Fly on the Wall has left a new comment on your post "OOOH. LITTLE ADRIANA IS MAD.":
This is a special birthday presentation to the Archbishop from Fly on the Wall at the Chancery.
A close friend of the Archbishop wishes to present him with a special birthday surprise. You could call it a walk down memory lane. It goes back to a bio written about the Archbishop in 2003, and it shows some telling points of view on how he views his relationship with his fellow Capuchins, and how we see that even in 2003 he was blind to his own faults. The biography is very long, and contains many quotes directly from Apuron, but I’ll start with just a short section on his “Relationship with Clergy”
Relationship with clergy
The above experience over the poker machine exemplifies the strenuous relationship Apuron has had with his brother Capuchins. At a critical time when he needed their support to outlaw poker machines, they criticized him for politicizing the church. In a moment of candid self-reflection, Apuron articulates the possible reasons for this strained rapport with his religious brothers:
“I think they [the Capuchins on Guam] know me as Brother Tony and Father Tony and they saw me as being elevated above them, [when I became a bishop]. Even though they professed the fact that we will support you [as bishop] because you are one of us, you are a native, especially the expatriate, in reality they don’t. The ones that give me the hardest time are non-natives. Some of them have left and moved on, sad to say. But even of the native ones, I really detect that they pay courtesy, but in their hearts there’s always, I don’t know what it is, whether it’s judgment against me, or whatever, or probably the way I administrate. Because I’m very, very pastoral. I don’t really like to sit behind a desk and just administer the diocese, or the archdiocese. I like to go out and touch people’s hands, visit them when they’re sick, comfort them when they’re dying, do weddings The Lord will judge me later on, but I feel it’s a pastoral reason and people are so honored when they do that, and I’m not doing that just to give me a tall hat or whatever. I really do it out of genuine concern. And when I do it I know that they understand.”
(Tim's note: So typical of the archbishop's run-on rambling answers where you wonder what or who he is talking about.)
He is further saddened because he believes that St Francis, whose charism the Capuchins try to embrace, would do whatever the Church would want. But Apuron finds that some of his Capuchin brothers will resist this call to be faithful and obedient to him as Archbishop. They will not go with what he, as spiritual leader says, for sometimes they will interpret some of the Church’s teachings and pronouncements differently.
(Tim's note: Thank God they do!)
These differences of interpretation also manifested itself in 1999, when Apuron, through a Decree, “erected” the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary. In that Decree Apuron referred to the call by Pope John Paul II for a ‘new evangelization which is needed as a response to the demands of the present circumstances which are changing rapidly.’ Thus he embraced the Neocatechumanal way and established a seminary for young men from Spain, Italy, Philippines, Poland, Venezuela, Canary Islands, and the United States.
(Tim's note: LOL. Yes, for young men everywhere except young men with real diocesan vocations from Guam!)
Although Apuron personally thinks that this is the way of the church to help people who are struggling with their Catholic faith, his brother Capuchins have made a pact that they will not support the Neocatechumenal community. Some have even chided him. He has responded by pointing out the positive values of the latter community; these men were being formed in community and they were really strengthened by the Word and celebrations of Reconciliation and Eucharist. It continues to cause Apuron disappointment and has at times distanced him from his own Capuchin community.
(Tim's note: There it is again, folks. Apuron believes that the Neocatechumenal Way is "the way of the church.")
Further comments from From Fly on the Wall:
Archbishop says he does not like to administrate, he would rather be out with the people. Sadly, when problems arise, as they have, our shepherd is nowhere to be seen. And Adrian, on the other hand, feels that administration is most important, and pastoral activities are merely auxiliary. Hmm. That may explain the tension these days at the Chancery.
As far as the Capuchins trying to follow St Francis? We the people of Guam are eternally grateful for the wonderful work they do. They truly are following the simplicity and joy of St Francis.
But, please Archbishop, have a wonderful birthday celebration Franciscan style by throwing a $200 happy meal celebration. You make a wonderful example of St Francis – NOT!
Clap, clap, joy,joy.
Reporting live from the stench filled walls of the Chancery in Agana, Guam, this is McFly signing out.
Instead of $200.00, give them maybe $100.00 more and ask them for a receipt to CCOG. This way your $300.00 represents the Holy Trinity! Remember your gifts are all tax deductible because they advertised it! If they refuse to give you a receipt, file a complaint with the IRS!
ReplyDeleteSomebody swat that damn fly! Bye
ReplyDeleteThis is a theme that is currently running rampant through the Chancery - swat that damn fly on the wall. Typical kiko reaction!
DeleteRather than look at the situation and try to sit both sides together and come to a common understanding, let's just kill the messenger.
