I like reading about life of saints, their visions and supranatural gifts. Spain has been touched by a special Grace being a land of great saints and founders. Spain is called "land of Mary", as reminded by Pope John Paul II. Even when many people confess being not "practitioners" of catholic faith, among Spanish does exist, traditionally, a deep love for Virgin Mary in her very different advocacies.
Of course, for Kiko and Carmen that kind of loving for Virgin Mary as a cultural value is a complete stupid thing, related with natural religiosity and supersticion. Surely for them is an expression of infantilism in faith.
Inmaculate Conception, patroness of Spain
At least in Spain, the Neocatechumenal Way colides on some ancient religious popular practices, like Holy Week celebrations, which had been cataloged of International Tourist Interest. Despite they like or not, Spain feels an ancient devotion to the Virgin, and this love is present in many not neocatechumenal people (if you want to know a little more, see here).
Holy Week in Andalucía, Spain
One of those popular religious practices rejected by Kiko and Carmen was related with Corpus Christi festivity and celebrations, identified by them as something typical of "beatas", which equivalent term in English I think is "sanctimonious", in a very despective use, refered to those very old women who stay in temple for hours praying.
Today I want to bring for you one of the great arcanes of the Neocatechumenal Way: (neocatechumenal) Adoration of Corpus Christi as it has been revealed in Cruxsancta blog by former members.
The Neocatechumenals have reinstated "discipline of arcane", which reigns over rituals, catechesis, songs, liturgical signs, etc. owned by each stage of the itinerary, in one hand, and over all which is said in a community by its members, in the other.
For example: a person whose community has done the "Iniciation to pray" can not talk anything about it whith another person whose community only has done the First Scrutiny. Before internet, it was easier to keep those arcanes in secrecy, although always you could find that brother or sister who can not afford his/her panic in front of such mistery and investigated by his/her own.
The second dimension of "arcanes", which supposedly protects "intimacy" of each community, is only a nice figure on paper. When you live in a ghetto, everybody knows everything. Neocatechumenal communities in a parish become a great tribe where all families and members join complex interactions and ears and tongues are very free. "Holy" murmuration is the main sport in the Way.
Catholic Church abolished that figure of "secret of arcane" many centuries ago. It lost sense when Catholicism became the official religion of Roman empire with Constantin. But Kiko and Carmen are obsessed with reimplanting obsolete things as if the Church, mater et magistra, was wrong or careless. The only "secrecy" still sacred by catholic Church is related with confession's sacrament.
Let's go with the creative neocatechumenals...
"During the nights of the week of Corpus, from Tuesday to Friday inclusive, night worship is practiced by the parish communities which have finished "the Way", they are divided by groups so there is always a group in adoration along the four nights.
The behemoth establishes what is done during all those hours and also how to be done (here comes the Arcanum):
It begins at 23 h with songs and Rosary prayer in front of the tabernacle, praying on his knees and with his arms extended like in the cross.
After this exhilarating experience, one hour of worship is done.
Then fifteen minutes rest (agape carried by attendees and lots of stimulating drink).
After the break, a sui-generis celebration of the Word that is the best of all because is the unique celebration throughout the year when each participant receives a personal word of God, only to him / her, a word that has to be kept, meditated and will guide him/her for a whole year. To receive this personal word of God, the mechanism is as follows:
Suppose there are 16 people; are divided into 8 + 8, the first 8 made 8 readings at random (2 from Historical books, 2 of Prophetic, 2 of Letters and 2 Gospels) so the first reading is for the first member of the second group, which is the only one who can (should) give an echo, the second reading is intended by God for the second member of the second group; and so on until the 8 members of second group have heard the message of God and have given their echo. Then 8 from second group read 8 Words by random for 8 of the first group.
After the celebration of the Word, is removed custody (which implies that there must be a priest or someone with special dispensation) and the Mass of the day is celebrated (with echoes and homily, if still in aim).
Then another time (more agape and coffee) to rest.
Then comes the Matins prayer (sung) with readings included. After Matins, Lauds (sung) with short reading and half an hour of silent prayer.
And once concluded and with the abundance of the Holy Spirit, each one runs home for shower, full speed, and go to work.
The priest who presided our group declared this new celebration of Corpus is a huge inspiration which the Holy Spirit has granted Kiko, and the Neocatechumenal Way, with its rites and its celebrations is strength and nourishment for this times we live, so convulsed and dechristianized.
I want to focus on this note a habit I have lived in the Neocatechumenal Way which consists in reading randomly selected texts, claiming that God speaks through the writings saying something concrete to a specific person.
For those who want to use the Bible as a card game by opening the book at random, or jumping here and there and you automatically think God begins to speak., it is a very great risk. It is like playing with (good and bad) luck.
It is not just a question of reading the Bible with faith and devotion. We must join faith, prayer and devotion whith study. Reading the Bible without adequate preparation is tempting God.
Corpus Christi festivity for (the rest of) catholic Church
It is a bustling, colorful, cheerful, bright celebration in which the Church welcomes being the Body of Christ, with a public procession as a living sign of their faith, and worships the Eucharist, God with us.
Street of Toledo, Spain, Corpus Christi
The streets where the Custody is carried are decorated with flowers, banners and ribbons, the balconies are adorned with palms, children who have received their First Holy Communion this year feature prominently in first place, temples are illuminated for the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Valencia, Spain, Corpus Christi
But not for all. Not for the Neocatechumenal Way, which simply ignores this festivity. Only the elected neocatechumenals with their adult faith do "celebrate" in their world apart that kind of celebration which, at the end, is considered by them as "the rite of the random Word of God which talks directly to you once a year". So, if you can not assist, you will have to wait a whole year to know which Word God wants you to hear".
(Original in Spanish, read this and this, 2012, and recently, 2015, this)
Fortunately I, LaPaz, never participated in such dark and twisted celebration, I was expelled a little before. It is introduced by catechists one year of having finished the Way.
I can not understand why Kiko and Carmen always have to build a paralell church. It would be so easy and good to be in communion just respecting and being one with others...They are completely obsessed with being different, being the opposite...at the end, that obsession make they fall in the same mistakes they critisized.
Carmen always liked the light and the joy of being resurrected with Christ. What kind of light was she looking for? Did she live that light and joy on streets with common people celebrating Corpus Christi's festivity?
Andalucía, Spain, Corpus Christi
I think she didn't, because if you love light, joy, colour....life, you will find those popular expressions as something which deserves, at least, your respect and your support -more than ever- in these times of desacralization.
Valencia, Spain, Corpus Christi
Maybe she was still living her memories during Franco's dictatorship and she stayed mentally in Palomeras for a very, very long time. Once they entered their mental ghetto within the Church and never left it anymore.
So, neocatechumenals, please, do not sell us your new catacombs. Even when you supposedly are born to Church as adults in faith, you will never be catholics strictily!
The Neos blatantly forge their form of worship as a parallel Church. As an example, the Joker Adrian recited the Apostles' Creed in place of the Nicene Creed during yesterday's evening mass. He deliberately did this. Upon looking up the difference between the two creeds, I learned that the Nicene Creed was produced by the Council of Nicea I (325) which was convoked to combat the heresy of Arius, who basically denied the divinity of Christ. Here the Council wanted to teach very clearly that Jesus Christ is "consubstantial" or "one in Being" with the Father, sharing the same divine nature; that He is begotten, not made or created; and that Mary conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and through her, Jesus Christ, true God, became also true man.
ReplyDeleteSneaky devil that Adrian, the whack job.
this description of the arcane or obscure sounds very gnostic. there was a relationship between arianism and gnosticism, wasn't there? if so, then the ncw is a modern version of those errors.
ReplyDeletei was blessed to have been able to join the Corpus Christi procession this last may through the streets of madrid, coming from the cathedral of our lady of almudena. its grandness and scale--though still reverent--isn't something i see much in mostly-protestant u.s.a. i must say i'm surprised, given the large number of people, that the ncw make it a point not to participate in Corpus Christi. then again, that behavior is consistent with the way they treat the Body and Blood of Christ during their illicit liturgies.
Very funny lololol
ReplyDeleteAnother example of the NCW's ability to churn out robotic members! It still amazes me that so many people are willing to let other people tell them when to pray, how to pray and when to take their snacks. Sounds like the Neos are running a daycare!
ReplyDeleteYes, it is hard to believe that people who I've known over many years just obey the commands, "SIT DOWN. LISTEN. DO NOT ASK ANY QUESTIONS. SHOW UP WHEN I TELL YOU TO SHOW UP. AND DEFEND APURON."