Thursday, March 3, 2022


 Posted by frenchie

Following the total incapacity by the defense to show that a "resulting trust" exist between the Corporation Sole (aka the Archbishop) and the Schools and/or the parishes, Judge Tydingco-Gatewood could only rule in favor of the plaintiffs.

After announcing her decision, she went into a simple set of explanations to explain the process.

She also took the time to revisit the fact that Judge Faris of the Federal Court of Hawaii is still available for both parties to find a settlement before moving into the long and costly process of law suits.

She also took heart, following both Mr Tudela and Archbishop Byrnes declarations of contrition, and peace offerings.

The following Monday, the Pastors of the parishes of the diocese, and the school principals were summoned to the Chancery for an update by the legal defense team.

Junglewatch has procured a copy of the original plan of reorganization brought forth by the plaintiffs, which is a public document. It is a 138 pages document which highlight their proposal.

This was filed a little while ago.

A positive development occurred yesterday. A hearing which had been originally filed for Friday March

4th, for a disclosure statement was moved to Friday March the 11th, at the request of both parties, to be able to have more time to meet with Judge Faris in Hawaii, to come up with a joint chapter 11 reorganization plan.

This is  probably the most encouraging development so far in this case.

Since we have entered the Lent Period of self reflection, and self examination, I would strongly suggest that we all pray for cool heads to prevail.


  1. Some thoughts on going forward now that all church properties are on the table. 1. The properties are not cash until they are sold. 2. Therefore there must be a buyer. 3. Most of the properties are not desirable, i.e. who wants to buy an abandoned church? 4. Properties that end up for sale can be bought by anyone or any group. 5. Catholics should organize themselves into independent association or corporations and begin planning to buy back church properties they want to keep. 6. Such Catholic groups are very likely to be able to purchase some church properties at lever low prices.
