Saturday, February 28, 2015


Thank you Tim, and CCOG for another edifying presentation this evening! I attended the meeting in Yona and this evening's in my village and learned something new at each one. We Catholics can no longer be wimps, indifferent or lukewarm. We can no longer afford to be monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Evil is among us and we must gird ourselves by invoking the Holy Spirit and marching off to battle. 

Please, everyone, if you are still sitting on the fence about this epic battle for our souls and the souls of our loved ones and neighbors, you owe it to your own soul to come and listen to the TRUTH! If you were baptized Catholic and most especially, confirmed in the faith, you affirmed certain beliefs of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Affirmation also means to defend those beliefs when challenged by the evil one and his hosts.

Fight for your Church! This is our Church. We cannot let the few hijack our Catholic Church in Guam. If all of us heed our calling to be soldiers of Christ, stand and say, "Basta!" we can stop this evil within. Fanohge Katoliko! It is just not a song, not a platitude. We must be soldiers of the faith and arise now! 

I am ready to start a non-profit to shield our hard earned contributions in support of our faith. Let's start our own appeal to safeguard funding for young men who wish to enter the Catholic priesthood. It nearly broke my heart to see Aaron Quitugua this evening. Let's lockbox some funds for sending him and other faithful Catholic men to actual seminaries as a start. We may have to wait until we get a new bishop, but let us begin somewhere.

I am also ready to continue prayer vigils, this time at the chancery area along San Ramon Hill. How does 3 pm sound to those who are able? Is the chancery open on Monday? Perhaps we should go there if it is closed anyway, to begin exhorcising the evil that has entered. Tim and CCOG have my contact information if anyone else cares to participate. The time to act is now. 

Teri Untalan


  1. I well be there Teri

  2. Hun'gan....FANOHGE KATOLIKO!!!

    As Tim mentioned, we Catholics should not wait for the priest to initiate this. Let us band together and DO SOMETHING lest we lose our Beloved Church.

  3. In order for catholics to know we need a schedule of events published somewhere. I'd like to attend but don't know when, where and what time.

    1. The plan for rosary prayer vigils is similar to praying outside abortion clinics. Two or more gathering in His name and quietly praying. A few of us plan to meet Monday, March 2nd at 3 pm in the area to the right just below the chancery gate. We hope to have a daily presence and are keeping it flexible to accommodate individuals as they have time to participate. We are starting now, as we NEED to pray.

      Tim's CCOG presentations will be announced as they are confirmed. Stay tuned to this blog for the next event.

    2. I will be there, Teri. Si Yu'us ma'ase'
      Eileen Benavente-Blas


  4. Congrats Teri. This is about protecting the faith culture of Guam. It is also about protecting the land and assets of this archdiocese. To make sure our land and assets are owned governed by our own blood and people not by this foreign organization taking over our island. What is urgently needed now is a nationalistic spirit of our island home and people. Power is with the people the blood of Guam. Tim Rohr has simply allowed us to see that our church our land has slowly been removed from us over 20 years. I noticed this at the beginning, like a thief in the night slowly removing assets. Until their all gone. Tim Rohr observed the same and dedicated his time at great sacrifice for our nation home, for our church. It is time to listen to take seriously Tim Rohr. Otherwise our land, our precious land, will be controlled by Pius. He is not our blood, and once more does not respect our people. Nationalism must rise to protect our land our people our home, our faith our culture. Fanohge katoliko,

  5. Replies
    1. Prayer is not sinful. And yes, we are sinful. The Church is a hospital for souls.

    2. Sinful people are welcome into the Church that our Lord Jesus Christ established on earth as the "Path to Salvation", others who feel they are already in heaven will sit outside and wail in the darkness..jesofchalanpago

  6. @6:04PM, yes we are all sinful, as Tan Chai of Malafunksion says, "Only Jesus Christ and Santa Maria are perfect, boy". In all seriousness, this is why we need Jesus. He came for the sinners which includes ALL of us!

  7. I was very disturb when attending the Mes Chamorro mass at Asan Catholic Church yesterday afternoon, it just ruined my purpose of going to mass. I was there to support the DOE Chamorro Studies and the students celebrating the start of the Mes Chamorro. I was fortunate to be seated in one of the from row. Pale Richard Kidd's beautiful homily both in Chamorro and English was very inspiring to me and the other attendees, knowing personally I always enjoyed listing to him. After Pale Richard's homily, a man went up and starting talking about himself, I asked myself should I get up and walk out, this is not the reason that I drove all the way from Dededo to listen to someone other than the Presider of the Mass and to show my support to the students. I told myself I came there for the students so I just need to calm myself and just stay. OMG, he started with "I", being born to a Chamorro mother and Filipino father...all through his talk he continues to repeat and couldn't understand what he's trying to connect about his Chamorro mother and Filipino father! He was stuck in what he has to say. Its so disgusting, I don't anyone else besides me can understand what he's saying. After the mass, I was approached by another attendee at the mass and asked me if I understand what the man was saying since I am sitting in the front. The attendee told me that he got up and walked out when the man started his second "I". Many others that I know shared the same disappointment, I told one of the coordinators to please next year do not select a Neo Church for this Mes Chamorro Mass celebration. It really ruined my day and so many others that shared with me. I will bet my last dollar that the students didn't understand why he's standing up there after Pale Richard inspirational homily.

    1. Maybe the person who made arrangements for the Chamorro mass is Neo. I wonder if Pale Richard was given no choice but to allow the incoherent testimony by the neocat.

  8. Anon@9:16, I think you are right that Pale Richard was not given a choice I was at the mass & Pale Richard announced that Fr. Caminiti told him that the guy is going to speak, I guess that was the deal "you can used my church but you have to allow my Neo to share his mother & father background".

    1. Neo's try as hard as you might. Do you realize that your feeble attempt to try to bring people to your cause???? only strengthen our resolve to remain with the True Church. Basta!!! When can you get it through your thick skulls that you are causing us to sin, by appearing at our churches and publicly confessing;. Confess to your own Presbyters and understand that no matter how hard you try, we are equally resolved to resist you and your cult!!!!

    2. We should all Walk out, everything these people try to ruin our worship services. They have no right to upset the Order of the Mass. People show your disgust, Walk every time these "sinners" try to confess their sins to you. The only sure way to send a message is by walking out!!! Shame on them.

  9. Tim, will you have another presentation in the Agana/MTM area?
