Sunday, January 4, 2015


  1. I was at the Mass today. I couldn't decide whether to go and it was 't until my son told me he was going that I decided to go. It was a beautiful Mass and yes there were many Neo's there but I felt since I was there that there were others like myself who felt that we can't just let them run the schedule and keep us out. So when I saw Deacon Srsve I was very happy and hopeful. Then when the Archbishop announced that they would be at the front after Mass I found the courage to go outside and see if I could greet them. I grabbed Archbishop Krebs hand and said "Help us please" . He then held my hand tightly and pulled me in and asked me my name. I was almost in tears and told him my first name and then begged him to please help us. I then thanked him. He gave me a look that let me know in my heart that he is here for us. I then went to the priest and kissed his hand and thanked him for coming here to help us. I left there feeling very happy and hopeful and very glad that I decided to go. I think we just need to find opportunities to greet them and let them know that we are grateful for coming out and simply show our deepest need for their help. It really was a very nice Mass. Sharon O'Mallan


  1. Thank you Sharon for your courage and for sharing your experience. This is the first time I attended 9:30 mass since Monsignor James' removal. I wanted to sing with my Emmaus Choir Family for this special mass. I didn't get a chance to welcome our visitors. I am so glad that you were able to greet them.

  2. Thank you, Sharon, bless you for reaching out. Reading your post, you have me in tears, too. It's not the first time that I've been moved to tears; and I thank the other posters, named and anonymous, who have helped enlightened me in the dark tunnel of this neo mess. May its roots on Saipan be eradicated also. I pray that the clergy responsible for the Northern Marianas are watching, as well, and care enough to act decisively. Saipan2

  3. Thank you, Sharon, for being there. Your gesture of pleading for help from Archbishop Krebs was such a moving narrative, and your perceived reaction of Archbishop Krebs gives me personally (and all of us at OOCG and others of similar hearts) hope that the solution to our problems, and getting our Church back to its pristine purity, is within sight. We that pray the sacrifices we have all been doing "may be acceptable to God for the praise and glory of His name, for our good and the good of all His holy Church", as we pray at Mass. Were my choir not singing at IHOM (Toto) Church at the very time as the Cathedral Mass, I probably would have been there myself to greet our honorable Visitors.

  4. This plea had me filled with emotions. It is my hope that our honorable visitors will be able to help us.

  5. I just learned from my family member that the Chan Pago fiesta celebration has been pushed back one week. Why did Fr. Edivaldo do this? I'm sure it's not a good reason. Who makes these decisions anyway? SMH...

  6. Thank you Sharon for sharing. Reading your experience I am reminded there is hope.

  7. Thank you Sharon, you certainly have lifted my spirits. God bless you and our visiting delegation.

  8. O Mallan?... isn't your son a Neo?

    1. To Anon at 11.09, I do not know the answer to your question, but it should not matter.
      Are the fathers judged by the actions of their ancestors or of their children?

      In the Catholic faith they are not. In fact in most monotheist religions they are not.
      The only religion that put the guilt of one generation onto the other is the Tamuldic version of Judaism, that seeks revenge on the children of the children of the children.
      Our tradition is to forgive from our heart and let God work his wonders...
      What if O'Mallon's son is a Neo? what is it to us? Unless it is to pray for the Holy spirit to show him the way of the true Church.

    2. Sharon O'Mallan has revealed that previously in another post awhile back. She has nothing to hide. Our "shepherd," the Archbishop, could take a cue or two from his "sheep."

  9. Anonymous @ 11:09pm

    why do you think she's praying and pleading for help?

    keep it together will you?

  10. I am only concern that they may be teaching OMallan's son the wrong thing. Sharon are they teaching and treating your son properly. if not maybe you should get your son out of the Neo.

    1. Out of respect, perhaps it's best to let Sharon handle her family matters privately. Wishing you and your family all the best Sharon.

  11. "Help us please." Very humble words. Definitely not words coming from people plotting against the church. Thank you, Sharon.