But gues what, idiots on the hill. You will not kill the messenger because they are all over the place. As one commented, the stench of your shit has attracted a lot of flies. And we are bound to reveal what we hear and see. You may try to deny it, but we are everywhere. And some of us are so incredibly close at hand you'll freak out if you ever found out.
But the fact is...if you deal with the problem it will get resolved. If you kill the messenger, we multiply so fast there will be no disruption.
Your best friends wish you a happy birthday, enjoy the present!
McFly reporting from deep in the jungle, as the Chancery is closed to make important preparations for the big happy meal bash.
Rome, did you read that? I'm very, very, very pastoral. Don't read the BYE comments. They're not true. Did you get the big book I sent you? I was only kidding. You don't have to pay for it. BYE
DeleteWell, you cant deny that a pile of shit attracts a whole bunch of flies, This is some good shit..
ReplyDeleteContinue to expose all the trash that have been carried out on the hill by all those Jokers.
Thank You Fly on the wall
The Bio of 2003 is just one of the Archdeceiver' s ploy to prop him up as the greatest ever. He threw his Capuchin brothers under the bus way way back. He is such an egotistical person who does not see his faults and errors. The reality is that the Capuchins KNOW what he really is and do not support him. It is not about jealousy. It's because Tony is such a big PHONY and lacks the character and spirituality necessary to be a priest, bishop, or whatever. He shouldn't have been ordained into the priesthood.
ReplyDeleteJust as expected, It is the fault of the capuchin brothers for not being in solidarity with him. We cant say the the Lord did not give everyone the gift of humility, he outpours this grace in abundance. We on the other hand have to empty out all the pride from our souls, so that in turn it can be filled with the humility from God. This is where our free will is most operative guided by our conscience or lack of. God help us all..
AAA warned you guys. Preached to del cavulo of the Lateran he CAN RETIRE TO THE CAPUCHINS. ITS HIS RIGHT. GET HIS ROOM READY. A NICE ROOM. OK? With a view!
DeleteNOG - Not On Guam! He has to be far far away in a kiko galaxy, otherwise he gets noggin' on his eggnogs! Friary is not safe haven for dictators, sexual predators or whatever ..."ator" he had been. Perhaps kiko can purchase for hm a pricey real estate in SF where Tony really enjoys the night life: that island paradise called Alcatraz perhaps? I hear its quiet over there when tourists are not around.
DeleteRetire to the capuchins? After what you said about them it may not be safe to consume your meager portion. But then again, meager portions would never satisfy you.
DeleteTo go back to the capuchin house would disgrace their ideals. Stay away and go to one of your many homes for shelter.
Be gone evil tony.
Nice room with a view of a cess pool. Let's make him comfortable with showing him what he has grown accustomed to.
DeleteBut for THE PERSECUTIONS! Thank you Tim.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousOctober 31, 2015 at 7:44 AM
This year's Gala dinner is the largest we've had. I heard that dining tables and chairs are also being placed in the hallways. It looks like the persecution did all of us a lot of good. It favored the archbishop and the Way.
Blessed be God! Is it cheaper in the corridor?
DeleteYes. For kikos everything is worldly: numbers, degrees, money, strokes, etc. when you don't have supernatural truth and grace on your side then this is all you can do.
DeleteThe persecution you perceive is nothing compared to the persecution your rot will receive.
DeleteWe pray for you!
Favored the Tiny and the kinks?
DeleteShit favors the rancid. Enjoy your $200 happy meal. It may be your last on Guam.
"A fourth characteristic of a group that has become a cult or is behaving in a cult-like manner is that there will be a persecution complex. A group of outside forces will be identified who are “the enemy”. A little fortress will be built in which all those on the inside are the “faithful ones” while all those on the outside will increasingly be demonized and feared. There will be no real effort to build bridges or get to know those on the outside. There will be no real effort to treat the outsiders as real people. Instead, they are the enemy to be kept at arms’ length and against whom the faithful will usually project their fears and suspicions. At worst the enemy will have all the sins and fears and dark negativities projected on them."
Right, Tim. Just like Philadelphia.m 40,000 and twenty thousand standing. Forget it.
ReplyDeleteOn a more refreshing topic, many thanks to Fr. Andre for finally moving the tabernacle to the center of the sacristy in St Francis church. Thanks Again Fr. Andre, God bless you for all you do in restoring our church.
ReplyDeleteYou are in good hands with Father Andre. We were sad to see him leave OLBS. Pay attention to his homilies because it is evident that he takes it seriously and puts time into preparing his messages!
DeleteFor a good laugh, come and listen to Jucatan in the Cathedral. He puts no effort in his preparation of his homilies. His homilies are siso, shit in shit out. That's a presbyter for you and they want to takeover our church. WTF!
