"In a few weeks, another self-proclaimed Messiah will descend and plague the country, and it is no other than KIKO ARGUELLO, founder of the Neocatechumenal Way."
The Umatuna Si Yuos, Guam's weekly Catholic newspaper, and run by the Chancery in Guam, represented that YOU personally invited Kiko, the founder of the Neo Cathecumenate Way, to Manila to speak at a youth event, an event that the Archdiocese of Manila is sponsoring. The article does not reference the actual letter or a date or any more detail than that.
Does what this article say about you true, accurate, and correct?
I wonder what people would say if this article in the Umatuna about Cadinal Tagle was not true? How would would the members of the Neo or even the Archbishop feel if Cardinal Tagle ask that this statement be retracted? How would the Neo or even the Archbishop react if Cardinal Tagle asks for an apology?
Correct. Kiko does not have importance in the church of the Philippines. To lead people to believe that cardinal tagle and kiko are close is not correct at all. He will be received with respect as any person would be in Manila. But to state that he was invited by the cardinal needs to be evaluatd.
10:55AM Such likely advice from a kiko follower--"Think whatever you think Anon 9:03AM". Perhaps a natural conditioned reaction because as far as ncw catechesis goes, "think whatever you want to think" and interpret about Catholic teachings"; do "whatever you want" to do with liturgical practices and alterations; and say "whatever you want" to spread false statements and for appearance sake.
Maybe Cardinal Tagle did invite the YOUTH OF GUAM but only the neo were privy to this invite that the Diocese; just as what happens in every year with Youth Conferences and World Youth Day events. You see, non-neo Catholics are not part of the "in" crowd in this Diocese!
Maybe it is the other way around and the Youth of Guam or catechist, responsible asked if they could attend. I always thought it rude to ask someone having a celebration to invite me. IF YOU MATTERED, AN INVITATION WOULD HAVE BEEN SENT TO INCLUDE ALLLLLLL YOUTHS not JUST THE NEO GROUP.
But to say that the NEOS got invited (exclusively the NEOS) is not in anyway Cardinal Tagle's character or nature.....He includes ALLLLLL!!!!!!!
The joke is on you and soon you will know why!!!!!!
Here come the Kiko's/Kiko-bots filled to the gills with their KAKA (Kiko Arguello's Kool Aid), to try and convince us that Cardinal Tagle "invited" wannabe pope Kiko to the Philippines, instead of facing the truth that Kiko, always on the lookout for large groups for photo-ops to feed his Delusions of Grandeur, actually insinuated himself into this event!!
Your asking the guy who works the Archdiocese of Manila. Mga sinongaling and mga sabi mo Mary Lou. Mga alam mo pangninira ng mga tao na communidad ng el camino! Do you need any proof biha?
After reading all this I did some looking up. Nowhere in the Chancery of the Archdiocese of Manila, the Jesuit Communication, the archdiocese of Leyte, or anywhere else did it promote that Cardinal Tagle invited the NEO Founders to Manila. Wouldn't you say this was strange?
Anon 12:01pm quit blogging your making yourself dumber than pile of Rocks. There is such Archdiocese of Manila. One of the oldest. http://www.rcam.org/home
Anon 2:02 pm went to your blog on the Archdiocese of Manila and nowhere in that blog did it say that Cardinal Tagle invited the Founders of the NEocatechumenal Way to Manila! It did though publish about World communications Day, the death of a Msgr. Etc. The other sites I mention state the same thing including the Papal visit in February. NOTHING ON KADO' KIKO and his crew with the endorsement of Cardinal Tagle!
Anon at 5:03. Quit acting like a child. 3:40 was stating that you misread a comment thru a bad translation. Please don't respond with further immaturity.
Translation of the above message in Tagalog: Mga sinongaling and mga sabi mo Mary Lou. Mga alam mo pangninira ng mga tao na communidad ng el camino! Do you need any proof biha?
"You are a liar, Mary Lou. These things that are said are meant to destroy the Neocatechumenal Way."
Okay Tim why she lied cause you always cover for her. Stated that Kiko is a wanna be a Pope. Did you find any article anywhere that Kiko wan' t to be the next Pope? Do you have proof that Kiko insulated himself meeting with Tagle? See you love slander. You cannot stop what GOD plan.
Right on cue, the Kiko's/Kiko-bots demonstrated their lack of reasoning and/or reading comprehension. I don’t know if the two “Anonymous” posters who mentioned my name are the same person(s), so I would like to respond to both comments:
• Anonymous (May 31, 2014 at 10:53 AM): The opening words of your comment — “Your (sic) asking the guy who works the Archdiocese of Manila” — as well as the closing words “Maynila Pilipinas” — indicate that you’re trying to portray yourself as someone from the Philippines. But I seriously doubt that you work for the Archdiocese of Manila.
I recognized two non-Tagalog words in your multi-lingual comment — the Chamorro word “biha” and the English word “and” — as well as “sabi mo” as “you say/said” (I wasn’t sure which tense) and “tao” as “people”, so I asked a friend to translate your comment. My friend pointed out that you actually included 4 languages! The most obvious was Tagalog — though I was told it was “broken” Tagalog with incorrect grammar — so I’m guessing you can be labeled as ESL and TTL (Tagalog as a Third Language). In addition to the two non-Tagalog words (“and” and “biha”) I had noted earlier, my friend pointed out “communidad” and “el camino” which, I surmise, are words in your Primary Language.
Tim already provided a translation; but here is my friend’s translation, a slight variance from Tim’s: “Those lies and those things you say Mary Lou. The things you know destroys the members of the community of the way. Do you need any proof, old lady?” (I don’t know if you thought you were insulting me by calling me “old lady”; if so, FAIL.)
So my question to you, Anonymous 10:53 AM, is: WHO is telling lies? Was it I who stated that Kiko’s/Kiko-bots would be coming out to prolong the lie? (Your comment is proof that I was correct!) Was it I for pointing out that Kiko always ensures that he takes advantage of photo-ops? (There are many photos of Kiko with the Popes as proof that I was correct.) Finally, the multiple revelations denying that Cardinal Tagle issued an invitation to Kiko also prove that I did not lie.
• Anonymous at (May 31, 2014 at 11:37 PM): You should work on a number of language skills, including but not limited to: decoding, comprehension, expressive and receptive skills before you continue to post future comments.
Your lack of language comprehension skills betrays you in your question “Did you find any article anywhere that Kiko wan’t (sic) to be the next Pope?” Of course not! The term I’ve used is “wannabe” which is defined as “a person who aspires, often vainly, to emulate another’s success or attain eminence in some areas.” I don’t need any article to prove that because clearly Kiko has redefined reception of Holy Communion. According to the NCW, reception is a 2-step process: (1) “receive” = accept in the hand; and (2) “consume”=place in the mouth after everyone in the community has “received” the bread. In the Universal Church, a person who says, “I received Holy Communion” means the Host was accepted either on the tongue — at which point “consumption” is not even an “issue” — or in the hand and then IMMEDIATELY placed in the recipient’s mouth, with no waiting time. Face it: ONLY in the NCW is that act divided into TWO stages! Kiko’s directive in that area speaks volumes of how he views himself — as the NCW pope, a wannabe pope!
