Fr Luis was the poster boy for the RMS Seminary. Archbishop Tony proudly strutted him all over his realm, touting the first Chamorro fruit from the Yona priest mill. He even dragged him to Saipan to show those guys what a real priest is supposed to be like. But Fr Luis got caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie/candy jar with a child. No doubt Fr Luis will find safe harbor in some off-island kiko-mmunity, only to return when he is ready to collect his retirement checks. But that brings up an interesting quandary for poor old Tony. Who will be the next poster boy of the wanna be seminary? Let’s see.
We have Gabe Camacho. He sure can sing. He is a son of Guam. Maybe he can replace his brother and restore the shine to the shinola? Oops, he admitted in Church that he has taken advantage of more women than he can even remember. He may have 2 or 3 kids from multiple women. I guess it’s true what they say…the fruit don’t fall far from the tree.
Who’s next? How about Ashton Wong? Yes…great athlete, tall, good neo roots. Oops, he admitted to being a drunkard in front of the whole Church. And he has a record of skipping out on his financial obligations. Darn. Surely, there must be someone who can be the face of the RMS priest mill?
Darn, all of Tony’s boys have so many skeletons in his closet. And those darn non-Neo “true Catholics” are so critical of our boys. Haven’t they heard the good news that God loves those boys just the way they are? Maybe we need to catechize the whole island. But that could take some time. Who then can be the RMS poster boy? Shucks, looks like we sent all the normal men to Malojloj. Maybe we should listen to Tim Rohr and combine the seminaries, and then select a poster boy from the new roster.
I wonder if Giuseppi would be ok with that? Quick, somebody call the New Jersey mafia. We have a crisis and need their help!
Janet B.
Janet B sounds like she doesn't have a past. She must not be a sinner.
ReplyDeleteLOL. Bet you had no problem with the Archbishop's public condemnation of Fr. Paul and Msgr. James.
DeleteHello Anon 8:04AM. I am a sinner for sure. The big difference is that unlike the kiko-bats, I do not boast about my weaknesses and expect God to accept them. I do what Jesus asks...I go to a priest and confess, then I try to do better next time temptation comes knocking. In what I have seen from the neo-cats, they confess in public, then they go right back to their sinning ways because they've been brainwashed that they don't need to change...God loves you just they way you are.
DeleteAs Tim would say...but thanks for the opportunity Anon 8:04 to once again highlight how demented your catechesis is.
Janet B
To ANON 8:04 AM. I think Janet B is being sarcastic of this whole tragic event because it could have been easily avoided or prevented by Archbishop Apuron. Because of Apuron's obsessive and relentless ambition to replace all non neo priests in Guam with Neo priests, to make his seminary the crowning piece of his legacy, and to run over anyone who gets in his way, an ambition to do whatever it takes and no matter the damage it costs to others, Fr. Luis Camacho was ordained as a priest without sufficient and proper formation. The root cause of this tragedy is Apuron. We pray for Fr. Luis and we especially pray for the minor girl that he took advantage of.
DeleteWhy do you say "he took advantage of"? Did he do anything?
DeleteI'm with you 11::33. I dont' think Luis "took advantage" of the "girl". I think she probably knew exactly what she was doing. In fact, if the story is true, there was already an ongoing relationship, "since January".
DeleteWe can assume that the girl knew what she was doing because at 17, she's old enough to know what's going on, and since neither she nor her parents have pressed any charges, we have to assume that it was all okay (consensual) with them too.
Of course the archbishop could put an end to conjecture and "rumors" immediately. There's no need for a canonical investigation. Simply call Fr. Luis in to your office and have him tell you what happened. Then simply tell the rest of us. The archbishop cannot leave this as an internal matter because it involves someone who he put in a position of authority. That makes it a public matter.
Doesn't matter if she knew what she was doing. Any reasonable 30 year old male, particularly an ordained priest, knows that taking advantage of a misguided 17 year old's advances is morally WRONG. It's not like he was 18 or 19 where the age difference may be inconsequential enough to argue he may still have been at a comparable level of maturity. He'll, even if it turns out there was no violation of the law, as an ordained priest, he ought to be held to a higher standard. And if her parents indeed gave their consent for their teenage daughter to carry on with a priest, then they clearly are unfit for the job. I mean this sounds like something out of a bad movie - brainwashed parents offered up their daughter to their prophet because they think it will please God?
DeleteSorry Tim, little Luis has to burn for this. Apuron and Claros too.
