We should also seek the assistance of the Department of Agriculture becuse of these infestive species at RMS. They have invaded our island and is killing the root of our one and only Catholic Church.
I don't see Archbishop Byrnes in this photo. Anon4:59 is delusional by including people that ain't even involved. Listen to the video it's been explained. BTW-Why did Samoa recalled their young men attending the RMS on Guam? They must have a reason why they all packed up and left. AnonymousSeptember 3, 2017 at 4:59 PM (cut and paste) Based on his actions towards and against the RM seminary, I believe that Byrnes is an enemy of the seminary, and an enemy of the Way and he is even against the fruits of the Way. It's amazing how inflamed the CCOG and Byrnes are in their actions AGAINST the Way.
Thank you anon at 9.06 for sharing. Of course you have more delusional, bunker mentality. If you are not for us, you are against us. Typically mental diarrhea from Pius memos to his flock. It is funny that they insist on talking about the fruits of the way....specially since they are so rotten to the core.
One way to check out possible illegals is for an innocuous-looking layman to approach a group of RMS visitors onsite and pull a trick used on New York City subways. Yell "Inmigracion" and watch them scatter at warp speed while cameras are rolling. They have no way of knowing if the person is official or not and they're in no position to challenge them.
This God is One character in the Dungbats latest blog is so full of KAKA. I was the anonymous blogger that responded to his claim that the Vatican approved the way they celebrate the Eucharist. I hope Deacon Steve reads this. Shows you what drunk with KAKA does to your brain 😂 lmao 😂...
God is oneSeptember 1, 2017 at 5:19 PM Your showing that you don't want to talk to Rome because their is Rome who is the overall mother church it's not just Guam church like we always say that how we celebrate before Byrnes put all these sanctions on us that it was approved by someone higher then Byrnes and who just don't want to hear the truth
AnonymousSeptember 3, 2017 at 10:50 AM God is one @5:19pm; Brother Tony said three years ago to the parishioners of Yona, when asked about the document that showed the Vaticans Approval for the way you celebrate the Eucharist. He stated that the document is somewhere, he will find it. To this day, we have witness no document showing the Popes approval for your way of worship. Maybe you can be Brother Tony's hero by showing the world the document that he has yet to find. Please share for all to see...
God is oneSeptember 3, 2017 at 12:59 PM Didn't you hear what Byrnes said before he put these things on us yes he knows everything is approved and hi deacon Steve I know this is you because you just like destroying archbishop Anthony so stop destroying archbishop and plus we know archbishop goes to the jungle because he got caught redhandedly for his first interview with kuam when he returned to Guam and red handed when he said he knows that it is approved so peace I'll be praying for you to stop persecuting us and the archbishop Anthony
This character, "God is one"......PLEASE.....PLEASE....find a English teacher to help in your sentence structure so you'll be able to communicate better. Oh......better yet.....STOP USING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE,
The KAKA filled NEO Cult Dungbat continues to call the NEO Cult halfbaked Presbyter in training Diocesan (see below from its latest blog). I thought NEO Cult Ricky Dick stated that the NEO Cult will fund the zombies at the factory.... WTH
DianaSeptember 4, 2017 at 5:27 PM Dear Anonymous at 3:16 pm,
It is called "sarcasm". After all, it is CCOG who keeps calling it a hotel and demanding rent. CCOG has no idea that it is the Archdiocese who pays for the seminarians. When the Archdiocese sent three seminarians to study at St. Patrick's Seminary, who is paying for their education? The RMS seminarians belong to the Archdiocese.
AnonymousSeptember 4, 2017 at 9:38 PM Hmm, but Dr. Eusebio publicly stated that there is no need to fund the seminarians anymore. The NCW will take up the expenses. He put his foot in his mouth. I doubt there will be any funding for the RMS studies.
DianaSeptember 4, 2017 at 10:26 PM Dear Anonymous at 9:38 pm,
I was only pointing out the silliness of CCOG's plan of asking Archdiocesan seminarians to pay rent.
The good news for today from Mother Teresa in her own words.
"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person." Mother Teresa taught us by her sample what it really means to 'live' the Gospel. And not through Kiko's brilliant idea.
Biba-Saint Mother Teresa on this day of your Anniversary!!
