Posted by Tim Rohr
We must never lose sight of the fact that Hon is here for one reason and one reason only: to save the Neocatechumenal Way, not just on Guam, but worldwide.
The kiko-hierarchy knows that what is going on in Guam is extremely dangerous to the NCW's global operations. This is why they did not send some trouble-shooter type auxiliary bishop to Guam to fix things.
This is why, instead, they sent the Secretary of a major Vatican congregation, a congregation thoroughly compromised and infiltrated by the kiko's.
A big red flag telling us that this is true is the fact that Hon has ZERO pastoral experience, never having pastored not even so much as a parish let alone a diocese, and let alone one of the most troubled dioceses in the world.
If Rome really wanted to mend the division in Guam and restore unity, they would have sent us someone with some experience as a pastor. Instead, they sent us a bureaucrat with orders to dismiss and steer clear of the sex abuse allegations - which is why he did so until presented with a law suit.
Don't be misled with his "the pope sent me" stuff. This is the same crap the kiko's tell us. "The pope sent us. "
The pope, since he is the big boss, in effect, "sends" everyone. But the pope wasn't sitting at his desk personally reading all our letters and documents and then got the bright idea to send Hon. Hon, when things got too hot for Apuron, was selected by the neocat powers and the pope simply gave his official stamp to the mission as it was "sold" to him, which is why he told Hon to take "urgent measures."
But Hon's real mission is otherwise as we can clearly see.
Thanks to the people on the streets who will NOT let up, and who did not go away after "two weeks," Hon's job got a lot harder than he planned. However, you can bet that he is working over time on how to sneak his agenda around us.
He will find a way to preserve RMS because those are his orders.
Even if he is presented with hard evidence that the seminary property was stolen by Apuron, and even if he is somehow forced to see to its return, there is nothing keeping Hon from keeping the seminary going. The return of the property will not shut down the seminary. In fact, he will use the "return of the property" as a foil to mask his plan to preserve RMS.
It won't matter that the seminary is a sham. And it won't matter even if we can prove it. He can continue this fraud as long as someone will pay for it.
The truth about Hon's mission can be seen here.
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The information here is disgustingly deceptive. He is trying to buy us by pretending to show that he is supporting the "local" seminarians (SJPG) just as much as he is the kiko's (RMS).
The absolute absurdity is that there are only TWO "seminarians" at SJPG and not one cent of the $92,370.80 being spent on these two "seminarians" is going towards any legitimate formation because the "academic" arm of the two "seminaries," the Blessed Diego Institute, has NO verifiable current academic charter, NO demonstrable curriculum, and NO evidence of stable professorships. (Read Frenchie's investigative series here.)
What a bunch of sick crap this is.
Aaron Quitugua was denied entry into an off-island seminary because (he was told by Adrian) that the the archdiocese did not have the funds. Normal costs for an off-island seminary averaged about $32,000 per year per seminarian - and it was for a real education.
Here Hon has us spending (so far) $46,000 per year per seminarian (at SJPG) for nothing but a money laundering scheme where (and get this) Fr. Francesco, of "meeeellions and meeeellions" fame, and who couldn't test out of kindergarten, is the freaking Latin teacher.
Is it time to say:
ReplyDeleteHON GO HOME,
Did ABHon go home already? Heard he left for somewhere to do something and left the archdiocese to someone. Anyone know when he'll be back? So, Fr. Jeff, What's AP?
DeleteHON and the goons at RMS will never learn the lesson! SHUT UP! The more they try to cover up the higher the pile of dodo gets! Hon needs to be physically escorted to the airport, into the plane and sent back to Rome with his friggin (their words) tale between his legs.
DeleteHON and the goons at RMS will never learn the lesson! SHUT UP! The more they try to cover up the higher the pile of dodo gets! Hon needs to be physically escorted to the airport, into the plane and sent back to Rome with his friggin (their words) tale between his legs.
DeleteAB Hon left for a while saying Fr. Jeff's in charge but the vice chancellor Alberto Rodriguez is behind the scenes. Oh my.
