Monday, January 26, 2015


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  1. More lies cooked up by AAA and the NCW cronies. The truth will be known and what lie will AAA say now? A shepherd that sends his sheep to slaughter is not a shepherd but vendor selling lambs for sacrifice. He is in it for the money and power. Shame on Apuron. I predict he will fall ill because of his actions and deep guilt and there will be no one who cares. He will be very alone and broken. But unlike Jesus who was wrongly accused, Apuron created the situation he is in.

  2. A few of us non-NCW will grieve because we remember his loving, compassionate actions before he was brainwashed by the NCW leadership.

  3. Listen to our man'amko!

    1. Not listening to our man'amko factors into the lukewarm spirituality of our younger generations which makes them easy prey for cults like the NCW. God bless our man'amkos.

  4. Amen, Mrs K!! God bless you!! You speak for many of us and with such heart. I dare anybody to stand up against the real and raw truth that she speaks.

  5. Bless you for your very brave stand on this issue, Mamie. It definitely is a CRYING SHAME that we have an archbishop who acts like this! It is quite one thing to tell a lie, perhaps not knowing it is a lie - but to lie about it, KNOWING IT IS A LIE (and I am convinced the Archbishop KNOWS it is a lie) - that is something else!!! May God have mercy on his soul.

  6. when i was back home for this past Christmas season, at every Mass i went to, everyone prayed for the intercession of blessed Diego for personal intentions. the only intention i offered in those prayers was for his help in ending this darkness over the Church on guam. i figured he would be very helpful. ...i almost said, "he has a personal stake in it," but that would've been a bad pun. :-o

  7. Thank you Carmen for taking a stand. We need more people like you to protect our beloved Church. It's obvious this ArchBishop puppet for these outsiders. This is our island how dare these Neo's come in and impose your reign.

  8. "That's all that needs to be said." - Kahulo Archbishop, kahulo yan atan hafa bidada-mu para i guma Yu'os-ta. Na para! Na para! Na para!

  9. God bless you Mrs. K! I don't know you, but I have a lot of respect for you. You remind me of my grandmother. Loyal and dedicated to the church. So trusting. It made my heart hurt to hear the emotion and desperation for help in your voice.

  10. I know this has nothing to do with this post per se but I posted this on the ncw blog, and I felt I should post it here too so that no one says I am biased or anything from either side ;) - Diana I am sorry, but if you keep pressing that you want to do what the ncw thinks is best only, you are not trying to foster reconciliation for the church in Guam after all. Firstly, the Archbishop is not infallible like the pope so yes people can stand their ground and ask and say their opinion on something if they think it is not the best method of doing things. It is then up to the archbishop to foster peace in his diocese, something which is certainly lacking from Guam at the moment as I read. Secondly, if you really want to bring Jesus, God, faith back to these people (as the ncw of course are supposed to do) how come did you not see yet that it is the cause of division. Be it good or bad, the ncw is the source of division in Guam. The people (and a lot of people apparently not just Tim Rohr, which should already be enough proof to you and the ncw leaders that this is more than just a greedy person or just 'the devil's work' as the ncw often calls persons or situation which do not agree with its side) do not want your help. So rather than keep pushing and pushing only causing more division and truly a worldwide scandal to the Catholic Church because BOTH SIDES are showing how divided the Catholic Church truly is, neither side is behaving like a Catholic is supposed to. Loving Jesus is much more than adhering to rules, be it the ncw, be it traditional, it is living on the example of Jesus Christ and again I am sorry to say none of you are doing that. You are just waiting for the Pope to tell one side or the other to shut up, like children needing a mother to shout at them. So please, and this counts to the ncw side mostly, at least if you are going to stay giving testimonies during homily time (i dont care when personally) or in the squares in front of churches, at least give a good example by living a good life. I do not wish any of you to answer to this comment but just reflect on where this started from from the beginning each one of you entered the ncw, and each one of the non neo catholics how you have maybe taken it too far now. And just speak between you for the sake of the church.