Isn't anyone at the RMS seminary subject to the authority of Archbishop Byrnes? How about the rector, David the Lurch Quitugua? Wouldn't it be simpler to replace him with a non-Neo to take over the management of the RMS seminary, whether it really be a seminary of sorts or just a hideaway for the chosen few, and to give an honest accounting to the Archbishop of what really goes on and who really lives in that place?
If the Archdiocese owns 100% of RMS, Byrnes should evict the Neos and shut it down immediately.
By leaving the hotel open, Byrnes is pandering to the diabolic NCW despite his issuing an edict forbidding their expansion. That is idiotically self-defeating, as is readmission of the Samoan students! There is no need to keep the place open because Guam's seminarians are being sent to California for training.
Frenchie, he who hesitates is lost. A good general strikes hard, fast and decisively. Guam's life-threatening situation demands shock troops, not a Boy Scout.
Byrnes has been steadily losing ground ever since he arrived on Guam, starting with sending an archcriminal insider who's his sworn enemy to study canon law in Canada. Quite possibly a fatal error.
As it now stands, Byrnes has a target painted on his back. The crippled Archdiocese is as broke as the Ten Commandments and it's squarely in the civil Courts' crosshairs. On top of that, it's totally overmatched by the obscenely wealthy NCW. Money talks, putting all of the ammunition inside enemy territory.
It is correct that a good general strikes hard, fast and decisively, but he also choose where and when he wants to do battle, to achieve that.
The Shock troops are already here. Some of them are at RMS as we speak. God bless their souls. While Byrnes was blindsided when he first arrived on island,(and I was one of the loudest and first critic of his sending of Adrian to Canada) He has made some considerable headways, very steadily, and without making waves. Do not forget he has to be cautious of who he deals with here, plus he has to watch his back in Rome.
Yes he has a target on his back, and he certainly knows it.
Instead of counting the ways on how we are outmatched in that fight, may be you should come with some solutions.
Being outmatched, we have been since the beginning 4 years ago. That did not stop us to knock Apuron on his ass, and send the NCW for a spin. We know how dangerous and devious our enemies are. We have our faith and our resolve. If you don't want to help and be positive, stay out of our damn way.
Frenchie, you haven't "knocked Apuron on his ass". His reputation is in the crapper, but unless or until he's laicized, he's officially good to go until he retires at age 75. That's still three years or so away. A lot of valid accusations have been documented against the fat pervert, but there's no canonical prosecution on the books.
If Apuron croaks before Rome's judgment is announced, he'll be accorded the same posthumous Vatican honors as pedophile Wesolowski received last year. Laicization secretly reversed, his filthy remains were sent from Rome to Poland for burial with further archepiscopal honors. For his suffering victims, insult was officially and publically added to injury.
If Apuron is exonerated it's possible that Byrnes could be compelled to bury him right inside Guam's Cathedral if that's the pervert's final resting place of choice. If something so awful occurs, there won't be a damn thing you can do about it. The fat bastard will be in your faces forever.
Dear Anon at 3.21, you seem to enjoy your little military comparisons, a bit too much. Having led men in arms way, too many times to count, and never having lost one in the process, I am really putting your comments under the preposterous column. Yet again knowledge in your case is like jam, the less you have the more you spread it. Have a great weekend.
Frenchie, read your own brainless comments. You're the one who started the "good general" and military analogies. Other people just used your lexicon as reference points.
Frenchie, your head is stuck where the sun don't shine.
There are no "shock troops" at RMS or anywhere else on Guam. In the grand scheme of things, there are only a few pissed-off laypeople whose public protests are ignored by the chancery.
Byrnes won't even enforce his own edicts/restraining orders against the Neos. He just sits there like a doorstop and lets the turds kick sand in his face. He has both the canonical authority and 99 kinds of valid grounds to vaporize all of them! Is he waiting for the Second Coming, or what?!
With all of the damning documentation Tim continues to present, the collapsing Archdiocese is still infested to the core with NCW bottom-feeders like Adrian. Why? Because Byrnes is pandering to the Neos instead of shutting down RMS and banning them from Guam altogether! He won't risk stepping on Filoni's tail!
