Thursday, November 2, 2023


....between Jose Martinez and Senator Chris Duenas. Nov. 1. On ThePoint.GU It starts at  1:55:36.

For the record, Jose Martinez said this after Sen. Duenas said Senator Fisher was his "favorite legal counsel"...
"I can never ally myself with Senator Fisher, no matter how smart he is, because he allies himself with terminating babies, and he’s okay with that, no matter what the circumstances. Anything else he says after that is suspect. And I’ve got to say, we’ve got to make our GOP stronger. We have to be better than this. We have to support, when sound measures going on and leave the politics of infighting behind the curtain and not on the floor. That’s all I’ve got to say" 


  1. Jose is right. It was disappointing to see Senator Duenas, who has been making a lot of efforts in the right direction, not having the common sense to realize who he is dealing with. While I understand that running a coalition is not an easy thing, doing a deal with the devil is never a good idea.

    1. Agreed, though I dislike the word "disappointing" and prefer "wrong, cowardly, or even stupid."

  2. Duenas is a career politician and a cafeteria Catholic. Isn't he a member of the 9:30 choir at the Cathedral-Basilica?

    1. I don't know about the choir. As an aside, even as a "trained Church musician," I prefer to stay away these days from anything with the word "choir" in it, since it is usually little more than a nice performing group. Duenas has cast important votes and voice his pro-life positions when we needed him to, but that was awhile ago (2011). So I'm not sure where he is at now. Can't blame him for being a career politician. It's a nice street to live on.