    1. Keith, yes some people from both sides have taken it too far. But, how can non neo Catholics be heard when the archbishop is part of the Neo movement? You know that there's no way he can be unbiased, and his words and actions clearly give him away. Sad to say he has failed us, the island Catholics who love our Catholic traditions and obedient to the Vatican. Can we say the same for the Neo movement here? Of course the obvious answer is a resounding "NO!" Who do you think the Neos obey without question, the Pope or Kiko? I'm sorry, but any group who professes to be Catholic but blatantly ignore liturgical norms and regard another person as their leader (other than the Pope) and call themselves Catholic are not being truthful. The Catholics on Guam are divided because of a cultist movement in the form of the NCW. They are getting bolder, more aggressive and antagonistic. FYI, many have turned the other cheek only to be stepped on some more. Enough is enough!

    2. I agree with you and on a smaller scale I know how you feel, but that is why someone needs to change their attitude. I was afraid of losing my gf who was in the ncw here in Malta, and I tried telling her to continue but it's not for me, but after her 'friends' bombarded her with lies about me (these were my friends too btw and they were the ones who tried to get us together also when i was still in the ncw) during a convivence, i had to show her the truth and that it is not true catholicism. After we almost broke up, I went to her house the next day and i told her to tell me if she believes I'm really the bad guy trying to hurt her or not. She couldn't because it was not true. Lesson I'm trying to get across is something a priest had told me about dealing with neo ppl - you do not convert people with your mouth but by living and giving a good example;) I encourage you all to seek the truth but keep in mind the question what would Jesus do in this situation:)

    3. Actually, Jesus used his mouth. Let the priest know.

    4. Jesus used both and he spread love with both mouth and examples, something neither side is ready to do apparently. I'm not saying stop fighting but there are many different ways to arrive to the result you want and not all of them are good. (The priest was talking about my situation at that time (he's not a neo priest ;) he knows what he's doing))

    5. Dear Keith, thank you very much for following what is going on from Malta.
      You have made many good contributions, and for this we are thankful.
      The only difference with us is that our Archbishop is A MEMBER OF THE WAY.
      Even with the onslaught of the NCw in Malta, you never faced such a situation.
      To make the matter worse this was made possible by the import on our island of the worst evil person Malta has produced in decades Pius Samnut.
      He was so toxic on your island and did so much damage, that some of your brothers and compatriots expelled him "Manu militari ".
      Ask the Mifsud family ( the ones from the conservative party).....may be they will give you the sordid details. Or better talk to your new nuncio.
      In the meantime do not judge us, we have a bunch of bad weeds to get rid of in our little garden. Specially the very evil one from Malta. Even his order do not want him back.

    6. Dear Keith, thank you very much for following what is going on from Malta.
      You have made many good contributions, and for this we are thankful.
      The only difference with us is that our Archbishop is A MEMBER OF THE WAY.
      Even with the onslaught of the NCw in Malta, you never faced such a situation.
      To make the matter worse this was made possible by the import on our island of the worst evil person Malta has produced in decades Pius Samnut.
      He was so toxic on your island and did so much damage, that some of your brothers and compatriots expelled him "Manu militari ".
      Ask the Mifsud family ( the ones from the conservative party).....may be they will give you the sordid details. Or better talk to your new nuncio.
      In the meantime do not judge us, we have a bunch of bad weeds to get rid of in our little garden. Specially the very evil one from Malta. Even his order do not want him back.

    7. Dear Keith, it is great that you let the same comment appear in two blogs. However, it is sad that Diana is not allowing discussion of your comment in hers. I have submitted my response there several times, but she is just censuring out everything furiously that does not fit her taste! She refuses any discussion that differs from the narrow agenda she imposes on others. Anyway, let me place my comment here so you may eventually read it:

      Keith, I understand you. When the wolves howl, the song of the birds cannot be heard. Warriors are not sensitive to subtleties. They just like to bludgeon and debunk others by brute force. They feel free to use whatever weapon they like just because they own the playing ground. All they forget is that at the end of the day people rather enjoy bird songs than howling and prefer smelling the roses God provided rather than enduring the noises of incessant war.

    8. All due respect Keith, while I understand you want to remain charitable (and I applaud those efforts), you simply don't know to what great length we have (on this "side") have done to keep the peace and what we have endured in doing so.
      Thank you for your support, but remember, you are viewing what is happening solely through this blog. You just don't know enough beyond JungleWatch to judge our efforts.
      Your insights and recollections of your experiences are what connects us and I really appreciate that. Just please know that this blog is not the only angle of approach.