Dear anon at 12.20: before you go ahead and make blanket statements, and attempt to be rude in the process,( I failed to see how succumbing to your emotions solves any issues) I would encourage you to recheck your information and/or take a lecture comprehension remedial class. Had you done so, you would have noted, that Byrnes went to great efforts in being specific and detailed, in what he requested. He nominated a delegate to the Neos, who of course resigned halfway through his first month, because of threats he allegedly received. Then the Arch nominated Deacon Steve to the task. They both understand that in order to proceed they have to cross all their t's and dot all their i's. Failing to do so would have adverse consequences. Byrnes is not suicidal, neither he is stupid. He is not going into this half cocked. You might not like his approach, that is your privilege. If so, I would suggest you ask for a meeting, and share your thoughts with him. Short of that, stop the sterile emotional display of anger, start acting like a grown up. Have a great weekend
My reply to Frenchie's brainless 9/12 comment wasn't published. That happens whenever someone creams Tim's naive friends.
I loathe the NCW as much as any of you, but it's painfully obvious that the Archdiocese is living on borrowed time. Apuron will return canonically exonerated and Byrnes will be kicked upstairs to Rome, rewarded with a red hat for not changing the malignant status quo on Guam.
Oooh ! we are in awe, in front of such knowledge and wisdom.
We do not loathe the NCW, it would be too self destructive. We loathe what they did, and are still attempting to do.
Perhaps you are privy to some information we do not have..... ummh! Doubt that, but you never know...right?
In that case put your big boy's pants on, and share that we us. Otherwise, if you are extrapolating these theories out from some where without too much light, perhaps, it is time to become a little less arrogant, and conceited.
Since you brought the naivete issue, let it be known that if you had had the rare privilege of meeting me in person, you would not make such wild and unfounded assumptions. Peace
LOL!!, I guess I must have stroke a nerve, since now I have been categorized as an "elderly person on the brink of dementia". Sounds just like Diana's description of the courageous ladies and men of the LFM. Not very original or courageous, but then when you follow the inspiration of Diana....well!!
Frenchie, if you don't loathe the NCW, you really are nuts. You're also working against faithful Guamanian Catholics who have every reason to want the satanic cult obliterated.
You obviously are a person of very little Catholic discernment. You do not need to hate or loathe to fight against something or someone that is in essence evil, as the NCW. Actually had you read some of the great doctors of the Church, you would have known, that doing so amounts simply to falling exactly into what Satan wants you to do.
The faithful Guamanian Catholics as you describe them, do not need lessons on who is on their side. They know, and they certainly are not fooled by hatemongers on the Neo's side, or by people pretending to be on our side, who only spread hate and division. (the last thing we need is a local version of the stinking monk)
It is that kind of narrow minded, ill advised, cliquish mental diarrhea, that allowed a mental pervert like Apuron to not only survived on this island for 30 years, but to grow and invite that proto judeo-protestant sect known as the NCW, to develop and sink its teeth on our Church.
When you pretend to give moral lessons to others, as you so poorly attempt, you should do so from a sane moral ground, and leave the hypocritical pharisee attitude at the door. Otherwise you run the risk of sounding and acting like Adrian Cristobal. Now that would be a whopper!!! Peace
8.45, I was very severe on you in my 9.37. The last thing you need like Frenchie says in his 5.29 is brownie point hunters who are going to hijack and sink the hitherto well intended opposition to NCW-associated offences.
Loudly and continually condemn the offences of the core offenders, while maintaining a welcoming atmosphere for the more or less inactive "community" members, is my heart felt advice. I've lived through it by gritting my teeth. So has my bishop.
Your neighbours will still be your neighbours. Maybe no-one had previously showed them how to have a genuine Bible Study, hence at the time any old one seemed good, then they were manoeuvred into being trapped.
Ask God to work hard to obliterate what is satanic from their hearts as is at last happening to me - and a handful of other dropouts in my locality, for some of whom it has been very difficult, since they were formerly "responsibles" and the like.
Ask God to help your local shepherd and shepherds to work hard for this and to protect everybody from deceptive false initiatives.
How does one "evict"? It needs more meticulous than average preparation.
