Monday, June 9, 2014


I figured this would happen. The posting of Cardinal Tagle's letter and exposing the BIG LIE has sent the kikos into a predictable rage. Not able to take me down they are aiming at people who are close to me, particularly priests. 

I don't care if the cowardly kikos come after me. As you have seen, I have put up with months of their cowardly crap. But now that they are trying to hurt others it's time to start with some of the things I haven't wanted to post...till now. 

Here's one:

As we know, in January of 2006, Archbishop Apuron publicly discredited Cardinal Arinze, the then-Prefect for the Congregation for Divine Worship. By extension he also publicly mocked Pope Benedict, since what Archbishop Apuron mocked was a letter from Cardinal Arinze which opened with the words "The Holy Father wishes you to know..." (The letter involved placing restrictions on the Neocatechumenal Way's celebration of the Eucharist.)

The 2006 incident occurred on Guam's Catholic radio station, KOLG, during a show entitled "Why Do Catholics Do That" which was hosted by Fr. Mike Crisostomo and Fred Rodriguez, in which Archbishop Apuron appeared to defend the NCW. The Archbishop's mocking of Cardinal Arinze occurred close to the beginning of the segment and it immediately prompted some angry calls. The first part of the segment is already posted

The episode was very damaging to our Church, and Fr. Mike, immediately recognizing the damage, did his best throughout the balance of the interview to moderate the Archbishop's comments. But the Archbishop did not take the hint, and things got seriously heated.

The news of what the Archbishop had said traveled quickly and many tuned in for the afternoon replay of the show. But the show did not replay. The phone at KOLG began ringing off the hook with callers asking why the show was not being rebroadcast. 

The technician in the studio did not know what had happened that morning, and did not know he was supposed to lie, so he simply told the truth: "I don't know. They just told me not to play it."

Of course this news "not to play it" created an even greater firestorm and a meeting of the KOLG staff and the show's hosts was called to deal with it. The show was scheduled to air twice more the following day and something needed to be said about why it would not be. 

I am not going to use the name of the Deacon who conducted the meeting. He knows who he is and he knows what I say is true. But I will use the names of the other people present so that my account of that meeting can be verified: Fr. Mike Crisostomo, Fred Rodriguez, Therese Mantanane, Chuck White, Jeff Fitzgerald, myself, and oh yes, one more, Archbishop Apuron.

The problem was laid out. The episode with the Archbishop was too damaging to the church to rebroadcast. But the whole island had heard of it and, after the first rebroadcast was cancelled, many became very aware of a cover up, which caused even greater outrage. 

The issue at hand was to construct a statement to explain the cancellation of the rebroadcast. The meeting was extremely tense. The Archbishop was there. We had to come up with a story to cover for him. There were a few suggestions. And then the Deacon said "Why don't we just say there were technical difficulties.

The room froze. The Archbishop looked down at the floor. I was seated directly across from him. I waited for him to speak. This was a LIE and the Deacon had proposed it in front of and FOR the Archbishop. He said nothing. In fact, nobody said anything, until I did. 

My first thought besides this being a lie was that they were going to let the technician take the fall. It was going to be his fault that the episode could not be rebroadcast. There was only one problem. The technician, the young man who answered the phone the previous day, the young man who didn't know he was supposed to lie, was MY SON. And they were going to hang this on him. 

I looked around the room. No one looked up. We had just been asked to LIE for the Archbishop and my 20 year-old son was the scapegoat. Barely able to control my anger I slowly said: "Deacon, that's not true." Silence, more staring at the floor, except for me. I stared at the Archbishop. 

I don't know why. Maybe I thought that my pointing out that this was a lie would cause him to act like an Archbishop and tell the Deacon "No, we can't say that." BUT NOTHING. Silence. Go ahead lie. Let my son take the fall. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. But there it was. 

Finally Fr. Mike broke the silence and suggested that KOLG simply state that the episode would not be rebroadcast in the best interest of the church. At least that was true. I don't know if that statement was ever aired. I didn't care. I left.

As the record shows, I did not let that incident stop me from defending the Archbishop and the Church a few years later when the Archbishop was attacked for a statement he didn't write about homosexuality and when Senator Cruz and SNAP were trying to throw him in jail. But I never forgot what I was asked to do and who the Archbishop and the Deacon were willing to blame.

So you want to go after my friends, go ahead. But check with the Archbishop and see if he knows what SVD stands for. I don't want to have to go there either. But I will. 


  1. Appalling. Just like the Cardinal Tagle issue. This is a pattern of unconscionable behavior by our spiritual leader.

  2. Tim, Fr. Santiago Flor Caravia was at that emergency meeting too. While he was doing a Japanese show on KOLG at the time, he had no position on the board or anything like that. Perhaps others would know why he was there. In any event, I recall that he offered no objections to the suggestion to misrepresent the truth of the matter.

