"God inspired me, too, and still inspires me with such great faith in priests who live according to the laws of the holy Church of Rome, because of their dignity, that if they persecuted me, I should still be ready to turn to them for aid. And if I were as wise as Solomon and met the poorest priests of the world, I would still refuse to preach against their will in the parishes in which they live. I am determined to reverence, love and honour priests and all others as my superiors. I refuse to consider their sins, because I can see the Son of God in them and they are better than I. I do this because in this world I cannot see the most high Son of God with my own eyes, except for his most holy Body and Blood which they receive and they alone administer to others." Saint Francis of Assisi, (Testament)
I side with the Shepherd who is the vicar of Jesus Christ. It's no longer Protestant and Catholic but the spirit of Vatican I and Vatican II. I have the spirit of the Vatican II. The Pope say; go and announce the GOSPEL. The GOSPEL of Jesus Christ.
Gotta love that one, folks. Vatican I vs Vatican II. Ummm, apparently you don't know anything about Vatican I, do you? Or Vatican II for that matter. We do welcome more evidence of idiocy, a la the NCW.
Feb26, 9:29AM-There is also (as early in our Church history as since Vatican II) this Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, CHIEF ARCHITECT OF THE "liturgical time bombs of in Vat. II", WHO WAS EXILED in 1975 to a distant section of Iran BY POPE PAUL IV because of this Archbishop's wrong doings!
We are created by God and given an intellect and reasoning which raises our dignity as human beings and differentiates the way we reason, make decisions and choices from the way animals choose, based on their God--given "ANIMAL INSTINCT" OR, because of the animal’s docility, is thus TRAINED to be a loyal follower of its "master".
Given our higher level of intellect (which God expects us to use) to that of an animal's, and WE ARE REQUIRED TO USE these God-given abilities to select and choose that which IS THE AUTHENTIC CATHOLIC CATECHESIS of the Catholic Church (led by and under the Authority of no one else but The Magisterium). We are NOT REQUIRED to practice BLIND OBENIENCE; BUT WE ARE ESPECIALLY REQUIRED to use our intellect to make rational and intellectual decisions, on our own, rather than BE BLINDLY LED or TO FEEBLY FOLLOW A LEADER – ANY LEADER, in fact!
Dear Tim, It is indeed a sad fact that more often than not, the people with the least knowledge are always ready to share their ill founded certitudes with all that would listen. While people who have had the chance and the opportunity to learn and study are always in awe, at how little they know of the mysteries of life as such, and of the immensity and complexity of our universe and our faith. As such always needing to search for more answers, more knowledge, and solutions.
Hence it is not surprising that the learned individual is at a disadvantage facing rabid zealots who are blinded by their narrow perception of what they think is the truth. Each generation has had to fight these kinds of issues. It appears that the families of Catholics on Guam have to face the challenge posed by the NCW and a wayward bishop.
Some have asked if the "Way" is a sect... In view of their secretive habits, idolization of the leaders and propencity to view themselves as martyrs to their cause, and non members as "Judas" the Neos sure would fit the bill. (to be continued) Part I
Part II (continuation) Others have likened Kiko to Luther or Calvin, since they were the initiators of the protestant Heresy I would be willing to entertain this notion of Heresy regarding the NCW, but the word Heresy is very strong and often used in an inflamatory way. There are huge differences between Heresy, Apostasy, Schism and finaly Incredulity. Incredulity being the neglect of a revealed truth or the willful refusal to assent to it. It would appear that most members of the NCW would likely fit that description. Apostasy is when one totaly repudiates the Christian faith and no longer claim to be a Christian. Obviously this does not describe the NCW Schism: is when one separates from the Catholic Church without repudiating a defined doctrine. A recent example being in the late 80s, the followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and his society of St Pius X. Again the NCW does not fit this description. Finaly Heresy: To commit Heresy several factors need to be met. You must refuse to be corrected. A person without knowledge that what he/she is saying is against church teaching is not an Heretic. This is the case for most followers of "the Way". The doubt or denial involved in Heresy must be a matter concerning a subject revealed by God and defined as such by the Church. IE: the real presence of Christ at the Eucharist, the infallibility of the Pope, Mary's immaculate conception, the Holy Trinity, the incarnation and of course the Sacrifice of the Mass. Here you can clearly see that Kiko, Carmen and Tony are dangerously close to committing Heresy. This indeed is at the heart of our relation or lack of relation with the Neos on the island. To be continued.