DeleteThe only fund-raising I will support is for one-way tickets out of Guam (on the condition they never return) to anywhere for Hon and company.
DeleteTweety bird Alberto.
ReplyDeleteI will be joining the protesters on Sunday at the Cathedral from 9:00-9:45 a.m. And as one earlier blogger wrote, "I might turn the other cheek but will NOT give you another check."
Keep those wallets shut! NO AAA funds from me or my family. And from the looks of those Sunday donation baskets, the parishioners are not being fooled either.
ReplyDeleteOne of the most effective (if not THE most effective way) to demonstrate disagreement with and non-support for the way a parish and/or diocese is managed and administered is by cutting off financial contribution. Conversely, if you're happy with the work of your pastor(s) and Archbishop, be generous with your giving! Unfortunately, that is the "language" that the church administrators (both clergy and lay) understand and, unfortunately, there are times when we have to resort to that language. With regard to the financial pie chart in the article above, while I grew up on Guam, I have lived in the Archdiocese of Seattle for over three decades and I will speak to the expenses of the Archdiocese of Seattle's Annual Appeal. The Agana Archdiocese' pie chart above shows that for every $1 donated to its Annual Catholic Appeal, 99 cents goes to the maintenance of the clergy, clergy programs, and seminarians, with a bulk (67 cents out of every $1) going toward seminarian programs. The Agana Annual Appeal doesn't minister to the marginalized of the Guam. By comparison, in the Archdiocese of Seattle, for every $1 donated, 77 cents goes to the Archdiocese's programs and ministries (build low income housing for the public, soup kitchen programs, drug& alcohol addiction rehabilitation programs, catholic education tuition subsidies, job skills training programs, refugee assimilation programs, etc.), 7 cents goes toward administrative costs for running the Archdiocesan office (staff salaries; maintaining the facilities/properties owned by the archdiocese; pension & retirement programs for the priests, religious, and archdiocesan employees; medical insurance programs for the same folks; tuition for Diocesan seminarians, etc.) and 22 cents goes back to the parishes for whatever each parish has earmarked as their parish's expense goal that year. This year, my parish's rebate goal was to re-pave our parish parking lot and re-paint the parking lines. Last year's goal was to replace the aging bleachers in our school's gym. Both projects were paid by the Annual Appeal's parish rebates. Here is a link with a similar Annual Catholic Appeal pie chart as the Guam's pie chart above. My point here is that, the pie chart reflects that the Archdiocese of Agana does very little ministry for its people which is so unlike the teachings of the gospel --- feed the hungry, clothe the naked, educate the masses, put a roof over people's heads, etc. Why is that? I can't help but to credit that shortcoming to the leadership and even the working structure and operations of the Archdiocese of Agana. Perhaps it's time for a change in both areas.
DeleteAnd so, Fr. Jeff, what specifically did the RMS committee find out about the seminary?
ReplyDeleteAnswer honestly Fr.Jeff!
DeleteFr Jeff puffing out his feathers. Unabashed prideful ascendency. Big surprise, Fr Jeff. Bet you haven't done your RMS study yet, right? Don't even think about A kiss ass report so RMS can continue. We are ready for that. Take good care while Hon is gone. Keep busy.
DeleteNOPE! Not paying for that sham of a seminary.
ReplyDeleteGOOD JOB TIM!!! Pls continue to keep us posted.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the Salesian Hon is different from the Salesian Zen.
ReplyDeleteread this: Card. Zen: My concerns over China-Holy See dialogue and repercussions on Chinese Church
(don't limit yourself to the note about the "good Chinese [Hon] exiled to Guam").
Hon, Your tropical iisland vacation is over. You can go home now. Thank you for doing nothing. Adios.
ReplyDeleteNothing, you say? Hon appointed Fr Jeff.
DeleteAnd you can quantify that as something? What about the alleged victims? Has he done something about them? Doobie, doobie doo.