    9. You're welcome. I understand and i can only try to imagine what it's like being in the situation you are in, where there are people of supposedly the same religion as you and the Guam people yet instead of seeking God together you're going through all this division. It's really sad. I know my apologies are useless but if what you say is true about the Maltese priest I would like to apologize on his behalf, because there are many good priests in Malta and you ended up with what you say is a not so good proest from Malta (to put it mildly apparently). I hope that the weed from all sides dies down and learns to survive and live peacefully with each other very soon.

    10. That is very sad jolene as i do not see anything uncivil about your comment. you're making an allegory so people are free to view it as they please. I understand you and Jose M. and all the catholics suffering from this. My ncw experience had me question a lot of things in my faith and in the church and it was very difficult to go back to how i was before. I get that it is not possible for you to simply go back, and i agree to make your voices heard because the church is not just rome but the lay people which it serves. I know that it is not easy living this way, and i don't want to sound like I know everything about the situation as you are right, I only read things that happen and not live them. I just wanted to remind you to be good catholics, because if you fight for this and you lose who you are and what you believe in it would be their (or no one's) victory. I will pray for this situation to be resolved as soon as possible. Keep strong!

    11. Here is my little opus that Diana thought was uncivil and discarded... Or she just got offended because after Jolene I also questioned her sectarian approach to "idols" and she became hopelessly messed up. No wonder because she could not find the answer in the Kiko-Bible. Lol!

      Diana, why don't you leave Jolene alone? She said the work of your hand is the idol! Like the serpent of Moses. He made it by his own hands. If the power of God is behind it, then it is not idol. But when the Israelites started to worship it, the power of God left it and became an idol. But a baby is never the work of your hand.

      "You cannot see God and live" says the Bible. You cannot experience God directly. You cannot say God is here or there so I go here or there to meet Him. You cannot see God, but you may go to the Church to feel His presence. You cannot hear God, but you can open the Scriptures to read Him. You cannot speak with God, but you can pray so that He hears you. So there is nothing between you and God, because God is in everything.

      Your family can never be an idol. Try to see God in the little kids as well as in your family, in your neighbors, in your parish members. Strive for social justice because God is in justice and not in injustice. Try to see God in the working of the universe. Everything good is first, everything nice is God. This is the way He is present in your life -- even without the 'Way".

    12. Dear Keith, this is truly sad. Diana looks like following a narrow minded agenda that even she disagrees with sometimes deep in her heart. She can’t admit this as the neo pushes her to expound their propaganda over and over again, no matter what.

      This is like two girls getting married. One gets a demanding husband who would control here every move. The other gets a nice, open minded man who does everything for her. Now, imagine which girl becomes happier? Of curse, the second! The first girl would be yellow of jealousy, but still needs to put up with all the rigor of her husband. She would be conformed to him 100% as the years pass by and then she would not even remember any shred of it how to be happy, free and open-minded.

      This is my impression if Diana. She just totally committed herself to the neo rigor and closed her mind to the true and happy things. You see her struggling with locked lips she is forcing on herself. She is so jealous when she sees free Catholic people who are not bound to sectarianism. You see her showing residues of intellectual activity but the next moment she is so embarrassed she immediately stops using her mind. I saw exactly this is the discussion of Biblical interpretations and the neo concept of idols. This is why she is cutting short the exchange by censuring out opposing views.

      She became offended when I told her not to trash her own mental capabilities. Our human brain was given by God. We should use it accordingly, making all mental efforts to come close to God through understanding. The problem with sectarianism is that it cuts shorts your mental activities in order to make you a warrior of the cult leader. Diana's problem is she knows she is much better than that. Still, she chooses by her own wish to totally submit herself to sectarian rigor. This creates tension, jealousy and a warped conscience in her that is taken advantage by the neo for pushing forward its narrow minded agenda.

    13. Hey Jolene, did you know what Diana is spreading now about you? Just look what appeared on her blog:

      AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 9:47 PM
      I sense the Jack and Jolene is Chuck White. You can parallel their comments.


    14. Lol and LMAO, dear voice! I haven't seen this latest blunder of Diana yet. This is so ridiculous. Poor Jack, what ordeal he has to endure because of me. ;)

      Anyway, I am truly flattered that I am compared to Chuck White. He has a very thorough and well researched WEB-site challenging every single bits of the neo theology. This is what I call quality of thought. Well, what the neo does is more like IDEOLOGY and not theology. It lacks any quality of thought and does not measure up to be called true theology... Even Diana admits that all the time when she cuts short the discussion in utter exasperation.