Then you ask, “Do you have proof that Kiko INSULATED himself meeting with Tagle?” (my emphasis). Maybe you didn’t read correctly my assertion that “Kiko … actually INSINUATED himself into this event.” I’m guessing you saw the letters at the beginning and at the end of my word (insinuated) and misread it as the word “insulated.” So that question, like most of your comment, betrays that you haven’t mastered comprehension of the English language in either the expressive or the receptive mode. As mentioned above, there have been multiple revelations that Cardinal Tagle DID NOT INVITE Kiko to attend the Conference in the Philippines; this proves that Kiko INSINUATED himself — he made himself part of the group, even though he was not invited!
For whatever reason, God is allowing the NCW to exist and cause divisions in our local Church, just as He has allowed the other 40,000+ Protestant sects to cause division in the Universal Church. But we will work to stop the division, like it or not.
In the meantime, Anonymous 11:37, do yourself a favor and sharpen your language skills.
You cannot expect the Umatuna reporters to verify their sources or to verify their facts, as any reporter(and newspaper) is ethically expected to do. Why? Because they do what they are told to do and say by the higher-ups on San Ramon hill. The Umatuna today is simply a mouthpiece of what the archbishop wants to promote-----his NCW family and his prophet, the almighty Kiko. Check it out. Monitor the number of articles in the past several months about NCW related matters, as compared to what is going on in the other 50 plus parishes and Catholic schools/organizations in Guam and you will see the disproportionate attention given to the NCW and the almost non-existent attention to anything else in Guam, despite the fact that the NCW, in terms of numbers, constitute less than 1% of all Catholics in Guam. But when you have the Archbishop, the Vicar General, the Chancellor, and the Vice-Chancellor all walking in the NCW, talk, look, and act like their master, Mr. Kiko, you cannot expect otherwise!
Anon 9:36 AM you don't hear any outside the NCW in Umatuna because your all blogging and belly aching. Do something. Your on the sideline bickering. Who want's to know your negativity?
Anon @ 2:18pm: Apparently, it's you "who want's to know . . ."
Point of information: JungleWatch is the blog while these little "entries" are just comments. Submitting a comment is not "blogging." You were close with the "belly aching." The whole situation is making people sick to the stomach.
Anon2:18pm....like I told Diana, surprise, surprise, surprise....Something is coming down. The misinformation given about the Invitation by the Archdiocese in Manila will soon be made public. To use the good name of Cardinal Tagle to justify your NCW cause is very ethical.
If the NCW thought that His Eminence Cardinal Antonio "Chito" Tagle wouldn't find out..then THINK AGAIN! I am sure that Cardinal Tagle does not appreciate his good name being attached on something he did not say or do, neither would any of you.
BTW, the Umatuna Si Yu'us didn't have anything about the neocatechumenal way. Surprising they didn't even post anything about their GALA! Guess these people DO READ the JUNGLE and takes its suggestions!
Next week is Pentecost Sunday and the AAA has only collected about 1/3 of their goal! What does this say?
Dear anonymous at 2.18. If you choose to attempt to lecture other persons on this blog, could you please try to do it in proper English. It is so time consuming trying to make sense of your gibberish....but then, that could be your intent in the first place? Pax Christi
Dear Anonymous 2:18 PM. Belly aching? Bickering? Negativity? What kind of response is that? I made an argument backed up with facts. Please respond logically. Do you deny any of my assertions? If you do, how and why? Your characterization that I am belly aching or bickering is not a meaningful response but an infantile response because it skirts responding directly to my assertions. You instead respond by deriding and belittling me, not my assertions. Well, belittle and bemoan all you want but my assertions stand as the truth until you can logically show otherwise. BTW, on a personal note, I will put up my resume against yours any day, anytime, and anywhere on how my contribution to the Catholic Church. You see, I have done something and still doing more. If you want to meet and compare notes, I am ready whenever you are.
dear anon at 1.52 and anon at 2.33, may I suggest that you read Pshychology 101 for idiots. It is a very affordable edition, and should answer all your questions, and idiotic statements. It would also allow the rest of us to not be polluted by mediocrity. Thank you for your consideration
Frenchie, you don't have to reply to Anon at 6:52. It's better to ignore these sad people. Rather, continue to pray for them. Their illusions know no boundaries and their reverence to Kiko just induces pity.
So Gino, if the people on this blog who don't want to identify themselves with their full names and side with me are, according to you, "hugging my nuts", then are we to suppose that because you don't fully identify yourself either and openly claim to support the Archbishop, that you are hugging his? Just wondering? Let us know.
The drawing is his rendering of a famous piece of art: Yo soy el diablo. I am the devil. I have come to wreck the Church and gain more souls for the dark side. Beware of Kiko.
Anon 2:37PM have mercy on you. This a very strong judgement. Pray for tomorrow, cus tomorrow may not be a promise to you when you go to the after life.
Do not allow the kiko organization into your parishes, communities, or families. In the Philippines they have caused problems. Many bishops will not allow them into their dioceses. Keep them well away from your place. They will steal your money, brain wash you to give them property, and destroy your family. Keep away from this organization for your own safety.
Awe poor baby, dont cry its ok... We are all bad people, especially family members who are members. Dont trust us, dont love us, dont care about us because we are only here to "steal your moeny, brain wash you to give them [us] property, and destroy your [our] family." and you say we are not catholic? :) I love you to.
David G you are getting sarcastic, didn't think you had it in you. I.thought you were different from the kikos but it seems that your breaking point has been found. You can't take the heat and are resulting to the name calling followed by the infamous "joy, blessings, and now, I love you"
It's obvious that the kikos have hurt many, even our kababayans in the P.I, so all the ugly stories are creeping out. From the comments it's obvious there are wounds, but how can we expect you to understand.
My suggestion to you is to stop coming here. You can fume over at Diana's about all the kaduku comments that the blinded heathens make. Hey and while you are in the telling mood, go cry to your catechist and pray for Tim and all Jungle Watch because chelu, hu guaiya hao lokkue!
Lastly, since it's Sunday, have a slice of pizza for all of us ;-) Pas giya hagu!
David at 4:02, Thank you for your display of immaturity as the real you emerges. I understand you may be frustrated at yourself and your present choice to follow Kiko in light of all these revelations, but try to keep your childish outbursts outside of the public arena; you're embarrassing yourself. At least reserve it for your Wednesday night sessions.
You are both welcome. To actually see your reaction is the one I wanted. "SEE he just like them" reaction. Your perception is all wrong. Thanks for displaying what your truly want. You want the people of the NCW to show "childish outbursts" so that you can use that to call us "manipulated, kikos, kikobots." And I have to say, I am different. See once you start telling families to stay away from families, that how the family is broken. The NCW does not destroy families. What destroys families are people like 11:42pm. Telling those to stay away from us. I thought everyone mentioned "not everyone is the same is the NCW" and that is right, but why tell people, especially family members to stay away from the ncw because it destroys families? Dont you see the irony in that situation?
Sorry, David G., but your little "I love you" at the end of your otherwise mocking comment is what identifies you as all the rest. But worse, your "I love you" mocks God.
Actually Tim, you assumption is that Im mocking. But I am not. I do still love you no matter what, because you have your opinion and I respect that. I do not see why it is ok for others to bash the NCW like 11:42pm and express there opinion, but when it comes to a member of the NCW, it is so horrible. And how did i mock God? I see no connection.