Continuation part III. By using secrecy, lies, half truth and scare tactics the Archbishop and his minions have separated themselves "de facto" from the flock (not the other way around) instead chosing to catter to the few and the privileged (NCW)
To compound the problem, the Archbishop handling of the monies and the properties in his care (in our names) has been opaque at best if not disastrous. While our Pope Francis has warned the Bishops not to become "airplane bishops", brother Tony has more frequent flyer miles that the average fortune 100 CEO!!! This, is a sad state of affairs. What can we do as Catholics, what should we do, to save our Church and to protect our brothers and sisters from the evil at hand? This, Tim, is what your blog has allowed us to formulate. It appears that whole sections of Catholics on Guam are waking up to the ugly facts. It is encouraging. Brave souls like you and many waiting in the wings have taken the mantle and lifted the veil for all of us to see the realities. I am looking forward to the future, as one of hope, Hope that the Catholics of this beautiful island shall prevail against the false prophets, Jesus warned us about. Smart and young leaders are arising, The time of reckonning is near.
@ Frenchie are you saying the secrecy bothers you. Maybe is in the works but in In 1997, Pope John Paul II "encouraged [Argüello and Hernández] to examine their thirty-year experience of the Way, and to formalize it with a written statute,"[24] and Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger urged the drafting of the Statutes as "a very important step that will open the way to the formal juridical recognition by the Church, and giving you a further guarantee of the authenticity of NCW. It came from the two present popes. One is nearly a Saint. Are you calling these guys a liar. Why would they encourage these guys if they were wrong. The NCW is not for everyone, no one is forcing you. Belly aching to the winds I think. Heartening words, NOT!
No. We are calling YOU "a liar". For your Statute was formulated and promulgated and you violate it, particularly in the manner in which you distribute Holy Communion. The approved statute notes in Art. 13, footnote 49, the directive from Cardinal Arinze, requiring you to receive Holy Communion according to the liturgical books. You ignored the directive then. You continue to ignore it now, all the while pretending to be in union with Rome. Presto: YOU'RE A LIAR.
Thank you Tim for putting it in perspective. Dear Old Man from Santa Rita. Nobody has an issue with the statute. It is what the NCW does, or more appropriately does Not do in not following their own statute. And again, one more time, the Popes throughout the history of the Church encourage ALL lay groups, it is done out of love and usually with guidance. When the leadership of the NCW fail to abide by their own statute, refuse to follow the instructions from Rome, denigrate the Cardinals that vehicle these instructions, and in the process lie and highjack the goodwill and the hearthy possessions of the Church that welcome them, then my dear old man there is a huge problem. As I highlighted it, it is tantamount to Heresy, and the Brother Tony, Kiko and Carmen are playing with fire. They are using and misleading their followers. Allowing for others to do things, has never and will never be an endorsement or an encouragement. Kiko's propaganda can put as much spin on these photo ops, it does NOT change the facts.
But as for the St. Francis story, Francis was speaking of priests, and one in particular, who were themselves engaged in sexual liaisons and other sinful lifestyles, but, though they lived sinful lives, did not divorce themselves from Rome by challenging its authority.
On this blog, we are not questioning or engaging the personal morality of any cleric. We are questioning and engaging the clerics who divorce themselves from the Magisterium by continuing to celebrate the Mass and distribute communion in an illicit manner, and the violation of canon law by certain administrative acts.
The church condones this manner of questioning which is why the processes of hierarchical recourse are written into Canon Law.