Then, pretended enemies of the neos in my diocese provided the other half of the neos' favourite pincer movement by poisoning the atmosphere. I wanted to join the bishop's group for neo drop outs but it was run by a man that made denigrating comments about the likes of me in the national printed media. I asked the diocese to set up a second branch run by someone else but I believe the bishop got his arms twisted. Meantime the itinerants "reminded" us that we had "already" promised to continue the "stages". It's no problem to neos to drive 50 minutes to the next diocese for a "eucharist" some clergyman has been "prevailed upon" to provide, and to continue the bible studies in secular village halls and/or homes (the latter will be out and out legitimate, PROVIDED it has got NO connection with itinerants or "stages"). Any neighbouring archbishop can easily be talked into publicly insulting your bishop when the itinerants decide you are "finishing the way".
If you are a troll I don't care what you think, but if not please think and pray very very long and very very hard and try to get in ordinary people's shoes, especially if you think they are from the wrong side of the tracks like I always have been for example. The itinerants really love what you appear to be on the point of doing.
We should also seek the assistance of the Department of Agriculture becuse of these infestive species at RMS. They have invaded our island and is killing the root of our one and only Catholic Church.
ReplyDeleteI don't see Archbishop Byrnes in this photo. Anon4:59 is delusional by including people that ain't even involved. Listen to the video it's been explained. BTW-Why did Samoa recalled their young men attending the RMS on Guam? They must have a reason why they all packed up and left.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousSeptember 3, 2017 at 4:59 PM (cut and paste)
Based on his actions towards and against the RM seminary, I believe that Byrnes is an enemy of the seminary, and an enemy of the Way and he is even against the fruits of the Way. It's amazing how inflamed the CCOG and Byrnes are in their actions AGAINST the Way.
Thank you anon at 9.06 for sharing. Of course you have more delusional, bunker mentality. If you are not for us, you are against us. Typically mental diarrhea from Pius memos to his flock.
DeleteIt is funny that they insist on talking about the fruits of the way....specially since they are so rotten to the core.
Wonder how many undocumented immigrants they might be hiding within that hotel. All at the expense of this island. Great job kiko!!!!
ReplyDeleteShould call INS to verify the people and make sure they aren't using the RMS as a cover to enter the US.
Calling INS or ICE is a great idea. Some of those missionaries might be carrying fake US papers.
DeleteOne way to check out possible illegals is for an innocuous-looking layman to approach a group of RMS visitors onsite and pull a trick used on New York City subways. Yell "Inmigracion" and watch them scatter at warp speed while cameras are rolling. They have no way of knowing if the person is official or not and they're in no position to challenge them.
DeleteThis God is One character in the Dungbats latest blog is so full of KAKA. I was the anonymous blogger that responded to his claim that the Vatican approved the way they celebrate the Eucharist. I hope Deacon Steve reads this. Shows you what drunk with KAKA does to your brain 😂 lmao 😂...
ReplyDeleteGod is oneSeptember 1, 2017 at 5:19 PM
Your showing that you don't want to talk to Rome because their is Rome who is the overall mother church it's not just Guam church like we always say that how we celebrate before Byrnes put all these sanctions on us that it was approved by someone higher then Byrnes and who just don't want to hear the truth
AnonymousSeptember 3, 2017 at 10:50 AM
God is one @5:19pm; Brother Tony said three years ago to the parishioners of Yona, when asked about the document that showed the Vaticans Approval for the way you celebrate the Eucharist. He stated that the document is somewhere, he will find it. To this day, we have witness no document showing the Popes approval for your way of worship. Maybe you can be Brother Tony's hero by showing the world the document that he has yet to find. Please share for all to see...
