I've been waiting since last May to share this with you. This took place in Rome on May 25, 2016, approximately one week after Roy Quintanilla first came forward. Apuron denied the allegations and then immediately ran to Papa.
Go to www.photovat.com
2nd row down, 2nd from left. Click on UDIENZE GENERALI 2016 (General Audience)
Scroll down to 25.05.2016. Click on it.
Click on BACIAMANO CARDINALI E VESCOVI (when the pope greets visiting cardinals and bishops)
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Page 3
2nd row
My eyes hurt now. Juanita
ReplyDeletejust curious... why were you waiting to share it?
ReplyDeleteI knew that his bishop buddies - especially the kikos - would hide him and that they'd make the case for his innocence. Now that we know that Rome is going to do just that, it's time to revisit the facts.
DeleteThis picture shows that Apuron was not called to Rome. If he was, he would have had a private meeting with the pope. Instead he shows up at a general audience and gets in a line for all the visiting cardinals and bishops. You can see from their faces that there is more going on here than the normal greeting. Check out the pics of the other bishops. More later.
Why is he holding a phone? was he trying to have the Holy Father speak to Kiko?
ReplyDeleteHe's sexting a boy he just met outside the walls. Big plans for the evening. I hope that boy's parents know where he is going - into the lair of the dark one.
DeleteAAApuron looks like he's having a break down. What's is so important about his cell phone..
ReplyDeleteCool International phone, Brother Ton.
Deletegoogle translate, perhaps? he gives guam a bad name, in every category, even in something as minor as manners and decorum.
DeleteBless me Father for I have sinned. It's been 45 years since I committed these sins. There are certain sordid details I have never spoken about in past confessions.
ReplyDeleteWell, we can see first hand that the Pope has been defiled by Apurun. I hope he went to the ancient Jewish ceremonial washing to purify himself.
What I see from the pictures is quite telling. The 8 pix with the Bishop before Apurun shows two bishops having a cordial and happy discussion. But when you get to Apurun a different expression surfaces. Starting with 175070 through 175075, the look is one of anguish. The Holy Father does not look congenial. 175076, Apurun begs for forgiveness. 175077, the Pope clearly is looking for help in this situation. Apurun looks dazed and confused.
175078 through 175080, the Pope breaks a cautious chuckle as Apurun tries to use his phone to learn how to say "grazie". They both share an uncomfortable moment. 175081 - 175084 - the Pope can no longer tolerate the pathetic whining and has to look away from his fallen bishop.
175085 - the Pope utters the only Chamorro he knows: "Basta!" Enough. This conversation is over. Be gone before the Swiss Guards haul your sorry excuse for a cleric out of my presence!
175086 to 175088 - Pope "Finally, a bishop I can be proud of!" With direct eye contact "Welcome my brother! I am glad you have come to visit me!" Quite a contrast to the previous visitator!
175089 - Il Papa "WHAT! You again. No. I will not talk to Kiko about your fruits on your darn phone. Are you nuts? ... GUARDS!"
175090 - Holy Father "I am so sorry about that rude interruption by a former bishop, Tonio Apurun. He is a terribly confused brother, we should pray for him. He will need lots of help not to end up a part of the pavement, eh!?" "let me make this tragic situation an opportunity for us. Come join me for lunch. I promise Apurun will not be allowed anywhere near us."
Thank you Tim for pointing us to this incredible series of photos. It definitely shows a desperate Apurun trying to do anything to save his sorry a$$. The real clincher was when Apurun moved on so the next bishop could greet the Holy Father, but then Apurun butts in again, still trying to plead his innocence. What nerve.
Unlike the other photos with real bishops, Pope Francis does not look happy to see a man who has caused so much division and hurt in his flock.
175089 Bro. Tony-I'm trying to leave? I just can't find the BACK DOOR.
DeleteAwesome analysis, Janet. Now, keep in mind that this occurred several days before Doris came forward. Only Roy had made an allegation at this point. Only one little measly allegation and Apuron runs to Papa in despair. Now why would that be?
ReplyDeleteYes. The thread began to ravel. And now 9 months later we can see a whole ball of thread coming loose all around the kiko world. Apurun is quite the liability. Do they work to save his sick reputation? Or do they call him a loss and throw him under the bus?
DeleteSo far it seems their well oiled slime machine in Rome is working overtime to keep the truth from coming out. But it will be a losing battle. When the trial starts, and they start calling all the priests who were at St Joseph and St Patrick's when John Tove's cousin was there...
Well, the priests will be ordered to tell what they know. And it will be plenty. The only question is: why didn't they come forward with the truth before the trial? They are mandatory reporters according to the Guam sex abuse policy, so they should finally grow some round ones and start speaking what they know now.
It will be interesting, now that Abp Byrnes is squarely in charge, will any of these priests finally start speaking out. Lucky for him, one notable priest is currently out of the country studying canon law in Canada, so he wouldn't be available for testifying. How convenient is that.
Because NEO Cult Arch Presbyter Apuron (AKA Brother Tony) knew that Walter Denton would be one of victims to come forward to the media with not only the horrific details of how brother Tony molested him at the tender age of 13; but the despicable details of how brother Tony conducted himself years later when confronted by this 23 year veteran of the U.S. Military. Not only did he brother Tony admit and tried to seek forgiveness for what he did, he had the audacity to offer a CD that contained not only songs of Brother Tony's pathetic recording but a picture of the same evil man that caused so much emotional pain.
DeleteByrnes will continue to relocate abuse case witnesses until none of them are available to testify on the victims' behalf.
DeleteIf Apuron knew in his heart he was not guilty he could have called Roy privately to talk about it. He did not. If I remember he slandered Roy and left. Apurons own actions supported guilt. I believe Roy he is more honest than Apuron.
ReplyDeleteHe ran to papa to get his support because Apuron knew once a fist case comes out others will follow. He wanted papa to belive he was being attacked because of NCW RMS. Never the case.
ReplyDeleteThe phone is intriguing. I think Janet B is right...it is being used as a translator.
ReplyDeleteBut the facial expressions are worth more than gold. Apuron looks like a sick man who got caught with his hands down someone's cookie jar.
Too bad he can't go to DOC. Does the Vatican have a jail they can house him at? It would be sweet justice. Too bad the Vatican is not the solution, but a part of the problem.
The only recourse for the survivors is civil court. There the truth will come out, and there the survivors can get Apuron where he is most vunerable...this lust for material wealth.
Hard to believe that "thing called Apuron" claims to be a follower of Francis. Whatever happened to the vow of poverty he took way back then.
I hope the survivors can help him achieve that vow once again. But leave enough for a second tunic!
Apuron: Holy Father, looks it's the latest top of the line cellular device.
ReplyDeleteHoly Father: NEXT!
Pervert Apuron had no one else to run to. The Pope is a bishop's only temporal Superior.