1. So because some bash the NCW, it is okay for you to bash those who bash the NCW? 2. God is love. Using "I love you" in a mocking way mocks him who is love.
So, see there we go. 1.) You defend and allow those who oppose the NCW to say what they want, but it isnt ok for the NCW to do the same? We established that we are on the same level. 2.) You assumption that I was using it in that context is wrong. Twisting my words I see.
That is something you and others take for granted. Do you think we are robots without feelings? And even so, if we do accept you and post something back, you will find a way to make the person look stupid, or twist the words and say "see this is the fruit kiko has created... see look at this kiko... adding more to kikos..."
You only lead yourself into temptation. And I come and go. Not because Im afraid like you would assume but because an opponent (only because you called this a war) understands both his side and the opposing. Same goes for research, a good researcher acknowledges both sides and understand both sides without manipulating the thoughts and words. A bad researcher only searchers in his favor, making it complicated for him to truly understand how the other side feels.
Sorry, I overestimated your grasp of theology. "Lead us not into temptation" is a petition to the Lord to keep us from temptation. So we do our best to stay away from that which causes us to fall and pray that we may not be put to the test. However, you purposely put yourself in the way of temptation by coming here. In that, since it causes you to lose your temper and speak uncharitably, you sin. Go away, stay away, for your own good. But if you really want to engage this conversation as a Christian then come and see me.
David G. are you denying that the NCW tell their members to forsake thier blood relatives who are not in the NCW? To have nothing to do with those who have rejected the NCW? Are you denying that the NCW has told wives to leave their husbands, children to have nothing to do with their parents, etc., etc., etc., Are you really? And don't tell me that I misunderstood because it is quite clear. Really?
1.) Yes I am denying that that the NCW tell their members to forsake their blood relatives. Why? because I was never told that when my brother decided he did not want to be in the NCW anymore. 2.) I have many friends and family who do reject the NCW, but I am never told "to have nothing to do with them." 3.) My mother is not in the NCW, I chose to attend and continue with the NCW on my own will, and still I have not encountered what you are claiming 4.) Wives leave their husbands? I can not speak on behalf of the wives or husbands, but I have never heard of such demand. On the contrary, the NCW try and help the couple stay strong with each other. 5.) Children are not told to have nothing to do with their parents. I was a child with a mother who is not even a christian. 6.) Yes I really am denying all these claims. And yes you are misunderstood. And yes, really.
I have been in the NCW for 13 years of my life (not including the 4 years I was attending not being a "member") and have never experienced, once again, what you claim is being done. If this has happened to you, then I am sorry. You are mistaken.
Nice try David! My mother was constantly hounded to recruit my father for many years. She finally got out. Her family was more important than the community as her family.
I am sorry to hear that, but everybody is different. I never went through that. I never hounded to recruit anybody. I believe it is a persons choice to attend and a persons choice to quit. If that is so hard to believe then I have nothing to say further. Apparently I am a black sheep, outsider in others words, toward my family.
The problem is the NCW is run by catechists who are essentially, like Kiko, unaccountable lay people. The can run their particular jurisdiction like Mullah's, having complete authority to administer the NCW in whatever way they see fit. So some may teach one thing, others another. Sadly this is not far off of what many priests and pastors have been doing for quite awhile, which is what made fertile ground for neo-like ecclesial realities in the first place.
David, I will not share my story here for fear of retribution, how ever I refer you to this site, scroll down to "a destroyed family". It is very similar and the rest of what he says we can see unfolding here now. I am sure many other former members can attest... http://web.archive.org/web/20090302084855/http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/6919/E_Med102.htm
You fail to realize that I am very different from those you have encountered. I have already expressed that I have not, in all my years in the NCW, experienced any of this. I do not care if you like the NCW or not, we are still one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. You can claim we are not, but we are. You can push me away but I wont push you away. (Not saying that is your intention). The NCW has helped me in my faith and keeps me strong with God. Many might not need it but I do. I speak on behalf of myself and not others. It is natural to remember the negative over the positive. I hear you out and respect that. I have told Tim if I am wrong then I am wrong and I will face it and admit it. If you are wrong vise versa. I am not claiming you are wrong, nor am I claiming I am right. I have said this many many posts ago. I will wait and see what happens in the end.
Maybe we "fail to realize" that you are different because we don't know WHO YOU ARE. All this hiding behind rocks does not speak well of the Neocatechumenal Way.
David G., You are wrong. And so, I hope you will admit it. You say that "like the NCW or not, we are still one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church." This is not true. Or, at least, this is not what the NCW evangelizers say when they speak at our regular Masses when they proselytize to us regular Catholics. They say that we (the congregation) are lukewarm in our faith and that we are spiritually dry. They know this because we are regular Catholics, and not members of the NCW. The NCW evangelizers make very clear their view that the regular Catholic Church is inherently deficient. They are absolutely clear on this point. So, according to the NCW evangelizers, there are two churches: the good, legitimate and spirit-filled NCW church and the inherently deficient regular Catholic Church.
Sorry there is nothing to admit. I do not believe those who are not in the NCW are "lukewarm in [your] faith and that [you are] spiritually dry." Why is that so hard to believe? *Sigh* I do not know what to say.
David, I must come in here. Yesterday I was speaking with a friend who had been in the NCW for about twenty years, give or take the occasional hiatus. Since finally leaving the Way about a year or so ago, my friend's entire (large) Neocat family has shown only rejection - one brother has remarked "you can no longer consider me your brother", the mother has exclaimed "not everyone is called to this way - if you refuse, you refuse God and are on the road to hell. Your children will become murderer's and prostitutes", and she has cut off all communication. Another brother (a catechist) has completely cut all ties and will not engage in any way with my friend.
The great irony of this is, of course, that the NCW claim to be leading the "new evangelisation", reaching out the fallen, marginalised etc. Well, evidently that does not include one's family if they choose not to walk.
Please notice the formation of the stick drawings. They manifested a mind that is not connected to reality and could well be a danger. Best advise to be offered is to keep a distance from whoever made these psychotic drawings.
Communion in the hand is not done when the pope says mass. It's open your mouth and receive it on your tongue! There are four churches in Texas where the old communion rail still exists. Like the old time, you line up and kneel and receive communion in by mouth! Nothing wrong with the petition!
To 4:15 p.m. I agree with you. I would to see kneelers at all churches for those who wish to receive the host that way. It should be that way at all masses.
I attended Mass at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Toto some Sundays ago. Fr. Mike Crisostomo, who is pastor there, explained to the congregation before Mass, that at Communion time, he will have his Altar Servers bring up a predieu and set it in front of the Commuion line, so that the Faithful lining up receive Communion have the option to either receive Communion standing up, or to kneel on the predieu and there reverently receive Christ in the Eucharist. I saw Communicants receving Communion on the tongue or receiving in on the palm of the hand and consuming the Sacred Host there at the predieu I also saw others who opted to receive the Sacred Host standing up, receiving It either on the tongue or receiving It on the palm of their hand and administering It to themselves. The vast majority of communicants chose to kneel at the predieu and receive Jesus, kneeling. Yes, it took a little bit more time for two communicants to approach the predieu at a time, and kneel and receive Communion, then rise to go back to their pews. But the few seconds longer that the process took was worth it all, seeing people REVERENTLY receive Christ that way. - As an "aside" I saw no communicant take the Sacred Host back to their pews, sit down and consume It there.