  3. Actually, my recollection of that January 2006 episode of "Why Do Catholics Do That?" was not that the Archbishop was being interviewed but that he had made an unprecedented, unannounced personal appearance at the station, in the midst of the program, to offer a Defense of the NCW. I recall that people had called in with questions about the Arinze Letter in the U Matuna Si Yu'os, voicing questions and concerns about the "Neos." Neither Fr. Mike nor Fred felt "qualified" to respond to the questions that callers raised and considered finding someone who was more knowledgeable. I can't recall if they called him or if he called the studio, but Msgr. Arroyo (then Fr. Arroyo), as the pastor of a parish with NCW communities, was in the process of giving background information on the NCW via telephone.

    I wish I could remember who it was — Fred or Fr. Mike — who acknowledged the presence of the Archbishop in the studio but I do recall there was a note of surprise in the person's voice. Msgr. Arroyo, upon hearing the Archbishop had entered the studio, excused himself and hung up. I took special interest because I had only recently heard of complaints regarding the division between the “rest of us” and the “Neos,” which I had explained away.

    When the Archbishop made his disparaging remark about whether Cardinal Arinze even had the credentials to raise questions about the NCW, I felt Something Was Wrong. The Archbishop then launched into ― what sounded to me ― a “sales pitch” for “The Way” (the preferred term, according to him). He stated that only “The Way” offered the FULLNESS of the Eucharistic Celebration! He also informed the listening audience that members of “The Way” received the Eucharist the same way the Apostles did at the Last Supper, seated at table. He continued to extol the Eucharistic Celebration of “The Way” in such a manner that, to me, made the Mass of “Not-The-Way” seem incomplete or inferior. That’s when I knew Something Was Very, Very WRONG!

    At no time did the Archbishop’s in-studio appearance that morning strike me as being an “interview.” As I listened to how the Archbishop fielded questions from callers, I wished had been more “even tempered” in his responses. By the end of the episode, it became clear that what I had heard from others, that the “them/us” division in our Church did exist, that it was true: “The Archbishop likes ‘The Way’ best.” I thought I was overreacting and waited to hear the rebroadcast. When it didn’t come on, I called and got a series of busy signals.

    To know that the Archbishop was willing to LIE, to use your son, Tim, as a SCAPEGOAT for his Loose Lips is sickening. I may have to respect the Office of the Archbishop BUT I have absolutely NO RESPECT for the MAN in the Office. Clearly, Anthony Sablan Apuron has no problems with LYING and COVERING UP his inadequacies.

    In my opinion, a recent quote by Iyania Vanzant ― “Dishonesty in general, and lying in particular, is the FEAR-MOTIVATED behavior of the NEED TO BE IN CONTROL and the LACK OF SELF-KNOWLEDGE” ― describes the MAN named Anthony Sablan Apuron.

    1. Yes. I believe your account is correct Mary Lou. I'm sure Fr. Mike will concur. There was no doubt about the Archbishop's aggressive defense. I'll post the whole show soon.

    2. The Archbishop steadfastly continues to dig his hole deeper and deeper. Maybe he's trying to impress Kiko by digging a hole to China. We should throw a bunch of shovels on the lawn of the Agana Cathedral so the Kiko's can help him speed it up and then they can all leave Guam.

    3. Seriously the question archbishops integrity is a growing concern.

  4. Why would people be so threatening when the truth is exposed? This is what is called blackmailing.

    What is posted by Tim will always have supporting documents behind it. I doubt very much that any of you would want to go up against Tim by hitting a never and having him exposed what evidence or document ts he has of the Archbishop. This would only make matters worse for Archbishop Apuron should the Nuncio and his delegate decide to pay a visit.

  5. After reading this I felt sick to my stomach!

    WOW! it's no wonder, "hell is paved with heads of Priest and Bishops as their signpost" St. John Chrysostom......we need to pray for our Priests, Deacons and ArchBishop.

  6. It seems to me that this archbishop would have no qualms to lie and cheat to protect himself, including sacrificing others. Shouldn't it be the way around, to have an archbishop willing to sacrifice himself for others, as Jesus died on the cross for us sinners? This archbishop has got it backwards, but then again, being backward as in being deceitful is his trademark. Blessed Mother, please help us.

  7. Sell the seminary property, pay off the loans, invest the remainder and set the archdiocese for a solid financial future.

    1. Saw Archbishop Pius back here. Want to sell? Get by him first. And may I say, Good Luck with that. Reinforcements are here. Putting heads together San Ramon Hill. Guess Brother Tony couldn't handle things without his boss around.

  8. Shocking story but it is common knowledge. Arch does not respect persons . Your son was nothing to him so he would use him for any purpose like he has used so many people over the years. The difference now is Tim Rohr stands up for what is truth. No one did this before Tim Rohr. Arch just destroyed people sent them away,that's how the game was played.

  9. Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.

  10. Folks On the hill not free of snap .

  11. “We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel.

    “We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-too-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives, and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it. . . .How many times has the renewal of the Church been brought about in blood! It will not be different this time.”