Dear Anonymous at 2.25, I guess you are completely missing the point. Popes are always inclusive of new movements. Teach with love and councel is always the approach. Kiko and Carmen used their contact with the Spanish Franquist to have more accesses to the members of the Curia. They, not the Pope read, redact, suggest to and from the Pope. Paul VI was notorious about this. John Paul II was very concerned about the losing of faith in Europe, and gave a blanket encouragement to many groups of lay people, including the way (but not specificaly to them). Taking exerpt of this or that declaration and pasting i,t for propaganda purpose has never been and will never be considered as an approval. Hence the dissapointment of the leaders of the NCW. As for Benedict far from endorsing the documents as it was falselly reported by Kiko, he refused to sign and put strongly worded statement on procedures, as well as a probation period of observation, which brother Tony poopooed and failed to adhere to. Finaly Francis so far has not endorsed anything, but rather reframe the debate in no uncertain terms. I will not be surprised if his next move is not more radical, in view of the excentricities of Kiko and Carmen. Not being condamned does NOT mean you are endorsed or supported.
Who were responsible for bringing the NCW to Guam. I recall a front-page Pacific Voice story that reported Deacon Joaquin Cepeda and Gus Sablan. Were they the founders?
A seminarian once shared a short story on something he learned at RMS. He said they were told that Jesus Christ is not the true Christ - we are still waiting for the true Christ. What heresy! And people wonder why Aaron Quitugua wants to attend Mount Angel Seminary? One can only imagine the heresies being taught at the local seminary.
Yes. Correct. Actually thought I pressed delete on that one. But now that there are other comments, we'll let it be. We don't need that hearsay stuff. We have enough real stuff.
Maybe he misunderstood. After all he didn't know the language the professor was lecturing in. Does any one see a problem here? Taking course after course and a language you do not know. What kind of the Institute is this pass or fail?
I have asked if I could attend classes there. I was told no. If there is a new policy that admits the public, please advise. However in order to determine the level if education received at said Institute...let's just say we're getting a fairly good idea by the comments on this blog.
Isn't Msgr. David the director of the Institute. That's wearing a lot of hats. There is a rumor that secular students will be able to study there in the future. It is probably only to audit.
All the typical crap, i.e. no one before Vatican II could understand the Mass because it was in Latin (which means St. Francis and Anthony sat there wondering what the hell was going on), Pope John wanted the Mass in the local language (LIE), all the regular crap that we've heard for years in the name of Vatican II, none of which is true, and is easily refuted by the documents themselves. In the end it was just an ad for the Neo and I called him out on it. He had nothing to say.
I wrote a column a couple weeks later in the U Matuna, subtlety taking apart the "professor's" points.
Thank you for posting this link. It was very informative and as I posted before in a past comment, I continue to learn and understand so much through this blog. Keep doing what you are doing!
My pastor told me to ignore this blog and remain peaceful. I said I thought it sounds solid; but he said not. Oh, well, I will continue as I like to see all thr sides of a story.
DianaFebruary 26, 2014 at 10:48 AM Yes, we pray for all the brothers and sisters walking in the communities so that God will strengthen us. We also pray for our persecutors, who are in darkness.
A cc should have been sent to the Nuncio!
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck is this? For some reason I don't get it
ReplyDelete"God inspired me, too, and still inspires me with such great faith in priests who live according to the laws of the holy Church of Rome, because of their dignity, that if they persecuted me, I should still be ready to turn to them for aid. And if I were as wise as Solomon and met the poorest priests of the world, I would still refuse to preach against their will in the parishes in which they live. I am determined to reverence, love and honour priests and all others as my superiors. I refuse to consider their sins, because I can see the Son of God in them and they are better than I. I do this because in this world I cannot see the most high Son of God with my own eyes, except for his most holy Body and Blood which they receive and they alone administer to others." Saint Francis of Assisi, (Testament)
ReplyDeleteLuther was a priest. So was Arius and Nestorius. There's a long list.
