at home.
And then there's the cute stuff floating about social media posted by well-meaning people about how the church isn't a building, and "we are the church," etc. That is true to a point, but it stops at the Mass which (barring an indult) cannot be celebrated outside a consecrated space on a consecrated altar. But once again, that's why Catholicism is different.
On another, but related note, it is also a curious thing that the same governor who has issued the edict to close our churches is the same governor whose main concern only a few months ago was to recruit an abortionist. Of course, nary a peep was made about that either.
Maybe this plague is God's judgment after all. It wouldn't be the first time. Or maybe just a warning?
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