    15. She's not exasperated. She has work and other stuff to do. She said so. After all, don't forget; Diana is only a young woman, not a priest, who has only been walking for 8 years. Oh, and she is a Concelebrant. Said so herself when she entered the fray. Oh, and she does not tell the truth. and slanders people unwittingly in her zeal.


  11. Carmen.

    Peace of the Lord.

    Thank you for sharing this powerful message with Guam.

    Mam Patti Arroyo thank you for dedicating air time to this important issue on the division of the Catholic Church on Guam. Those following this story from all over the world support your efforts to restore unity and trust to a deeply divided Archdiocese .

  12. Dumb Diana admits that AAA gave Yona property away (comments below copied from her evil blog).

    DianaJanuary 25, 2015 at 10:21 PM
    Dear voice of faith,

    If you cannot see that what Monsignor James did is a white collar crime, then there is nothing anyone can do for you. Simply be thankful that Monsignor James did this crime against the Church because if he had done it to the government, he would have been in jail.

    AnonymousJanuary 26, 2015 at 9:26 PM
    And yet you fail to see the white collar crimes of Archbishop Apuron. You're funny Diana.

    DianaJanuary 26, 2015 at 9:41 PM
    Dear Anonymous at 9:26 pm,

    You giving away the Yona seminary to a corporation for free without taking any cash for himself????

    Monsignor James, on the other hand, managed to get a lot of cash for himself and even managed to help get free cemetery plots for his friend and family.

    1. Diana, DEAR, did you say "give away free?" You may soon regret that. You are wading into waters over your curly top head. But thanks for the revelation undo the peoples! Thanks very much. We'll be making sure that Archbishop sees clearly how you revealed his thievery. Silly young woman, walking for eight years, not a priest, but a concelebrant. Silly, silly, silly.

  13. How much are plots, anyway? I mean, $380,000 worth of plots seems like a high number. Monsignor James took a leave of absence from the seminary when his father died, who else in his family has passed away since he's been in charge of the Catholic Cemeteries (five years' time) that he could possibly have racked up such an exorbitant plot bill, dalai! Basta di malanya, NeoKatus! Your logic is flawed.

    1. I believe it was crypts, which are more expensive. An in-kind trade is not uncommon. Also, the Catholic Cemeteries donated at least two crypts that I know of, possibly more, for the burial of the unclaimed dead children left in the GMH morgue.

    2. This Internal Review Report is so ridiculous. There are shades of gray in these points that are ignored by the Neo Posse.

      An aside: when I taught Confirmation, the subject I most dreaded teaching was the Trinity (it's hard!), but the subject I loved most was about Catholic Social Teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person; Call to Family, Community, and Participation; Rights and Responsibilities; Option for the Poor and Vulnerable; The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers; Solidarity; and Care for God's Creation. The kids loved to talk about their experiences of helping others and of being helped, so it was nice to get real, organic participation.

      Back to topic: based on those themes above, your claim that two crypts were donated for the burial of the unclaimed dead children left in the GMH morgue, to me, is one of those shades of gray. The last part of point #4 ("Notwithstanding its financial condition, Msgr. Benavente granted education scholarships for tuition, substantial donations for medical assistance, employee loans, and other donations from parish funds...") is another.

      How sad that, in their attempt to smear Msgr. Benavente's good name, AAA, David, Adrian, and (she ain't MY Sister) Marian have soiled theirs beyond reproach. They've abandoned the Catholic Social Teaching that we're all bound to uphold. I'm sure they were pretty pleased with themselves upon completing that Review, and were frothing at the mouth in anticipation of the public scrutiny they no doubt thought would be targeted at Monsignor Benavente.

      When the opposite happened, it was pretty shocking, huh, Neo Posse? And now, to have even the man'amko come out in full force against you -- that also wasn't planned, was it? But like my students, their participation has been real, and organic. Because that emotion you hear behind their words? It doesn't matter whether you can understand them or not -- there's no gray in that message.

    3. How much have Neo plots cost our church? Plots of a different kind. Devious plots.