DeleteI side with the Shepherd who is the vicar of Jesus Christ. It's no longer Protestant and Catholic but the spirit of Vatican I and Vatican II. I have the spirit of the Vatican II. The Pope say; go and announce the GOSPEL. The GOSPEL of Jesus Christ.
DeleteGotta love that one, folks. Vatican I vs Vatican II. Ummm, apparently you don't know anything about Vatican I, do you? Or Vatican II for that matter. We do welcome more evidence of idiocy, a la the NCW.
DeleteFeb26, 9:29AM-There is also (as early in our Church history as since Vatican II) this Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, CHIEF ARCHITECT OF THE "liturgical time bombs of in Vat. II", WHO WAS EXILED in 1975 to a distant section of Iran BY POPE PAUL IV because of this Archbishop's wrong doings!
DeleteWe are created by God and given an intellect and reasoning which raises our dignity as human beings and differentiates the way we reason, make decisions and choices from the way animals choose, based on their God--given "ANIMAL INSTINCT" OR, because of the animal’s docility, is thus TRAINED to be a loyal follower of its "master".
Given our higher level of intellect (which God expects us to use) to that of an animal's, and WE ARE REQUIRED TO USE these God-given abilities to select and choose that which IS THE AUTHENTIC CATHOLIC CATECHESIS of the Catholic Church (led by and under the Authority of no one else but The Magisterium). We are NOT REQUIRED to practice BLIND OBENIENCE; BUT WE ARE ESPECIALLY REQUIRED to use our intellect to make rational and intellectual decisions, on our own, rather than BE BLINDLY LED or TO FEEBLY FOLLOW A LEADER – ANY LEADER, in fact!
Pope also said to be Christ like not a TYRANT.
DeleteDear Tim,
DeleteIt is indeed a sad fact that more often than not, the people with the least knowledge are always ready to share their ill founded certitudes with all that would listen.
While people who have had the chance and the opportunity to learn and study are always in awe, at how little they know of the mysteries of life as such, and of the immensity and complexity of our universe and our faith.
As such always needing to search for more answers, more knowledge, and solutions.
Hence it is not surprising that the learned individual is at a disadvantage facing rabid zealots who are blinded by their narrow perception of what they think is the truth.
Each generation has had to fight these kinds of issues. It appears that the families of Catholics on Guam have to face the challenge posed by the NCW and a wayward bishop.
Some have asked if the "Way" is a sect...
In view of their secretive habits, idolization of the leaders and propencity to view themselves as martyrs to their cause, and non members as "Judas" the Neos sure would fit the bill. (to be continued) Part I
Part II (continuation)
DeleteOthers have likened Kiko to Luther or Calvin, since they were the initiators of the protestant Heresy
I would be willing to entertain this notion of Heresy regarding the NCW, but the word Heresy is very strong and often used in an inflamatory way.
There are huge differences between Heresy, Apostasy, Schism and finaly Incredulity.
Incredulity being the neglect of a revealed truth or the willful refusal to assent to it. It would appear that most members of the NCW would likely fit that description.
Apostasy is when one totaly repudiates the Christian faith and no longer claim to be a Christian. Obviously this does not describe the NCW
Schism: is when one separates from the Catholic Church without repudiating a defined doctrine. A recent example being in the late 80s, the followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and his society of St Pius X. Again the NCW does not fit this description.
Finaly Heresy: To commit Heresy several factors need to be met.
You must refuse to be corrected. A person without knowledge that what he/she is saying is against church teaching is not an Heretic.
This is the case for most followers of "the Way".
The doubt or denial involved in Heresy must be a matter concerning a subject revealed by God and defined as such by the Church.
IE: the real presence of Christ at the Eucharist, the infallibility of the Pope, Mary's immaculate conception, the Holy Trinity, the incarnation and of course the Sacrifice of the Mass.
Here you can clearly see that Kiko, Carmen and Tony are dangerously close to committing Heresy.
This indeed is at the heart of our relation or lack of relation with the Neos on the island.
To be continued.
Continuation part III.