DeleteHon, your push for more money for RMS has strengthened my resolve not to give even a cent to the Archdiocesan appeal for that sham institution. Furthermore, I am so disgusted with your appeal for more money that my family and I will now stop all and any donations to any parish as long as the archdiocese siphons money from the parishes and directs those funds to RMS. We are not stupid, Hon, so please don't treat us as such! It just inflames me! By the way, who are the off island priests that the Catholics of Guam are supporting? Who are they, where are they, and why are we supporting them? Is Apuron included?
ReplyDeleteI'm not contributing. And either is my family. How could they? They don't go to Church anymore. Sad and disgusting.
DeleteThat pie chart is unbelievably inaccurate! How can the JPII Babysitting Seminary get the bulk of the subsidy with merely 3-4 seminarian boarders? How can RMS/Blessed Diego Institute subsist with lesser subsidy for a humongous elephant of a building with 30 or so cookie batter of exotic ingredients that transmogrify into half-baked presbyters?
ReplyDeleteRMS. What a waste! What we initially thought of as a blessing has become a curse. The building might have to be returned to the donor to rid ourselves of a curse that keeps on giving.
ReplyDeleteproof that hon is here for the ncw started with his Saturday evening service, does anyone remember the reason that was given as to the time and day for this invitation to unity, no, then we just let hon do his job bringing unity within the ncw, the rest of us ended up with a chinese apuron.
ReplyDeleteIf Hon supports that sham of a seminary, and continues to scam the Catholics of Guam to continue giving money to help the "seminarians for Guam (yeah, right. . )", he is committing a MORTAL sin, knowing full well the sham and scam, but continuing to promote it! Hon Go Home - H-G-H!
ReplyDeleteYou'll never win... Don't you get it? The NCW is way beyond your level. You like a gardener compared to a business owner. Your easily replaced, but you can keep talking.
ReplyDeleteThen I'll do as Cardinal Zen suggests in that "there is no choice but to hold to the legitimate in an extraordinary way." But it is not the neo way.
Delete$277k? if and when apuron is defrocked, after all the immediate problems with sex abuse and the property ownership are dealt with, rms will continue to exist so long as people continue to fund it.
ReplyDeletethere's one thing that the church hierarchy will respond to more quickly than a lawsuit: stop the money!
It's actually beyond "stop the money" at this point. I will explain soon.
ReplyDeleteGutsy you ole' Archbishop Hon just another human being.
ReplyDeleteWhen Deacon Kim came to Mongmong he said that it cost 1 million yearly to run the RMS. The Archdiocese portion is $200 thousand. If they are trying to raise $250 grand, my elementary math says that all the Archdiocese needs to run their operations is $50 thousand. As far as I am concerned they have met their goal! Now if $200 thousand is used for the RMS what does that really mean about the JP II dormitory? I'll leave that one for you to figure out. My big question is, did Nowak deem the RMS to be a legitimate seminary? After all Nowak was supposed to be the expert in that matter. So the scam and the sham continues. How do we stop the fake priest machine? If Hon is the best Rome can give us, we are in for a tougher fight than anticipated. Everyone needs to keep the faith and help with the fight. Please come out and picket. We need new faces to strengthen the loyal ones.
ReplyDelete1mil usd? Do the math in your head. Don't believe everything you hear.
DeleteIn the 2014-2015 time period the SJPG seminary cost more than RMS? ??!!??
ReplyDeleteAn institution with two seminarians required more money than another with twenty or more seminarians? ???!!!??? Did RMS off a 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 special promotion that year?
The questions continue to rise
The more we open our eyes
To look for the truth
And gather the proof
Of terrible scams, cheats and lies.
There are two seminarian's in JPIi. That place was remodeled by MSGR James. Supposed to be retreat place. Now they spending more money remodeling again. Wth?
DeleteAnon 7:27 pm.. Read on earlier post he'll be gone from Aug 17- 25 ..had to take care of some personal business..
ReplyDeleteAnon 7;27 pm....there was also a mentioned of HON going to CHINA in one of his personal Business trip..2 trips were Mentioned...Saipan ( done already) and I 'm guessing he is in CHINA now..
ReplyDeleteIn Korea.
DeleteSeminary Sham, People Scam. . . then Scram, Hon!