In the years leading to the departure of the failed and discredited Apuron, several members of the Neocatecumenal Way
took the lead, in defending their protector, even though they knew of his sins and failures.
Of course no one can forget the infamous Diana and her blog, but also the strange professor, Magoo like Zoltan, the unsufferable Jackie Terlaje (the local attorney who is still representing Apuron, in his defense of civil suits), but no one came close to the arrogant, dishonest and zealous "Crazy Ricky", who during his leasure time poses as a respectable surgeon of the local medical community.
As I mentioned in my previous column, Ricky graced us with a letter to the Editor of the Guam Daily Post on Thursday June the 24th of this year, titled "Another option for the Manamko"
In his expose, Crazy Ricky first establish his argument that the island has a specific problem.
"For some who have fallen ill requiring hospitalization and prolonged postoperative care. This traumatic event creates a significant change in the direction of their lives, becoming more dependent on others. It may be temporary, but for many, depression with subsequent cognitive changes, leads to their decline and hastens their demise. Family support is critical to avoid the dire consequences of this dramatic event."
Here Rick tells us something we already all knew, which is the consequence on aging for the individuals and their respective families. Most boomers are very familiar with this issue, and have faced this problem in their families or among their friends..... the "good" doctor to continues:
"Without family support, however, there are not too many alternatives in Guam. St Dominic's Senior Care Home in Barrigada is about the only option available, to my knowledge. Security deposits, insurance, the level of care mandated, availability and uncovered expenses are still required. Those unable to find placement or afford specialized care, can languish in the hospital for days and months incurring more hospital charges."
As you can see the good doctor appears to be " very worried" about this whole situation, or is he? To me it looks like a solution looking for a problem. A solution the "good doctor" most likely will share with us, out of his Christian moral duty. So here you go, better put your seat belt on.
"Thus I am elated to hear that the "Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Abandoned Elderly" desires to establish a mission here on Guam.
Their Mission is to care for the poor disabled elderly in all their needs, both spiritually and physically. They establish houses to cover the daily basic needs of the elderly, living by donations and welcoming anyone regardless of their financial situation".
As I guessed, the good doctor had a reasonable solution to this extremely grave issue.
Why would the great Ricardo Eusebio encourage the establishment of a new congregation of sisters on Guam, while he spends every ounce of his energy fighting for the supremacy of the NCW?
Who are these Little Sisters of the Abandoned Elderly? That is a very good question, and as you shall see, there is not a clear answer.
The congregation of the Little Sisters of the Abandoned Elderly was created in Spain in 1872 in the City of Barbastro by St Teresa of Jesus Jornet. The Generalate of the Congregation is located in Valencia Spain. There are around 2400 sisters around the world in 210 communities, located in 20 countries.
Their Motto is : Cuidar los Cuerpos para salvar las Almas.
meaning : taking care of the bodies to save the souls.
The Generalate of the order is where St Teresa of Jesus Jornet created her first community, Valencia.The first development overseas was in Cuba in 1885, with the sending of their 10 newest recruits.
As you see nothing out of the ordinary for a Catholic order, except for its relatively small number of Sisters and geographic impact.
That is until you start looking beyond the varnish.
Back in the 1980s and 1990s the congregation,like other religious organizations around the world was facing steep challenges, namely the aging of its members and the lack of vocation to replace the aging sisters, which led to mounting financial challenges. Enter the smartest and most ruthless founder of the NCW, Carmen Hernandez. As we have seen in other exposes, Carmen hails from one of the most prominent commercial family in Spain. That same family has many interests in the city of Valencia where the little sisters have their generalate.
Carmen always a shrewd negotiator and a consummate politician, saw a golden opportunity in this situation, at a time when the NCW was planning to open their first Seminary. The plan was basically the same as for the seminaries. Develop a system where, you bring plenty of new recruits, and generate fundraising campaigns to support these non profit organizations, with the intent of capitalizing on the goodwill generated, show a recruiting success and generate opportunities for a free flow of cash, under the cover of charitable work
Thus Carmen was able to co-opt an hailing organization, give it a new life, and get a perfect cover for their work of evangelization. The only true giveaway being that almost all the installations of the sisters are located in Dioceses that are either run by the NCW,or NCW friendly Bishops
Now it makes more sense when Eusebio in his letter to the editor, declares:
Let us welcome these nuns from the congregation of the Little sisters of the Abandoned Elderly. They do not seek financial support from the Archdiocese but a mere welcome and acknowledgement of the requisite need to care for our elderly. We have everything to gain for our Manamko. Encourage your pastors, friends and government leaders to have the archdiocese roll out the welcome mat!
Unfortunately the Neos have already played that movie several times. When they first arrived on the island, when they opened their fake seminary in Yona, when they used Apuron and the Archdiocese (plus some other well known businesses around town) as a money laundering scheme. For my part I shall pass on that fake opportunity, and I will encourage all Catholics on Guam, not to fall for that bait and switch. Let your friends and favorite politician know what is at stake here, which is nothing less than a full fledge come back of the Neos and their corrupting ways. Hopefully the Chancery is not asleep at the wheel, like it has been for the last 18months.
This post is lying. this congregation has nothing of the ncw. All female vocations ncw are sent only and exclusively to the cloister.
ReplyDeleteHello Luke,
Deleteobviously English is not your primary language. But then again, it is not mine either. Unfortunately it appears that your reading comprehension is worse than your grammar. Where is it said that the little sisters are part of the NCW? It is said that they were co-opted by Carmen.
As far as the "female vocations" like you call them (LMAO) we are acutely aware of how the NCW brainwashes young women to join the Carmel in New Jersey. We have seen first hand the catastrophic policies of Fr Pius here on Guam, and how he destroyed the Carmelite sisters on this island, to the point where they had to move back to the USA. We do not need any explanation on how the NCW manipulates and controls people going through personal crisis, when they are the most vulnerable. The NCW is nothing more than a money laundering organization run by a cadre of mafia like leaders. You have been exposed here on Guam... as the old saying goes:" you can put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig."