Monday, June 1, 2015


Pacific Daily News, Guam
June 1, 2015
by Tim Rohr

It is hard to know where to start in response to Mari Flor Herrero's recent opinion piece ("Bashers falsely accused Apuron, May 16, Pacific Daily News). First she criticizes the Concerned Catholics of Guam Inc., or CCOG, for not showing concern about same-sex unions and a host of other social issues, when the stated objective of the CCOG is to call the archbishop to financial accountability and transparency — something Pope Francis has already called on all bishops to do (and something Apuron obviously has trouble doing on his own).


Note: Should you wish to defend my piece in the PDN comments - since all my opponents can do is personally attack me - just ask if anything I stated is not true and ask them to prove it. Of course everything I stated is exactly true and that's why all they can do is personally attack me. 


  1. Spot on Tim. It can't get any clearer than that.

  2. One of the required clearance need for Apuron to alienate the property in perpetuity is the permission of the Archdiocese Finance Council. He knew he couldn't get the former AFC members to approve the alienation so he fired them. It would be interesting to know if he secured approval from the newly constituted council. I doubt that he did. Someone should ask Mr. Ada the current president. And if Apuron secured such approval from the AFC, he should have no qualms in publishing it.

    1. The Archbishop signed the Deed of Restriction before he fired the AFC, so I seriously doubt he asked the new AFC members to ratify his decision. BTW, is John Weisenberger still on the new AFC? His spouse has been employed at the chancery by the Archbishop for decades. Isn't that a conflict of interest?

  3. One of the most shameful, devious, and malicious act that Apuron and his VG, Monsignor David, concocted was after alienating the property in perpetuity, they failed to disclose this fact to the former AFC members when they were still on the council. To deliberately conceal this information, to lie about its existence, to pretend it never happened, and then fire the former AFC members to perpetuate the lie and their shameful act is sickening and clear grounds for their canonical removal.

  4. Excellent opinions. Ears itchy, Tony?

  5. I liked this piece. It is substantive and best believe Rome is on it. Yet, they are giving Apuron a chance to come clean and resign, but he still does not as he is truly filled with pride. The immigrant priests from the Philippines in the past have given an earful to the Holy Father as to the ways they were treated by this Archbishop. Rome will have to act soon, but perhaps we should all be merciful upon this liar, thief and muderer who continues his unholy plot to sow division. May God truly be merciful to all of us!

  6. 6:31 PM - agree that he lied to us and stole from us. Yet murderer, how? Has he been implicated in murderous activity? Pray, tell and substantiate. Please.

    1. Well, seems he has murdered joy and sprit of obedience in his clergy and faithful. That's murder.