We're hoping and praying that it catches like wild fire in other parishes! Thank you for initiating this in your parish, Pale Mike. We are hungry and thirsty for authentic Catholicism.
We love our Catholic Faith and Church and the varied traditional gestures and postures that enable us to physically pay homage to and physically show our reverence for and acknowledgment of The Real Presence! We want to publicly demonstrate this in the way we participate in our Liturgical celebrations; please allow us this, Parish Priests!!
As a parishioner, you are most welcome to join us for Sunday Masses.
Saturdays at 6 pm; Sundays at 6 am and 9:30 am.
All are welcome at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Toto whether you are from far or near!
Hang a right at the intersection of the Mobil station in Toto. Just a few feet pass the Harvest Christian School entrance make a right turn. You can't miss the church.
Kudos to Pale' Mike for providing the prie-dieu for the IHOM parishioners and/or visitors to receive Holy Communion! I saw a photo of a similar scene at Talofofo — Fr. Felix also had a prie-dieu available; the poster said that most people chose to kneel. How exciting to have two priests do the same thing, in the spirit of how "great minds think alike!"
I do hope that more pastors follow the examples of Pale' Mike and Fr. Felix and make prie-dieux available in their parishes. Although there will be those who will continue to choose to stand and receive Holy Communion in the hand, I believe those who kneel will feel more "natural" receiving Holy Communion on the tongue, the way it was done for centuries.
The chancellor of the archdiocese of Manila fr. Jun sescon has informed me this evening that the archdiocese of Manila did not invite kiko to the archdiocese. Thank you. Cc to mr Tim rohrs email for files.
Yea pope Francis is sending kiko to Manila so why would tagle stop. Tagle invited invited the international leadership. So shut your mouth or we fill it 9.58pm.
To 11;24 AM and 11:29 AM: If you would do a little research, you can find out who the Chancellor Of the Archdiocese of Manila, and then make your own conclusion. He does exist. Confirm it yourself if you do not believe it. To 11:24 AM specifically: if we were to show you Tagle's letter, will you take that mouth of yours and fill it with your own sh##. :)
These are just some of the people you would find in the way. Even just one of these demons in each community can cause great harm to people. What if they use similar tatics on our brothers and sisters in the Non Catholic Way.
Cardinal tagle has invited the leadership to Manila . archbishop Apuron has told you that he invited him. The 9.58pm is a nut head. We will find you so watch out.
There it is again, the fruits of the NCW making threats. Remember that the NCW is made up of members who were furthest away from the church. Now they think they speak for God.
In the previous emails about Kiko being in Manila, it was just that..Kiko will be going to Manila if brothers want to see him they can make arrangements with their responsible(s).
No one from Guam is going there to evangelize, that is just spin. And nowhere was there mention of an invitation from any Diocese in as far as the emails i have seen though.
It was just a simple message, he will be over there, and if you want to go you need furnish your required passport and information, etc..etc. Maybe something more was said during the Easter announcement but i wasn't present, maybe another brother can chime in?
For those who have replied to Peter's comment but do not see your comment. I want to clarify. Peter is in the NCW and is one of the few people we can count on to give us the straight story. With this comment he is actually making our case. And our case is this: the Tagle invite was manufactured at the top and was used to manipulate the communities. Peter is telling us that the only information the communities received initially was an informal invitation to come to Manila if they would like to meet with Kiko. There was no plan to go there to evangelize. There was no invitation from Cardinal Tagle. As Peter tell us, that was "spin". Apologies if I confused Peter's message with my own comment. I was referring to what I had already stated: that it was manufactured at the top. The neo communities - at least the regular folks - were every bit as lied to as were we. Thanks again, Peter. A sane voice.
I understand Tim but the word I got was that the spin was enhanced by the Umatuna article to give the Guam contingent an incentive to go, because guess what? Cardinal Tagle, who was considered in the running to replace Pope Benedict, is personally inviting Kiko and the Guam neocats to come to Manila. It made the Guam group feel wanted and needed to be asked by such an important and famous Cardinal, and of course. it gives enormous credibility and prestige to the NCW and Archbishop Apuron. You can feel the snickering that was emanating from the NCW....see I told you so because we now have Tagle on our side. I guess the NCW didn't figure that the good Cardinal was going to find out or bother to intervene.
The CBCP New Evangelization conference is inviting all the various catholic ministries// groups or individuals interested in learning more about the evangelization by the laity and how they can better reach out.
According to the philippine daily inquirer, Kiko will be arriving in Manila on the 6th. The kick off for the CNCP New Evangelization Conference kicks off on Sat. The 7th. I do not know if Kiko will be part of it. It was not mentioned anywhere in the the news.
Your Eminence, Cardinal Tagle:
ReplyDeleteThe Umatuna Si Yuos, Guam's weekly Catholic newspaper, and run by the Chancery in Guam, represented that YOU personally invited Kiko, the founder of the Neo Cathecumenate Way, to Manila to speak at a youth event, an event that the Archdiocese of Manila is sponsoring. The article does not reference the actual letter or a date or any more detail than that.
Does what this article say about you true, accurate, and correct?
I wonder what people would say if this article in the Umatuna about Cadinal Tagle was not true? How would would the members of the Neo or even the Archbishop feel if Cardinal Tagle ask that this statement be retracted? How would the Neo or even the Archbishop react if Cardinal Tagle asks for an apology?
DeleteUmatuna is invited to phone the office of cardinal tagle to obtain correct details through the archdiocesan communications office. thank you.
DeleteOne thing for sure archbishop soc will not be inviting kiko.
DeleteKiko will not be welcomed by the church in the Philippine. His few followers will meet him but he is of importance to the church in the Philippines.
DeleteI believe you meant to say "of NO importance". You would be correct. Google the words "tagle arguello" within the last month. There is no news.
DeleteCorrect. Kiko does not have importance in the church of the Philippines. To lead people to believe that cardinal tagle and kiko are close is not correct at all. He will be received with respect as any person would be in Manila. But to state that he was invited by the cardinal needs to be evaluatd.
DeleteOh boy, the PI is doomed!
ReplyDeletePhhhssh Cardinal Tagle who ask Arguello not the NCW force itself to the Philippines. Get over yourself.
DeleteI don't think Cardinal Tagle invited! Ask the editor of the Umatuna Si Yu'us to verify this! You may hear a different story!
DeleteThink whatever you think Anon 9:03 AM. Hahahaha
Delete10:55AM Such likely advice from a kiko follower--"Think whatever you think Anon 9:03AM". Perhaps a natural conditioned reaction because as far as ncw catechesis goes, "think whatever you want to think" and interpret about Catholic teachings"; do "whatever you want" to do with liturgical practices and alterations; and say "whatever you want" to spread false statements and for appearance sake.
DeleteMaybe Cardinal Tagle did invite the YOUTH OF GUAM but only the neo were privy to this invite that the Diocese; just as what happens in every year with Youth Conferences and World Youth Day events. You see, non-neo Catholics are not part of the "in" crowd in this Diocese!
Maybe it is the other way around and the Youth of Guam or catechist, responsible asked if they could attend. I always thought it rude to ask someone having a celebration to invite me. IF YOU MATTERED, AN INVITATION WOULD HAVE BEEN SENT TO INCLUDE ALLLLLLL YOUTHS not JUST THE NEO GROUP.
