Janet B - MangilaoMay 4, 2015 at 6:22 PM
Tony is either feeling sorry because he was stupid, or feeling great anxiety if he benefited personally from giving away the prize of the Archdiocese.
Sad days ahead for our Archdiocese because we either have a stupid shepherd who refuses to step down, or a crooked crozier-holder who is running scared because Tim and his posse are on to his crimes.
Our only hope at this point is for Rome to finally act decisively to replace our stupid/thief shepherd with someone with the integrity expected of the office of bishop. If Rome doesn't act then they also become culpable for ALL the problems we have.
And the longer Rome waits the more difficult the job for Tony's replacement.
ROME - we hope you consider our welfare before the welfare of one of your own bishops. I think we have proven beyond a doubt that Tony is not worthy of the office entrusted to him. If you truly care about "we the faithful" then you must step in and make a change.
Nothing has gotten better since you were here in July and January. Tony has only perpetuated his lies with more lies. How much more will we be forced to bear under this "leadership"?
We prayed on Sunday that you would hear our cries. Many more prayers being said by priests too afraid to speak the plain truth. It is up to you to act, but be advised we will not stop, nor will we relent. In fact, many of us are willing to take more drastic action to stop this disease which infects us.
Remember, a doctor must take out and remove some cells to save the body when a patient is infected with cancer. We are the patient, and Tony and the NCW is the cancer. Get out your sharp scalpel and excise the abnormal cells from within before we progress to Stage 4 and are diagnosed as inoperable!
Sad days ahead for our Archdiocese because we either have a stupid shepherd who refuses to step down, or a crooked crozier-holder who is running scared because Tim and his posse are on to his crimes.
Our only hope at this point is for Rome to finally act decisively to replace our stupid/thief shepherd with someone with the integrity expected of the office of bishop. If Rome doesn't act then they also become culpable for ALL the problems we have.
And the longer Rome waits the more difficult the job for Tony's replacement.
ROME - we hope you consider our welfare before the welfare of one of your own bishops. I think we have proven beyond a doubt that Tony is not worthy of the office entrusted to him. If you truly care about "we the faithful" then you must step in and make a change.
Nothing has gotten better since you were here in July and January. Tony has only perpetuated his lies with more lies. How much more will we be forced to bear under this "leadership"?
We prayed on Sunday that you would hear our cries. Many more prayers being said by priests too afraid to speak the plain truth. It is up to you to act, but be advised we will not stop, nor will we relent. In fact, many of us are willing to take more drastic action to stop this disease which infects us.
Remember, a doctor must take out and remove some cells to save the body when a patient is infected with cancer. We are the patient, and Tony and the NCW is the cancer. Get out your sharp scalpel and excise the abnormal cells from within before we progress to Stage 4 and are diagnosed as inoperable!
Tim, why is it that PDN failed to cover the prayer rally on Sunday? I heard from family members that it was such a huge success yet complete silence from PDN. Maybe someone should look into their silence. Last time I was in Guam PDN was just next door to the cathedral. Even KUAM, a Catholic -owned media outlet, covered it yet PDN, who often taunts the church because of their liberal views remained silent. I smell a rat.
ReplyDeleteActually the PDN has been fairly responsive to their coverage of our issues. See the page tab above "In the Media" for a comprehensive listing of all the coverage of all the media related to the problems in our local church (though I haven't updated it lately.) Some media simply will not cover the same event as other media but may look for a different angle.
DeleteNew blog!!...http://cruxsancta1.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteActually, not new. But thanks for the reminder that they're out there. They've been fighting the kiko's longer than we have. We linked to this blog awhile back. It's in the right sidebar under Related Blogs.
DeleteActually Tim, it is a new blog. Notice the 1 after cruxsancta. It is a NCW blog or anti Cruxsanta.
DeleteOh, yah. You're right. And how typical of the kiko's to disguise their blog and mislead by co-opting another blog's address much the way Kiko co-opts the church and disguises his agenda as orthodox. The blog makes the same blah blah blah points about how much the pope loves them etc. Our point stays the same. The church has not approved the NCW, it has only approved a particular and much edited version of its statute. It only has standing in the Catholic Church insofar as it conforms to that statute which it violates every time it celebrates the liturgy. Their only defense continues to be that the pope hasn't stopped them. Pius V didn't stop Henry VIII either, until it was too late.
DeleteIt is not that our priests (non-neos) are afraid to speak out. I have spoken to at least two parish priests and one other priest. I know where these priests' hearts lie but they are leaderless at this point. Someone has to make the first move. If ALL the non-neo pastors and priests can get together and make a unified public declaration disavowing Apuron, then maybe, just maybe Rome will listen.
ReplyDeleteThey can't do that. But we can. In fact, if the priests did what you suggest, Rome would be forced to NOT act. It's up to us. Period.
DeleteAnonymous (May 5, 2015 at 8:56 AM), like you I once hoped for a combination of Priest-People Power to free the many (Non-NCW) Priests from the Reign of Psychological Fear that AAA wielded over the island's clergy after reading the January 2014 post Sent Via Email: Breaking Priests (http://www.junglewatch.info/2014/01/sent-via-email-breaking-priests.html). That post was based on the following letter (with my emphases) …
Delete"We have to remove the psychological fear which is being conveyed by the three on the hill. They use fear to mentally break priests. It's been going on for years from Archbishop Apuron and Fr. Adrian. Some priests are sick at this time because of what's happening. We must clear up this fear that has been perpetrated on our priests. It's a very unhealthy situation and I believe it is destroying priests in the region. It's about healing the past and renewing. I believe priests on Guam are silently hurting, afraid to express themselves because of fear. We need to heal. It's time to prepare for priest-people power.
"There is nothing we can really do until the Holy See decides to send a visitor to Guam. Priests and people need to be individually interviewed so there is no fear of revenge by Archbishop Apuron, Fr. Adrian, or Msgr. David. A group of priests who see the danger Guam is in will have to come together and seek an appointment with Archbishop Krebs the Apostolic Nuncio. Guam’s people will back these priests.
- Name withheld out of fear"
As Janet B pointed out, Archbishop Martin Krebs came to Guam in July 2014, PRIOR to AAA's removal of Msgr. James Benavente, and he returned with the Apostolic Visitators in January 2015. What we, as laity, had hoped for was a swift resolution — e.g., removal of AAA and his minions — since the mountain of evidence presented by former members of the Archdiocesan Finance Council and this blog's Administrator seemed more than sufficient. But, as we keep being reminded, Rome moves slowly and, while the events in our Archdiocese scandalize and frustrate so many people, our Church has dealt with even worse scandals throughout Her history.
As Tim at 9:43 AM points out, it's up to US, the laity to make the UNIFIED PUBLIC DECLARATION DISAVOWING APURON that you call for at the end of your comment.
I have attended several CCOG Meetings and I can see that more people are speaking up. In the earlier meetings — like the one in Dededo, which was the 2nd of 11 meetings — most of the people sat and listened. I was one of a handful who spoke up in that roomful of people. Most preferred to remain silent. That is no longer the case. Thanks to the courage of people like former Senator Carmen Kasperbauer who has shared her pain and the fiery passion of Mr. Fred Leon Guerrero who sparked the 8AM March to the Chancery on Tuesday 28 April, more people are speaking up.
Sunday's Prayer Rally has been ridiculed by "The Diana", claiming that "Only A Few Dozens" were present. "The Diana" has stated "…CCOG was expecting 500 people. Not even half of that number showed up........only a few dozens." Obviously "The Diana" failed to recognize that, on this island where we have been conditioned to refrain from questioning the authority and actions of our religious leaders, the fact that many of those in attendance were the man'amko who had moved out of their "comfort zone" to demonstrate their concern — at times bordering on anger — about AAA's actions.
As it is on this blog where most of the people commenting remain ANONYMOUS with only a few of us using our names, for every person who has come out to the CCOG meetings, attended the prayers conducted by Teri Untalan or the CCOG Prayer Rally there are many more who support us with their prayers, as do our (Non-NCW) Priests.
There were 300 people at the rally. The "few dozen" reported by one of the media referred to the NCW group gathered in front of the Nambo building.
DeleteTrue, Tim at 12:18 PM, but as usual "The Diana" — like many of the Kikos/Kikobots who have difficulties with Reading Comprehension skills — insists that it applies to the CCOG rally.
DeleteWhen informed that the video showed "at least two hundred" in attendance, "The Diana" insists "The Marianas Variety says that there were dozens. It did not even say hundreds. The only one who say hundreds is.....is, of course,, CCOG."
It looks like "The Diana" is as delusional as AAA — after all they drink the same KAKA. LOL.
ANON 8:56.....I partially agree that most Non NEO priests aren't afraid to speak out, but their refusal....might be a harsh phrase.....to stand up to the bully, leads me to believe they would be liken to a patient, who is told that the cancer will spread unless you take some sort of action to stop it. I would fully support a full "rebellion" (again....a harsh description) by the priests of our island....in a concerted effort to bring attention to this festering "cancer" on Guam. Rome will have no choice but to act. Who knows, they might just be the catalyst for this change.
ReplyDeleteYes, Rome would act alright. They would act by removing or disciplining the priests who publicly speak out. There is a particular course of action outlined by the church for these problems in canon law. It's called hierarchical recourse. I have not doubt that some priests have availed themselves to this procedure which is why we have gotten as far as we have. Meanwhile, this is an opportunity for the Catholic laity to do what they have been telling us to do since Vatican II: active participation. Let's stop hiding behind our clergy. We get lectured all the time about "stewardship" when the church needs our money. Well, they are going to get our signs and voices too...and our lack of money.
DeleteWhen you say, WE CAN ONLY WAIT SO LONG BEFORE WE ARE FORCED TO OPERATE ON OURSELF. ROME - DO YOU CLEARLY UNDERSTAND?" what do you mean by this? What do you mean by "forced to operate on ourself?" If Rome doesn't do anything, what ACTION does CCOG plan to take?
ReplyDeleteI saw no mention of the CCOG.
DeleteRadical times require radical responses. My personal opinion.
ReplyDeleteIf for no other reason than the inability to garner the respect of his flock, the archbishop should step down. The Sword of Damocles comes to mind when thinking of the situation in which the archbishop has placed himself. Plato said, " No evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death." Archbishop, you will not live to challenge Methuselah's longevity, heed Plato's advice before it is too late and you suffer for infinity for your earthly misdeeds.