(Posted by Frenchie)
This past Tuesday, the Chancery informed us of a very unusual, but not unheard of move.
According to a release by the communication director, we have a new Chancellor.
In a terse, poorly written memorandum addressed to the Clergy, Religious, School administrators, and Archdiocesan groups , it was announced that the Archbishop had appointed a new Chancellor.
As a premiere for Guam, we have now the first female Chancellor, in the person of Jennise T. Shimizu.
This should delight the woke crowd who were elated at having a first female governor, and a first openly gay Lt. Governor. (a first for any US State or Territory).
We were also notified that this was effective as of September 15, less that 24hours after the announcement.
We also learned through that memo that Fr. Ron S. Richards JCL, remains the Special assistant to the Archbishop/Episcopal Vicar.
What does that mean for us the peons in the parishes?
Apparently not much.
This is in fact a play of musical chairs which addresses one of the contradictions we pointed in July, with the rules of Canon Law, regarding the positions of Chancellor and Vicar General.
Since Fr Richards has become the de facto Vicar General, (after the "resignation" of Fr Jeff, and subsequent limbo) under the guise of Episcopal Vicar, it had become a little too obvious except to the blindest of the blinds, that one man was gathering all the powers at the Chancery, and pulling the strings behind the scene, by pretending to facilitate the work of Archbishop Byrnes.
Fr Ron S Richards
This slight of hands should not change anything to the bunker mentality and caustic atmosphere at the Chancery.
Jennise Shimizu, should remain a figure head, and continue pushing the paperwork for Fr Richards, Mrs Villanueva will continue to overreach her authority, and making the lives of Pastors and School directors a living hell, while the Vicar for Clergy will continue to be petty and backstabbing his brother priests. Meanwhile the Curia will remain a fiction, real only on paper, but never actually meeting.
It would have been nice and refreshing to see a real change.
Unfortunately, all we got is more window dressing
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