DeleteBut to say that the NEOS got invited (exclusively the NEOS) is not in anyway Cardinal Tagle's character or nature.....He includes ALLLLLL!!!!!!!
The joke is on you and soon you will know why!!!!!!
See latest post.
DeleteHere come the Kiko's/Kiko-bots filled to the gills with their KAKA (Kiko Arguello's Kool Aid), to try and convince us that Cardinal Tagle "invited" wannabe pope Kiko to the Philippines, instead of facing the truth that Kiko, always on the lookout for large groups for photo-ops to feed his Delusions of Grandeur, actually insinuated himself into this event!!
ReplyDeleteYour asking the guy who works the Archdiocese of Manila. Mga sinongaling and mga sabi mo Mary Lou. Mga alam mo pangninira ng mga tao na communidad ng el camino!
DeleteDo you need any proof biha?
Maynila Pilipinas
Translation please!
DeleteAfter reading all this I did some looking up. Nowhere in the Chancery of the Archdiocese of Manila, the Jesuit Communication, the archdiocese of Leyte, or anywhere else did it promote that Cardinal Tagle invited the NEO Founders to Manila. Wouldn't you say this was strange?
DeleteAnon 12:01pm quit blogging your making yourself dumber than pile of Rocks. There is such Archdiocese of Manila. One of the oldest. http://www.rcam.org/home
DeleteAnonymous at 2:02. Request a translation from someone who can read and speak English. Whomever or whatever you originally used has betrayed you!
DeleteAnon 3:40 PM your typical. Your one of them, who's always in left field.
DeleteAnon 2:02 pm went to your blog on the Archdiocese of Manila and nowhere in that blog did it say that Cardinal Tagle invited the Founders of the NEocatechumenal Way to Manila! It did though publish about World communications Day, the death of a Msgr. Etc. The other sites I mention state the same thing including the Papal visit in February. NOTHING ON KADO' KIKO and his crew with the endorsement of Cardinal Tagle!
DeleteAnon at 5:03. Quit acting like a child. 3:40 was stating that you misread a comment thru a bad translation.
DeletePlease don't respond with further immaturity.
Translation of the above message in Tagalog:
DeleteMga sinongaling and mga sabi mo Mary Lou. Mga alam mo pangninira ng mga tao na communidad ng el camino! Do you need any proof biha?
"You are a liar, Mary Lou. These things that are said are meant to destroy the Neocatechumenal Way."
Yes, please prove that she is a liar. Waiting.
With the article in the Umatuna about Tagle....who now is the LIAR! It sure as hell isn't MaryLou.
DeleteOkay Tim why she lied cause you always cover for her. Stated that Kiko is a wanna be a Pope. Did you find any article anywhere that Kiko wan' t to be the next Pope? Do you have proof that Kiko insulated himself meeting with Tagle? See you love slander.
DeleteYou cannot stop what GOD plan.
Actually I do...have proof. I ALWAYS do! :)
DeleteTim has proof.
DeleteRight on cue, the Kiko's/Kiko-bots demonstrated their lack of reasoning and/or reading comprehension. I don’t know if the two “Anonymous” posters who mentioned my name are the same person(s), so I would like to respond to both comments:
Delete• Anonymous (May 31, 2014 at 10:53 AM): The opening words of your comment — “Your (sic) asking the guy who works the Archdiocese of Manila” — as well as the closing words “Maynila Pilipinas” — indicate that you’re trying to portray yourself as someone from the Philippines. But I seriously doubt that you work for the Archdiocese of Manila.
I recognized two non-Tagalog words in your multi-lingual comment — the Chamorro word “biha” and the English word “and” — as well as “sabi mo” as “you say/said” (I wasn’t sure which tense) and “tao” as “people”, so I asked a friend to translate your comment. My friend pointed out that you actually included 4 languages! The most obvious was Tagalog — though I was told it was “broken” Tagalog with incorrect grammar — so I’m guessing you can be labeled as ESL and TTL (Tagalog as a Third Language). In addition to the two non-Tagalog words (“and” and “biha”) I had noted earlier, my friend pointed out “communidad” and “el camino” which, I surmise, are words in your Primary Language.
Tim already provided a translation; but here is my friend’s translation, a slight variance from Tim’s: “Those lies and those things you say Mary Lou. The things you know destroys the members of the community of the way. Do you need any proof, old lady?” (I don’t know if you thought you were insulting me by calling me “old lady”; if so, FAIL.)
So my question to you, Anonymous 10:53 AM, is: WHO is telling lies? Was it I who stated that Kiko’s/Kiko-bots would be coming out to prolong the lie? (Your comment is proof that I was correct!) Was it I for pointing out that Kiko always ensures that he takes advantage of photo-ops? (There are many photos of Kiko with the Popes as proof that I was correct.) Finally, the multiple revelations denying that Cardinal Tagle issued an invitation to Kiko also prove that I did not lie.
(to be continued)
Delete• Anonymous at (May 31, 2014 at 11:37 PM): You should work on a number of language skills, including but not limited to: decoding, comprehension, expressive and receptive skills before you continue to post future comments.
Your lack of language comprehension skills betrays you in your question “Did you find any article anywhere that Kiko wan’t (sic) to be the next Pope?” Of course not! The term I’ve used is “wannabe” which is defined as “a person who aspires, often vainly, to emulate another’s success or attain eminence in some areas.” I don’t need any article to prove that because clearly Kiko has redefined reception of Holy Communion. According to the NCW, reception is a 2-step process: (1) “receive” = accept in the hand; and (2) “consume”=place in the mouth after everyone in the community has “received” the bread. In the Universal Church, a person who says, “I received Holy Communion” means the Host was accepted either on the tongue — at which point “consumption” is not even an “issue” — or in the hand and then IMMEDIATELY placed in the recipient’s mouth, with no waiting time. Face it: ONLY in the NCW is that act divided into TWO stages! Kiko’s directive in that area speaks volumes of how he views himself — as the NCW pope, a wannabe pope!
Then you ask, “Do you have proof that Kiko INSULATED himself meeting with Tagle?” (my emphasis). Maybe you didn’t read correctly my assertion that “Kiko … actually INSINUATED himself into this event.” I’m guessing you saw the letters at the beginning and at the end of my word (insinuated) and misread it as the word “insulated.” So that question, like most of your comment, betrays that you haven’t mastered comprehension of the English language in either the expressive or the receptive mode. As mentioned above, there have been multiple revelations that Cardinal Tagle DID NOT INVITE Kiko to attend the Conference in the Philippines; this proves that Kiko INSINUATED himself — he made himself part of the group, even though he was not invited!
For whatever reason, God is allowing the NCW to exist and cause divisions in our local Church, just as He has allowed the other 40,000+ Protestant sects to cause division in the Universal Church. But we will work to stop the division, like it or not.
In the meantime, Anonymous 11:37, do yourself a favor and sharpen your language skills.