God is oneSeptember 3, 2017 at 12:59 PM
Didn't you hear what Byrnes said before he put these things on us yes he knows everything is approved and hi deacon Steve I know this is you because you just like destroying archbishop Anthony so stop destroying archbishop and plus we know archbishop goes to the jungle because he got caught redhandedly for his first interview with kuam when he returned to Guam and red handed when he said he knows that it is approved so peace I'll be praying for you to stop persecuting us and the archbishop Anthony
obviously another ESL student....LOL
ReplyDeleteREDHANDEDLY. Wow, a first in the blogosphere! Caught redhandedly shaking my head. WTH
ReplyDeleteEat Shit Loser Frenchiee
DeleteThis character, "God is one"......PLEASE.....PLEASE....find a English teacher to help in your sentence structure so you'll be able to communicate better. Oh......better yet.....STOP USING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE,
ReplyDeleteThe KAKA filled NEO Cult Dungbat continues to call the NEO Cult halfbaked Presbyter in training Diocesan (see below from its latest blog). I thought NEO Cult Ricky Dick stated that the NEO Cult will fund the zombies at the factory.... WTH
ReplyDeleteDianaSeptember 4, 2017 at 5:27 PM
Dear Anonymous at 3:16 pm,
It is called "sarcasm". After all, it is CCOG who keeps calling it a hotel and demanding rent. CCOG has no idea that it is the Archdiocese who pays for the seminarians. When the Archdiocese sent three seminarians to study at St. Patrick's Seminary, who is paying for their education? The RMS seminarians belong to the Archdiocese.
AnonymousSeptember 4, 2017 at 9:38 PM
Hmm, but Dr. Eusebio publicly stated that there is no need to fund the seminarians anymore. The NCW will take up the expenses. He put his foot in his mouth. I doubt there will be any funding for the RMS studies.
DianaSeptember 4, 2017 at 10:26 PM
Dear Anonymous at 9:38 pm,
I was only pointing out the silliness of CCOG's plan of asking Archdiocesan seminarians to pay rent.
The good news for today from Mother Teresa in her own words.
ReplyDelete"Do not wait for leaders;
do it alone, person to person."
Mother Teresa taught us by her sample what it really means to 'live' the Gospel. And not through Kiko's brilliant idea.
Biba-Saint Mother Teresa on this day of your Anniversary!!
Saint Teresa of Kolkata, a remarkable woman, a symbol of love and compassion who ministered to the poorest of the poor.
DeleteSaint Teresa of Kolkata lived a simple existence while serving Jesus; she did not build monuments to herself.
Compare this to the founder of the Neocatechumenal way who builds monuments to glorify himself.
The actions speak for themselves........
CCOG monitor? LOL. BWAHAHAHA..What credential do you have???????
ReplyDeleteBaptized Catholic. And it's a heretic watch.
DeleteCredential(s)? For one, they are citizens of this country.
DeleteAre these seminarians on vocational visas? If so, where do they renew their visas? How many have become US citizens under the eyes of Brother Tony?
DeleteIsn't anyone at the RMS seminary subject to the authority of Archbishop Byrnes? How about the rector, David the Lurch Quitugua? Wouldn't it be simpler to replace him with a non-Neo to take over the management of the RMS seminary, whether it really be a seminary of sorts or just a hideaway for the chosen few, and to give an honest accounting to the Archbishop of what really goes on and who really lives in that place?
ReplyDeleteIf the Archdiocese owns RMS, why in hell doesn't Byrnes simply shut it down?! As a seminary, it's out of canonical compliance on all counts.
ReplyDeletePope Francis will give you all a word shortly. Stay tune trolls.
DeleteIf the Archdiocese owns 100% of RMS, Byrnes should evict the Neos and shut it down immediately.
ReplyDeleteBy leaving the hotel open, Byrnes is pandering to the diabolic NCW despite his issuing an edict forbidding their expansion. That is idiotically self-defeating, as is readmission of the Samoan students! There is no need to keep the place open because Guam's seminarians are being sent to California for training.
A good general knows when and how to strike for maximum effect and benefits. Patience my child
DeleteFrenchie, he who hesitates is lost. A good general strikes hard, fast and decisively. Guam's life-threatening situation demands shock troops, not a Boy Scout.
DeleteByrnes has been steadily losing ground ever since he arrived on Guam, starting with sending an archcriminal insider who's his sworn enemy to study canon law in Canada. Quite possibly a fatal error.
As it now stands, Byrnes has a target painted on his back. The crippled Archdiocese is as broke as the Ten Commandments and it's squarely in the civil Courts' crosshairs. On top of that, it's totally overmatched by the obscenely wealthy NCW. Money talks, putting all of the ammunition inside enemy territory.
It is correct that a good general strikes hard, fast and decisively, but he also choose where and when he wants to do battle, to achieve that.
DeleteThe Shock troops are already here. Some of them are at RMS as we speak. God bless their souls.
