On July 16 three years ago, Fr. Paul Gofigan was ignominiously fired as Pastor of Santa Barbara, to the point of being locked out from his office upon his return from his Inquisition before Apuron, David, and Adrian. Without due process, not even a shred of civility and decency, and in clear violation of Canon Law as Fr. Dacanay, his canon lawyer, so eloquently pointed out in his appeal, Fr. Paul was fired and ran out of Santa Barbara. Yes, the "painful and arduous" experience that was threatened by the Three Goons if he did not voluntarily resigned had just begun. Three years later, not a word, even a note, NADA, from Rome on his appeal. Hon promised a year and a half ago to look into it. Nothing, NADA, came out of it. Doesn't this sound like Gestapo Germany?
On July 25 two years ago, two of the three goose stepping Goons with the Heil Blessing of the third (yes, the same ones!), imperiously and condescendingly walked into Monsignor James Benavente's office at the Pastoral Center and announced his removal as rector and other positions. The basis for his removal? Well, he had to find that out himself from the media because that is where the three Goons decided to maliciously spread lies of financial impropriety by Monsignor James. Although promised, no written allegations were ever given to him so that he can properly defend himself. He had to sort that out in the media, and in the interim, the Trained Lawyer, for and on behalf of the Three Goons, was hastily collecting information and informing the Presbyterial Council of the allegations against Monsignor James, none of which was formally written and none were given to the members. She would have been thrown out of court if she tried to pull that stunt at the Superior Court. To this date, Monsignor James has not received any written allegations, formal or otherwise, against him to justify his firing. And his canonical appeal to Rome? Not a word, NADA, nothing. Hitler would be proud.
July 21 is the day Guam was liberated from the cruel occupation by Japan, who along with Germany started World War II. We cherish and celebrate every year the freedom and civil rights that was restored to us by the United States. But July is not a time for celebrating for two holy priests, who along with their families, were humiliated, demeaned, defamed, and stripped of their dignity, self worth, and civil rights.
Hon, do the right thing, and start by immediately revoking the decrees against these two priests, reinstate them to the positions that was wrongfully taken from them, and restore their good name. Then and only then can we begin to have some glimmer of hope that you are doing the right thing.
Totally agree with you Webster! You outlined the situations very well! There is so much under-handed situations happening in our Catholic Churches on Guam and We Need Answers Now! I do not understand what is taking Hon so long to fix the problems! It is in black and white and easy to read. Give us the FACTS of What Has Been Done, is Being Done, and Will Be Done! My God, Why Is This So Hard! All This Kumbaya is Such a Farce Hon!
ReplyDeleteWebster, this is only one of many things that is needed to be addressed by AB Savio, but it seems he is either deaf and dumb to understand the importance of getting all the wrongs right or is REALLY the Undercover NEO he is. The Laity will not rest AB. Correct ALL THE INJUSTICES, then and only then, will unity and peace abound.
ReplyDeleteArchbishop Hon is really just like Apuron..., looking for that paper that authorizes the communion of the ncw/neo. He is looking for a way to extract himself from this fiasco without a scratch. When the neos came to our parish a group requested an audiance with Apuron, and made their complains to him about the way the neos were trying to cathecaizing the people, Apuron's replied, "I'll look into that. I guess he is still looking, no reply ever came back. Hon is doing the same thing to us, he is looking the other way from our problems, he will continue to do this and report back to his bosses that everythiing is fine onn Guam, The ncw/neo ar growing.
ReplyDeleteApuRapist with the youth at World Youth Day in Poland! What the freaking hell!!! What is wrong with this church?
ReplyDeletePlain and simple- When a crime is committed it's well known that some Leaders in the Catholic Church will protect a fellow priest-the accused leaving the victims of sex abuse to deal and heal on their own. Archbishop Hon, this is the tactic often used by the Catholic Church? Give it up already, and save these victims while there is still time. May God bless the hearts of all the priest, like unto Thine.
