Last December 8 we were told in the U Matuna:
The Catholic Church on Guam is passing through a very exciting moment. His Excellency, Arch- bishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM Cap., D.D. announced this week that he has decided to erect a diocesan seminary for Guam. The new seminary will be called the “Saint John Paul II Archdiocesan Seminary.”
Well, it appears the "exciting moment" has quickly passed. In all the hoopla about the recent gala, the only beneficiary mentioned is "the seminary". Wait. I thought we had two seminaries? So either the other seminary doesn't need money or there really is only one seminary.
The Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Mission Seminary will hold its 12th Annual Seminary Gala Dinner 6 p.m. Sunday, May 25 at the Hyatt Regency Guam.
The Seminary will join Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron OFM Cap, D.D. in honoring Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo G. and Irene W. Camacho for their Christian witnessing and exemplary generous service they have and continue to render to the Church and to society.
This Gala Dinner is the only fundraising event for the Seminary — an opportunity for businesses and individuals to show their support for this essential institution in the island. [Obviously the other one isn't "essential".] Thirteen seminarians, who received formation at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary, have already been ordained for the Archdiocese of Agana; three more will be ordained later this year. Currently there are 40 seminarians being trained, a good number are locals, [Does that include Junee Valencia?] and others come from different parts of the world, who will remain here for the service of our island and the universal Church.
The Seminary lives solely on Divine providence and does not have a stable source of income, therefore the generosity of the people of God is its lifeblood. [So does that mean St. John Paul II Seminary has a stable source of income since no fundraising is needed?]
You could help the Seminary by becoming a sponsor, by placing an advertisement in the commemorative booklet and/or simply by buying tickets for the Gala Dinner ($175 per person or $1,575 a table of 10). For more information, please contact Fr. Julio César Sánchez at 988- 4655, or Sue Jayasuriya at 789-2400 or 787-5583. [Yes, the folks at RMS.]
So 4 months later, after all the EXCITEMENT about the new seminary, there is only "The Seminary", just like there is only - at least in this diocese - "The Way"
Most of us knew the "erection" of a new diocesan seminary was just a ruse, made necessary after we exposed the true mission of Kiko's Yona presbyter factory (RMS) - which we are continually asked to finance. But the folks at the chancery might want to be a little more discreet about that least in their own paper!
Dear Archbishop -
ReplyDeleteI really wish you would be more careful about your words so you don't always come off looking like a liar. In an effort to be more respectful to you, I am constantly challenged because of your obvious and blatant attempts to twist the truth. As publisher of the U Matuna, I hold you ultimately responsible for this barrage of misinformation.
We know there are not 2 seminaries, why do you even try to convince us of this lie? Does Fr Adrian actually convince you that you can sell this idea? The idea of a second seminary is ridiculous and only serves to enrage a people who are constantly bombarded with insulting remarks which assume we are too stupid to see through. June is in the same seminary as the others, only he isn't allowed to live with the "Chosen Ones" because he might show another way to the priesthood...the real way. The same goes for Aaron Q who still waits and lingers, his vocation hanging by a thread, trapped in the web of the evil one, Fr Adrian, who purports to be the Vocation Director...HA!
The recent U Matuna article claims, "This Gala Dinner is the only fundraising event for the Seminary". MORE LIES! How about the AAA, which is failing miserably. And there are a few others as well. Why are you so careless with words? It only makes you look ignorant, foolish, and insincere.
Then the article goes on to state, "The Seminary lives solely on Divine providence and does not have a stable source of income". Again, MORE LIES! How about the funding from the Chancery? As was revealed here many months ago, and never refuted (so I must assume this is correct), each formator receives their monthly salary from the Chancery, even Fr Pius, even though he is not even a formator. Since your article states this is an act of divine providence, are you actual then saying you are the divine one? Do not hold yourself in such esteem!
I was infuriated at what I read about how Deacon Colorado said at the Gala that Jesus came to Guam with the NCW. Did you not make present to us Jesus during all those years of being our bishop before 1999.? If not, then please explain to us why you withheld Him from us.
Did not Archbishop Flores do a wonderful job in making Jesus present in our lives, as well as Bishop Baumgartner, and others going all the way back to Blessed San Vitores? Your clergy, Deacon Colorado, is a representative of the Church and he speaks in this way with no public correction whatsoever.
My dear are really challenging me to continue to show you respect. When are you going to take your calling seriously, or has Kiko killed that calling and given you a new way? You are quickly climbing the top of my short list of saddest leaders our beautiful island has seen. God help you!
"therefore the generosity of the people of God is its lifeblood"
ReplyDeleteSo we're only people of God when we give them our money?! what a crock!
To the true people of God- Stop giving them your money, give it instead to your parish with specific instructions, i.e. power bill, CCD books, church candles.
Does it make sense to have two seminaries in such a small area. By the very fact the Archbishop announces the two seminaries shows there are deeper issues here. It seems he opened the second seminary to shut people up from complaining. But it makes it worse. Best to close down r m s. sell the hotel pay off the archdiocesan debts, and have a small diocesan seminary and govern the diocesan seminary according to the norms and practices of the church. This r m s has just dis unified the catholic church on island.
ReplyDeleteWhy would you have a gala dinner immediately after the bishops appeal? Guam is a small community it would be the same people giving over again. Can you explain this. It does appear that the archbishop is only interested in the money he can suck out of Catholics. Correct me if I'm wrong. But this is how it looks to the average guy.
ReplyDeleteActually, the appeal is still ongoing....till Pentecost!
DeleteWe are snubbed and served only silence and a couldn't-care-less" attitude for non-neos from the archbishop; but the kiko's and the archbishop will continue -- sans any conscience -- soliciting for the appeal and schedule a costly gala event and then it would not be surprising if right around June as done every year, the Parishes become important again and will be expected to give to the annual Peter's Pence collection, etc. You're right 11:56AM, archbishop's interest for the parishes happens only when it comes to asking for money!
DeleteI used to go to the gala, knowing all these things I no longer support it.
ReplyDeleteIn one of the previous comments months ago, it was mentioned that the Chancery or Archdiocese of Agana annually supports the RMS in Yona from the general fund. If that is the case, the claim that the Gala Dinner is the only source of funding is false and a lie. Father Julio should be careful in how he lies to the people of Guam. He should at least lie with some kind of color of truth so he can claim later that this is really what he meant. When you lie, at least lie well.
ReplyDeleteDo not fault Fr Julio, Anon May27 @ 4:18pm. The problem is that he learned to lie from the Archbishop, from the Vicar General, and from Fr Adrian. Of course he is a bad liar, look who taught him!
Why is Zoltan speaking? He was not even at the gala dinner, so what the heck?!