DeleteBy using secrecy, lies, half truth and scare tactics the Archbishop and his minions have separated themselves "de facto" from the flock (not the other way around) instead chosing to catter to the few and the privileged (NCW)
To compound the problem, the Archbishop handling of the monies and the properties in his care (in our names) has been opaque at best if not disastrous.
While our Pope Francis has warned the Bishops not to become
"airplane bishops", brother Tony has more frequent flyer miles that the average fortune 100 CEO!!!
This, is a sad state of affairs. What can we do as Catholics, what should we do, to save our Church and to protect our brothers and sisters from the evil at hand?
This, Tim, is what your blog has allowed us to formulate.
It appears that whole sections of Catholics on Guam are waking up to the ugly facts. It is encouraging. Brave souls like you and many waiting in the wings have taken the mantle and lifted the veil for all of us to see the realities.
I am looking forward to the future, as one of hope, Hope that the Catholics of this beautiful island shall prevail against the false prophets, Jesus warned us about.
Smart and young leaders are arising, The time of reckonning is near.
Thank you Frenchie! Very informative posts. I am hopeful as well.
Delete@ Frenchie. Heartening words, my friend.
Delete@ Frenchie are you saying the secrecy bothers you. Maybe is in the works but in In 1997, Pope John Paul II "encouraged [Argüello and Hernández] to examine their thirty-year experience of the Way, and to formalize it with a written statute,"[24] and Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger urged the drafting of the Statutes as "a very important step that will open the way to the formal juridical recognition by the Church, and giving you a further guarantee of the authenticity of NCW. It came from the two present popes. One is nearly a Saint. Are you calling these guys a liar. Why would they encourage these guys if they were wrong. The NCW is not for everyone, no one is forcing you. Belly aching to the winds I think. Heartening words, NOT!
DeleteOLD Man from Santa Rita
No. We are calling YOU "a liar". For your Statute was formulated and promulgated and you violate it, particularly in the manner in which you distribute Holy Communion. The approved statute notes in Art. 13, footnote 49, the directive from Cardinal Arinze, requiring you to receive Holy Communion according to the liturgical books. You ignored the directive then. You continue to ignore it now, all the while pretending to be in union with Rome. Presto: YOU'RE A LIAR.
DeleteThank you Tim for putting it in perspective.
DeleteDear Old Man from Santa Rita. Nobody has an issue with the statute. It is what the NCW does, or more appropriately does Not do in not following their own statute.
And again, one more time, the Popes throughout the history of the Church encourage ALL lay groups, it is done out of love and usually with guidance. When the leadership of the NCW fail to abide by their own statute, refuse to follow the instructions from Rome, denigrate the Cardinals that vehicle these instructions, and in the process lie and highjack the goodwill and the hearthy possessions of the Church that welcome them, then my dear old man there is a huge problem. As I highlighted it, it is tantamount to Heresy, and the Brother Tony, Kiko and Carmen are playing with fire. They are using and misleading their followers.
Allowing for others to do things, has never and will never be an endorsement or an encouragement. Kiko's propaganda can put as much spin on these photo ops, it does NOT change the facts.
But as for the St. Francis story, Francis was speaking of priests, and one in particular, who were themselves engaged in sexual liaisons and other sinful lifestyles, but, though they lived sinful lives, did not divorce themselves from Rome by challenging its authority.
ReplyDeleteOn this blog, we are not questioning or engaging the personal morality of any cleric. We are questioning and engaging the clerics who divorce themselves from the Magisterium by continuing to celebrate the Mass and distribute communion in an illicit manner, and the violation of canon law by certain administrative acts.
The church condones this manner of questioning which is why the processes of hierarchical recourse are written into Canon Law.
But thanks for sharing.
So why four Pope's did not stop them or freeze them from doing it. 13 Volumes were approved...... ??????????
DeleteYes. They were approved. So now WHERE ARE THEY?
DeleteI don't know did you get one from the mail?
DeleteYes, why are they being hidden? What is the big secret??
DeleteDear Anonymous at 2.25, I guess you are completely missing the point.