DeleteAll the presbyters are the same. WTF are they saying in their homilies. They look at their watches because they time themselves and when their time is up we look at them with a confused look because we did not understand them and their train of thought.
Delete@10:10 those homilies are his best effort.
DeleteBest effort is not good enough. Either he knows what he is talking about without flying all over the place or take the whole week to prepare. I hate half ass sermons!
DeleteLike the saying goes, You either Got it or you Dont. Trying to wing it just doesn't cut it. God's sheep know his voice and can distinguish garbage coming from the enemy, and from what we have heard from CB parishioners, he's been spewing out a lot of trash.. Half ass, half baked Presbyters from RMS.
DeleteAlthough I mostly dislike the NCW presbyters, I realized why I actually like Fr. Jucatan as a person. Yes, his homilies need improvement but, unlike most NCW presbyters he isn't arrogant. I hope as he gains more self-confidence that he remains humble.
DeleteHumble? Or not smart enough not to go through Msgr James' boxes.
DeleteTell Jucatan to record and listen to himself. Hell probably say "WTF did I say, I'm confused".
DeleteAnonymous 2:46 p.m. I'm sure Fr. Jucatan was following orders. Being newly ordained at the time, it's hard to disobey. How many of us in a new position would risk being fired even though we knew we were asked to do something wrong?
Delete8:55. What about courage? Hmmm?
DeleteFather Pius advised me to tell people all I want for my birthday , my 70th Birthday, is more persecution. OK? BYE
ReplyDeleteSo typical of Pius to think he knows better than God what to apportion to one, suffering or persecution that is necessary for one's salvation. Remind him that self inflicted persecution if due to injustice that one inflicts upon others (like the NCW)is something that one deserves and is not meriterious. but be careful what you ask for also, Gird your loins and pray that you may be able to endure.
DeleteSo typical of Pius to think he knows better than God what to apportion to one, suffering or persecution that is necessary for one's salvation. Remind that old Troll that self inflicted persecution if due to injustice that one inflicts upon others (like the NCW)is something that one deserves and is not meriterious. but be careful what you ask for also, Gird your loins and pray that you may be able to endure.
DeletePius, don't sit next to. Me tonite at the Hyatt. Just doesn't look good. Ok? Bye.
DeleteYay. Today is my birthday. Big gala tonight.
ReplyDeleteAll will honor me as the seminary man of the year!
See you all at the H Y A T T. Don't forget my envelop. Drinks on me. Singing and special dancing will high all of you honoring me. Okay.
Hmmm, let me see how the haul is tonight. I might make a third seminary? I'm getting good at this. Bye.
DeleteYeah...bring your mamma along...adios.
DeleteThey are hoping to make $300,000 tonight.
DeleteThe thought of Tony as RMS man of the year is at first sickening. I might believe if he won the title of slime of the year.
DeleteMaybe if I had $40,000,000 to give to the seminary I could be the grand dame of the year at the next gala.
But it is humorous how Tony is quick to award himself a title that he is absolutely unworthy of.
I'd spend more time mocking him, but he would never get it.
Just one bit of advice. Please no hula dance. It would find its way to the world and start a worldwide epidemic of nausea.
$300,000 sounds like a money laundering scheme. The capacity of the ballroom is 500 or $100,000. If they report $300,000 then the Feds ought to look at them on it.
DeleteWow $300,000 is more than I thought. Should this be true you don't need to have a bishop's annual appeal. Neither do you need Catholic Extension Money. Seriously, moral issues here now.
Tony is the honoreeee??? Whaaaaatttttt? Tell me it's not true.
DeleteAt 9:30 am mass last week, AAA said none of the money goes to him. $100,000 to RMS,$100,000 to JPII and$100,000 to Cathedral. Who is he kidding ? All of it goes to him and his NEOs....
Delete$300,000. No wonder live traffic going crazy following this event.
DeleteYes, what a ruse and a scandal this birthday bash of this archbishop is! How sad a state has the Catholic Church hierarchy on Guam (along with some of its parish pastors) has become when one considers and sees that some pastors are more concerned about "not ruffling the feathers of pius and the arch's worldy interests" because these pastors have more self-interest in their self-preservation rather than standing with the laity for the TRUTH and THE CHURCH!
ReplyDeleteTo that, one pastor has even gone to the extent of pressuring some ministries in his parish to buy the $200 plate or contribute financially from their meager coffer toward this scandalous birthday celebration, knowing that members of the ministries don't want to appear to "disobey" or "disrespect" their pastor, in spite of these members' non-support of this birthday bash!
Elderly Neo members also pressured their grown children to buy the $200 tickets. I'm sure they too were pressured by the Neo higher ups.
ReplyDeleteFor sure for sure envelopes already coming in, Monsignor James, Fr.Paul, Fr.Mike, can't see you're envelope , looking for $1,000 from each of you. Ok bring envelope to Hyayt 7p bye.
ReplyDeleteFor sure for sure for sure, Tony I've been watching you carrying a bag made of crock skin. Rather than buy a new bag bring me an envelope tonight 7pm Hyyat Hotel. Envelope from you needs to be $5,000 All I want is money. bye
Faux croc from black market in Seoul. Cool, KIMCHEE. Illegal. But who cares??
DeleteToday, Sunday, this afternoon, at 5pm join the protesters of this $200 a plate scandalous birthday bash across from the Hyatt. We shouldn't be the ones to be embarassed protesting -- those who attend this scandalous bash should be the ones embarassed to attend such financially swinish event!
ReplyDeleteMoney is coming but rather slow to my likening. Five hours left before the show begins, I'm in my bathroom now preparing my hair and yes I got some Jo Malome for my birthday English Rose and Earl Gray Cucumber it says. Well, will spray it . Hope Brazil Boys like Joe Malone. Now my watch, shall I wear Cartier or a Rolex tonight. Will ask Pius he always tells me what to do. Ok taking me time to dress up must go....five hours to go, don't be late now. Bye.
DeleteFor sure for sure . Diana you have just made a stupid blunder on our web page. I told you before not to post stupidity yet you persist in making me look stupid on my birthday. my Birthday my birthday . Jo Malone is my perfume you idiot he is not Fatner Jo Malome I'm bringing to hide in the Archdiocese. for sure for sure you make me look stupid . Jo Malone is my perfume for tonight it is not a priest. Yet you told us Father Jo Malone is a new Priest. see you at the Hyatt 7pm .... Yes Sill wearing My Jo Malone. bye
Well, Diana, what happened to the Big October Surprise?? October is over. Something go wrong?
DeleteFor sure for sure I wanted Diana to be named my auxiliary bishop. That was to be my birthday surprise to you all. An Auxiliary Bishop for us. Never mind, I will still get my way later. bye
She's saving it until the next UMatuna, where you'll see the smiling faces of NCW members splashed all over its pages, hailing it as the archdiocese's "event of the year."
DeleteShe's excited for the marketing tactics they'll employ in order to make it appear as there is no division within the archdiocese, and that those of us who are speaking out against the sick man holding the archbishop's office hostage are nothing more than "troublemakers," thereby convincing those who are not all caught up with the drama or who have chosen to stay neutral will be tricked to "following the right side of history."
Yup, that's her big belated October surprise.
ReplyDeleteMany things on my mind is Kilo Carmen sending me a gift? I sold this diocese to them so those bitches better give me $50,000. or else I'll shut the dam seminary. After all I only opened a seminary because they promised to make me a cardinal and give me money. I don't care the shit about this Archdkocese, or about Kiko Carmen, as long as they give me money Let it be . Had Archbishop Krebs given me money, for sure for sure I give him audit papers. I'm anyone's whoever gives me the largest envelopes . Now shoes, what shoes shall I wear tonight? I got more shoes here in my closet than the world knows. Ok got a nice pair of Jimmy Choo will wear my Jimmy's tonight. Ok 2.30pm just over two hours to 5pm cocktails. Shit those protestors will be at the Hyatt entrance . May be there is a back entrance through the maids entrance I can get up to my room not noticed. Those protestors causing me to lose money. I know they will take my photo, send it to Krebs. I'm gonna have a blast tonight, sing clap be happy, ok see you at the Hyatt. bye.
What goes around comes around. Therefore, the abuse hurled by those with authority in the Church and the pressure they wield on the vulnerable members and the coercion they employ will come back to hit them, a hundred fold, and haunt them. They who support and willingly lavish money on evil, it will be their eventual earthly depravity and fall and the potential cause of their spiritual perdition. PROTEST THE $200 A PLATE SCANDALOUS BIRTHDAY BASH!
ReplyDeleteSadly, this Archbishop is powerless to close the seminary since the Board of Guarantors are the only ones that can make this decision. Giuseppi and his wife are two of four votes, a kiko/mafioso from Jersey is a third vote, and Tony the stooge is just one of four votes.
ReplyDeleteTony, go back to dreaming about envelopes and stop worrying about the seminary. You have no role there!
An understated style. Defined by a rather unconventional sense of sophistication . with taste that is rarified , yet a touch audacious. Timeless and elegant.... But always infused with a charming dash of whit and whimsy..... See you at the Hyatt 7pm bye.
ReplyDeleteThis gala is nothing more but another convivence with another name and an entrance fee.
ReplyDeleteSplash it on Tony. But it won't mask the stench. Combination would make it worse.
ReplyDeleteA-POO-RUN: Sounds fitting.