While Byrnes was blindsided when he first arrived on island,(and I was one of the loudest and first critic of his sending of Adrian to Canada)
He has made some considerable headways, very steadily, and without making waves.
Do not forget he has to be cautious of who he deals with here, plus he has to watch his back in Rome.
Yes he has a target on his back, and he certainly knows it.
Instead of counting the ways on how we are outmatched in that fight, may be you should come with some solutions.
Being outmatched, we have been since the beginning 4 years ago. That did not stop us to knock Apuron on his ass, and send the NCW for a spin.
We know how dangerous and devious our enemies are. We have our faith and our resolve.
If you don't want to help and be positive, stay out of our damn way.
Frenchie, good thing you're not a military commander. Your troops would be massacred before they left their home base.
DeleteFrenchie, you haven't "knocked Apuron on his ass". His reputation is in the crapper, but unless or until he's laicized, he's officially good to go until he retires at age 75. That's still three years or so away. A lot of valid accusations have been documented against the fat pervert, but there's no canonical prosecution on the books.
DeleteIf Apuron croaks before Rome's judgment is announced, he'll be accorded the same posthumous Vatican honors as pedophile Wesolowski received last year. Laicization secretly reversed, his filthy remains were sent from Rome to Poland for burial with further archepiscopal honors. For his suffering victims, insult was officially and publically added to injury.
DeleteIf Apuron is exonerated it's possible that Byrnes could be compelled to bury him right inside Guam's Cathedral if that's the pervert's final resting place of choice. If something so awful occurs, there won't be a damn thing you can do about it. The fat bastard will be in your faces forever.
Dear Anon at 3.21, you seem to enjoy your little military comparisons, a bit too much.
DeleteHaving led men in arms way, too many times to count, and never having lost one in the process, I am really putting your comments under the preposterous column.
Yet again knowledge in your case is like jam, the less you have the more you spread it.
Have a great weekend.
Frenchie, read your own brainless comments. You're the one who started the "good general" and military analogies. Other people just used your lexicon as reference points.
DeleteLOL, other people ? you meant yourself?
DeleteLike I said: just like jam.....
Funny guy.
Frenchie, your head is stuck where the sun don't shine.
ReplyDeleteThere are no "shock troops" at RMS or anywhere else on Guam. In the grand scheme of things, there are only a few pissed-off laypeople whose public protests are ignored by the chancery.
Byrnes won't even enforce his own edicts/restraining orders against the Neos. He just sits there like a doorstop and lets the turds kick sand in his face. He has both the canonical authority and 99 kinds of valid grounds to vaporize all of them! Is he waiting for the Second Coming, or what?!
With all of the damning documentation Tim continues to present, the collapsing Archdiocese is still infested to the core with NCW bottom-feeders like Adrian. Why? Because Byrnes is pandering to the Neos instead of shutting down RMS and banning them from Guam altogether! He won't risk stepping on Filoni's tail!
Dear anon at 12.20:
Deletebefore you go ahead and make blanket statements, and attempt to be rude in the process,( I failed to see how succumbing to your emotions solves any issues) I would encourage you to recheck your information and/or take a lecture comprehension remedial class.
Had you done so, you would have noted, that Byrnes went to great efforts in being specific and detailed, in what he requested.
He nominated a delegate to the Neos, who of course resigned halfway through his first month, because of threats he allegedly received. Then the Arch nominated Deacon Steve to the task. They both understand that in order to proceed they have to cross all their t's and dot all their i's.
Failing to do so would have adverse consequences.
Byrnes is not suicidal, neither he is stupid. He is not going into this half cocked.
You might not like his approach, that is your privilege.
If so, I would suggest you ask for a meeting, and share your thoughts with him.
Short of that, stop the sterile emotional display of anger, start acting like a grown up.
Have a great weekend
My reply to Frenchie's brainless 9/12 comment wasn't published. That happens whenever someone creams Tim's naive friends.
ReplyDeleteI loathe the NCW as much as any of you, but it's painfully obvious that the Archdiocese is living on borrowed time. Apuron will return canonically exonerated and Byrnes will be kicked upstairs to Rome, rewarded with a red hat for not changing the malignant status quo on Guam.
Oooh ! we are in awe, in front of such knowledge and wisdom.