You cannot expect the Umatuna reporters to verify their sources or to verify their facts, as any reporter(and newspaper) is ethically expected to do. Why? Because they do what they are told to do and say by the higher-ups on San Ramon hill. The Umatuna today is simply a mouthpiece of what the archbishop wants to promote-----his NCW family and his prophet, the almighty Kiko. Check it out. Monitor the number of articles in the past several months about NCW related matters, as compared to what is going on in the other 50 plus parishes and Catholic schools/organizations in Guam and you will see the disproportionate attention given to the NCW and the almost non-existent attention to anything else in Guam, despite the fact that the NCW, in terms of numbers, constitute less than 1% of all Catholics in Guam. But when you have the Archbishop, the Vicar General, the Chancellor, and the Vice-Chancellor all walking in the NCW, talk, look, and act like their master, Mr. Kiko, you cannot expect otherwise!
ReplyDeleteAnon 9:36 AM you don't hear any outside the NCW in Umatuna because your all blogging and belly aching. Do something. Your on the sideline bickering. Who want's to know your negativity?
DeleteAnon @ 2:18pm: Apparently, it's you "who want's to know . . ."
DeletePoint of information: JungleWatch is the blog while these little "entries" are just comments. Submitting a comment is not "blogging." You were close with the "belly aching." The whole situation is making people sick to the stomach.
Anon2:18pm....like I told Diana, surprise, surprise, surprise....Something is coming down. The misinformation given about the Invitation by the Archdiocese in Manila will soon be made public. To use the good name of Cardinal Tagle to justify your NCW cause is very ethical.
DeleteIf the NCW thought that His Eminence Cardinal Antonio "Chito" Tagle wouldn't find out..then THINK AGAIN! I am sure that Cardinal Tagle does not appreciate his good name being attached on something he did not say or do, neither would any of you.
BTW, the Umatuna Si Yu'us didn't have anything about the neocatechumenal way. Surprising they didn't even post anything about their GALA! Guess these people DO READ the JUNGLE and takes its suggestions!
Next week is Pentecost Sunday and the AAA has only collected about 1/3 of their goal! What does this say?
Dear anonymous at 2.18. If you choose to attempt to lecture other persons on this blog, could you please try to do it in proper English. It is so time consuming trying to make sense of your gibberish....but then, that could be your intent in the first place?
DeletePax Christi
Dear Anonymous 2:18 PM. Belly aching? Bickering? Negativity? What kind of response is that? I made an argument backed up with facts. Please respond logically. Do you deny any of my assertions? If you do, how and why? Your characterization that I am belly aching or bickering is not a meaningful response but an infantile response because it skirts responding directly to my assertions. You instead respond by deriding and belittling me, not my assertions. Well, belittle and bemoan all you want but my assertions stand as the truth until you can logically show otherwise. BTW, on a personal note, I will put up my resume against yours any day, anytime, and anywhere on how my contribution to the Catholic Church. You see, I have done something and still doing more. If you want to meet and compare notes, I am ready whenever you are.
DeleteAnon 5:22 PM you said alot but yet said nothing. Meet me at the AG's office suite 201. 0830 this Monday.
DeleteSeriously these drawings show a mind that is disturbed.
ReplyDeleteCus you don't understand. Go to the cathechisist.
DeleteHow does it show being disturbed?
DeleteAnd how does it not David?
Deletedear anon at 1.52 and anon at 2.33, may I suggest that you read Pshychology 101 for idiots. It is a very affordable edition, and should answer all your questions, and idiotic statements. It would also allow the rest of us to not be polluted by mediocrity.
DeleteThank you for your consideration
Frenchie you have lost your class with that comment. I know I push a nerve.
DeleteFrenchie, you don't have to reply to Anon at 6:52. It's better to ignore these sad people. Rather, continue to pray for them. Their illusions know no boundaries and their reverence to Kiko just induces pity.
DeleteAwww Anon 8:38 nut hugging Frenchie now? I call this blog Tim's nut huggers, the folks who has no spine but hide behind his skirt.
DeleteGino-Sinajana St.Jude Parish
So Gino, if the people on this blog who don't want to identify themselves with their full names and side with me are, according to you, "hugging my nuts", then are we to suppose that because you don't fully identify yourself either and openly claim to support the Archbishop, that you are hugging his? Just wondering? Let us know.
DeleteCan anyone explain the meaning of the drawings.
ReplyDeleteThe drawing is his rendering of a famous piece of art: Yo soy el diablo.
DeleteI am the devil.
I have come to wreck the Church and gain more souls for the dark side.
Beware of Kiko.
Anon 2:37PM have mercy on you. This a very strong judgement. Pray for tomorrow, cus tomorrow may not be a promise to you when you go to the after life.
DeleteIsnt that so cute? Your portrayal of the the drawing only shows negativity. :)
DeleteAnon 12:07,
DeleteThat's easy, it's get rich scam. A pyramid scheme. Haha
Satan is attacking the catholic church through kiko and his followers. Keep away.
DeleteKiko is offering money to the cardinal archbishop of Manila for the victims of typhoon Yolanda. He will be told to work with caritas Manila .
DeleteThe drawings are satanic evil.
DeleteDo not allow the kiko organization into your parishes, communities, or families. In the Philippines they have caused problems. Many bishops will not allow them into their dioceses. Keep them well away from your place. They will steal your money, brain wash you to give them property, and destroy your family. Keep away from this organization for your own safety.
DeleteAwe poor baby, dont cry its ok... We are all bad people, especially family members who are members. Dont trust us, dont love us, dont care about us because we are only here to "steal your moeny, brain wash you to give them [us] property, and destroy your [our] family." and you say we are not catholic? :) I love you to.
DeleteDavid G you are getting sarcastic, didn't think you had it in you. I.thought you were different from the kikos but it seems that your breaking point has been found. You can't take the heat and are resulting to the name calling followed by the infamous "joy, blessings, and now, I love you"
DeleteIt's obvious that the kikos have hurt many, even our kababayans in the P.I, so all the ugly stories are creeping out. From the comments it's obvious there are wounds, but how can we expect you to understand.
My suggestion to you is to stop coming here. You can fume over at Diana's about all the kaduku comments that the blinded heathens make. Hey and while you are in the telling mood, go cry to your catechist and pray for Tim and all Jungle Watch because chelu, hu guaiya hao lokkue!
Lastly, since it's Sunday, have a slice of pizza for all of us ;-) Pas giya hagu!
David at 4:02, Thank you for your display of immaturity as the real you emerges. I understand you may be frustrated at yourself and your present choice to follow Kiko in light of all these revelations, but try to keep your childish outbursts outside of the public arena; you're embarrassing yourself.
DeleteAt least reserve it for your Wednesday night sessions.
You are both welcome. To actually see your reaction is the one I wanted. "SEE he just like them" reaction. Your perception is all wrong. Thanks for displaying what your truly want. You want the people of the NCW to show "childish outbursts" so that you can use that to call us "manipulated, kikos, kikobots." And I have to say, I am different. See once you start telling families to stay away from families, that how the family is broken. The NCW does not destroy families. What destroys families are people like 11:42pm. Telling those to stay away from us. I thought everyone mentioned "not everyone is the same is the NCW" and that is right, but why tell people, especially family members to stay away from the ncw because it destroys families? Dont you see the irony in that situation?
DeleteSorry, David G., but your little "I love you" at the end of your otherwise mocking comment is what identifies you as all the rest. But worse, your "I love you" mocks God.
