Friday, August 8, 2014

SNAP: "How many warnings does Apuron need before he takes any action to protect children?"

Guam- Victims blast archbishop: Come clean about priest

For immediate release: Thursday, August 07, 2014
For more information: David Clohessy ( 
Victims blast archbishop: Come clean about priest
He knew about banned cleric, sex abuse allegations
LA lawyers even called and warned him, but 
Archbishop told San Francisco cleric had "good standing" 
Come clean, protect kids, SNAP says
Victims of child sex abuse are asking why the Guam Archbishop ignored warnings about a predator priest and kept the priest in active and prominent ministry. They are also demanding direct action to prevent future abuse and cover-ups.
Members of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (, the nation's largest support group for men and women abused in religious and institutional settings, are questioning why Hagatna Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron allowed Fr. John H. Wadeson to remain in ministry after allegations of sex abuse against him became well known. 
According to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Wadeson has been accused of abuse by two children in the 1970 and has been banned from acting as a priest there.
Michael Hennigan, attorney for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, said in a recent interview that the archdiocese called Apuron's offices in 2011 to warn them about Wadeson and his past.
Despite this, Apuron gave Wadeson a recommendation to work in San Francisco, which was revoked when Apuron removed Wadeson from ministry and the allegations against Wadeson made the national news.
Members of SNAP are blasting Apuron's reckless behavior and demanding concrete action. 
"How can Apuron claim to be a good and pastoral shepherd to his flock when he knowingly allowed a known predator to have a position of great power?" said Joelle Casteix of Newport Beach, SNAP Volunteer Western Regional Director. "How many warnings does Apuron need before he takes any action to protect children? It seems he only responds to embarrassment." 
The group says that Apuron must release the names of all accused clerics who have worked in the Archdiocese, turn over priest files to police and prosecutors, and reach out to all parishes, urging victims to report abuse to the police, not the archdiocese. 
Wadeson's current whereabouts are unknown.  
"Apuron also needs to take responsibility for cutting Wadeson loose. We have no idea where Wadeson is and communities can't be warned. Instead of using the pulpit to minimize Wadeson's crimes, Apuron needs to use it to promote public safety and protect children." 
The Wadeson issue is only one of many current scandals in the Hagatna Archdiocese. Lay leaders recently held a press conference to dispute claims of financial mismanagement and Guam Governor Eddie Calvo is criticizing Apuron for not allowing Catholic Masses at veterans' funerals
(SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the world’s oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. We’ve been around for 25 years and have more than 20,000 members. Despite the word “priest” in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers. Our website is 
Contact - David Clohessy (314-566-9790 cell,, Barbara Dorris (314-503-0003 cell,, Joelle Casteix(949-322-7434 cell,


  1. "demanding concrete action"

    That should be a "resonance" with the NCW , surely!

  2. "How can Apuron claim to be a good and pastoral shepherd to his flock when he knowingly allowed a known predator to have a position of great power?"

    How can you label him a "predator" when he isn't proven guilty? I makes no sense. Yes it was a warning of his past, but it was an accusation.

    "Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Wadeson has been accused of abuse by two children in the 1970 and has been banned from acting as a priest there."

    If they did their job right then Fr. John should be in prison right? Apparently Los Angeles, at the same time, should ashamed for actually letting him walk.

    This is just my opinion which does not matter. It's just what i think.

    1. I also disagree with labeling him a "predator", but when he had a public chance to clear his name he fled. And sadly, Archbishop Apuron could have helped him clear his name very early on so that he wouldn't have to live under this cloud his whole life. Instead he incardinated him and kept it quiet. And when it became known, Apuron dumps him and he runs. How does that help?

    2. So this leads me to ask, is this who fiasco about the NCW or is it about the Archbishop? Because to everyones knowledge, Fr. John is in the NCW. If the Archbishop showed favoritism, he would fight for Fr. John.

    3. To David G. There is only one thing more important to Archbishop Apuron than the Neo: Archbishop Apuron. Please try to think these things through from now on.

  3. Jesus would never dump his sheep and run. Right Neos?

  4. Janet B - MangilaoAugust 8, 2014 at 9:15 PM

    Hey Tony-Baloney. What happened? I thought SNAP was your bestest buddy that you were bragging about. Seems like you just can not hold onto friends for very long.
    Better go fly to LA and reacquaint yourself with your friends.
    Maybe stay six or seven years. Retire and enjoy the montary fruits of your labors in kiko-dom.
    Maybe not. I doubt the Chamorro groups in CA want anything to do with you.
    BTW - where is Fr John Wadeson? Is he still hiding out in Yona?
    Hmmmmmm. More leaky walls! Damn those walls.

    1. Speaking of Yona RMS...found this from Archdiocese of Dallas: "They are diocesan i.e. the authority belongs to the bishop. Once the seminarians are ordained Presbyters, the ordinary can place them to minister in his own diocese, or when a brother bishop, seeing the needs in his own diocese asks the ordinary of the seminary for help, then he would send eventually priests to this other bishop to this other diocese. They are governed according to the present norms for the formation and incardination of the diocesan clergy. They are missionary and international in character because the seminarians come from different countries and continents, both as a concrete sign of the missionary character and of their readiness to be sent anywhere in the world. ". IF the request of a brother Bishop is the reason to send presbyters away from Guam, WHY WAS THIS REQUEST NEVER MENTIONED. ???? That's why we think the Ordinary Apuron is not calling the shots. Did any brother Bishop ask for Jason?? What Asian Bishop asked? Hmmm, ordinary Tony??? Which Brother Bishop in Africa, Odinary Tony? Hmmm??? These decisions where made by handsome Kiko, Carmen the Coarse and Fr. Mario....( what is his job make them look Legit?? Ordinary Tony, can you justify or otherwise, simply explain yourself on this and other urgent subjects? Go on The Big Show and tell all!!! Bring Adrian for back up.

  5. Soooo.... wheres my comment?

    1. We want David G. , we want David G...wait a minute who the hell is David G and why do we want to hear from him.
