Friday, June 10, 2016


There seems to be some confusion on how to spell or arrange the names in Archbishop Hon's name. Here is what appears to be the correct version:

Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai, S.D.B.

Note the most recent entry:

21 Oct 195065.63BornHong Kong
15 Aug 196918.8ProfessedMember of Salesians of Saint John Bosco
15 Aug 197524.8Professed (Perpetual Vows)Member of Salesians of Saint John Bosco
17 Jul 198231.7Ordained PriestPriest of Salesians of Saint John Bosco
23 Dec 201060.1AppointedSecretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
23 Dec 201060.1AppointedTitular Archbishop of Sila
5 Feb 201160.2Ordained BishopTitular Archbishop of Sila
6 Jun 201665.6AppointedApostolic Administrator of Agaña, Guam, Pacific (Oceania)

Looks like Adrian didn't take the time to get it right in his infamous June 7 media release so the press has been getting it mixed up ever since:

And then in his email invitation the same day he gets the name right but the initials indicating his religious order S.D.B. (Salesians of Don Bosco) are inverted:

Maybe The Adrian was a little rattled? 

Make no mistake, Rome, Adrian was involved in pulling ALL the strings. Don't let him throw Apuron under the bus and then walk away. He and the Stinking Monk were partners. 


  1. A few questions regarding the current situation that may or may not have answers (yet):

    1. Archbishop Hon is the Apostolic Administrator for the archdiocese. Is he considered the "acting Archbishop?" Is he the Corporation Sole?

    2. As Apostolic Administrator, does Archbishop Hon have control of all archdiocese assets, including RSM and the surrounding property?

    3. The Genarinni, Apuron, et al, have insisted that the Yona property is under the full control of the Archbishop of Agana, Corporation Sole. Can this still be true in light of the amended documents that name Anthony S Apuron but leave out the term Corporation Sole?

    4. Is Archbishop Hon now on the board of directors of RSM and the board of guarantors of RSM?

    There are probably many more questions related to NCW issues, in addition to problems in the chancery and parishes. May God give Archbishop Hon the strength to handle all of these problems and set our church on the correct path.

    1. 1. Yes. He is the corporation sole.
      2. Yes. Control of all assets. However, RMS is no longer an asset, thanks to Apuron.
      3. While the reference to corporation sole was removed from the formation paragraph, it appears later in an article inserted as Article VI. I believe the changing of the formation paragraph actually creates a different corporation and thus the newly amended articles would be found null if we could ever get this into court.
      5. Per the RMS articles, yes he would be on the board of directors, but no, not on the board of guarantors. Apuron remains. This was planned this way. Apuron and the Gennarini's control RMS and its mega-million dollar property and there's not a thing we can do about it. This is exactly how they structured it.

    2. Maybe if we point that out to the Archb. Hon, he will not like that that he, as corporation sole, doesn't own the biggest property of the Archdiocese. Maybe, he can help us get it back by ordering Apuron and the three others to return the ownership back to the Archdiocese once again.

    3. Would Archbishop Hon be able to appeal to the Pope and remedy the situation without going to court? It would be an enormous scandal if the Apostolic Administrator had to take the RMS board of guarantors to court to get the property back into the patrimony of the archdiocese.

  2. Arch moron had the name wrong in his video from Rome plaza.

  3. This shall be a very interesting question for sure.
    As I pointed out yesterday, Archbishop Hon will have a lot on his hands.
    Before he can address this nest of vipers, he is going to have to clean the Chancery first. Let see what these steps will be.

    The appointment of Fr Nowak as his right hand man is important, since a great part of Fr Nowak background is in the St Augustine Seminany of Toronto, which is a very well regarded seminary, of real importance.
    Part of Fr Nowak other experience, makes him a good administrator, as he was the head provincial for O.M.I's Assumption Province.

    (O.M.I for those of us who are not in the know, is a missionary order started by a French priest about 200 years ago. It stands for Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Its Geographical presence is mostly in Canada, the USA, Poland and Madagascar)

    Both this administrative experience and his knowledge of seminaries, shall be very helpful to untie this Gordian Knot, the NCW has tied here on Guam. Perhaps like Alexander, Archbishop Hon will elect to cut right through it....
    Like one of our contributors on this site, likes to say: "lets bring out the popcorn, and watch, the show should not be boring.

    1. Let's see how quickly they change their tune.

      "You see, Archbishop Hon, it's right here in black and white. The property was transferred to the RMS corporation, signed, sealed and delivered. You have no control of it whatsoever. Have a nice day."

    2. Would like to see if part of archbishop Hon's bucket list is to recover the stolen RMS. Yes, the Neos, with Tony's help, stole the property.

  4. Why in hell is Adrian the Bully still acting as chancellor? Why is he sending all these missives, including a vigil of unity at the CB on Saturday night? He is tainted, and is part if the ineffectual triumvirate. He should be relieved of his duty that he had abused, he does not have the trust and confidence of the people. Archbishop Hon has to release him and appoint someone else to be his go-between with the people. I am not confident about this "kumbaya" approach. Pretty soon we might have blood in our hands if the Vatican intervention remains a mild vanilla call for getting along. We need resolution of various issues. Remember also that forced forgiveness is not healthy. It comes after satisfactorily resolving issues through appropriate processes, not forcing groups to get along by attending a vigil. With all the controversial oersonnel taking the helm at these "vigils for unity" how can we expect people to participate? WTH!

    1. Yes, the chancery MO for thirty years! Put lipstick on a pig. You do not fix the serious wrongs that have broken this diocese by DOING NICE on the same superficial level as always! Thank you, 6:02. A lot of serious work needs to take place before any unity gatherings are promoted. They are so '70s anyway! Hey, how about true relevance like MASS!

  5. my juvenile mind says SBD = "silent but deadly." but i suppose that may sometimes be true. ha.