DeleteActually Tim, you assumption is that Im mocking. But I am not. I do still love you no matter what, because you have your opinion and I respect that. I do not see why it is ok for others to bash the NCW like 11:42pm and express there opinion, but when it comes to a member of the NCW, it is so horrible. And how did i mock God? I see no connection.
Delete1. So because some bash the NCW, it is okay for you to bash those who bash the NCW?
Delete2. God is love. Using "I love you" in a mocking way mocks him who is love.
So, see there we go.
Delete1.) You defend and allow those who oppose the NCW to say what they want, but it isnt ok for the NCW to do the same? We established that we are on the same level.
2.) You assumption that I was using it in that context is wrong. Twisting my words I see.
Are you not supposed to bless those who persecute you?
DeleteThat is something you and others take for granted. Do you think we are robots without feelings? And even so, if we do accept you and post something back, you will find a way to make the person look stupid, or twist the words and say "see this is the fruit kiko has created... see look at this kiko... adding more to kikos..."
DeleteThen you should "lead us not into temptation" and stop coming here.
DeleteYou only lead yourself into temptation. And I come and go. Not because Im afraid like you would assume but because an opponent (only because you called this a war) understands both his side and the opposing. Same goes for research, a good researcher acknowledges both sides and understand both sides without manipulating the thoughts and words. A bad researcher only searchers in his favor, making it complicated for him to truly understand how the other side feels.
DeleteSorry, I overestimated your grasp of theology. "Lead us not into temptation" is a petition to the Lord to keep us from temptation. So we do our best to stay away from that which causes us to fall and pray that we may not be put to the test. However, you purposely put yourself in the way of temptation by coming here. In that, since it causes you to lose your temper and speak uncharitably, you sin. Go away, stay away, for your own good. But if you really want to engage this conversation as a Christian then come and see me.
DeleteDavid G, Diana's is lonely! No one is visiting her blog. Go keep her company.
DeleteDavid G. are you denying that the NCW tell their members to forsake thier blood relatives who are not in the NCW? To have nothing to do with those who have rejected the NCW? Are you denying that the NCW has told wives to leave their husbands, children to have nothing to do with their parents, etc., etc., etc., Are you really? And don't tell me that I misunderstood because it is quite clear.
1.) Yes I am denying that that the NCW tell their members to forsake their blood relatives. Why? because I was never told that when my brother decided he did not want to be in the NCW anymore. 2.) I have many friends and family who do reject the NCW, but I am never told "to have nothing to do with them." 3.) My mother is not in the NCW, I chose to attend and continue with the NCW on my own will, and still I have not encountered what you are claiming 4.) Wives leave their husbands? I can not speak on behalf of the wives or husbands, but I have never heard of such demand. On the contrary, the NCW try and help the couple stay strong with each other. 5.) Children are not told to have nothing to do with their parents. I was a child with a mother who is not even a christian. 6.) Yes I really am denying all these claims. And yes you are misunderstood. And yes, really.
DeleteI have been in the NCW for 13 years of my life (not including the 4 years I was attending not being a "member") and have never experienced, once again, what you claim is being done. If this has happened to you, then I am sorry. You are mistaken.
DeleteObviously your the black sheep of your family.
Anon 5:45am
DeleteThank you. But please elaborate more on how I am the black sheep.
DeleteNo need to elaborate...your comment says it all.
Nice try David! My mother was constantly hounded to recruit my father for many years. She finally got out. Her family was more important than the community as her family.
DeleteI am sorry to hear that, but everybody is different. I never went through that. I never hounded to recruit anybody. I believe it is a persons choice to attend and a persons choice to quit. If that is so hard to believe then I have nothing to say further. Apparently I am a black sheep, outsider in others words, toward my family.
DeleteThe problem is the NCW is run by catechists who are essentially, like Kiko, unaccountable lay people. The can run their particular jurisdiction like Mullah's, having complete authority to administer the NCW in whatever way they see fit. So some may teach one thing, others another. Sadly this is not far off of what many priests and pastors have been doing for quite awhile, which is what made fertile ground for neo-like ecclesial realities in the first place.
DeletePoor Gino and David G
DeleteDavid G. remember and take to heart Diana's words....you don't need fellowship, it is a sin of pride.
DeleteDavid, I will not share my story here for fear of retribution, how ever I refer you to this site, scroll down to "a destroyed family". It is very similar and the rest of what he says we can see unfolding here now. I am sure many other former members can attest... http://web.archive.org/web/20090302084855/http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/6919/E_Med102.htm
DeleteYou fail to realize that I am very different from those you have encountered. I have already expressed that I have not, in all my years in the NCW, experienced any of this. I do not care if you like the NCW or not, we are still one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. You can claim we are not, but we are. You can push me away but I wont push you away. (Not saying that is your intention). The NCW has helped me in my faith and keeps me strong with God. Many might not need it but I do. I speak on behalf of myself and not others. It is natural to remember the negative over the positive. I hear you out and respect that. I have told Tim if I am wrong then I am wrong and I will face it and admit it. If you are wrong vise versa. I am not claiming you are wrong, nor am I claiming I am right. I have said this many many posts ago. I will wait and see what happens in the end.
DeleteMaybe we "fail to realize" that you are different because we don't know WHO YOU ARE. All this hiding behind rocks does not speak well of the Neocatechumenal Way.
DeleteDavid G., You are wrong. And so, I hope you will admit it. You say that "like the NCW or not, we are still one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church." This is not true. Or, at least, this is not what the NCW evangelizers say when they speak at our regular Masses when they proselytize to us regular Catholics. They say that we (the congregation) are lukewarm in our faith and that we are spiritually dry. They know this because we are regular Catholics, and not members of the NCW. The NCW evangelizers make very clear their view that the regular Catholic Church is inherently deficient. They are absolutely clear on this point. So, according to the NCW evangelizers, there are two churches: the good, legitimate and spirit-filled NCW church and the inherently deficient regular Catholic Church.
DeleteAwaiting your admission. Thanks.
Sorry there is nothing to admit. I do not believe those who are not in the NCW are "lukewarm in [your] faith and that [you are] spiritually dry." Why is that so hard to believe? *Sigh* I do not know what to say.
DeleteNothing to say. It's just how the NCW is marketed to us pew-sitting Catholics. Glad you're different. Maybe you can fix it from within.
DeleteDavid, I must come in here. Yesterday I was speaking with a friend who had been in the NCW for about twenty years, give or take the occasional hiatus. Since finally leaving the Way about a year or so ago, my friend's entire (large) Neocat family has shown only rejection - one brother has remarked "you can no longer consider me your brother", the mother has exclaimed "not everyone is called to this way - if you refuse, you refuse God and are on the road to hell. Your children will become murderer's and prostitutes", and she has cut off all communication. Another brother (a catechist) has completely cut all ties and will not engage in any way with my friend.
DeleteThe great irony of this is, of course, that the NCW claim to be leading the "new evangelisation", reaching out the fallen, marginalised etc. Well, evidently that does not include one's family if they choose not to walk.
Waaaay too close for comfort.
ReplyDeleteIt's just you not people.
ReplyDeletePlease notice the formation of the stick drawings. They manifested a mind that is not connected to reality and could well be a danger. Best advise to be offered is to keep a distance from whoever made these psychotic drawings.
ReplyDeleteThe Pinoy Catholic blogspot have a petition to stop communion on the hand. Did you see that?
