Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Orchestrated II, Pt. 1 - The Rest of the Story

I've been giving some thought to this for a very long time. And I believe it is time to tell the "rest of the story," albeit very carefully, and only in pieces.

Orchestrated (The Series) as you can see in the tabs, lays out the grand scheme of things, but I've never told just my part of the story. 

So I'm going to call it Orchestrated II, and I will share it in small parts...at least for now...and until I get tired of doing it. 

I called the original series "Orchestrated" because that was the word used by our enemies to describe how JW took down the Almighty Apuron. I chose the term "Orchestrated," because that is precisely how it was done. And the series explains it in deep detail.

But pursuant to my own personal part, "Orchestrated" was never orchestrated. 

I started JW long before I delved into the events that eventually led to Apuron's "come tumbling down." It was called "JungleWatch," because I wanted a forum, i.e. a blog, where I could comment on stuff I saw happening in society, which I thought of as "the Jungle," that few, if any, were commenting on, at least truthfully and factually.

For several years prior to JW I had a blog where I posted Catholic stuff, most of which was printed in the Umatuna, the newspaper for the Archdiocese of Agana. It was and is still called www.TheMassNever Ends.com 

But, because I didn't want to "mix politics with religion," I decided to start a different blog for my political commentary, and thus was born JungleWatch, somewhere around 2010.

I had little activity on the blog. There wasn't much to say. In fact, around the middle of 2013, when things with the local church exploded, I had maybe 300 views after 3 years. Of course now, if you look in the right side bar, the views are approaching TEN MILLION. 

What happened?

There is also the country counter which shows that just about every country in the world has logged into this blog.

And why is that?

The driver could not have been just local church stuff. Nor could it have been my "excellent" writing. LOL. No. There was, and still is, something that drives JW. 

And I'm getting closer to telling...the rest of the story.

But I'm tired now. So good night. 

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