ReplyDeleteToo late. Fr. Luis' family, (i.e. Gabe) inserted himself into this by interrupting a Mass at the Cathedral (probably more than one) to tell everyone present how many women he had taken advantage of (too many for him to remember, he said), and how he may have children that he doesn't even know about. Talks like this are a violation of liturgical norms, canon law, parents' rights, and simple decency, and they make those who give them public persons and fair targets. If you have a problem with this, then go see Apuron. They are doing this at his order.
DeleteGane camacho became a public figure when he stood up in the cathedral and vomited his insights . Once a person expounds from the cathedral or in any church Catholics have a right to express concerns. Catholics do not have a right to comment on his grandmother as she is not a public person. But Catholics have a right to,comment on any family member who speaks in public.
DeleteYou will hear this narrative again. They like to preach about themselves.
DeleteWell he was arrested and we have a first amendment to free speech and opinion. It is sad how just because these people are from the NCW that extra special treatment is being given to them. This is another reason why we need Our Archbishop removed and a new leader take over for the sake of our Church. And to think we used to defend him, well our eyes are open and the truth is out. Let all move on and start a new chApter for the sake of our Children. Please AAA do the right thing and step down. You do not have control and our Church is falling apart. Things are not better
DeleteWhy? This Guam not New York or California. This is still a grass roots place with family values where a son can still bring shame to his father's house by his actions. He should have thought about the repercussions beforehand.
ReplyDeleteArchbishop Apuron appeared very comfortable in his recorded insults of Fr. Paul. Imagine that if Archbishop Apuron had not have insulted beloved Incardinated priests of Guam, Luis Camacho arrested by Guam PD , an arrest now published all over the world, would never have happened.
if you piss up the cathedral wall you have to expect some to fly back! Sometimes in life best not to publicly insult priests like Fr. Paul and Momsignor James.
And you don't hear them condemning AAA for the insult and telling him to give it a rest. Oh, I forgot. They don't believe he is the one in the recording. F U N N Y.
ReplyDeleteOh yes poster boy Luis was all over Saipan with the dear former Bishop.
Even on San Pedro hill for a camacho victory party. Well, sounds more like a funeral today reading the news. Lasted less than two years! What a disgrace the camacho name to the Islands.
ReplyDeleteWhen the world looks into anyone associated with Tony expect to find skeletons! Tony only damages those who oppose him. Experience shows those who oppose him are on the right path. Those who join him for power or what ever form scandal in the church.
ReplyDeleteFr. Luis Camacho's actions deplorable
ReplyDeleteguess poster boy got caught with pants down.
His pants down, her skirt up. But hey, maybe nothing happened!?! LOL
ReplyDeleteEasy. Look through the students. Who is the most handsome? He is the next poster Boy.
Harold will be interim poster boy but that will not last. Harold lacks a few requirements that Luis had.
Oh, he'll be on a poster alright! lol
DeleteAs I went down the highway today was studying billboards. Wondering how Luis would look on a billboard with Harold and Apuron . But did not have a product they could advertise.
Leave Gabe out of this? What a joke. That boy desecrates the mass by his filthy boast of screwing lots of ladies, in the presence of children, and we're not supposed to pick on him? I thank you, idiot Anon 9:09AM for raising my blood pressure so I can say what I am feeling.
ReplyDeleteGabe sure loved the limelight back when we walked up the lectern at the Cathedral, so here's the consequence of his actions. God may love him JUST THE WAY HE IS, but that boy looks to be as dangerous as his older brother turned out to be. During his retelling of his lurid past did he once say how sorry he was for these sexual transgressions? NO. Did he ever apologize the the women he used? NO. Did he show any remorse for abandoning the children he may have? NO.
That boy needs serious mental help, so when he enters into treatment then I will back off and leave him alone. Until then, I will remind everyone what a danger these Camacho boys are to our Church! How many others are being de-formed at RMS right now?
But, thank you Anon 9:09..I won't pick on their parents, even though both sons have publicly bashed their father. They've done far more than I could ever do, so they get a break from me.
You got any problems with that, Anon 9:09?
(ok...not I feel better since I got that off my shoulders)
Thank you Janet for reminding readers. Yes, both camacho boys bashed their father. But what this tells us is as a family they have unresolved issues. Luis is just a product of the family he himself spoke badly of. Luis then joined dysfunctional NCW family, so the cycle is really tragic. They all need prayer for they all feed of each others mental dysfunctions. They all use each other. Sick psyco mentality.
DeleteHow is it boastful? I see it as their experience.
Delete@11:35 Since he never expressed regret he left his audience free to you just did.
DeleteAnonymous @9:09.....really??? Poor guy brought this on by himself. dang, the whole island has knowledge of his boo-boo. Too funny as to how Neocons (cats) defend someone on their side but bash us here in the jungle for being human. ( I'm not perfect either but really??) This whole NEO fiasco is like a T.V. episode. I can't wait for the next exciting screw up drama.