DeletePopes are always inclusive of new movements. Teach with love and councel is always the approach.
Kiko and Carmen used their contact with the Spanish Franquist to have more accesses to the members of the Curia. They, not the Pope read, redact, suggest to and from the Pope.
Paul VI was notorious about this. John Paul II was very concerned about the losing of faith in Europe, and gave a blanket encouragement to many groups of lay people, including the way (but not specificaly to them). Taking exerpt of this or that declaration and pasting i,t for propaganda purpose has never been and will never be considered as an approval. Hence the dissapointment of the leaders of the NCW.
As for Benedict far from endorsing the documents as it was falselly reported by Kiko, he refused to sign and put strongly worded statement on procedures, as well as a probation period of observation, which brother Tony poopooed and failed to adhere to. Finaly Francis so far has not endorsed anything, but rather reframe the debate in no uncertain terms.
I will not be surprised if his next move is not more radical, in view of the excentricities of Kiko and Carmen.
Not being condamned does NOT mean you are endorsed or supported.
Who were responsible for bringing the NCW to Guam. I recall a front-page Pacific Voice story that reported Deacon Joaquin Cepeda and Gus Sablan. Were they the founders?
ReplyDeleteA seminarian once shared a short story on something he learned at RMS. He said they were told that Jesus Christ is not the true Christ - we are still waiting for the true Christ. What heresy! And people wonder why Aaron Quitugua wants to attend Mount Angel Seminary? One can only imagine the heresies being taught at the local seminary.
ReplyDeletePhhhsssssh Slander and blasphemy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteAnonymousFebruary 26, 2014 at 2:20 PM If that is true, then it is getting really scary!!!
DeleteI don't believe the seminarians were ever taught that. The NCW's errors are more subtle. This could be a red herring thrown in to discredit the blog.
DeleteYes. Correct. Actually thought I pressed delete on that one. But now that there are other comments, we'll let it be. We don't need that hearsay stuff. We have enough real stuff.
DeleteMaybe he misunderstood. After all he didn't know the language the professor was lecturing in. Does any one see a problem here? Taking course after course and a language you do not know. What kind of the Institute is this pass or fail?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you go there and find out? Stop wondering??????
DeleteI have asked if I could attend classes there. I was told no. If there is a new policy that admits the public, please advise. However in order to determine the level if education received at said Institute...let's just say we're getting a fairly good idea by the comments on this blog.
DeleteIsn't Msgr. David the director of the Institute. That's wearing a lot of hats. There is a rumor that secular students will be able to study there in the future. It is probably only to audit.
Deleteplease refer to my comments on RSM two days ago
DeleteKind of odd that this would happen. Any university would allow a person to sit in and audit a class, just to enhance their knowledge of the subject.
ReplyDeleteWho is asking the question "why don't you go?' - not the first time
ReplyDeleteActually, I did get to "sit in" one time. One of the "professors" did a talk at a local parish on Vatican II. Amazing!
ReplyDeleteIs it worth sharing for the rest of us?
DeleteAll the typical crap, i.e. no one before Vatican II could understand the Mass because it was in Latin (which means St. Francis and Anthony sat there wondering what the hell was going on), Pope John wanted the Mass in the local language (LIE), all the regular crap that we've heard for years in the name of Vatican II, none of which is true, and is easily refuted by the documents themselves. In the end it was just an ad for the Neo and I called him out on it. He had nothing to say.
DeleteI wrote a column a couple weeks later in the U Matuna, subtlety taking apart the "professor's" points.
Thank you for posting this link. It was very informative and as I posted before in a past comment, I continue to learn and understand so much through this blog. Keep doing what you are doing!
DeleteMy pastor told me to ignore this blog and remain peaceful. I said I thought it sounds solid; but he said not. Oh, well, I will continue as I like to see all thr sides of a story.
ReplyDeleteDianaFebruary 26, 2014 at 10:48 AM
Yes, we pray for all the brothers and sisters walking in the communities so that God will strengthen us. We also pray for our persecutors, who are in darkness.