    – Bicentennial talk given in the United States by the future St. John Paul II, then Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of KrakĂłw, Poland

  12. "Are you still hung up on the Cardinal Tagle affair?? Get over it already". LOVE DIANA. On her page for real.

  13. SNAP ? Did you say SNAP?

    1. Yes. In fact I have a lot more to say about that...very soon.

    2. At 9:16AM, can you imagine if I had been wrong?

  14. Diana cannot win your known to us.

  15. Apparently "Diana", the Goddess of "Love" does not realize how serious the Cardinal Tagle issue can be. Then again she probably doesn't care, seeing as how His Eminence does not walk in the way. Maybe she figures he is just another Judas that needs to be saved through the cult. Just like other things in this Archdiocese, I'm sure this is not the only impropriety happening at the Umatuna. Maybe we should boycott this neocat newspaper. Better yet, deliver it to local pet shops so they can line their kennels with them - maybe then it'll prove useful for something. So much irresponsible journalism! Can you imagine how much other false information has been printed? Tim is right - lie after lie after lie....turn the paper over to responsible people who believe in printing the truth.

  16. Problems inside the chancery today.

    1. Did they all get fired!

    2. Archbishop Pius is back. no answers to calls all day.

    3. So who is your friend on the inside Tim. He/she should be fired.

    4. Who said I have a friend on the inside? I don't. An anonymous person posted problems inside the chancery today. What's new about that?

    5. Archbishop Pius! I will never put my trust in a one-eyed bandito!

    6. Archbishop Pius didn't come for the vocation call in PI. He's hear for hardball. Guam hardball. As he would say: "Pizza be with you!"

    7. Hardball! The one-eyed bandito wants to play hardball? Bring him on!

    8. Father Pius has jurisdiction over the NCW and the RMS seminary. They are all considered missionaries under him. He has the authority to send them anywhere, anyhow and anywho! Archbishop Apuron is only nothing but a sitting duck! They tell, he listens, he obeys, and then he smiles!

    9. h-h-hardball?? d-d-don't you th-th-think it's t-t-time for us to g-g-get off the f-f-f-field, T-t-t-im?!?

    10. This spells out the whole story of Pius. He is a full fledged NEO. Lots of power over alot of people. He does not hesitate to wield that power. Since that power comes straight from KIKO. Watch out. Minimize the risk dealing with him. Dealing with Apuron is dealing with PIUS. Pizza be with you.

    11. be with u 2. Please select from the menu.

      Thin crust....Archbishop walking on a thin line

      Hand toss...Archbishop catches everything thrown at him by Kiko and the one-eyed

      Pan....Archbishop sitting waiting to be canned by Giuseppe Genarini!

  17. Joella and Barbara read this page.

  18. Comment about the seminary best way to move. Archdiocese sells the hotel seminary if the donar allows. Pay off the loans, dare not think want the interest is on 20 million alone. Archdiocese can be cleared of debt . Also been told that st. Thomas Aquinas School now carries huge debt. People need to know the truth. The archdiocese it seems sure now is building debt Catholics have a right to know. Neo is leading this church into debt

    1. "Donar" should be paid back in full FIRST.

    2. St. Thomas Aquinas High School, of course, is a completely different problem. There is no NCW involvement there, to my knowledge.

    3. Saint Thomas Aquinas IS a whole different story. But is IS a STORY

  19. Pius and chancellor did not show letter to Archbishop.

    1. So then the Archbishop is not the Archbishop...which is exactly what we all now know.

    2. Janet B - MangilaoJune 10, 2014 at 8:30 PM

      Thanks Anonymous June 10, 2014 at 2:16 PM for your comment: "Pius and chancellor did not show letter to Archbishop." From this we can see two things.

      First the good news. Our dear Archbishop is more than just a brother. He is elevated to Sgt, just like Sgt Schultz in Hogan's Heroes ... "I know NOTHING!"

      Now the bad news. We see there is a wide conspiracy at play here. Rather than own up and tell the truth like a good shepherd should do, our dear Archbishop has instructed his minions to shield him from anything that might hurt him.

      ATTN Rome: You now have the NCW advising the public that Fr Pius and the Chancellor screen info. Our Archdiocese no longer has an archbishop, we merely have neo-idiots as administrators. Not only idiots, but very dishonest ones at that.

      I would never ask you to believe me, because what I say is really quite unbelievable. But I do urgently appeal that you come and determine for yourself if the office of archbishop is de facto vacant in Guam.

      Then I am confident you will agree with me.

    3. Well, but anon @ 2:16 is still anon. Is this another "plan" by "chancery" to cover archbishop involvment?

    4. Good thought 8:07, we must anticipate all their possible moves to deceive the people so that we may recognize the evidence when they slip up once again.

  20. Replies
    1. Servants of the Word of God (Verbum Dei). Thus Verbum Dei high school, Los Angeles.