ReplyDeleteThis latest mess has rattled many people cages. You can read the frustration and the "I cannot believe this is happening" kind of reaction from many of the participants, these last few days.
ReplyDeleteIt is a normal reaction. That being said, it is not and should not be surprising to most of us, that something like this did happened.
Chuck White in his "half baked priests" expose and many participants here, have underlined over the last two years, the incongruities of the "formation" of presbyters by the RMS so called seminary.
The lack of vetting of the candidates, the poor level of academics, the vaccuum of real teachers at the RMS, all add up to a catastrophic environment that can only lead to "half baked priests".
Tim has underlined the cavalier academic approach to teaching at RMS and the huge gaps in the faculty list posted, and the actual faculty members on hand.
Many of us have questionned the process of approval by AAA for candidates to the priesthood.
Strong evidences lead us to believe that in fact the Archbishop has little to do in this process, beside putting his seal of approval to the selection made by an outsider layperson (Genarini)
The murky influence of Pius the Samnut on the Archbishop, and all the decisions taken at the chancery is extremely negative and has led to the approval of psychological dwarfs to post which are way too big for their britches.
In an era where many candidates to the priesthood around the world, take time (sometimes years in the civilian society) to question themselves, their call to serve God and its people, and their devotion to true celibacy, we witness a rush to pop young men barely out of their teen years and prop them as leaders of communities that they are ill prepared to face.
When you add to the mix the strange and delusional approach of the NCW regarding liturgy and teachings, you end up with an explosive cocktail.
This could be mitigated by a strong set of inspiring leaders, but when the leaders you have are named Anthony Apuron, Pius Samnut, Cristobal, David Quitaga, or Wadeson, it is not surprising that the poor young priest thrusted in the forefront end up being confused or totally lacking moral and ethical bearings.
So far we also know that Deacon Claros is also not going to make any kind of a difference when it comes to this ethical dilemma.
So lets not forget, the NCW three D: deny, deflect and destroy. Lets keep focused on the real issues at hand and continue to write the Nuncio and to the different societies in the Vatican.
We cannot let the pressure fall, if we want to reclaim our Church and have the opportunity again to get inspiring and true leaders.
Uncle ScrewTape: heheheeh….why WW, I never would’ve thought in a meeellion years you could pull this off. A tall adulation is in order! Be assured our father below is filled with glee!
ReplyDeleteWormwood: Well….(coquettishly) just doing my job of course...but I truly can’t take all the credit, after all our clueless “Elements” at the cove and especially at ‘the Hill’ are doing a great job prepping our men with little to no help from us. A pleasant refrain from the old “the devil made me do it”…hehehe
Uncle ScrewTape: Well then my little deceiver, you certainly are on track with your quota. Soon, very soon we shall all rejoice Below with our father The Great Deceiver!
Wormwood: Yes uncle and I’m happily looking forward to our celebration, but for now I’m on my way to check on more ‘collectibles’. A bit more chaos to deliver to the little devils at the cove and to the great one at the Hill. So much euphuistic and disdain they create themselves against their own Holy Church it’s simply fantastic, my efforts are almost inadequate, but my goal is accomplished, thanks to these (coyly) ‘holy men’.
Uncle ScrewTape: Begone now Wormwoom, our father below awaits more souls...let us fulfill the words of one of their own, our enemy St. John Chrysostom.....'the floor of HELL is lined with the skulls of priests and the bishops heads as the sign post...' bring them to MEEEEEEEEE!
Once a philanderer, always a philanderer.
ReplyDeleteBut joining "The Way", everything will change.....NOT!!
DeleteNot so 4:01 pm, St Augustine was philandering in his time. He even fathered a child! He is even quoted as saying: " Lord make me chaste - but not yet"
ReplyDeleteWe should not be reveling in the demise of another, especially if it is done so publicly. Imagine the worst of you out there for public scrutiny. Jesus did not condemn and neither should we.
I'm not saying the situation is ok, but please temper those uncharitable comments.
@ 10:00 AM. Thank you. There's a way to be a "Man of God" and continue to live a life with a woman. It's called being a Deacon.
DeleteThe following comment was submitted by anonymous. I am copying it here with the name of the priest edited out. If you have info to substantiate the accusation, please feel free to contact me privately:
ReplyDeleteIf the neo is good in giving testimonies and admitting their faults then Fr. Louis should have no problems admitting what put him in this situation, and Fr. _______ should have no problems admitting his sins committed with a minor that scurried the over night runaway to New Jersey.