ReplyDeleteApumoron is as happy as a kid in a candy store now. Joy
ReplyDeleteOr a dirty old man attending a world wide gathering of youths.
DeleteIt appears more and more, that the high priest hierarchy bishop and his minions of our local Church functioned and behaved exactly like the pharisees in the time when Jesus walked the earth with the Apostles! Moreover, this current high priest hierarchical member sent to Guam from Rome (supposedly replacing the corrupt high priest hierarchical bishop of Guam) is no different. So why did you bother, Rome?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if Rome has an SOP for investigating Sexual abuse cases? I kind of doubt it the way lickin Luis case was handled and the lack of feedback on the four cases that were sent to Rome.
ReplyDeleteLet us not forget that, having experienced the July 2013 removal of Fr. Paul Gofigan and the July 2014 removal of Msgr. James Benavente, the Church Militants were more vigilant. When Pale' Mike Crisostomo was summoned to the chancery in June 2015 — presumably to explain the dismal results of IHOM's Archdiocesan Annual Appeal ($150 as of the June 10 2015 AAA Report) — he was accompanied by his parishioners as well as Faithful Catholics from around the island, from northern Dededo to southern Inarajan, and other parishes in-between. They gathered at the bottom of The Hill to prepare for the We Love Our Catholic Church Prayer Service as well as to make the trek up The Hill with Pale’ Mike.
ReplyDeleteI had decided to go an hour early to spend my own Hour of Power before the Blessed Sacrament in the Adoration Chapel on The Hill. After about 10 minutes, others came into the Chapel and we were engaged in our silent prayer. The show of support for Pale' Mike at the bottom of The Hill must have reached the ears of Anthony Sablan Apuron and motivated him to interrupt those of us in prayer to assure us that "Nothing was going to happen to Pale' Mike unlike what 'that Blog' said." After his song and dance about how “other priests” were going to be at the meeting he left us to resume our prayer in silence.
In time, I saw Pale' Mike approaching the chancery on foot flanked by members of the IHOM Finance Council and followed by his supporters who were praying The Divine Mercy Chaplet as they walked up The Hill. I joined the group and proceeded to the parking lot where we continued to pray. Apuron again came out to assure the group that there was nothing to worry about because Pale' Mike was just one of several priests called for a meeting and he again assured the crowd that "Nothing was going to happen to Pale' Mike." and then he blessed us. According to one of the participants in the prayer service, Apuron looked angry, even as he blessed the crowd.
I honestly believe that if Pale' Mike had gone alone to that meeting in June 2015, he might have met the same fate as Fr. Paul Gofigan and Msgr. James Benavente — only a month earlier than the two before him. But this time Guam’s Church Militants were ready — not only were we at the chancery, I was told other parishioners were guarding the rectory to prevent the change of locks that occurred in July 2013 to Fr. Paul Gofigan.
No REAL Priest was removed from ministry in 2015 and, to date, no REAL Priest has been removed this year. The players on The Hill have changed but not much else …
• Fr. Paul and Msgr. James have yet to be REINSTATED
• RMS still needs to be RETURNED to the Archdiocese
• Anthony Sablan Apuron has yet to be REMOVED — preferably laicized/defrocked
I guess the Silver Lining is that The Month of Infamy only involves two (2) priests — but in my opinion, that makes 2 priests too many.
We did not HONestly need a Bishop from Rome to solve our problems. We have priest like Fr. Mike Crisostomo who would have solved our problems in a day or two. Go home Hon and have Rome appoint Fr. Mike. We don't need you.
ReplyDeleteOn his message from Rome AAA he tried to imply that the Catholic Church Calumied. No AAA it is you we are after. You left 99 percent of your sheep to play with the 1 percent.
ReplyDeleteYou fired and bullied priests not NCW. You took from the 99 percent's assets to give to your quiridos. You bastardized our churches with NCW priests and heresy. You forced yourself on innocent kids who trusted you