Saturday, April 29, 2017


P.O. BOX 520362, TINIAN, MP 96952
(670) 433-7682


As the founder of “Silent No More!”, I was honored to have been approached to be a member of “Hope and Healing Guam”.  Someone had asked me in September 2016, where I thought “Silent No More” was heading once the governor signed the bill.  I made the comment that I envisioned my movement to be involved in some form of counseling or other support for the victims of child sex abuse.  At that point though I had no clue how to go about doing that as I personally do not have that skill set.  However, I felt that “Silent No More” had not yet completed its mission of being a victim centered movement.  As such, when I had the sign removed off my truck I felt a need to do more.  

Hope and Healing Guam is exactly what I wanted “Silent No More” to be.  Mr. Caspino even used some of my words, albeit unknowingly, when he talked of HHG being “victim centered”.  So, when I received the call it felt like the Holy Spirit had guided someone’s hand in my direction.  I certainly sympathize with the number of victims / survivors who have stepped forward so far.  However, with the five people that personally approached me about their ordeal only two have stepped out into the open.  Maybe Hope and Healing Guam will be the answer to the three who are reluctant to openly discuss their abuse.  I would venture to say that there are many more, who do not want to go public and Hope and Healing Guam is here for them.  

I pray that we can resolve the immediate concern of the clergy abuse soon.  But at a later date maybe Hope and Healing Guam can be the help for the hundreds of female child sex abuse victims we have on our island who do not have anyone for them to turn to.  If we can, then “Silent No More” can finally say “mission accomplished”. 

I am proud to be member of Hope and Healing Guam and look forward to working with all involved.

(Original signed)


  1. Joe, your leadership and courage are inspiring. Your efforts with Silent No More! have given victims and survivors of abuse a chance to come out of the shadows and seek healing and justice. Our "blind eyes and deaf ears" enabled abusers to continue hurting people for so many years. Things have changed and Guam is a safer place because of this. Thank you!

  2. The church should be offering this service worldwide to all those who have been abused including members of the NCW who have had to leave the movement!

  3. Well said Joe. Silent No More was an important catalyst to get this dark issue into the light of truth. It continues to have relevance as we must never turn a blind eye to this terrible crime.
    All our focus will not completely eliminate sex abuse. But it will cause potential abuses to pause, knowing this island will no longer tolerate these actions.
    Your students in the CNMI are lucky to have a teacher with such commitment and integrity. Don't be a stranger on Guam.
    A GIFT brother.

  4. Thank you Andrew and my Anon G.I.F.T. brother. Truly, with all of this happening it has strengthened our resolve as we are Growing In Faith Together!
