Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Posted by Frenchie

You first need the will of an Archbishop to install one for the need of his diocese.

This is exactly what Apuron, told us when he started venturing into establishing a Seminary.
The original idea, as it was sold to the faithful of Guam, was that instead of sending our sons to study all the way to California, we could establish a serious institution on island, that would allow us to react more efficiently to our priestly needs.
The laity was enthusiastic about the project, which was to become the Trojan Horse of the NCW on Guam.
On the eve of the new Millenium,  right after one of the Island most respected Holy day, the Redemptory Mater Seminary was established on December 9, 1999.

This was a turn key operation, led by the NCW leader on the island: Fr Pius Sammut.

After years of flattering the insatiable Ego of Apuron, Pius had found the magic bullet. The RMS seminary.
Of course Apuron neither had the means nor the knowledge to open a seminary. This is when the NCW , with its network of RMS around the world approached Apuron and proposed to establish
an establishment which would bring Apuron all the glory and kudos he needed to get his red hat.

You need an organization and qualified staff.

That was a main problem for Apuron, he had neither. He had ruled the Diocese for years on a complex mix of favors and protection of certain priests and staff, and a ruthless retaliation of any rebellious individual.
That kind of approach, traditionally foster legions of yes men, and few high quality individuals.
By keeping everybody on the down low, Apuron had painted himself in a corner.  Now that he had an opportunity to shine, he had nobody of quality and experience capable of leading such an enterprise, as the opening of a Seminary.
Pius could not have dreamed of a better scenario. Only five years after landing on the island, he was to become Apuron's opportunity to play with the big boys.

If you don't have one, find help from the outside:

This was the Ace in the sleeve Pius had, that Apuron needed.
In 1988, the Neocatecumenal Way movement, embarked in one of its most ambitious project to date.
With the opening of its first seminary "Redemptoris Mater" in Rome. Under the Decree 218/88
Cardinal Ugo Poletti, then vicar general of the Diocese of Rome, authorized the establishment
of RMS Rome on February 14 1988.
They have now over 100 throughout the world, including the one here on Guam.

It was not difficult for Pius to convince Apuron of all the benefits, he could get from getting a "Turn key" seminary, thanks to Pius connections and the strong will of the NCW powers to be to use this as the great opportunity it was.

Next:  When things get complicated.

Continued on Part 2


  1. AAA was overheard saying that his trips to Rome were to bring in money for the RMS.

  2. This was a baloney excuse. We were duped, but no more. NCW and Pius underestimated our kindness and abused our welcome.

    1. Correct anon at7.40 but that Baloney excuse allowed Apuron to raise several millions of dollars. All this without accountability. Which makes his slanderous accusations against Msgr James all the more scandalous and pathetic.
      Maybe Deacon Kim could shade light on this?

  3. Speaking of money, the Government of Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation issued on July 14, 2016 a Guam Business Privilege Tax Exemption Certificate to the Concerned Catholics of Guam, Inc. (CCOG). In its issuance, the Government of Guam recognizes and accepts CCOG as a religious, charitable, scientific or educational organization. Further, that the CCOG, having fully complied with the necessary requirements as set forth under Section 26203(c) of the Business Privilege Tax Act of Guam, is declared to be tax exempt from Guam income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Guam Territorial Income Tax Laws (GTITL) and Guam business privilege tax under Section 26203(c), Chapter 26, Title 11 of the Guam Code Annotated (GCA). CCOG’s tax exemption is retroactive to December 9, 2014 and will continue indefinitely unless revoked on the basis of information obtained by audit or otherwise. To our gracious donors who have contributed tens of thousands of dollars to our coffers, thank you and Si Yu'os Ma'ase. s/ Gerald A. Taitano, CCOG Treasurer.

  4. He's back!! He was seen dining at the Pacific Star. Welcome back!
