Buenas yan hafa adai, friends,
I hope the news on PDN and PNC, the last few days, regarding law suits against former Guam priest and the Vatican fired you up to come out and continue to picket Sunday, the 29th of January 2017 at 9 a.m. In front of Cathedral Basilica.
Now that Archbishop Byrnes is back, we need to show him that we are persistent in our demand to remove apuron. Charge On!
Si Yu'us Ma'ase,
Lou Klitzkie, LFM
CAB Byrnes needs to know that we're still here and not going away.
ReplyDeleteI think Archbishop Byrnes is an intelligent person, and knows that "No; we are not going away!" This archdiocese is OURS, and we are not going away (the pickets, that is) until we see that evil had been removed from our Church - the ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH.
ReplyDeleteThe protest is about permanently dealing with Apuron, the final demand of the members of the laity who have been brave enough to call out the injustices and wrong doings in the Archdiocese under Apuron and the NCW. The message is for Rome and to some extent to the new Archbishop who was sent here by the Pope. I may not be on the protest line, but I am still in complete agreement with the LFM and CCOG. They do represent me and many others. Without them, JW, and the Thoughtful Catholic, we would still be in the dark and the changes in the Archdiocese would not have happened.
ReplyDeleteI found it interesting to note that a few of the Judges who recused themselves from hearing the clergy sex abuse cases cited their knowing some members of the NeoCathecumenal Way as a one of their reasons for recusing themselves. Why? Why mention the NCW at all? Carrying that line of thinking further, can a judge recuse himself/herself because the defendant is Protestant and the judge, too, is a Protestant? And so on. These same judges had other reasons, which I thought were valid ones and sufficient enough to recuse themselves. I just wonder why mention the NCW at all. BTW, I am not a member, nor sympathizer, of the NCW.
ReplyDeleteYes. I noticed that too. What could the NCW possibly have to do with clerical sex abuse...OH, that's right!
DeleteThanks, Tim. You've got the point. Was that a "Freudian slip" on their part?
Delete"Why mention the NCW at all?"
DeleteDid one of the judges discover a connection?
Byrnes is a Vatican puppet. No significant improvements are forthcoming from him. Francis just steamrolled the wonderful Knights of Malta, so don't expect any help from him either.
ReplyDeleteIt could be a manuever orchestrared by lead catechists .