We do not loathe the NCW, it would be too self destructive.
We loathe what they did, and are still attempting to do.
Perhaps you are privy to some information we do not have.....
ummh! Doubt that, but you never know...right?
In that case put your big boy's pants on, and share that we us.
Otherwise, if you are extrapolating these theories out from some where without too much light, perhaps, it is time to become a little less arrogant, and conceited.
Since you brought the naivete issue, let it be known that if you had had the rare privilege of meeting me in person, you would not make such wild and unfounded assumptions.
Frenchie sounds like a daydreaming elderly person on the brink of dementia.
ReplyDeleteLOL!!, I guess I must have stroke a nerve, since now I have been categorized as an "elderly person on the brink of dementia". Sounds just like Diana's description of the courageous ladies and men of the LFM.
DeleteNot very original or courageous, but then when you follow the inspiration of Diana....well!!
Frenchie, if you don't loathe the NCW, you really are nuts. You're also working against faithful Guamanian Catholics who have every reason to want the satanic cult obliterated.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously are a person of very little Catholic discernment.
DeleteYou do not need to hate or loathe to fight against something or someone that is in essence evil, as the NCW. Actually had you read some of the great doctors of the Church, you would have known, that doing so amounts simply to falling exactly into what Satan wants you to do.
The faithful Guamanian Catholics as you describe them, do not need lessons on who is on their side. They know, and they certainly are not fooled by hatemongers on the Neo's side, or
by people pretending to be on our side, who only spread hate and division. (the last thing we need is a local version of the stinking monk)
It is that kind of narrow minded, ill advised, cliquish mental diarrhea, that allowed a mental pervert like Apuron to not only survived on this island for 30 years, but to grow and invite that proto judeo-protestant sect known as the NCW, to develop and sink its teeth on our Church.
When you pretend to give moral lessons to others, as you so poorly attempt, you should do so from a sane moral ground, and leave the hypocritical pharisee attitude at the door.
Otherwise you run the risk of sounding and acting like Adrian Cristobal. Now that would be a whopper!!!
8.45, I was very severe on you in my 9.37. The last thing you need like Frenchie says in his 5.29 is brownie point hunters who are going to hijack and sink the hitherto well intended opposition to NCW-associated offences.
DeleteLoudly and continually condemn the offences of the core offenders, while maintaining a welcoming atmosphere for the more or less inactive "community" members, is my heart felt advice. I've lived through it by gritting my teeth. So has my bishop.
Your neighbours will still be your neighbours. Maybe no-one had previously showed them how to have a genuine Bible Study, hence at the time any old one seemed good, then they were manoeuvred into being trapped.
DeleteAsk God to work hard to obliterate what is satanic from their hearts as is at last happening to me - and a handful of other dropouts in my locality, for some of whom it has been very difficult, since they were formerly "responsibles" and the like.
Ask God to help your local shepherd and shepherds to work hard for this and to protect everybody from deceptive false initiatives.
How does one "evict"? It needs more meticulous than average preparation.
ReplyDeleteThen, pretended enemies of the neos in my diocese provided the other half of the neos' favourite pincer movement by poisoning the atmosphere. I wanted to join the bishop's group for neo drop outs but it was run by a man that made denigrating comments about the likes of me in the national printed media. I asked the diocese to set up a second branch run by someone else but I believe the bishop got his arms twisted. Meantime the itinerants "reminded" us that we had "already" promised to continue the "stages". It's no problem to neos to drive 50 minutes to the next diocese for a "eucharist" some clergyman has been "prevailed upon" to provide, and to continue the bible studies in secular village halls and/or homes (the latter will be out and out legitimate, PROVIDED it has got NO connection with itinerants or "stages"). Any neighbouring archbishop can easily be talked into publicly insulting your bishop when the itinerants decide you are "finishing the way".
From my and my friends' point of view we were at the least used to each others' company and to conducting bible studies. It will take far more than clever ideas to avoid giving the itinerants an entrée to continue their interference and control, which I would have preferred not to have but resigned myself to.
If you are a troll I don't care what you think, but if not please think and pray very very long and very very hard and try to get in ordinary people's shoes, especially if you think they are from the wrong side of the tracks like I always have been for example. The itinerants really love what you appear to be on the point of doing.