ReplyDeleteCommunion in the hand is not done when the pope says mass. It's open your mouth and receive it on your tongue! There are four churches in Texas where the old communion rail still exists. Like the old time, you line up and kneel and receive communion in by mouth! Nothing wrong with the petition!
DeleteTo 4:15 p.m. I agree with you. I would to see kneelers at all churches for those who wish to receive the host that way. It should be that way at all masses.
ReplyDeleteI attended Mass at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Toto some Sundays ago. Fr. Mike Crisostomo, who is pastor there, explained to the congregation before Mass, that at Communion time, he will have his Altar Servers bring up a predieu and set it in front of the Commuion line, so that the Faithful lining up receive Communion have the option to either receive Communion standing up, or to kneel on the predieu and there reverently receive Christ in the Eucharist. I saw Communicants receving Communion on the tongue or receiving in on the palm of the hand and consuming the Sacred Host there at the predieu I also saw others who opted to receive the Sacred Host standing up, receiving It either on the tongue or receiving It on the palm of their hand and administering It to themselves. The vast majority of communicants chose to kneel at the predieu and receive Jesus, kneeling. Yes, it took a little bit more time for two communicants to approach the predieu at a time, and kneel and receive Communion, then rise to go back to their pews. But the few seconds longer that the process took was worth it all, seeing people REVERENTLY receive Christ that way. - As an "aside" I saw no communicant take the Sacred Host back to their pews, sit down and consume It there.
DeleteI give Pale' Mike thumbs up for doing this!
DeleteWe're hoping and praying that it catches like wild fire in other parishes! Thank you for initiating this in your parish, Pale Mike. We are hungry and thirsty for authentic Catholicism.
DeleteWe love our Catholic Faith and Church and the varied traditional gestures and postures that enable us to physically pay homage to and physically show our reverence for and acknowledgment of The Real Presence! We want to publicly demonstrate this in the way we participate in our Liturgical celebrations; please allow us this, Parish Priests!!
As a parishioner, you are most welcome to join us for Sunday Masses.
DeleteSaturdays at 6 pm; Sundays at 6 am and 9:30 am.
All are welcome at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Toto whether you are from far or near!
Hang a right at the intersection of the Mobil station in Toto. Just a few feet pass the Harvest Christian School entrance make a right turn. You can't miss the church.
Kudos to Pale' Mike for providing the prie-dieu for the IHOM parishioners and/or visitors to receive Holy Communion! I saw a photo of a similar scene at Talofofo — Fr. Felix also had a prie-dieu available; the poster said that most people chose to kneel. How exciting to have two priests do the same thing, in the spirit of how "great minds think alike!"
DeleteI do hope that more pastors follow the examples of Pale' Mike and Fr. Felix and make prie-dieux available in their parishes. Although there will be those who will continue to choose to stand and receive Holy Communion in the hand, I believe those who kneel will feel more "natural" receiving Holy Communion on the tongue, the way it was done for centuries.
The chancellor of the archdiocese of Manila fr. Jun sescon has informed me this evening that the archdiocese of Manila did not invite kiko to the archdiocese. Thank you. Cc to mr Tim rohrs email for files.
ReplyDeleteTim can you confirm that the writer of the above comment did identify them self to you. Only then can we think there is truth .
DeleteOne who wrote 9.58 is the devil fake lies. Do not believe.
ReplyDeleteTHE ARCHDIOCESE OF MANILA DID NOT INVITE KIKO. Go ahead, call me a liar. Just waiting.
DeleteYea pope Francis is sending kiko to Manila so why would tagle stop. Tagle invited invited the international leadership. So shut your mouth or we fill it 9.58pm.
ReplyDeleteFr. Jun does not exist he is in the imagination of the poster.
ReplyDeleteFine. Doesn't matter. Don't need him to confirm that the Cardinal did not invite Kiko.
DeleteTo 11;24 AM and 11:29 AM: If you would do a little research, you can find out who the Chancellor Of the Archdiocese of Manila, and then make your own conclusion. He does exist. Confirm it yourself if you do not believe it. To 11:24 AM specifically: if we were to show you Tagle's letter, will you take that mouth of yours and fill it with your own sh##. :)
DeleteLink to 2011 UCA News article wich mentions "Father Rufino Jun Sescon, who was Cardinal Sin’s private secretary"
Chancellor Sescon found in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila
Researched today this fr. Jun does exist he is the pastor of green belt chapel and close to the cardinal.
DeleteThese are just some of the people you would find in the way. Even just one of these demons in each community can cause great harm to people. What if they use similar tatics on our brothers and sisters in the Non Catholic Way.
DeleteCardinal tagle has invited the leadership to Manila . archbishop Apuron has told you that he invited him. The 9.58pm is a nut head. We will find you so watch out.
ReplyDeleteThere it is again, the fruits of the NCW making threats. Remember that the NCW is made up of members who were furthest away from the church. Now they think they speak for God.
DeleteIn the previous emails about Kiko being in Manila, it was just that..Kiko will be going to Manila if brothers want to see him they can make arrangements with their responsible(s).
ReplyDeleteNo one from Guam is going there to evangelize, that is just spin. And nowhere was there mention of an invitation from any Diocese in as far as the emails i have seen though.
It was just a simple message, he will be over there, and if you want to go you need furnish your required passport and information, etc..etc. Maybe something more was said during the Easter announcement but i wasn't present, maybe another brother can chime in?
Thank you, Peter. Obviously the chancery got a different email.
DeleteIs this the meeting the NCW youth in Guam are going to?
For those who have replied to Peter's comment but do not see your comment. I want to clarify. Peter is in the NCW and is one of the few people we can count on to give us the straight story. With this comment he is actually making our case. And our case is this: the Tagle invite was manufactured at the top and was used to manipulate the communities. Peter is telling us that the only information the communities received initially was an informal invitation to come to Manila if they would like to meet with Kiko. There was no plan to go there to evangelize. There was no invitation from Cardinal Tagle. As Peter tell us, that was "spin". Apologies if I confused Peter's message with my own comment. I was referring to what I had already stated: that it was manufactured at the top. The neo communities - at least the regular folks - were every bit as lied to as were we. Thanks again, Peter. A sane voice.
DeleteI do not know you Peter but Thanks. This definitely clears up some confusion about the whole situation.
DeleteI understand Tim but the word I got was that the spin was enhanced by the Umatuna article to give the Guam contingent an incentive to go, because guess what? Cardinal Tagle, who was considered in the running to replace Pope Benedict, is personally inviting Kiko and the Guam neocats to come to Manila. It made the Guam group feel wanted and needed to be asked by such an important and famous Cardinal, and of course. it gives enormous credibility and prestige to the NCW and Archbishop Apuron. You can feel the snickering that was emanating from the NCW....see I told you so because we now have Tagle on our side. I guess the NCW didn't figure that the good Cardinal was going to find out or bother to intervene.
DeleteThe CBCP New Evangelization conference is inviting all the various catholic ministries// groups or individuals interested in learning more about the evangelization by the laity and how they can better reach out.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the philippine daily inquirer, Kiko will be arriving in Manila on the 6th. The kick off for the CNCP New Evangelization Conference kicks off on Sat. The 7th. I do not know if Kiko will be part of it. It was not mentioned anywhere in the the news.